Viewing the 'Work Related' Category
September 8th, 2007 at 02:14 pm
Hi all,
It's been awhile since I last posted an update on my spending/budget. I've actually been doing okay with it. I ended up deciding to NOT get the fluidity bar, but instead I found a local Calanetic's class which I have been taking once a week for the past few weeks. It's really been quite enjoyable.
I'm finding my commute back and forth to work to not be too terrible. I guess it's all what you get used to, right? Work is going okay - although I am still actively working on a plan to be able to leave it by next August (possibly earlier).
Somewhat exciting news -- A few of you may remember the guy at my old office building who asked me if I wanted to get lunch with him about a year or so ago, and I put my foot in my mouth? Then a short while before my office moved, he asked me for my number. Well, I'm not quite sure just what to call our relationship yet . . . but we have been seeing quite a bit of each other the last few weeks. So . . I've broken my two-year non-dating streak. Yay! 
So . . just wanted to drop by and let y'all know that I'm still alive and kicking. I'm really going to try to get back to writing here more regularly.
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Work Related,
August 11th, 2007 at 01:39 am
After work today I managed to find one of the toll tag stores and got myself one. It will be nice on Monday to not dig for enough change for the the tolls.
I got a bit lost coming back from the toll tag place, but finally managed to make it to Preston - where I thought I found my usual Tom Thumb. After going inside though I realized quickly that it wasn't the same one - much older/much narrower aisles.
I've calmed down quite a bit on my upset from Wednesday - although I am still seriously considering my options.
I hadn't even mentioned to my mom about what happened, but I did tell her about head honcho guy saying that if he knew who had been the one smoking in the bathroom (which started the trash smoldering) that he would fire him. (men's bathroom). Luckily it wasn't the woman's bathroom, because there are only two women smokers between the two companies (there are maybe 5 male smokers - none on our side though.)
Mom called him an egomaniac. (He wasn't going to fire the person for the act of nearly starting a fire - but more because he'd made a HUGE deal about not wanting to walk through smoke to get to his car at the new building -- then one of HIS employees is smoking in the bathroom!)
I got a call from a friend of mine today telling me that a mutual friend of ours will be in town tomorrow with her new baby! So, we're all going to get together in the morning. Normally, I would be in church - but I feel this is a worthy reason to not go - I don't get to see this mutual friend very often, and haven't gotten to meet her new little family member yet. 
My dad is coming up Sunday. He's going to change my license plates for me and also bring me some things my grandma and aunt sent for me. I'm really curious to see what they sent.
I haven't been keeping up with my spending log very well --- but here's what I spent today:
Sent $670 to HSBC (5th paycheck + regular savings amount)
Toll Tag: $40 prepaid
Groceries: ~$22
--- Oh, I also want to mention that I think it won't take much more than half a tank of gas each week for my commute - so maybe 2 1/2 tanks a month or about ~$65 - 70 in gas money. Not so bad - especially when split in half with my carpooler.
Definitely NOT worth moving.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
August 9th, 2007 at 05:23 am
I am seriously considering how long I could live without a monthly assured income. I am thinking that I could possibly survive on as low as 1250 per month -- so if I get my savings total over 10k that would give me 8 months to either something new (aka normal job) or find enough ways to make enough money to survive on.
This is day three of commuting. I actually don't mind the commute too much - other than the tolls ($1.75 each way!).
The new office space is ... nice I guess. There were some strange designs that went into outfitting it though.
If it wasn't for move related work details, I'd have very very very little to keep myself occupied.
The one thing that made the day bearable - giving the receptionist her 3 required breaks -- as of this morning -- I am no longer doing it. Not by my choice at all.
Apparently the head honcho of the company doesn't like the way I answer the phone (um . . I answer the phone like I've always done - like how I was told to answer the phone??) He also feels that I'm not accurate enough with names - both in telling him who's calling, and in writing them down. Ok, I'll give him that I'm not 100% on the ball there -- BUT some of these people who call 1)mumble horribly so you have to ask them to repeat themselves a number of times and/or 2) assume that you'll recognize who they are by their voice alone - when you've got 3+ other lines lit up - or 3) Have a very sketchy connection where you can barely hear them in the first place . . . and then of course, there is NORMAL human error - i.e. slips of the tongue - where for example I was asking D if so and so had called and accidentally said the wrong first name (coincidentally, the name of the main character in the book I'd been reading!) etc., etc. Yes, I had been spoken to a couple times about making sure I get the names spelled right, etc. -- which I did do at least 99.9% of the time - just those few times where one of the above happened or for some reason I totally blanked on getting the person to spell their last name for me.
So, I now have another hour+ in my day to have to figure out how to look busy and productive and not pull my hair out in total frustration.
I really like my coworkers - and for the most part the environment is really good. The benefits are really really good. It's also nice to have a steady paycheck. But between the total boredom factor and this latest development not to mention not seeing any possibility of this going anywhere anytime soon - I really am seriously contemplating what else I can do.
One option I'm thinking about is seeing if I can get approved for one of those at home call center places and start to put my hours of training/paying my dues in while continuing with my day job -- all the while working to save the last $3500 - $4000. Then once I'm at that point, going to 25 - 30 hrs a week with the phone center thing, then trying to get some tutoring jobs. Whatever the difference between my minimal monthly outgo and ingo is I would make up via my savings - only until I reach the point where they are equal. I also would cut my hours on the phone as I got enough tutoring clients -- and maybe eventually be just a full time tutor.
To reach that level (where I can quit) will take at least another six months - maybe up to a year or more - which would mean I'd reach two+ years at the company. That is if they don't fire me first because they figure out that there is so little for me to actually do.
I really tried to not let it show just how much this upset me this morning. But when one of my coworkers who has been a really good friend asked me this morning how I was doing, and I replied "ok" she asked me what was wrong. As I told her about it, I started tearing up like crazy, and eventually excused myself to the bathroom.
Later when people asked why my eyes were red I told them my allergies were acting up really bad.
The OM who was the one who told me I was being taken off the front desk completely had the gall to tell me that I shouldn't be upset. (Her office is directly across from my desk with these huge open windows) I didn't say anything back to her because I was afraid of what might come out of my mouth. Its not her I'm upset at though - she was just the messenger.
Part of me wishes I could turn in my two week notice tomorrow morning -- the more realistic part of me knows I'm going to have to put up with this for a longer time period - just need to figure out a really good plan to leave.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
August 3rd, 2007 at 09:02 pm
Today was our last day at our office building. Both my coworker and I were finished with everything we needed to pack early this morning, so we both were going around trying to find others who needed to help. Finally at 12:30 we shut off all our computers and wrapped up our phones -- and were told to go on home! Yahoo!
After work I stopped by the library to pick up a bunch of stuff on reserve for me, then headed out to the grocery store. After I was finished shopping, I had quite the scary experience.
I needed to turn right out of the parking lot. There was a car in front of me turning right, and an SUV type vehicle on the other side of the car in front of me. When the road was clear, both vehicles in front of me started moving out - only the one on the other side of the person in front of me turned *in front of that vehicle!* I must have been paying more attention than I thought I was, because all of a sudden my foot is slamming on the brake as hard as it can, and my car shakes like I'd hit something.
The car in front of me pulled on out and went into a turning lane. I pulled out after it and went to the lane beside it, because I wasn't 100% sure I had hit them, and wanted to make sure I did the right thing if I had. In the car was an older lady. We rolled our windows down and I asked her if she was alright, and if I had hit her. She said she was fine, and that yes I had hit her. I told her to go into the parking lot of the apartment complex across the street so we could check for any damage. We did that, and neither one of us could see any damage. She had an 89 Lincoln Towncar -- so I guess our bumpers absorbed the majority of the impact.
God was really looking out for the both of us - especially me - because I *know* I wasn't paying enough attention to be able to have as quickly as I did, slam on the brakes unless my guardian angel moved my foot for me. Wouldn't be the first time thats happened to me. 
~$40 - groceries (lots of frozen veggies, jam, fresh veggies, snacks for work, flaxseed, fresh fruit, etc.)
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
August 2nd, 2007 at 04:54 am
$9.63 - milk, water, etc.
$4.67 - a treat, frozen pizza
Today was a very busy day at work, which I absolutely loved! Something else that happened which just made me so happy was that the man from the delivery place (remember, he's the one who flashed me a Happy Valentine's Day ...etc) was back! He'd been on medical leave since early June. When I walked by and saw him I stopped out of surprise, and then he jumped up and came out the door. We gave each other a quick hug and a quick chat - but I forgot to tell him we're moving on Friday! It was good to see him again.
Oh! Something that happened yesterday. Some of you may remember my tripping myself up with that guy in the elevator who off handedly asked me if I'd like to go to lunch sometime and I replied about only having thirty minutes? (Quite a few months back.) Well, yesterday (Tuesday) we were again going down the elevator together and he actually followed me to ask me again - seeing as how both my company and his company are moving this month. This time I told him that sure, I thought that sounded fun. He asked me for my number, and I gave it to him. I haven't heard back from him yet, but I'm going to let patience rule the day on this one. 
Also, I found out today that I had my picture taken at our recent fire drill for the Office building -- and it was on the front page of the monthly newsletter! Even better ... it was actually a pretty good picture. 
Ok, its way late and I need to take Millie (my mom and stepdads dog) out for one last walk. She'll be picked up sometime tomorrow - she was nice to have around, but a dog sure is a lot of responsibility!
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Work Related,
May 26th, 2007 at 02:58 am
10. You like having a roof over your head, gas for your car, and food to eat.
9. You like knowing that you'll have some money for when you retire.
8. You are out of vacation days.
7. You are out of sick days.
6. You might miss something funny that happens during the workday.
5. You might miss out on an important announcement (or a chance to overhear a conversation about an upcoming announcement.)
4. You want to be thought of as dependable.
3. You like (most) of your coworkers and enjoy talking with them.
2. You might have an interesting (non-copy intensive) project to do.
1. You will get to discuss the latest episode of LOST with a real live Lost fan!
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Work Related
April 13th, 2007 at 09:19 pm
Today started out really good. I wasn't in much pain at all - felt the best I have in several weeks. Kept pretty busy the whole day.
Then about 20 minutes before the end of the day I get a call from our VP asking me to see him before I leave.
When I go into his office he asks me to sit down and then calls in our Landman. By this time I've figured out that I'm about to find out about the assistant position I had shown interest in several months ago.
Well, our Landman had figured out what he needed - as far as the job description. I think it actually changed from what he'd at first been thinking because of our CPA/accountant leaving a few weeks ago. The position now entails a lot of math knowledge and analytic ability. Not my forte'.
My coworker who has been the assistant accountant for a little over two years also expressed interest in the position. She has the math background/ability, program knowledge with the particular program, and seniority.
Although I understand their decision, I can't help but feel totally disappointed and sad. I'm really wishing now that i hadn't even said anything about being interested in it.
It's so depressing to look at the next 20 years of my life and see a never ending sea of me standing at a copier making copies or being told to "roll those maps tighter".
I really wish right now I had the financial backing and the gumption to just be able to quit and do something that would actually make me feel like I was doing something worthwhile - something that actually did something to make other people's lives better.
I've always thought that I'd like to be a reading/English tutor - but I'd want to get my Reading Specialist degree and take a number of different tutoring methods coursework before I'd feel comfortable doing that. Even with all that though, it would take a lot of time before I could build up enough clientele to make a living on my own. So, even if I had the money to go back to school and get my Masters, I sure don't have the money to wait out however long it would take to get a good enough client base.
I'm just feeling so disappointed right now. The VP did say something about them looking into getting financing to expand the drilling base and that would make us busier and possibly open up more room for growth/moving up/around. Man, I hope this doesn't mean I won't be typing the Landman's documents/letters anymore - that's one of the highlights of my day.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
April 12th, 2007 at 03:08 am
Tuesday morning I went to see my regular doctor. I mentioned to her that a number of people had suggested that the problem might be a sinus infection, or possibly TMJ related. After me explaining to her about the location of the pain, as well as the frequency, and then her doing a number of tests, she came up with something that really threw me.
She said that she thinks I have SHINGLES presented without a rash! She told me there are three nerves in the face and the one that is causing me problems is my Cranial Nerve V 2. I had a really bad case of chickenpox when I was 3 - Shingles is a reoccurence of chickenpox - although it usually happens to much older people. lucky me.
She told me that because of the location of it, there could possibly be hearing loss, vision loss or even encephalitis! She gave me a list of ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) docs to make an appt with. I called one and explained what was going on and they told me that what I really needed was an Otolarynogoloist (sp?) or someone who deals with facial nerves.
So, I have an appointment with one on Monday. Until then I am taking these awesome pain meds that make me very loopy, but I much prefer being loopy to being in pain!
I have been trying to find info on Shingles without a rash on the net, but haven't had much luck. I'm also being very paranoid every time I have an itch or a pain anywhere - fearing that a rash might suddenly appear!
All I can say right now is Thank God for my health insurance plan! My coworkers too - they're all being so sweet and worried about me.
Like my mom said, my company may not pay much, but they treat a person right in the other ways that count.
I'm still trying to believe that this is really happening and not a story about someone else. I've always been fairly healthy with few issues (other than weight).
I now can definitely never afford to lose health coverage.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
March 12th, 2007 at 10:11 pm
This morning I had to be out the door of my apartment by 5:30 a.m. so I could make it downtown by 6:00 a.m. Why? Because if you remember, on Valentine's Day I was pulled over by a cop for making an illegal left turn (warning) and got a ticket for not having proof of current insurance with me.
I thought I had sent the correct paperwork in a few weeks ago, and had it all taken care of. But Thursday night when I checked my mail I had a letter from the County Clerk telling me I had NOT sent in the correct paperwork. So Friday morning I call and manage to get in touch with a human being who essentially tells me that the only way for me to take care of this now is by coming in to the courthouse and seeing the judge.
They only take the first 90 people who are there at 7 a.m. Which is why I decided to get there by 6 a.m. - hoping to be amoungst the first 10. I ended up arriving there about 10 after due to a few wrong turns, and found about 20 people ahead of me.
Courthouse doors finally open at 7:10. As we are going in I realize that I had not taken the pocketknife off of my keychain. I asked the officer if there was a basket or something I could leave it in to retrieve later. He essentially said throw it away or take it back to your car. With at least 50 people behind in line, I threw it away. 
Once inside I followed the crowd and managed to find the place where we were all put into a corded off area. Well, at least the first 50 of us were. The others all had to come back at 12:45. The line moved slower than grass growing, but finally at 9:30 I was called to one of the clerks spots. She quickly looked over my proof of insurance, and then handed me my papers and directed me towards the correct courtroom.
A few minutes later I arrived in the courtroom and stood in yet another line to give the bailiff my papers. He was dealing with someone with a lot of questions, so a kindly lady called me over and did my paperwork. I was so grateful to just be able to sit down. I was even more grateful when she told me that my case would be dismissed and I would not have to pay the $410 fine.
My relief was short lived however, because as I walked to my car I realized that the 2 hour time limit was long gone. Thankfully though, there was no parking ticket on my windshield. So yet another sigh of relief.
It was almost 10:30 by the time I arrived back home. I was exhausted due to not having slept hardly at all last night, plus getting up at a much earlier hour than normal. So I decided to take care of a few phone calls that needed to be made, and then take an hour nap before heading to work.
I made four phone calls. Three of them were to cancel trial offers (Mypoints and Treasure Trooper stuff). The 4th was to Trowe price. I am finally moving forward on figuring out what to do with my two rogue retirement accounts that are losing money for me rather than earning. Yay!
After my nap I wasn't feeling that much better, so decided to just take the entire day off. Not the most fun filled way to use up a vacation day, but I did get quite a few things taken care of that needed to be accomplished.
All in all, I have truly learned my lesson, because I do not ever want to have to stand for 3 + hours in a courthouse again. I will be super vigilant about making sure I have my current insurance card IN my glove box!!!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
January 16th, 2007 at 03:54 am
It almsot didn't happen today. A lot of people were out due to the weather. The VP said he wanted to talk with me when Sh was also there - she wasn't coming in that day.
Later this morning he called me into his office and he had Sh on the speakerphone. They told me what my raise was. Let's just say its a good thing I didn't set my expectations too high. It works out to about $.70/hour increase -- or about enough each month to buy less than two tanks of gas for my car.
Not exactly what I was hoping for, and certainly not enough to make it feasiable for me to move closer to the new office area anytime soon and still be able to have any kind of significant savings.
So, I can chalk this up to another life experience -- asking for and getting a raise. Maybe next time I'll be able to do it in a better way where I can let them know how much of a raise I am hoping for.
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Work Related,
January 13th, 2007 at 09:43 pm
Remember I mentioned that I bit the bullet and asked for a raise this past Monday?
Well, I didn't hear anything at all about it one way or the other by Friday afternoon. So, I planned on talking to Sh, our Communications Director about it on Monday, to see what she would suggest I do. (She is the President's daughter and VP's niece).
I had to leave 30 minutes early on Friday to get to a Dentist appointment.
While I am sitting in the waiting area, I get a call from S, the VP. He asks me where I am - and I tell him that I had to leave early for a dentist appt. He then tells me that he was ready to talk to me about my raise!! But that we could do it on Monday instead.
Oy vey! I could have found out about my raise Friday afternoon and had the whole weekend to rework my budget - but no, I had to go to the dentist! 
The one good thing is that I now know I will have an answer by Monday. Yay! Maybe it will go into effect by this Friday's paycheck, which would be awesome!
Moral of the story: It's good to take care of your teeth - just don't do it when you're waiting for an answer from your boss!
P.S. I ended up having 2 small cavities. Not too bad considering that it had been over 3 years since I last went to the dentist.
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Work Related,
January 10th, 2007 at 02:44 am
Only a bit more than six months since my promotion, and nearly 11 months since I was first hired I did something I never had to do in 10 years of working.
I asked for a raise!!!
Sunday night I spent a couple hours preparing a document showing what my job responsibilities were when I was first hired (front desk receptionist) and what my responsibilities include now (Engineering Tech). Then I wrote a short paragraph essentially saying that it would be very much appreciated if my growth in responsibility and time with the company would be financially recognized.
I was a total bundle of nerves the whole morning before finally giving it to S. When I finally did give it to him, he was on the phone - he'd seen me try to slyly check and see if he was in his office and called me to come in.
I didn't say much, since he was on the phone. Just told him that this was something I'd put together, and would like him to take a look at it when he had a chance.
Then this afternoon a little before the end of the day I got my courage up once again and stopped in his office. I asked him if he'd had a chance to take a look at what I'd given him yesterday. He said yes he had, and that he would need to meet with a couple other people to discuss it .... then see what path we would take on it. He sounded very positive.
I really don't think the question is whether I'll get the raise or not - I think the question is HOW MUCH! 
I hope they have the meeting soon. I'm going to be on pins and needles till I find out one way or another!
Before, as a teacher, all I had to do to get a raise was teach another year. When I took this job, I took about a 14k pay cut (from what I made my last year teaching, that is.) So . . . I would be very happy with just about anything!
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Work Related,
January 7th, 2007 at 06:11 am
Last week I put myself on a kind of financial roller coaster.
I canceled my cable (basic), a hosting service (for a website who's domain had run out 9 months! ago), and the pet insurance plan for my cat.
But . . . over the next few days the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really wanted to keep my cable .... and that I really wanted to keep going with Tivo. So . .. I reinstated my cable (thankfully before it was fully canceled - thus no reconnection fee) and . . . bought a dual tuner 80 hr Tivo w/3 yr plan. Gulp. Regarding the Tivo - My current Tivo's 1 year gift sub ran out this month. To continue it on the monthly plan would be ~$13.10/month. The DT Tivo w/3 yr plan works out to be ~10.80/month. Big initial outlay, but a lot less in the long run.
My spending spree didn't stop there though. I bought two needed sports items from Ebay (think bounce reducers) which will be helpful in my upcoming fitness classes. AND I bought two items from Harriet Carter -- Both of which I had seen in their catalog a year ago and wanted, but kept talking myself out of it. ---
Divided microwavable/freezer plates (3 sets of 4) and a cordless water pump. The plates obviously are for make ahead do it yourself freezer meals. The cordless pump is for, well ... pumping water! I'm really getting tired of drinking water from the tap. -- I still need to get one or two of those big 5 gallon jugs to use and fill up.
All in all I ended up spending close to $500. In one night. Gulp. All paid for in cash (initially credit card for bonus points, but already made the payment to pay it off.) Oh yes, all spending also was entered into YNAB (You Need a Budget.) 
Then Friday I found this website called treasure troopers and sort of snooped around it checking it out. Finally decided to take the plunge and sign up for it. Chose a few of the offers that looked interesting. As of tonight, I have $58 in approved offers + $27.50 in pending offers. I feel pretty confident that this will actually payout. And, if it doesn't, then I'm not out very much at all ($3 Sh&H on one offer.)
What brought all this about? The best that I can come up with is that all my cutting expenses happened at the beginning of the week before I had made my final decision about whether to get into a house with my dad/grandma. The spending splurge happened after I was completely settled on the idea that I was NOT going to go for the house deal -- and I got some very encouraging news regarding a very real possibility of a raise in the near future. 
So, anyway. I better hit the hay. I'm meeting a bunch of veggie heads for lunch tomorrow. Supposedly this place has the best vegan/veggie food in town. We shall see. This will be my first time actually going to a meetup activity --- check out meetup.com (free site).
Of course I've gotta put in another little plug for Sparkpeople. If you made a resolution to get in shape this year, but don't want to spend a lot of money on a diet program - be sure to check them out. If you do join, I'd love to get a sparkmail from you. I've had a couple people let me know when they joined because of me. 
Off to bed I go!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
October 18th, 2006 at 12:06 am
I'm tutoring the 10-yr old son of a friend of mine in spelling tonight, so I only have a few minutes. 
Work is going well. Still don't have a raise. But I've been keeping much busier - not too much downtime.
This afternoon as I was walking out of my office building, I think I got asked out. I was talking with this guy who rode down in the elevator with me, and he kind of causually says "Maybe we can catch lunch together sometime?" Of course, my dense head doesn't catch on right away to what he's saying, and I say, "Oh I only have half-an hour for lunch." Doh! -- Of course if I had said yes, then I'd have to go into the explanation of how I'm a vegetarian, etc.
Maybe I'll see him again, and I can redeem the comment I made. 
This month I made my first payment into my Trowe Price Investment account. I decided to finally jump in and get my feet wet, so to speak. I'm doing the month to month option.
My brother's wedding is coming up in less than two weeks. The amount of money I've put out so far on it is just crazy! I'm almost finished with their present - but will probably not give it to them at the wedding since they're going on their honeymoon right away.
I found out today that Kenny G is coming into town! I'm going to see if my bestfriend T would like to go with me. The tickets are much much more reasonable than the last time he was in town.
I've now lost 28 lbs thanks to Sparkpeople.com ! The other night I opened up a box of "winter clothing" aka "clothes that don't fit" and found that most of the stuff in there DOES fit now (or at least zips up.) I'm a team leader in a challenge, and that takes up a lot of my extra time, but it's alot of fun!
I've not been doing very well with keeping to a budget at all. I am still managing to spend last month's money this month - just not putting away as much in savings or slush funds as I would like to.
Ok, I better go! Need to get ready for my tutoree. 
Catch y'all later!
Posted in
Work Related,
July 27th, 2006 at 04:56 am
I forgot to mention this . . . About a week ago or so my boss and I were talking about a number of different things. Very naturally the subject of raises came up. So, I felt comfortable asking her about how they do raises at our company. She effectively said - they don't.
But . . . on Monday one of our geologists announced that he is leaving - being offered a hefty pay increase plus will be closer to where he lives. So . .. I don't know if that might mean that the powers that be might decide they need to do something to keep the people they have with them.
So, at any rate, I don't forsee the possibility of a raise anytime soon. I'm okay with that - for now.
Posted in
Work Related,
July 15th, 2006 at 05:13 am
I found out that there is not actually a six-month review done at my company. Apparantally the VP who interviewed me (who is quite the jokester) was joking with me about that. So . . . without the six-month review, I have no idea how/when raises are given or decided.
This week was my first full week working in the back full time. I had been worried that I wouldn't have enough to do to keep myself busy, but I am managing to keep myself busy pretty much all the time.
I think the guys in the back are getting more comfortable with asking me to do thngs for them (and remembering that that is partly what I am there for now.)
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about asking about whether the promotion I got included a raise or not. I'm considering just waiting till August, when I've been employeed for six months, and will have been in my new position for slightly over 3 months. Or, of course I *could* just wait till January and give myself a raise by canceling my whole life insurance policy (not really sure why I signed up for it - mistakenly thought it came out PRE tax - oops!)
My computer is dying. The fan (or should I say, ONE of the fans) is getting really noisy. When I shut it down, either manually or by pressing the button, it will eventually turn it self back on. I also for the past week have not been able to log on to my computer under my regular profile - due to "limited resources". I'm not sure how much longer my computer is going to hold on. I am *really* hoping it will be for quite a bit longer, because most of my *extra* money is going towards saving for my brother's wedding (my expenses as bridesmaid).
At least I can still get on the internet. Two days ago I couldn't. Finally figured out that my ethernet card was loose. So I had to take the cover off my computer and put it back in its slot (lost the little screw to screw it in place.)
Huge temptation to go out and buy a laptop (something I've been wanting for a long, long time.) But I'm resisting.
I have the money for one - just its allocated for other things - you know, like my Emergency Fund, Car Maintenace, my brother's wedding, etc. My expenses related to his wedding are going to set me back just about the cost of a mid-range laptop. But I'm not complaining. It's for an awesome reason. 
My mom's fiance thinks that if I add RAM to my computer that it'll fix the "resources" problem. As for the fan, well it depends on which one it is that is dying, whether that is fixable or not. Haven't quite figured that one out yet.
I'm just thankful, that for the moment at least, my computer is working and usable.
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Work Related,
June 21st, 2006 at 03:42 am
I just wanted to let you all know about this great site I found called Spark People. It is similar to fitday.com in that you can track you food intake, etc. But it has a lot more features, i.e. messageboards, lots of interesting articles, visuals for various strength training exercises, etc. In a way, it is quite similar to the Weight Watcher's site (including it's paid features) for absolutely no cost!
It really is fantastic!
Now, a question. I am thinking about getting a food scale. I want one that measures in grams and is digital. I would love to have suggestions on what to get!
I apologize for having been absent for awhile on my posting. I've begun to work in the back office in the afternoons M - Th and all day Friday, so have had MUCH less computer time. I still haven't asked about a raise, but am planning on it within the next month or so. 
Thanks all!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
May 25th, 2006 at 06:57 pm
Another big WOW!
I walk to work everyday, and walk home for lunch everyday. My route takes me past a courier service that has all its offices surrounded by floor to roof glass. As the months have gone by, I have gotten to at first a waving acquaintance with some of the people there (who face the window) and then have actually spoken to a couple of them once.
Well today I was walking past there on my way home for lunch, when one of the guys I have spoken to/waved to came out. He stopped me and told me that his boss had noticed how I consistentally walk by their offices everyday, and my friendly attitude (smile and wave at people). Then he said that if I was interested, he would like to offer me a job being a dispatcher!!!
I told him that I was totally flattered, but that I had just gotten a promotion yesterday, and was very happy where I am working. He congratulated me, and then said for me to keep them in mind if I ever changed my mind.
I was already on Cloud 9 yesterday, but now this!!
Maybe I'm asking for too much, but with all this great stuff happening jobwise, maybe something great is around the corner for me in another area of my life??

Posted in
Work Related
May 24th, 2006 at 10:18 pm
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!! I just can't stop smiling -- I feel like a giggly teenager.
For the last 4 or 5 weeks I kept getting comments that made me think that something might happen, but I never thought it would happen this soon, if it happened at all!
Earlier this afternoon the VP who initially interviewed me for the receptionist/admin position walked by and asked me if Sha had talked to me. I asked him, "About what?" He said that there were exciting things afoot. I wasn't sure whether he was joking around or not, so later I asked Sha about it. She just kind of blew it off (in a not unkind way.)
Well, about my breaktime, M comes by and says - I'm here. Then she tells me that Sha and S want to talk to me.
Bare bones: They tell me that they have been very impressed with my attitude (cheerful, willing, showing up on time/everyday, willingess to learn, etc.). They also tell me that Shr has told them that she has really appreciated my help in the back. She is overloaded with things to do from all the different guys in the back. They also see that they have alot of projects/developments coming up in the future.
So . . . they ask me if I would like to go in the back (with the geologists/engineers) and become Sh's assistant!!! I said a resounding and enthusiastic YES!!
I asked what my offical title would be -- Geology Assistant. But as I learn more about the industry, etc. my title would evolve into Geology Tech.
I didn't ask if this involved a pay raise, but I have the feeling it will eventually. Honestly I don't really care that much about that - I'm just estatic that I'm getting off the phones (for the most part - I'll be the "fill-in") and learning skills that will be highly transferable and marketable in the business world at large.
One thing that was stressed to me is that Accuracy would be extremely important in the tasks I would be responsible for. I do always try to be accurate in what I do, but do sometimes slip up. I will have to just be MUCH more dilligent in watching my accuracy.
I won't start this full-time until they have found someone to replace me with answering phones and I have a chance to train that person. So it may still be a few weeks.
I started my job here on February 15, 2006, and now on May 24, 2006 I have been given a promotion. Just slightly more than four months!!!!!
It just amazes me sometimes how God works things out. A year ago I had just finished my eighth and last year of teaching, and had no idea what I was going to do next. Then the next 8 months were full of ups and downs, where I wasn't sure what I was going to do about a long term job.
Posted in
Work Related,
May 10th, 2006 at 12:26 am
Today I went with Sh. to the map library. We copied a TON of well logs! The log copier machine was very cool, although it was also very finicky. It has some kind of weird sensor that "knows" if you are trying to use a sheet of paper that was in the feeder already.
We finished at 4:30 (when the place closes) and I ended up getting home just after 5. I was talking to Tammy on the phone, so ended up not coming up till nearly 5:30. It was good talking with her. We talked about going to the dollar theatre after school is out. She was very happy to hear it was still open.
While Sh and I were working today we got to talking about coupons and saving money, etc. I told her about Grocery Game, and she told me that she had used it once before, but then let it go. By the end of the day, she asked me for my email address so she could put me down as a referrer(sp?).
She told me about her kids and all these trips, etc. they were taking, and the kind of clothes they like to buy. I asked her if they have an allowance, and she told me they could never afford all they do on an allowance. I asked her if they'd ever thought about figuring out about how mcuh they spent on each kid (age 13 and 14) each month and give them a similar amount that they had to budget. She didn't seem to think that that would work. I decided not to push it.
I got a call from the doctor's office on the way home. Everything looked good except my TSH (thyroid) level, and a slightly elevated cholesteroal level. Both of which I was expecting, so not really any news. I'll be glad to get back on Synthroid so maybe I'll have more energy and maybe have some luck with shedding a few pounds.
Well, I better get going. Many coupons await me at the Coupon Club. 
No Spending Today. **I WILL NOT buy a DQ Blizzard after the meeting!!!!***
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
May 5th, 2006 at 11:53 pm
This morning when I checked my bank account, I noticed that my paycheck had been deposited. But, I also noticed that it was a little over $5 less than normal. So, I went to the online account statement and looked at my paystub. I figured out that they had started taking out the money for my Life Ins., Accident Ins., and Disability Ins.
For some reason I thought it would be taken out pre-tax, but it's being taken out after tax. So that reduces my takehome pay by about $22. I shaved $10 from my Personal Care and from my Other categories, and $2 from Medical.
Posted in
Work Related,
May 5th, 2006 at 05:11 am
Hmm. .. I don't know if this would count as a FRAK. Today I was talking with the other lady in my office who is a "Lost" fanatic. She told me that she had not been able to see it last night and was really annoyed. I still have the episode on my Tivo, so I told her I would try tonight to use the "save to vcr" function. If that works, then she'll get to see it. 
She also is a huge NYPD Blue fan. She had never seen the first season though when David Carruso was on. So, I told her that I had the first season on DVD, and would be happy to lend them to her. So, tomorrow hopefully I'll have the DVD set + the Lost episode to lend to her for weekend viewing pleasure. 
Posted in
Work Related,
May 5th, 2006 at 04:57 am
Today the compnay's owner's took the office staff out for lunch. It was this really ritzy place. They had made a special menu with limited choices just for our group.
I got a Wedge Salad (WAY too spicy, barely ate 1/3 of it), then I had the vegetable stir-fry which was *very* delicious, and last, I had the chocolate cake. I got to-go boxes for both the stir-fry and the chocolate cake because it was just way too much food. I ate the leftovers for supper tonight.
When I go to a resturant I normally NEVER order dessert or appetizers - usually just water and the entree. It was really nice being treated out like this.
I had some more things said to me today that make me really think they are trying to prep me for promotion/moving in the company. I'd spoken to Sh about my concerns that I'd been away from my desk so much and that the OM was having to watch the phone. So, she worked it out with the person who is training me in her department that starting Monday, I'll come back and work with her for one hour a day in the morning. That way it won't be such a big burden on my OM or others to take care of the phone.
So, I don't know if it'll be a matter of weeks, or of months, but the potential I am picking up is that it could work out that they hire a part-time receptionist, so I can work part-time in the engineer/geologist area. Or . . if they find there's enough to really keep two people busy . . . it may be that I go back there full-time.
Honestly, I will be happy however it works out. Especially if by taking on extra responsibility, it may mean a bit of a raise. 
The wedding drama between my dad/grandma/aunt and mom is worked out. Apparantally my brother had already told mom that she couldn't bring her ex-fiance before everybody got all worked up about it. I'm glad it turned out this way, but still it really irks me that they would all be so willing to shirk my brother's wedding because of something so juvenile (in my opinon.)
Last night I stopped by CVS and had my Allergy meds filled and got a $30 gift card with my new prescription. That will be a nice little boost to my budget. I'm not sure if I'm going to put it in my Grocery budget or in my Other budget.
Posted in
Work Related,
May 3rd, 2006 at 04:49 am
I had two phone calls tonight concerning my brother's upcoming wedding. One was quite pleasant, and the other left me wanting to throw my hands up in the air!
The first phone call was my dad. We were talking about a number of different items, then he asked me how my mom was doing. After I told him a few pieces of news, he asks me if I'd heard what she had asked of my brother. I hadn't. So, he tells me that she's asked to bring her ex-fiance to the wedding.
Honestly, I'm not sure what in the world is going through her head to even want to bring him ... but hey, I'm not in her head. My dad though is all antagonistic about it and saying that if Mom brings her ex-fiance, then he, Grandma and Aunt Ni won't be coming to the wedding!!!!
I tell him that I can understand where they are coming from, but as for me, *absolutely NOTHING* would keep me away from my brother's wedding!!! I really don't give a rip about their guest list - the ONE and ONLY reason I will be there is to celebrate my brother marrying his wonderful fiance!!
I just HATE that he is putting my brother in the middle of this. Mom really didn't even need to ask, because most wedding invitations of single people are for the person + a *guest*!
Oy Vey!
The second phone call I got tonight was from my brother's fiance. She was using my brother's phone, so she got a real kick out of it when I answered "So, how's my favorite brother in the whole world?" then when I realized it was her, I said, "So, how's my favorite soon to be sister-in-law?" We talked for about 20 minutes or so.
Essentially she was calling to tell me she had picked out the bridesmaid outfit. It's at David's Bridal, and is a top/skirt combo in candy red. I also will need to find a pair of gold sandals to go with it (where?????)
I forgot to mention that they set a date! October 29! I think that Candy Red will probably be a good late Fall color for a wedding (and red usually is a very good color on me -whew!)
This morning I had my doctor's appointment. I was talking to my doctor about my weight, and asked her how much I had weighed the last time I saw her (March, 05). I was very surprised to learn that it was only 9 pounds less than my current weight. I thought I had weighed less than that at that time.
I also found out something I didn't know before. When you turn 30, they give you an EKG as part of your physical. That was interesting (and quick!)
She gave me a prescription for generic Allegra, since my insurance doesn't cover Clairnex. She also strongly advised me against the generic version of Synthroid, due to the intricate dosaging required that generic drugs are not required to adhere to.
I was going to stop by CVS and fill my allergy med (getting a $30 gift card for a new perscription) but by the time I got out of the doctor's office, it was getting pretty late.
I learned some more new things at work today. The lady I went with to the map library last week told me that she thinks she could easily use an assistant full-time with the work she's asked to do + some new duties she's going to be having soon. Hmmm. . .. 
Well, I better be off and catch some zzzz'sss. 
May spending so far:
Co-Pay: $20
Pur Filter: $38.78 (need a different adapter for my faucet to get it to work -bummer.)
Posted in
Work Related,
April 27th, 2006 at 12:47 am
The last couple days I have been majorly procrastinating on running my dishwasher. It was to the point where I knew I would have to do it today or not have a spoon to eat my cereal with in the morning. Well, when I got home from work today and went into the kitchen to let Monkey out onto the balcony, I had a surprise waiting for me! All my dishes were cleared out of my sink (and off the countertop) and my dishwasher was empty!

I called my Dish Fairy (my dad) and found out that his courier job had brought him over by my neck of the woods this afternoon and he'd had some time to kill between runs, so landed at my place. I thought that was so sweet of him. 
Today at work I was asked if I'd be interested in learning how to do another aspect of our company's work. Of course I said "Yes!" So tomorrow morning instead of heading into the office in the morning, I'm going to meeting S at a company that has all the maps and records for Texas. She's going to show me how to look up the information the guys in the office need. Then I guess we have to make copies of the information.
I'm excited to do this for a couple reasons: 1. It gets me out of the office for a few hours (and away from answering the phone!) and 2. It gives me another skill/way I can be of help to my company.
I used to be a much more positive minded person, but now I tend to take most things/situations with a grain of salt and an attitude of "I'll see if that happens." But from a couple comments made to me today, along with other comments made to me at other times, I seem to get the feeling that there actually might be a place for me in the company other than the front desk receptionist/Admin Assist.
All I know is that I will take every opportunity they present me with to learn more about what makes the company run. I'd be fine staying just where I am now, but ..... if moving up is offered to me . . well, I sure wouldn't refuse it! 
Posted in
Work Related
April 24th, 2006 at 10:26 pm
Well, I finally have my HSBC online savings account set up. It was a little bit of a hassle, but I think it will be worth it. I was looking through their site and noticed they have a feature where you can have all your online financial information, email accounts, etc. on one page - for no charge. That was the one feature I really missed from when I used Mevelopes a few years ago.
ETA: I double checked at HSBC for the "Easy View" feature and realized you have to be signed up for Bill Pay. Bill Pay requires you having a checking account with HSBC. Oh well.
After talking to my Rental Insurance agent, I found out that I'm not being charged a convenience fee for paying in monthly installments. So I decided to go ahead and keep it as monthly installments. I also decided that the money I was going to put towards paying my 6-month car insurance premium (saving me $12) would be more useful in my car maintenance account since my 90K service is very shortly due.
Looking at my spending for the month of April I found that I spent WAY too much on fast foods or junky foods. I've been taking the money for that out of my FUN budget. So, for May I am cutting my FUN budget by $10 AND only allowing myself up to $10 from my Grocery budget for Fast Food, etc. I also decided that my Grocery budget was really too high for one person, that it gave me too much room to buy things that are "easy" rather than healthy or moneywise. So, I cut $15 from my Grocery budget and added it into my Emergency Fund.
I also took a look at my Wedding/Vacation Fund and decided that I really was siphoning way too much money there. The amount I have in there now is enough to cover the plane ticket, so I just need to save enough to cover my share of a rental car, a hotel room and my dress (hopefully my brother's fiance will choose something I can wear again!) So, instead of $74/mo, I am putting in $50, and the other $24 is going into my EF and in my phone bill (Taxes/Fees were a lot more than I anticipated - 60% of my bill!)
I also decided where I am going to keep my various money categories. My EF (emergency fund) and my RF (Retirement Fund - just till I figure out a fund to put it in) are going to be parked in ING. My CRF (Car Repair Fund); MF (Medical Fund); GF (Gift Fund); and OF (Other Fund) all will be kept in HSBC. My LTF (Long-Term Fund) will be kept in Emigrant. All my other money will be in my two brick and mortar bank accounts (no interest).
**Did I use enough acronymns?? 
I talked to my OM today, and she told me that I wouldn't have to use a 1/2 sick day to go to a doctor's appointment. Yay! I also called the doctor's office and set an appointment for next Tuesday. I need to get to the Dentist too, but one thing at a time. 
I have to tell you about this great deal I got on Friday at Kroger's!! I had done some shopping at Albertson's which is across the street from Kroger's, but decided to just stop in and see if there were any good deals. I am so glad I did! As I was heading to checkout, I noticed a grocery cart with "REDUCED." Inside of it were about 40 packs of hoisery and some other items. I searched through it, and found 7 pairs of hoisery in the style and color I like. Normally these are anywhere from $3.50 - $5.00 EACH -- I got all 7 of them for less than $9.00!!! Woo hoo!!
Ok, I better close off. 30 minutes till I'm off work. 
Posted in
Work Related,
April 23rd, 2006 at 03:18 am
When I was hired back in February, it was my understanding that there was a 90-day waiting period before I would be covered under the health inusrance plan.
Well, when I checked my mail on Friday, I had a letter from my company's insurance place. It told me that my coverage had begun on April 16 -- 60 days!!! Woo Hoo!
I went online to find out if the doctor I had used before (when I was covered under my teacher's insurance) was in my plan. She is!!
So, what I would *like* to do is call her office up on Monday and find out the first available morning appointment. My only qualm is that when I was signing up for the insurance plan, it said something about them looking back three months into your medical history for pre-existing conditions (three months prior to qualification date). I haven't been to a doctor since March (2005)... but, if I go to the doctor I used before, she would have three years of medical records for me. Would they be able to use those previous years records to indicate a pre-existing condition, thus giving them an excuse to not pay for lab tests and medications?
I also need to clarify with my Office Manager whether or not I'd have to take a half-sick day if I was back in the office by 10 a.m. (missing only the first hour and a half of the workday).
Hmmm..... Well, I'm just so happy to be covered now - a whole month earlier than I was expecting!
Posted in
Work Related,
April 19th, 2006 at 12:59 am
You know, I've been pretty happy at my job (just hit the two-month mark!). There were however two-things that kinda bugged me (okay, actually one of them is a person).
So, this afternoon one of the three people who were in my interview came by and told me she'd like to chat with me about what I'm really liking about my job, what I'm not liking, and what could make it better -- and that she'd give me 20 or 30 minutes to think about it. As soon as she left, I typed out my thoughts. I was able to think of around 10 things I liked (some of them were verging on silliness - comfy chair, working with goofy people, etc) but all were true.
Then I thought long and hard about how to word my two main frustrations without looking like I was saying something bad about someone who's been at the company 12+ years.
When she came back a little while later I prepared. She knew exactly where I was coming from with my two frustrations (and figured out the person too!) and gave me several suggestions, which I immediately put into effect.
Now that I know that I can basically ignore what this one person says, my job satisfaction will go from about a 7/10 to maybe a 9.5/10!! 
Posted in
Work Related
April 9th, 2006 at 07:57 am
Ok, about the only thing this post has to do with saving money or frugality is in the fact that I borrowed the book from the library, and instead of going out somewhere and spending money, I stayed in and read this book.
There's not many books that I would write about extensively in my blog here, and at first glance at the title, you would certainly imagine this would NOT be a book I'd even mention having read. But after having finished reading the last word on the last page this morning at 1:30 a.m., I realized I HAD to share this book with you.
Ok, have I got you curious now as to what book I'm talking about? "Good In Bed" by Jennifer Weiner, also the the author of "In Her Shoes" (book is WAY better than the movie!).
The books heroine Cannie is a journalist, who happens to be plus-sized, has a dysfunctional family, and a now ex-boyfriend/aspiring writer who took her a little too seriously when she asked for a "break". Through the course of the story, Cannie reflects back on her childhood and how she didn't realize she was "fat" until her father told her she was fat one day when she was 12. Her reflections are interspersed between the story of her life in the year following her breakup with Bruce, the aspiring writer.
Cannie goes from not being able to look at herself in the mirorr and not being able to accept that anyone could think of her as beautiful or worthy, to accepting herself as the beautiful, worthy human being she is with many people surrounding her with love and acceptance.
Though the title may sound just a bit racy, it is a beautiful and moving story which I think any woman, whether large, medium or small could relate to.
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