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Archive for June, 2010
June 29th, 2010 at 06:03 pm
Ok, I may be biased, since it is a video of our puppy Buddy. I mentioned before I think about how much he loves his miniature tennis balls ... well, he's now added the stairs into the mix.
Earlier he was even funnier, but I didn't think to video it until he'd been playing for about 20 minutes already. 
The situation with the peer review paper was resolved nicely. My section instructor did the peer review on my paper, and gave me some very good feedback. The final draft 2 is due on Thursday, so I have a few days to make the needed changes. Yesterday I turned in my 1000 word "briefing" with an abstract. Never had written an abstract before, so that was interesting.
I've been reading a lot of puppy training books. All of them suggest having puppy sleep at night in its crate. Ooops, not gonna happen here. I am trying to keep him on leash while going through the house - but neither mom or stepdad seem to think it necessary.
One of the books I read "Your Smart Puppy" came with an hour long DVD showing how to train for different things. I watched it last night, and am hoping to get them to watch as well. That way it won't be coming from me -- but from the video.
I'm also looking for some kind of puppy obedience class all four of us can attend. When I mentioned that to my stepdad, he said it didn't work for Millie (dog who was put to sleep last August at 15 yrs old). He admitted the problem was consistency, and not that the classes didn't work. 
Not much money related to relate. More of the same, basically.
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June 26th, 2010 at 12:17 am
Today we took Buddy for his first Vet visit (with us anyway) and he handled it with flair. He actually was wagging his tail in the waiting room! The vet and tech both commented on how well behaved he was and how cute. He was declared to be a healthy young pup. We'll be going back for his last round of shots on the 20th. Right now, he's pretty sleepy from the shots. It's weird to see him so calm for so long. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. 
School Vent
Yesterday we had to turn in our preliminary Draft 2 of the big project for the summer class for peer review. We were told that it wasn't necessary to have it 100% finished, but that a substantial portion needed to be at least attempted. I completed everything, except for part of one section which I need to do a bit more reading on. Maybe half a paragraph's worth of material.
So, I finally got the draft of a peer which I was to review. Ugh! The person didn't include the draft 1 (which is basically the set up/introduction for the project) and then only completed one of three Appendices, and only two of the 6 narratives. I hated doing it, but I emailed the TA's and told them what I'd received (they don't look at the drafts, just randomly send them to different people after checking off that you sent one in). I seriously feel cheated. Not only do I not have a good paper to compare mine with (and thus see things I could do better), I also have a partner who hasn't done the work, so will not be able to make any substantive or helpful comments. (especially considering the quality of the little she did)
I'm still waiting to hear back. But I really hope that they'll either have one of them "peer" review my paper, or set me up with someone else.
I've seen people playing Suduko over the years, and have attempted to play it as well. Even with people trying to explain to me how it works, it never seemed to click. But I saw how much people loved it ...
Today I found a free app that says it will teach you Suduko. I figured why not, I won't lose any money.
And ... I finally got it!! I learned two tricks -- full house and naked something?? I played 5 puzzles in a row ... only reason I stopped was because it was time to go to the vet.
What great free entertainment!
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Frugal Single Life
June 18th, 2010 at 01:44 am
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June 16th, 2010 at 05:43 am
I had decided to try to participate in the frugal fast which Patient Saver suggested this week. The only thing I thought might cause a problem would be if I suddenly had an interview and needed to get some appropriate/fitting clothes.
Well, I found out tonight there were other possible snags!
Tonight I went to go to my sign language class. After our last class in May we'd agreed to not meet again till tonight. The teacher sent me a message on facebook today reminding me about it.
I ate a good meal around 5 p.m. so I wouldn't be tempted to stop somewhere for a snack. Then I arrived at our meeting place around 6:30. When our teacher/leader got there, she asked me if I knew of a good sit down place to eat.
We'd talked about going out to eat as a group and signing our orders while she interpreted, but had never set a date. Apparently, tonight was it.
We all (7 of us) ended up going to IHOP. I could have just ordered water, but instead I had water and a grilled cheese sandwich. (Both the least expensive thing I could find on the menu, and the least amount of food.) It was $3.89 with tax, and I left $6.00 total.
I'll be marking it and moving on to complete the Frugal Fast this week.
I got an email tonight from the current Primary/Junior SS leaders asking if I'd teach this Sabbath. Reluctantly I agreed. This will at least be a good way for me to introduce myself to my Primary students who will be starting with me on July 3rd.
Tonight I also found a person willing to let me have a pool party at their house. The kids will earn points for it by prompt attendance, knowing their memory verse, answering questions about the previous weeks lesson, bringing a guest and good behavior.
I have found two new authors which I *really* like. Both of them are in the adult mystery genre, and feature women. The first one is "The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. It is set in Botswana, Africa. There are six books in this particular series (but lots more written by this author). The other book/author is "Curiosity Killed the Cat Sitter" by Blaize Clement. A former female policewoman is no longer on the force, but runs a pet sitting business. There are 4 books (so far) in this series.
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Frugal Single Life,
June 11th, 2010 at 03:41 pm
The last few months my car has died on me twice - both times where I'd left the lights on for a few minutes after turning off the engine. Then this past week it had been starting more and more sluggishly. I *really* thought it was the starter or maybe the ignition.
In fact, I had an appointment lined up for tomorrow with a shop I've used before and a family friend to go with me "to talk shop" with the mechanic. My dad however convinced me that I should get the battery checked just to be 100% sure.
I'm glad I did! I took it to Firestone where I'd gotten the battery last summer (remember all my car woes of last summer???) and an hour! later I found out that it *was* a bad battery! They replaced it for $18, and another 40 minutes later! I was out of there.
So ... here's hoping that there is not anything more to it!
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Frugal Single Life,
June 8th, 2010 at 12:34 am
I'm back in my dorm room after the second day of my summer class. It's been two long days with lots of info being given, but I'm finding most of it interesting. Thankfully our professor doesn't seem like he's going to spend two hours going over how to use blackboard ( online class portal). I was dreading sitting through that (for a third time).
I brought some homemade oatmeal packets with me for breakfast, but the one microwave is in the lobby. It's a long walk there, and no tables to sit at. So I bought some pb and bread, plus a few bananas. The oatmeal will still be good when I go home. 
I ate at Mcdonalds for lunch the last two days. I get some funny looks asking for a cheeseburger with the meat on the side. But it's the closest and cheapest place for lunch. Tomorrow night there's a get together, so I won't have to figure out anything for supper.
I just about had a heart attack at church on Saturday. I went to talk to the lady who'd agreed to be my assistant for teaching Primary SS. She told me that she was leaving to India on Wed. and wouldn't be back till sometime in August. My first Sabbath to teach is July 3. Thankfully someone else stepped up and agreed to fill in through August. We're going to meet after church to discuss plans. I need to find out for sure from my friend T when her son is being baptized in July. No way would I miss that!!
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Frugal Single Life
June 4th, 2010 at 04:22 am
I found this on yahoo -an article/post about why people hate cooking (and how to remedy them). It looks like the blog itself has some other good information too.
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Frugal Single Life
June 2nd, 2010 at 04:14 pm
Ever since I finished up with my Spring classes, I helped out on Tuesday afternoons at my local church school until it was time for my sign language class. Last week the teacher/principal asked me to come in two extra days. I off-handedly mentioned that I couldn't do it because of gas money. She asked me if I would come and help if she could get me some gas money. I said sure -- thinking maybe $10. Well on Monday after I was leaving I opened the envelope ... there was $60!!
I've been looking everywhere trying to find any kind of work. Babysitting gigs, etc. I've applied at a number of employment agencies. Nothing. Just a bit ago this morning I get a call from the person I worked with this past semester. She told me that the high-school boy I'd worked with had passed Biology (yay!) AND that he was having trouble finding a tutor to help him finish his courses in Korea this summer. SO he is looking at coming back here to the US for a month and would like me to help him!
I'd be giving him a really cheap rate - 24hrs a week for $200 for 4 weeks. It's not 100% positive that he'll be coming - details such as where he'll stay during that time and whether his parents can afford it as well as whether the college the courses are coming from will let him complete the courses in that short of a time...
But ... God is in control!
My summer class starts this Sunday, and I'll be on campus for 4 days. I'm really looking forward to being busy again!
ETA: Oh well. I just got a call letting me know the student found a tutor in Korea. Will keep the faith.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,