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Archive for April, 2018
April 29th, 2018 at 06:27 pm
*We haven't been reimbursed for the water heater yet ... I'm going to wait til Tuesday, then contact them if it still hasn't come. Grrr...
*Tuesday was our two year anniversary. We did a mini-road trip on Wednesday.
While on our mini-trip we stopped at two fish stores. DH saw some corals he was very interested in, and I saw a Clown Trigger fish which I think I might like to get after the cruise (when I have spending money again ...)

We ate at a Mexican restaurant in Glenwood, Iowa which we'd been to before and really liked. The food was very good again, but our server left a lot to be desired.
Still, it was a nice way to mark 2 years.
*I got my $200 checking bonus from one of the Christian credit unions.
*I also got my $100 bonus from My Money Bank
*I see my $150 bonus pending on my US Bank card, but it's been pending for several weeks ...
*I cashed out for $25 Paypal from Earnhoney and Swagbucks, as well as $25 AGC from Perk
*We way overspent on groceries this month .. mostly due to my reverting back to some bad eating habits. I'm really trying to reign those in again. Both for $$ reasons and for health.
*I'm halfway through a Runbet and a Stepbet. I also am participating in a Spryfit bet that will end at the same time. About $120 tied up between the three.
* I need to get my passport sorted soon. Only 4 months to go!
*I have been tracking flight prices with Google Flights, so far the cheapest flight has been $216. But that doesn't include baggage. I'll probably pull the trigger in the next week or two.
*I have completed 3 weeks of physical therapy for my shoulder now. I don't think there's been much improvement yet. They tell me it can take 4 - 6 weeks ... then if still not good, do an MRI. Ugh.
*I slogged through Lost in Space and also Let it Go on Netflix. LiS has little bad language and no sexy scenes. LiG is the complete opposite ... is about the realities of motherhood.
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Extra Money Tracking,
April 21st, 2018 at 01:45 am
Our water heater had been leaking. My DH called our HW company about sending someone to look at it. They didn't have anyone in our area, so told us to choose someone and they'd reimburse us (after that company called them first.)
So that's what we did - called the company that replaced our tub faucet. We needed a new water heater (shockers! it was at least 20 years old ...)
So we had to pay $923.xx up front, and will be reimbursed all but $151 (service call fee, disposal fee and permit fee) One year of the HW is $600. So we got back a little over a year's premium back in value in one shot.
Now our hvac system (also 18++ years old) just needs to conk out, and then we may be safe going without the HW. 
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April 14th, 2018 at 03:55 am
I was so excited last week when I was able to order the Dash mini waffle iron (with my Perk Amazon card.) Then I got it and put a sweet potato puree mixture in it - trying something I'd seen somewhere.
Royal mess.
I have managed to get most of it off, but there still is a decent amount left.
I can't remove the plates or run them under water. I used a damp paper towel, a damp dish towel, a pair of silicone mini-tongs .... all helped, but not enough.
Any ideas? I really want to use this thing!
I had my 3rd PT appointment on Thursday. The PT assistant told me she thinks it is my upper trap, not my rotator cuff, due to the pain radiating throughout my arm AND the huge knot in my trap area.
So she's concentrating on working out the knot ... as am I.
My arm was really throbbing Wed pm, and I REALLY did not feel like going out for a run. Did it anyway, and my arm actually felt better? PT said I probably relaxed the right muscles while running.
I did my 3rd run today. Good thing since winter seems to be coming back for a visit the next two days. Yuck.
DH and I had a good discussion last night, although it was almost totally derailed before even getting started with me getting ticked at him when he snapped at me. Schwan's guy came at just the right time to give me a few minutes to cool down (got him to take me off his route list)
DH will be going to see his stepdad on Sunday evening(something he is NOT looking forward to) so I pretty much have the weekend to myself.
I am hoping I met the final requirement for a $200 checking bonus in time. Yesterday I was double checking what was needed for each bonus, and realized I hadn't set up estatements. Oops. Have them set up now.
I finished a Jan Karon book (Father Tim) "Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good" and started another one "Come Rain or Come Shine." It had been awhile since I'd read the series, so I'm not totally sure where I'd left off at.
My eating isn't going well to put it mildly. Sugar sugar sugar ...junk. At least breakfast and lunch are still healthy ....
On Monday I'm going to a customer service training thing. I'm just happy for a day out of the office - paid.
Hopefully all the SBs coupon prints will credit on Monday so I won't have to fiddle too much to reach the daily goal. 
Still loving my standing desk. Getting lots of questions about it too.
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Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking,
April 11th, 2018 at 12:33 am
I know just a post ago I was bemoaning having too many accounts. But ... this is a really easy $60. Just put $20/month in an account (probably simplest to be a savings account without a lot of activity) and get paid $10/month for up to 6 months!
Here's the Money Blog post that explains more about it - http://www.mymoneyblog.com/saverlife-review.html
Pretty cool if I do say so. 
I won $7.49 in my recently finished Stepbet. That's a 18.7% increase. Just for walking.
I did my first run for my Runbet today - actually managed a 14:37 mile (for one mile ...) Next two runs have to be 20 minutes long.
I also joined another Stepbet today.
I cashed out for a $25 Paypal from Earnably today.
Am loving today's weather! Will enjoy while it lasts!
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Extra Money Tracking
April 9th, 2018 at 11:20 pm
On Sunday I had a lady come to my house and spend about 4 hours cleaning. She mostly was in the kitchen and the bathroom.
While she was working I got the office picked up /shredding done, decluttered my nightstands, emptied the last of my moving boxes, cleaned out 5 litter boxes, swept upstairs and down and vacuumed. Oh, also did towels/bedding.
So by the time she left, the upstairs at least was looking pretty good. 
I had my first physical therapy appointment today. The PT thinks I strained my rotator cuff. I'll be going 3x a week for the next month, plus two exercises he gave me for at home.
DH and I had a rough time of it last week. The closest we've ever gotten to shouting at each other. We agreed to disagree on the issue, but also agreed that we need to take some steps to do better.
One thing we're trying is this online program called Our Relationship.
I've also made an appointment with the EAP for just me to start with, but DH will go too at some point.
We're nearly at 2 years, but if we keep having weeks like last week, we won't make 3. Something has to change because neither of us want that.
In consequence of having so many accounts in the attempt to generate spending money ... I made a goof.
I saw my 3rd paycheck go into account A. I went into main account and said to transfer paycheck money from (what I thought) was account A to main account.
It wasn't account A. It was the now defunct not paying 5% anymore account with a balance of $.80.
Cue $30 NSF fee. Cue $15 returned item fee. ARGHH!!
Stupid tax.
I wrote main accounts customer service to suggest having nicknames for accounts instead of just account numbers.
I finished my Stepbet on Sunday. I should know by tomorrow how much I won.
I also joined another similar walking bet - 8500steps per day challenge for 2 weeks.
I also joined a Runbet - 18min/mile min which I can totally manage. (Not today with a horrible sinus headache, but by tomorrow I should be able to do it I hope.)
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April 3rd, 2018 at 03:09 am
I called my doctor's office today to find out if I'd have to come in again to get a PT referral. I don't, since in her notes she said to do PT if not better.
A lady in my Sabbath School group suggested someone she used - so I just have to call my doctor's office with that info tomorrow.
Hopefully it won't require taking too much time off work.
I posted in Nextdoor tonight for the housecleaning. I asked for two recent references and for them to describe their experience with a multi-pet household. Now I just have to wait and wade through. Hopefully a gem will shine through (that fits my budget!)
I am on week six of my Stepbet. 5 days to go. Most days I'm meeting the steps just at work - thanks to my standing desk. 
Tomorrow I'm starting a Drop It challenge again. I did well for 3 weeks and then ... ugh.
My brother finally sent me his part of the cruise money, so I have enough to pay the balance (not due til June.)
Am working on covering airfare now.
I got an offer from Capital One for $100 bonus if I spend $3k in 3 months. If I put my car insurance and home insurance on there, I'll be halfway. Paying the remainder of the cruise would almost finish it off. I need them to send a replacement card though because I think I shredded the other card. Oops.
I'll easily meet the $500 spend on the Union Bank card, and the $2k spend on the AmEx. So .. that's $350 in credit card bonuses for normal spending. Not bad.
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Extra Money Tracking,