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Archive for June, 2014
June 28th, 2014 at 03:27 am
On Monday I started a part-time job where I call people to survey them about their opinions on the healthcare in their area. Monday and Tuesday nights were training and orientation, and then Wednesday, Thursday and tonight I spent calling people using the training study. About two hours in to my shift tonight I got the message that my session had been ended by my supervisor.
The reason it was ended was because I'd received high enough evaluations on the completed surveys to move on to an actual client survey! I didn't make any phone calls yet on this new project, but I will start making them on Monday.
This job definitely does not pay much - but it does at least guarantee a minimum amount per hour as long as you are following their policies, and the possibility of making more in bonuses if you complete so many surveys in an hour, or later on for positive attitude, etc.
The way I'm looking at it right now is, it's a job. It's something. Not what I'd want to do full time or for very long, but it will bring some income in.
In other news, I just redeemed for $54.44 on the bubblews site. It took awhile, but I think the next one will come much faster. (If you want to read some of my latest postings, click on the link on the left hand side of my profile. That'll take you to a list of my postings there.)
I recently got the bill for my new ISP. I was quite incensed by some of the charges and called to complain. About $45 worth of charges were removed after I spoke with the CS agent. I'm still not happy with the ISP, but I unfortunately don't have much choice.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
June 17th, 2014 at 05:00 pm
So on Sunday I get to where I'm supposed to start training at 9:30 a.m. I wait and wait and wait ... no one is there at 9:50 a.m. I call the lady and find out "sorry, there was an out of town emergency, can you train on Tuesday?" I told her yes, but after talking with NE I decided to just not do this job at all. This was at least the third time I've been blown off. Also, there'd only be 8 days total left that I could work before the campaign is over.
I'm not that desperate for money to work for someone who will jerk me around like that. (I have at least one more paycheck coming from my librarian job, plus plenty of savings.)
I called the staffing agency to let them know I'd be available for any job openings ASAP. I will probably need to give them another call today to make sure they got my message (and keep me in their minds.)
I heard that the governor of NE declared a state of emergencies due to storms - I haven't watched the local news here so am not sure what storms he was talking about. (am going to do a search) It was really humid and overcast here yesterday, but I don't think we got any rain (although we did have somewhat heavy winds - nothing compared to spring winds in NM though.)
NE and I went to CiCi's last night. He likes to eat late, so we ended up being there right before closing time. I had no idea that they offered whatever was left on the warmers to customers at closing. I took most of a veggie pizza home - meals for a couple days.
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Work Related,
June 15th, 2014 at 03:30 am
Tomorrow I start my job collecting signatures. I have to go in earlier than usual for some training, so I'll be there from 9:30 a.m to 7:00 p.m. I'm not sure what meal breaks are like, so I'm going to make a PBJ sandwich to take, and probably take a granola bar or two as well. It also all of a sudden got warm here today ... so I'll make sure to have my water bottle with me as well.
I'm going to have to go to bed much earlier than I have been the last few weeks so I have energy to go the whole day. It's funny how out of a routine you can get in just a few short weeks.
Those of you interested in what I did for my dad for Father's Day - I ended up going to feed the ducks/waterfowl today instead of tomorrow. Doing it today worked much better than tomorrow (would be extremely stressful to fit in - plus I wouldn't have had NE there to video me!) I couldn't get the video to upload from my phone to youtube so there is a short version I could email and then upload.
I wrote a short article about it on bubblews if you want to see it: Text is http://www.bubblews.com/news/3802313-honoring-my-dad-this-father039s-day-weekend and Link is http://www.bubblews.com/news/3802313-honoring-my-dad-this-fa...
Or, if you'd prefer to just see the youtube video -
Text is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJlsdIzq5Wo and Link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJlsdIzq5Wo
I called my grandma this afternoon for our usual Sabbath afternoon chitchat. She laid it on me that they are converting the shed in her backyard into an extra bedroom for my niece. This means that all of dads stuff that my brother and I stored in the shed needs to have something done with it.
I called my brother to see what he thought, but he only had a few minutes. He said he'd call our aunt to get the full scoop.
There's no way I can get to CA this summer to go through the shed. I have to remain focused on getting a permanent job. We'll figure something out.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
June 13th, 2014 at 07:13 am
So Friday morning I had an interview at a staffing agency. It went okay I think, although I think she thought I wanted too much for salary. I asked about how I did on the assessment tests I had to take prior to the interview - I scored an 87 on Word and Excel, a 91 on Office Skills, a 60 WPM on typing, 7200kph on the ten-key, and can't remember on the alpha-numeric. All the numbers were well above what they look for.
So, I guess only time will tell. She did have me fill out an I-9 and W-4 form, so maybe that is a good sign that she thinks there will be something available for me at some point.
On Sunday I start the collecting signatures job. Not really excited about it, other than earning some money and having something to do.
I'm also planning on finding a pond with some ducks to feed on Sunday - as a way of honoring my dad. My 3rd Father's Day without him. This was my brother's idea (I'd suggested all of us going to Schlotsky's (sp?) but was voted down. Like my brother's idea better.)
I talked with a former co-worker tonight for a long time. She initially had called to try to get me interested in an MLM business. As soon as she told me the name, I let her know I had absolutely no interest - that I had gone to one of their presentations when I lived in the DFW area. After a few minutes of reassuring her that I meant it, we spent a lot of time just chit chatting. It was good to talk with her, and I hope she has success with her MLM venture.
I have received two cash back rewards recently. One for my BofA Cash Rewards card - $100, and one for my Cap One QuickSilver card - $100. I used the CapOne card to pay for my rental truck and tow dolly and rent my PO box - $649 total. I'll be cancelling the CapOne card as soon as I have it paid off - I wish I could keep it because of the cute cat logo, but it doesn't offer enough rewards to warrant keeping it.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
June 10th, 2014 at 11:15 pm
I'm getting lessons in patience I think. The collecting signatures job I interviewed for on Thursday and was supposed to start on Sunday .... for whatever reason my background check didn't come through right away. I got a call from the lady on Sunday telling me she was still waiting on it. I didn't hear anything yesterday, and finally today around 2:00 p.m. I called her. She had gotten it finally, but was dealing with some issues right then.
At any rate, I'll be starting it on Sunday!
To add to the mix, the place I interviewed at on Friday, which I thought turned out to be a total waste of time ... I got a call from the lady this morning offering me a three week part time position at $8/hour starting on Friday. I had to tell her no thanks because of the collecting signatures job (better pay, more hours for one thing) but it does look like the interview may not have been a total waste if more things like that come along.
I made an appointment with the dentist here finally - the hole in my tooth is getting very annoying, and my insurance runs out on the 30th. So, I need to get it taken care of. Wednesday at 9 I'll get a cleaning, x-rays and then an appt to do the filling.
I also made an appointment to get Kari's claws trimmed on Friday. It was $10 in big G, but here it is $16. As long as I'm living in NEs place, I *must* keep her claws trimmed short - it would not do our relationship much good if she destroyed one of his many speakers, etc.
I've written quite a bit on bubblews, and have otherwise been keeping pretty busy doing different things. If you want to check out some of my recent posts, here is a link to my profile page:
Text is http://www.bubblews.com/account/208258-ftlaura and Link is http://www.bubblews.com/account/208258-ftlaura
Okay, I'm going to now attempt to catch up on the blogs. Looks like I've missed quite a bit of activity!
Question. If someone told you they had keyed another persons car after that person had flipped them the bird, what would your reaction/response be? (The people with the keyed car did not see it happen.)
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
June 6th, 2014 at 01:06 am
I interviewed today for a job that'll last 4 or 5 weeks - but is full time. It is essentially collecting signatures to put an issue onto the next ballot. The deadline is sometime in July. I could make anywhere between $380 and $500 a week depending on how many signatures I manage to get. It's an issue that I think most people will be in favor of, so I don't think it'd be too difficult.
The one problem is that it's hours conflict with the online tutoring shifts. So I wrote the person and asked them if it were possible for my shifts to begin in five weeks time. I'm waiting to hear back now, but if the answer is no, I'll be okay with it. I'm really not all that excited about the format after finishing the training on Wednesday. Plus, I'm seeing that it may not be all that difficult for me to find a job, so I don't need to worry too much.
I also have two interviews scheduled with staffing agencys - one for tomorrow at 9:45 and one for Thursday at 9:45.
Kari seems to be getting along with the other cats and adjusting better. Now NE and I are still working on adjusting - will be good when I'm out of the apartment for 40 hours a week starting Monday. 
Can't think of much else. I'm going to sign off so I can get my walk in before dark.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
June 4th, 2014 at 02:35 am
I think the move has caught up with me. Last night and today I have felt really run down and blah.
This morning I got the Internet hooked up here so I can start training for the online tutoring job tomorrow. It is so nice to be able to use my computer again.
The interview on Sunday I think went well overall. I won't know for sure until later this week.
I got some bad news from my former employer. They let go of the IT person - the one who I worked with a lot and had lung cancer multiple times last year. Apparently they are going to have the new librarian also be the IT person. Yeah, that's going to go well. Looking Forward, this is an example of loyalty from a boss huh. :roll eyes:
Been spending way too much money. Hopefully the job I'm about to start will help with that.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
June 1st, 2014 at 08:53 am
I'm writing on my phone so this will be short. 
This has been a LONG week with many frustrations - mainly because I was SO tired. The upshot though is that we arrived into Ltown Thursday night. Friday we unloaded the truck into my storage unit, and today finished getting what I wanted into the apt (Saturday)
Saturday night I spent cleaning and organizing so my stuff would fit better. We also thrifted a ton of his clothes he doesn't wear anymore so I'd have some closet space (on Friday)
Sunday I have my second interview in person for the office job. Tuesday the Internet should be set up and Wednesday I start training for the tutoring job.
I easily met the $500 spending for the Quicksilver card by renting my truck and tow dolly. I spent over $450 on gas for my car and the truck. I think my total moving costs are roughly $1200. Of course I'll have another move once I've found an apartment, but that'll be an in town move so should be fairly cheap.
I'm going to look into the chase freedom card deal. I love when the deals offered are attainable for me. 
So far everything is going well. Although sometimes I stop short and wonder if I've really made this major change or if I'm just dreaming. Kari I think wishes she was dreaming - she's having a really hard time adjusting going from a one cat house to an multi cat household. I will admit that it is a bit overwhelming sometimes. I did get him to put out two more litter boxes so we now have four with clumping litter. Helps a lot.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,