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Archive for August, 2005
September 1st, 2005 at 05:48 am
Today was an interesting day. My dad got here around 9:30 after his weekly breakfast with his friend Charles. This is the person who is letting him use his address. Well, today at breakfast he found out that Charles has been called out by a neighbor who is trying to sell their house about my dad using their address (Charle's address). So, my dad was asked to find another address. This really hit him hard, though he understood where Charles' was coming from. Later he found out that he might be losing Sundays (long story) because of some vindictive people who can't mind their own business. What a great day for him. NOT!
I didn't do much of anything productive today. I spent way too much time watching CNN and reading stuff on the net about Katrina. It's just too much to imagine. I did see on the local news tonight that some evacuee's are coming to the Dallas area, so maybe I can find a way to help out there. Do something.
This afternoon I talked to Todd for awhile (IM). He mentioned that his fiance is interviewing for another position, and if she gets it, then her job will open up. He suggested that it might be something I'd be interested in - I told him to let me know if it becomes a real possibility.
This evening I was talking to the lady who was my small groups leader in Pathways. I told her I was doing ok, but would be doing better if I had a job. She told me to send me a copy of my resume and she'd see what she could do!
That would be so awesome if either possibility actually panned out!
Basselle, thank you for your comment. I have applied at four different employment agencies asking for ANY kind of work possibly available. So far, nothing. On all my apps I have included my BS degree, but I have NOT included ANY of the graduate level work I've done. I've done work for temp agencies before - actually was getting a fairly steady stream of jobs - just not enough to pay rent and bills, so ended up taking the teaching position offered (and had to borrow money from my parents for gas to get there!)
My A/C went out today. It was right at 100 degrees outside. I called my manager this evening (because it really hadn't bothered me, what with the ceiling fans and limited clothing -but it bugged my dad a lot) and he got someone over here right away to fix it. So now my place is a cool 82 degrees (maybe a little less with the fans going). The manager told me that replacing the a/c unit (compressor) is gonna cost him a not so cool $695. Ouch! I have to say that so far I am very impressed with the customer service orientation of the property managers.
I've got to get off the computer tomorrow and away from CNN. It's not good to have all that sadness running 24/7 in front of you.
No spending today (well, not by me. Dad treated me to supper at Quizno's.)
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
Posted in
August 31st, 2005 at 05:17 am
Well today I went for the information session/interview for the audio visual company. They were looking for av techs. The ad said no experience needed - they would train. It sounded legit from the info session, and it sounded like something I thought I could enjoy. So I finished up the application and waited to be interviewed. I was near the end of the interviews. Within about five minutes the lady interviewing me told me that she thought the job wouldn't be a "good fit' for me. That I would get "bored" by it quickly. That I should pursue finding something more along the lines of what my real passion was (children). I tried to explain to her that I felt I needed a break. That I needed something totally different. That I wanted to stretch myself. No matter.
I feel like I am in such a box. A box of my own making. Two years ago I tried to get a position as a student recruiter at Devry. The interviewer told me the same thing - that he could hear the passion inside of me when I spoke of my kids (students) and that I'd miss them too much. So, of course, I had no choice but to go back to teaching. Five years ago I was completely through with teaching. But then it was mid-August and I had no money and no job. So I ended up taking the first teaching job available. That's twice I've tried to change careers and been basically forced back into teaching. I refuse to let that happen a third time!!! But it feels like NOBODY will even give me a chance to break out of what I know. I'm so scared that I'm going to come to the end of my reserves and still have not found a job! Yes, I have taught for eight years. But I only taught for the first two years of my own complete choice and free will - the other six were because financially I HAD to - just so I could have a job! The question of whether or not I love and care for my students to me is a moot point - I don't want to do it anymore (the whole of the teaching job, not not caring for kids). Why can't they understand that???
So basically today I wasted my day and half a tank of gas on a person/company not even willing to give me a chance. Ugh!!
Oil Change: $31 (included tire rotation, fluid changes, inspection, etc)
Gas: ~4 gallons $2.47/gallon
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
Posted in
August 30th, 2005 at 06:47 am
Wow! I don't remember the last time I watched so much tv/news coverage. This whole thing with Katrina is just so mind blowing. To think of all those millions of people who have lost so much - some who've lost everything - and will have to start over again somehow. I really thought the whole SuperDome idea wasn't too smart, but luckily it seemed to work out okay. Not a gamble I would've cared to have taken though. I looked into what it would take to become a volunteer to help out with the Red Cross effort. It appears that you have to fill out an application - wait at least two weeks - then get trained - then be able to be sent somewhere. Right now with me not having a job, would be the easiest time for me to go. I'm hoping that two weeks from now I'll be happily slaving away at some job.
I've really gotta turn the tv off - or at least to a channel not covering this. It's so saddening.
I got an email today from a guy I had met through a christian singles website. We've struck up a sort-of friendship over the past couple months. He was telling me about his weekend - he went to Six Flags (lucky!!), but also found out that the girl he'd been dating the past few weeks wasn't so great. I hope he's not entertaining any ideas about me - cuz I've placed a self-imposed moratorium on dating till at least my 30th birthday (December).
This evening I went to supper with a classmate of mine from Pathways. It just so happens that she is also an Adventist. The first time we met and I found that out, it made me slightly nervous - wondering what she knew about my family's situation, as well as what she might hear from me. Apparantally my reaction was more obvious than I realized. But now I know her much better, and we had a really great three-hour conversation. I think our waitress was getting just a *little* bit annoyed at us taking her table that whole time. We've agreed that we have to do this more often - maybe once a month.
I just have to say how very glad I am that my exbf Todd pushed and pushed about the Pathways program. I have benefited from it in SO many, many ways. Just one benefit I'll mention -which to me was MAJOR. During church a particular family sat in the pew in front of my friend's family and I. The husband in that family was a person who caused me a great deal of hurt and anger at the beginning of last school year. He was a large part of the final straw that caused my decision to leave teaching. All last year, whenever I saw him, my guts would twist in knots. All year I asked God to help me to forgive him and let go. During one of the Pathway's weekends I emptied out a lot of different feelings - amongst them the hurt and anger I felt towards him. When he sat in front of me during church on Saturday, I did a gut check. I am beyond happy to report that my guts didn't twist! I was able to sit behind this person in perfect peace and listen to the sermon without being distracted by his being in front of me. That to me was a HUGE victory, and well worth EVERY red cent I am spending on this program.
On my way home tonight I figured I better fill up on gas. One gas station that was right next to the resturant had been at $2.48 before I went inside. When I came back out, it was at $2.55. I decided to look for greener pastures, and was able to find a gas station for $2.48. I then spent ~$20 to fill up 3/4 of a Honda Civic tank. I'm hoping that this tank will last me for awhile. I remember when I cringed at the gas pump showing $12 or $13 for a full tank of gas. I'd like to go back to those days.
I was IM'ing with Todd today, and he told me about this business op his fiance has found. It's a fairly new electric co. called "Ignite". It apparantally offers lower electrical rates than any other company. You buy into it, then find customers and/or more brokers, and then get a percentage of the electrical bills of your group. I'm pretty leary about it, but I told him I'd be willing to go to an information meeting. He seems to think it's pretty legit. We'll see, I guess.
Ok. Time for bed. I have to get up in the morning to go to this audiovisual companies information session. I hope it's worth the gas money.
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
Posted in
August 29th, 2005 at 04:48 am
Hi All!
Can't believe it's been so long since I've posted here! A lot has happened since I last posted. About 10 days ago I found a duplex which would rent to me (but not my dad). My dad managed to find another temporary place. A week ago today we moved the bulk of my belongings into my new place. It's nice enough - not very big, doesn't have a dishwasher - BUT it DOES have a working wahser and dryer!! Woo hoo! It also has a small storage building, which is very helpful with my overflow.
I STILL have not found a job. I call all of the employment agencies every week to make sure my name stays in the forefront of their minds, but so far, no luck. ARGHH!!! On Tuesday I will be going into Dallas for an "information" session and possible interview, for an audio visual company. They apparantally will hire people with no experience and train them. They have a website, but it doesn't give any more information than the newspaper ad did. I'm really really hoping this is legit. Of course, if gas prices jump because of Katrina, driving into Dallas might just not be financially feasible, unless the pay is really great.
For those of you who may remember me talking about my exbf Scott - a few weeks ago we had what you could call a revealing conversation. It revealed to me, at least, in no uncertain terms, that it was long past time to end our communication. It's amazing how freeing it is to not have to wonder any more about his intentions, or about whether or not I should move to Lincoln, NE.
This past weekend I made the most I could of half a tank of gas. On Friday I drove into Irving (a city North of Dallas) and spent four hours stuffing envelopes and answering phones for Pathways - which earned $40 towards my training. Then I drove to Garland (a town East of Dallas) where I spent the night with one of my best friends and her family. On Saturday I went to church with my friend's family, then we had another friend of mine over for Sabbath dinner/afternoon. It was so great spending time with my friends and with my two favorite kids in the world! Saturday night though was an evening like none other I have ever experienced before! I attended the birthday party for one of my classmates in Pathways. The party started at this place called "Dueling Piano's Karaoke Bar". I had thought that Karaoke meant that people got up front and sang - but they had actual *good* singers /piano players who played/sang - then the whole crowd sang along. All the songs were old favorites that were easy to sing along with, i.e. "These Boots Were Made For Walking" "Piano Man" "Country Roads Take Me Home" etc. We stayed there for a couple hours. The only money I spent was for the cover charge ($7) since water was free. Then we moved on to another bar in downtown Dallas. We got there early enough so that we didn't have to pay a cover charge. Let's just say this was a place I *would not* visit on my own (though, I wouldn't ever go to any bar by myself anyway). But with the group I was with, I had a blast. One of the woman in the group later told me that she'd spent $40 on drinks, and I told her that I'd not spent a dime.
I ended up not getting home this morning till nearly 3am!! My darling cat of course woke me up at 6:30 for his morning meal - he didn't care that I'd had barely 3 1/2 hours sleep - he wanted to be fed!!
Needless to say, I royally dragged today. It took me till nearly this afternoon before I finally got myself into gear and got some more stuff done in my new place. I did manage to get all the food put away (finally!). Dad and I also went to Wal-mart and picked up one of those 3 drawer storage bins to put the silverware in (there's 3 drawers in the kitchen --NARROW drawers!). So the kitchen is finally starting to take some shape. Next up is my office, then my bedroom My place is about 100 sq ft smaller than where I lived in Dallas - but it's cut up into two bedrooms, which greatly reduces actual space.
My mom is starting a new job tomorrow with UofPhoneix. She's not too excited about it, but it is at least a job. I hope she likes it better than she thinks she will.
Well, I better sign off. I promise that I WILL post more regularly (especially now that I have more reliable internet access!)
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
Posted in
August 10th, 2005 at 12:33 am
Hi All!
Yep, just like my title says, I'm moving yet again!!! The house my dad and I have been living in since July 4 has been sold!!! The people who bought the house want to move in by August 26. This really is good news, if the house hadn't sold soon, it would've gone into foreclosure, which which would've been bad news. It's just put dad and I in a bit of a bind.
I STILL haven't found a job! But in light of having to move yet again, that may just be a good thing. (At least that's how I'm trying to look at it!) I've finally managed to convince my dad that I really *want* to stay in Texas and not move to CA (oh yeah, NE is completely out of the picture and my life - long story!) So, we'll probably be looking for a more permeant place for me - something I could afford on my own (assuming I get a J O B soon!) but that he could also stay at till he can go back to CA. My mom broke off her relationship with her fiance today - so she won't be getting married. I'm very glad I didn't get my dress yet!!
The Pathway's program that I've been going to has really done me world's of good. The last few weeks I've amazed myself (and others who know me) at how much and how often I have stood up for myself. I can't describe how it feels to belong to a group of nearly 40 people who know the good, bad and ugly about you, but completely and unconditionally love and accept you. It really feels the way a church *should* feel - unconditional love and acceptance and support. I have two more weekend trainings to complete before our class "graduates".
The idea of packing and moving and unpacking again REALLY does not thrill me. But, if I have anything to say about it, this will be the LAST move for ME for a LONG time!!!
I got a call from my brother this afternoon, and was telling him about everything that had happened in the last three weeks. He told me it sounded like an episode of 'Days of our Lives".
Money wise -- I'm doing ok. I don't have any money coming in, it's all just going out. But, somehow I have been able to manage to keep it fairly controlled. It also helps that ING raised their interest rates.
My little speakers from Radio Shack which I've been using for my car "stereo" system since my real stereo was stolen back in 2/04, have finally bit the dust. Instead of replaceing them, I checked today at Hawk Electronics and found out that my factory stereo could be hooked up fairly easily, for less then $45 (labor charge for an hour). So, that's what I'm going to do. It will be SO nice to be able to turn my music up loud enough to actually be able to HEAR it when going down the freeway! I'll be having the work done on Thursday. I hadn't done it before because I thought it would be a much more involved process - but one of the people I met through Pathways easily took my factory stereo out and hooked up the power - but the antenna part was the wrong size or something, which left a LOT of static.
So, anyway. I just wanted to check in with y'all and let you know what was happening.
Keeping It Frugal In Texas,
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