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Budget Revisions and Other News

April 24th, 2006 at 09:26 pm

Well, I finally have my HSBC online savings account set up. It was a little bit of a hassle, but I think it will be worth it. I was looking through their site and noticed they have a feature where you can have all your online financial information, email accounts, etc. on one page - for no charge. That was the one feature I really missed from when I used Mevelopes a few years ago.

ETA: I double checked at HSBC for the "Easy View" feature and realized you have to be signed up for Bill Pay. Bill Pay requires you having a checking account with HSBC. Oh well.

After talking to my Rental Insurance agent, I found out that I'm not being charged a convenience fee for paying in monthly installments. So I decided to go ahead and keep it as monthly installments. I also decided that the money I was going to put towards paying my 6-month car insurance premium (saving me $12) would be more useful in my car maintenance account since my 90K service is very shortly due.

Looking at my spending for the month of April I found that I spent WAY too much on fast foods or junky foods. I've been taking the money for that out of my FUN budget. So, for May I am cutting my FUN budget by $10 AND only allowing myself up to $10 from my Grocery budget for Fast Food, etc. I also decided that my Grocery budget was really too high for one person, that it gave me too much room to buy things that are "easy" rather than healthy or moneywise. So, I cut $15 from my Grocery budget and added it into my Emergency Fund.

I also took a look at my Wedding/Vacation Fund and decided that I really was siphoning way too much money there. The amount I have in there now is enough to cover the plane ticket, so I just need to save enough to cover my share of a rental car, a hotel room and my dress (hopefully my brother's fiance will choose something I can wear again!) So, instead of $74/mo, I am putting in $50, and the other $24 is going into my EF and in my phone bill (Taxes/Fees were a lot more than I anticipated - 60% of my bill!)

I also decided where I am going to keep my various money categories. My EF (emergency fund) and my RF (Retirement Fund - just till I figure out a fund to put it in) are going to be parked in ING. My CRF (Car Repair Fund); MF (Medical Fund); GF (Gift Fund); and OF (Other Fund) all will be kept in HSBC. My LTF (Long-Term Fund) will be kept in Emigrant. All my other money will be in my two brick and mortar bank accounts (no interest).

**Did I use enough acronymns?? Smile Smile

I talked to my OM today, and she told me that I wouldn't have to use a 1/2 sick day to go to a doctor's appointment. Yay! I also called the doctor's office and set an appointment for next Tuesday. I need to get to the Dentist too, but one thing at a time. Smile

I have to tell you about this great deal I got on Friday at Kroger's!! I had done some shopping at Albertson's which is across the street from Kroger's, but decided to just stop in and see if there were any good deals. I am so glad I did! As I was heading to checkout, I noticed a grocery cart with "REDUCED." Inside of it were about 40 packs of hoisery and some other items. I searched through it, and found 7 pairs of hoisery in the style and color I like. Normally these are anywhere from $3.50 - $5.00 EACH -- I got all 7 of them for less than $9.00!!! Woo hoo!!

Ok, I better close off. 30 minutes till I'm off work. Smile


8 Responses to “Budget Revisions and Other News”

  1. Name Police Says:

    Not to be rude, but is Kroger. We don't call MicroSoft, MicroSoft's or Wal*Mart, Wal*Mart's. So please don't call Kroger, Kroger's unless, of course, you want to make these names posessive.

  2. carol Says:

    Right on! That's the way you do it.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Name Police--

    This could be a regional thing. Up here in the northwestern most corner of WA state, we do often make it possessive. JC Penney is referred to as Penney's (as in belonging to Mr. Penney as it originally did). Fred Meyer (owned by Kroger) is referred to as Fred Meyer's or Freddy's. Haggen is called Haggen's (owned by the Haggen family). Top Foods is called Top's. Really, anything that is derived from a family name tends to be said in the possessive. I am very much aware of the actual store names, but it is also normal usage and how we all grew up saying it. This may be true in Laura's case, too.

    Were you aware that in your 3 sentence statement complaining about Laura's misuse of the possessive, there is a word missing in the first sentence and a word (possessive) spelled wrong in the third? That woud be the definition of irony, I believe. I apologize in advance if that sounds the least bit snarky. It is certainly not my intention in any way, shape, or form. I am just pointing out that your argument might have had more validity without your own errors. Everyone makes language mistakes. Some of us even do it on purpose, like me.

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Thank you Lucky Robin. Smile

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Way to get a good deal! It always pays to keep our eyes open and to have a little extra set aside for those specials!

  6. kashi Says:

    *rolling my eyes at the name police* Laura can call it anything she wants to - it's her blog.

    Sounds like you're doing well, Laura! Smile Are you enjoying living on your own again?

  7. amy Says:

    I was just wondering why you split up your money into so many different accounts. My emergency fund as well as all cash I have that is not invested is at HSBC because they usually have the highest rate for cash. I would be interested to know why you split them out across so many. Thanks!

  8. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yes, I am enjoying living all on my own again. Smile I am Queen of my space once again. Smile Smile
    I have my money in five different banks. Smile The money I keep in the two brick and mortar banks is my general bill paying money and grocery money. One is a CU (it's only branch is in a town about an hour and a half south from me) and the other is Washington Mutual (which of course has a branch less than a mile from me). About four? years ago I opened my ING account, so I guess I'm kind of loyal and keep some of my money there. Then a few months ago I opened up the ED account (thanks Jeffrey!) so I guess you could say that I just have felt more comfortable keeping the bulk of my $ in ING. Then of course HSBC - I only finished going through all the hoops with them yesterday. Smile I decided to put all my Freedom Account money that doesn't need to be accessed very often there, because HSBC offers a debit card.
    Does that make a little more sense now?


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