Home > Tiring Day, but not over yet

Tiring Day, but not over yet

May 9th, 2006 at 11:26 pm

Today I went with Sh. to the map library. We copied a TON of well logs! The log copier machine was very cool, although it was also very finicky. It has some kind of weird sensor that "knows" if you are trying to use a sheet of paper that was in the feeder already.

We finished at 4:30 (when the place closes) and I ended up getting home just after 5. I was talking to Tammy on the phone, so ended up not coming up till nearly 5:30. It was good talking with her. We talked about going to the dollar theatre after school is out. She was very happy to hear it was still open.

While Sh and I were working today we got to talking about coupons and saving money, etc. I told her about Grocery Game, and she told me that she had used it once before, but then let it go. By the end of the day, she asked me for my email address so she could put me down as a referrer(sp?). Smile

She told me about her kids and all these trips, etc. they were taking, and the kind of clothes they like to buy. I asked her if they have an allowance, and she told me they could never afford all they do on an allowance. I asked her if they'd ever thought about figuring out about how mcuh they spent on each kid (age 13 and 14) each month and give them a similar amount that they had to budget. She didn't seem to think that that would work. I decided not to push it.

I got a call from the doctor's office on the way home. Everything looked good except my TSH (thyroid) level, and a slightly elevated cholesteroal level. Both of which I was expecting, so not really any news. I'll be glad to get back on Synthroid so maybe I'll have more energy and maybe have some luck with shedding a few pounds.

Well, I better get going. Many coupons await me at the Coupon Club. Smile

No Spending Today. **I WILL NOT buy a DQ Blizzard after the meeting!!!!***


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