Viewing the 'Work Related' Category
April 30th, 2011 at 02:07 am
My tutoring student today for the 10th time in two weeks told me he had to work with his father, so I just dropped him off. (Very frustrating because he is getting behind in his English classwork - very behind.)
But today it turned out to be a very good thing - for me at least. Shortly after dropping him off, I received a phone call from the person in charge of the mission school in New Mexico I'd applied for a while back. Any Catholics here, could you please tell me what the abbreviation Sr. stands for? Maybe Mother Superior?? (its a woman).
Anyway, the Sr. and I talked for a good ten or fifteen minutes. She is sending me some more application materials and reference forms to hand out - then the next step would be they'd fly me out there for 3 days so I can get a feel of the place, and they can get a feel for me.
So ... I'm a step closer to having my first real school librarian job!!!
She told me if I get it, I'd be living in a mobile home and would be provided with a bed, a washer and dryer, and a table. There is no internet access, but ATT does work there - so at home I could use my 3g on the iPhone and anything I'd need a full fledged computer for, do at school. Or, I could look into doing the tethering thing ...
She was emphasizing to me how little there is to do in the town where they are, etc. I think I surprised her when I told her that I'd done some research on the area, and had seen that there was a town 30 miles away with a separate library just for children, etc. In other words, I let her know that I understood what I was applying for! 
If I do go out there for the "look and see" trip, it would most likely be in mid-June.
I guess this goes to show, never give up!
ETA - Is anyone else not getting notices of replies to blogs?
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
April 28th, 2011 at 08:43 pm
Nearly 3 weeks late, the list of qualifying students for the Spring 2011 Beta Phi Mu Honor Society has been released. Beta Phi Mu is the library and information sciences honor society -- so it encompasses all the different library science disciplines (school, academic, medical, music ... etc.)
And, drum roll please .....
I am on it! 
I knew I qualified for it with my GPA, but they only choose 25% of the graduating class. So, if there are 100 people graduating, and 30 of them meet the qualifications (3.75 GPA and pass Capstone) then somehow they have to choose 25 people. I only recognize maybe 4 or 5 names on the list besides mine. There's a couple names I'm *really* surprised to not see on there.
I am just so happy to be SO close to being done, and to have been selected for this!!
This is one I'm willing to put out the money for the joining fee. It's a one-time fee (I think $70) for lifetime membership. But even better, it means I get to march with honor cords. It's a long story ... but in college I ended up with a 3.51 ... but at graduation time they had me at a 3.49. One class I took through self-study gave me a B, even though I'd completed all the work and met (or exceeded) expectations. After a bit of fussing, we found out that they gave an automatic B for that class when done as a self-study. They changed the grade, but it was too late for me to march with my cords.
So ... anyway, I feel slightly vindicated right now. 
I'm moving this Sunday. I haven't done much in the way of packing, etc. Mostly I've been trying to eat my pantry/food supplies so I won't have so much to move.
No news as far as jobs go ....
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
April 25th, 2011 at 01:10 am
This afternoon I went with my mom to see Water for Elephants to use up the two Groupons I bought a few months ago. It was simply fantastic. It is a movie I might want to own. Wow.
Saturday after church while J and L and I were counting the money, I mentioned about the work at home job opportunity. After a little bit of discussion, we figured out that it is the same company that L is working for (as her second job) and that she knows the person who I had called on Thursday!! So I know that it isn't a scam, and I also have a pretty good in to the company.
I still haven't heard from the oil and gas company my mom's now ex-bf works at. I'm honestly not all that worried anymore. Different job possibilities seem to be popping up all over the place ... eventually one of them will work out.
I finished watching all the streaming episodes available for Secret Life of the American Teenager. Wow. It's one of those types of shows that are so bad you just can't stop watching it till it's over (or till you run out of streaming only episodes ...)
Right now I have a 76% in my last class. I only need an 80% to graduate, and there still is at least one big assignment yet to be graded. I could practically just stop doing any work in it right now and have a B. But of course I won't do that. 
One of my teeth is bothering me. I'm hoping if I ignore it long enough that it will go away... really don't want to go to the dentist anytime soon.
Weird weather we're having here. It was so windy last night the power went out 4 or 5 times for short spurts. The wind is picking up again right now, and it is dark and ominous. Buddy was very nervous with all the noises last night, and right now is getting nervous again.
We need the rain here, badly.
An old boyfriend of mine who I happened to run across on a dating website a few months ago messaged me on Facebook about a week ago wanting to make sure I was okay. He lives in PA and had heard about the wildfires sweeping TX, and especially the ones nearby Fort Worth. I thought that was really sweet of him, but told him that we couldn't even smell smoke in the air where we are. I'm hoping that the rain we've had the past few days have helped the fire situation.
I got an email from Irazoo a few days ago with my $10 in Amazon Gift Cards. I'm a little over 1600 points on Zoombucks, so probably another 6 weeks or so to get my first card from there. (SLOW!) I only managed to redeem one $5 AGC from Swagbucks in April, but may get a second one - just need about 30 more points. I supposed I could sit down and do that with SwagTV if I really wanted to ...
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Extra Money Tracking
April 21st, 2011 at 09:11 pm
This morning I got up bright and early (for me at least) and made it to see the Life Coach for an hour session on interviewing skills. (graduation gift from mom) It was really pretty interesting, and I got quite a bit of good feedback from the lady. I think my "two-minute spiel" about who I am will be much much more polished now. 
Yesterday morning I had an interview of sorts with the owner of a tutoring center at Starbucks. It went well enough - she offered to add me to her list of people she calls on for different clients. I'm not calling it a job until I actually get a client through her, but it is at least one new source which may be very helpful during the summer especially.
Yesterday afternoon I was talking with one of my students parents about various things. In the course of our discussion, she mentioned this work at home job she is looking into where you work a min of 20 hours a week plus 4 hours on the weekend processing insurance claims. It pays $10/hr and is a W-2 job! She gave me the name and number of the person she was in contact with - apparently right now they are hiring as many as they can because of high demand. There is a 3 night training class where they give you tests and you have to pass the tests each night with a 70% or more to move on.
This could be very interesting. It would give me a base of at least $920/mo (before taxes) to work off of, then I could continue to do my tutoring. In the summer when my tutoring is slow, I could work up to 32 hours a week at this.
I've put in a phone call to the lady .. now just waiting to hear back.
My brother will be here in about 3 weeks (May 11)! I can hardly wait!!!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
April 20th, 2011 at 02:06 pm
Hi everyone. Sorry I've been missing in action for a bit here. I got busy doing a milion and one things... and then got sucked back into Netflix the past few days. Namely watching streaming episodes of The Secret Life of the Teenager - I'm up to number 20. I'd put my account on hold a few months back, and have to put it back off for a month so I don't lose my quee.
Anyway, one reason I wanted to check in here was to let any Beezaggers know that they seem to be running an Easter promotion starting today. When I logged on this a.m. there were two 250 point videos as well as several other ones.
This morning I have an interview with a lady who may be able to direct a few more tutoring clients my way. I'd be getting paid less per hour than I am now, but it'd be worth it to not have to be the one looking for students! Especially this summer ...
Tomorrow I have an appointment with a life coach to work on interviewing skills. This is my moms graduation gift to me. Should be interesting, and I hope it turns out to be actually helpful - either in the short term or the long term.
No news yet on the oil and gas company my mom's friend works at. If anything happens, the wheels of a big company turn slowly.
I am moving out on May 1. It isn't really what I want, but it is what it is. The lady's house I'm moving into is quite far from all my tutoring students - at least an hour in good traffic. So ... I'll be consolidating as much as possible, and getting the chance to listen to lots of audiobooks and maybe work on my Spanish a little.
I hope to have time to catch up on everyone's blogs here soon. TTYL!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
April 11th, 2011 at 01:57 am
Wow, did I ever have a hard time getting going this morning ...
I had this assignment that is due tomorrow which I'd been putting off all week. I'd promised myself that I'd get it done today. Well ... I didn't actually get started on it til about 2 p.m. today. Luckily it didn't take long to do. 
I'd posted on a librarian listserve about wanting ideas on how to put together a good program with outdated resources and minimal funds. A couple people responded - but one of them sent me probably 20 different emails/resources. One of which was a link to a jobs website which I hadn't previously found.
Going through all those resources took a good bit of time - great stuff! Then of course I had to check out the jobs website. 
There were quite a few jobs on there I hadn't seen before. One of them (which I sent an application for!) is a Catholic Mission School on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico. It is low pay, BUT it offers free housing and two free meals a day (although I probably wouldn't be able to eat most of it, being vegetarian ...) AND health insurance!! Better yet though, it would be a way of being a missionary right here in the US AND getting (paid!) experience. My family lived in Albuquerque when I was in elementary school, so I know a little bit about what the area is like.
I also applied for a courthouse researcher position on Craigslist - the hours are in the morning, so I could continue with the tutoring. One of the guys mom is dating works for a fairly good size oil and gas company and suggested I check their website for jobs - and that he'd put a good word in for me. I did, and there were two jobs that sounded quite similar to what I did before. So, I went ahead and applied to them as well.
Who knows if anything will come of any of this ... but it doesn't hurt to keep on trying.
One of the things I did while procrastinating this morning was exploring this website I found out about through inbox dollars. Abcmouse.com
What a fantastic learning resource for kids age 2 - 7!! In fact, I'm thinking of signing up for it to use with my 5 year old I tutor.
It teaches the alphabet, phonics, music, shapes, numbers, and on and on. Currently they have it divided into three age levels (3-4;Pre-k,K) and each of those divided into skill levels. I was reading on their Facebook page that they are planning on expanding to higher grade levels.
I'd like to get this for the church school - they offer it free to public schools right now, but I need to see if they'd do the same for a private school.
For parents though, it is $7.95/mo or $79.99/yr for up to 3 children. It is really, really worth it though.
I was going to use one of my groupons tonight that I bought a few months ago. It expires on the 30th. It is for a first-run movie at a Movie Tavern and a large popcorn. With the groupon dollars I had, I bought two of them for $2. I just couldn't get myself out the door to go and use it. Ugh!
I was thinking about maybe seeing The Lincoln Lawyer. Anyone see that one?
I now have 7 people in my Beezag network! That is so cool! Beezag is such a fun way to earn a little extra money. So far I have cashed out a total of 4 times (the money is in my Paypal account!)
On the other hand, I will not be doing Sidetick anymore. They keep changing the rules on how you can earn money. I'm so glad I managed to get to my first cash out before all the changes!!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
April 9th, 2011 at 12:31 am
Today Buddy is 1 year old (as best as we can figure.) He's no longer a puppy. 
This morning I mailed out a thank you card to my interviewer. I didn't email a thank you note because she'd said they wouldn't be deciding till next week. Apparently someone better qualified than me interviewed today. Unlike with the school library job though, they had the decency to let me know right away that they'd chosen someone else.
So ... my plan.
I called the lady I count money with each Sabbath who had casually mentioned her 3rd bedroom. I asked her if she and her daughter had been serious. She said that they were. We talked a bit more, and I told her what I thought I could afford. Then I asked her to talk with her daughter and just make sure that whatever the expectations are, are known up front. She's going to do that, and then in the next few weeks I'm going to go over to their house and we'll all sit down together to hammer out an agreement.
I think besides the problem of other states not wanting to bother with someone with out of state certification, my other big problem is my lack of actual experience as a school librarian.
So, this is what I am thinking. I am going to continue to tutor and bring in as much as I can that way - only during the school year, keep it from 3 p.m. forward. In order to gain experience as a school librarian, I am going to offer my local church school my unpaid services. I'm thinking M, T, TH from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Fr from 9 - 5. Our school currently has 21 kids from pre-school through 7th grade and two teachers. I can do storytime, book talks, technology/research classes. I can put together a library website and maybe use the open source software program Koha to set up an assessable catalog. As far as databases, I can have the kids sign in under my library card to do searches, and check out extra books on my own card to supplement units (I know, I'd have to be *very* careful with this ...) Maybe I can set up a book fair too ...
I'd then keep track of everything I do in a digital portfolio - take pictures of kids projects, record outcomes of information literacy skills pre and post, etc. Then I'd have something concrete to put on my resume. It'd also be a tremendous boost to our school.
I'm also thinking that this summer I am going to offer technology/research classes. It'd be to a limited number of students and would include instruction on typing skills, MS Word, PowerPoint, video editing software, etc. I'd also take them through an involved research project, teaching them the needed skills step by step and the final project would be their choice of a written essay, powerpoint presentation, video (youtube, etc) or maybe an Xtranormal presentation. I'm thinking it would last 7 weeks, 3 days a week for 3 hours and cost $950 per child. So ... 63 hours of instruction at about $15/hr. It would be limited to age ten and older, and no more than 8 students - unless I had an assistant, then I could maybe take 4 more.
There are obviously a lot of details to be worked out .. such as where would this take place ... where would I get the computers/software (have each student provide their own???) etc. As far as parents willing to pay that much ... I think it is quite likely. It would offer their kids both invaluable skills for school and life, but also give them something to keep them occupied during the summer. I know several of my students parents would probably go for this idea.
What do y'all think?
Far fetched? Reaching? Maybe possible??
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Frugal Single Life,
April 7th, 2011 at 11:37 pm
Wow, tried again today and I'm able to connect via Wifi. How weird is that. Anyway, I'm glad. 
My interview today I think went *really* well. It was about 30 minutes long, but for this type of a job, I think it probably is normal. I was *prepared* for the question asking me to tell about myself. I said that I have a personal motto -- do what I can to help make other peoples lives better/easier. Then I explained what I meant. It was about 90 seconds total.
What was so perfect about it is that later on when I asked about why the position was open, I found out that the last person they'd had was NOT a team player - i.e. not willing to do what needed to be done around the office, or willing to go an extra mile.
This is important because ... drumroll please ... the whole company consists of 4 people plus me (hopefully!) So sometimes I might need to take the garbage out ... oh well. Just don't ask me to vacuum. (just kidding!)
3 of the 4 people were part of the interview -- all the family members. Mainly it was the daughter who did the talking (mistake on my part, in my email responses I called her Mr. - not many female petroleum engineers!!!) They appeared to be impressed with my experience and my Excel test results - in fact they told me that I had the highest score of anyone. (Um ... didn't mention I had a book next to me the whole time. I could have done most of it without a book in 2003, but in 2007 everything was moved around!)
Pay was not discussed, but I was told that there are no benefits offered (other than two-weeks paid vacation and the every other Friday off).
Overall I think this could be quite a fun place to work and my days would never be the same. They are self-financed and have no debt -- and from what I gathered, they are very adverse to debt. Which fact is quite comforting to me, because where my former company got into trouble was when they tried to expand too much too quickly --- by taking on debt.
They are still interviewing a few more people, but said they'd let me know one way or the other by next Thursday. Around about the same time I should be finding out whether or not I got into the specialized honor society for librarians. 
I stopped by Kroger to get some dog treats -- and was complimented on my suit. That is the second compliment I received on it - one per interview day. So everyone who helped me decide ... you did good! 
Wondering ... is it normal now for places to not have you fill out applications? First the school didn't, and now today this place didn't. They did take my references ... (without me offering them first)
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Frugal Single Life
April 6th, 2011 at 08:25 pm
I have not been able to access this site via wifi since April 1. At first I thought it was a joke, but it is now downright annoying. I can access any other website - just not this one. I have cleared cookies, etc. For now, will have to get here via my phone.
Tomorrow is my oil and gas interview. I have found nothing on the company other than it's operator number. So I checked out a book on the oil and gas business in simple terms. I'm hoping it'll give me enough of a refresh so I'll sound halfway intelligent. 
At church this weekend I found out that when the Kinder leaders cleaned out our shared closet that my attendance chart was thrown out. One of the ladies offered to replace it, but I told her not to worry about it. Today however I found out that the bag of costumes which were also missing, had likewise been thrown away!!!! Ok, the chart was getting ragged. I can vaguely understand why that might be thrown out. But a bag of costumes??? Seriously? Why didn't they put them to the side, or call me and ask??? They have also been offered to be replaced - which I accepted. My assistant is the one who made them.
In case you're wondering why I wasn't there helping - that Sabbath morning I woke up with terrible stomach cramps. At 4:30 am. I barely made it through Sabbath School - there was no way I'd last through church. My assistant was out of town.
I may have a possible solution to my housing problem. The lady who I count money with every Sabbath and her daughter have a third bedroom. They have offered it to me. If I don't get the oil and gas job, I think this may be a very good solution. I like both of them and I think we'd get along well. Then I'd keep on with my tutoring, but next year start volunteering three or four mornings a week at our church school as a librarian. That would then give me real librarian experience to put on my resume, as well as really helping the school.
I apologize for errors - can't see what I'm typing.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
April 1st, 2011 at 02:31 am
Today I stopped at Walmart to pick up a few groceries. Something I've really started to like is the Tai Pei Vegetable Pot Stickers. Last week they were out of them. Again, this week there were none.
So, when I got to the checkout, I asked the cashier, "who should I talk to about a missing product?" She told me a manager, and then preceded to call one over. The person who came over then went to check the shelf (don't know why they didn't have me come with them the first time ...) He came back and told me that he thought he'd found what I wanted. But when he showed me it, it was not it. I showed him exactly what I was talking about - only they had the Pork and the Chicken Pot Stickers. He ended up calling someone else over, who eventually told me she'd put in a request for it!
All this time I was just thinking that there'd be a form or something to fill out with a product request ... 
I am not totally sure why I decided to ask about it today. There are so many different products that are vegetarian (or at least without meat!) that are only on the shelves for a short while, and then Poof! It becomes quite frustrating.
So, I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but I finally got an interview set up with the Oil & Gas company. It is for one-week from today.
A kind of funny thing happened - in the email where the interview was set up, the person put 11:30 PM. I didn't notice it until I went back to the email for a second time to get the address. I emailed back and asked to "clarify" our appointment time. I'm now kind of wondering if that was some kind of a test - because not too long after that I received another email with a link to a couple of pre=employment tests. Hmm...
I totally panicked when I saw what the one test was over though ... Excel 2007!! I don't even know anyone who owns a copy! I'm very familiar with 2003, but have never even opened Excel 2007. I have worked with Word and PowerPoint 2007 (and HATED them) but not Excel.
So, I thought I would try at the library yesterday. Their computers have 2003. Another nearby branch has 2000. I ended up borrowing two "dummy" books on Excel from the library, and watching a bunch (5 hours worth) of tutorial videos on youtube.
This afternoon I took the test(s).
The Excel test was 35 questions long, and I missed 4 (5 of them I got on the second try.) A couple of the questions I just plain didn't understand (a formula one, and a couple others way beyond me.)
The other part of the test was 80 questions long. Part of it was math (ugh!!!!!!!!!!), part of it spelling/grammar (choose the correct sentence), part of it was comparing two lines of numbers/text and saying whether they matched or not, and finally, the last section (longest) was reading this chart and then answering questions from it.
I think I did the best on the last part. There was one question though that was completely wrong. It was asking for which job required the *most* amount of years in education and experience. Three of the jobs needed 21, and one needed 19. I read that one over and over and over. Finally I just clicked something and moved on.
I have the feeling I'm getting kicked out of here sooner than later. Ex-stepdad asked me this afternoon if there was much left to my schoolwork now. His fiancee is getting anxious for me to be out of here. (not that he's said this to me.. but he has said it to my mom).
If I get this oil and gas job, hopefully I can appease him to let me stay at least til I can get my own place lined up. I really, really, don't want to stay with my mom. But that is my only other option at this point.
Our interaction last night after the tutoring appointment is a case in point. Moms telling me why she decided to not move in to a 2br apt. "I feel like I've always done too much for you guys (my brother and I) and you never have shown me any appreciation. So maybe it is better to do less ..."
I seriously wanted to jump out of the car and SCREAM!!!! Seriously? We've never shown any appreciation?? Wow - must have been some other woman I've been doing stuff for over the years. Some other woman who I left cases of Diet Coke in her apartment when she couldn't afford them ... Some other woman who I took multiple days off of work to take care of her after one pointless and ridiculous surgery, as well as after an actual necessary one ... some other woman who I spent Thanksgiving Day helping to pack her things ... Some other woman who has never had a birthday or mother's day forgotten (at least not by me!) ... and I could continue on and on.
Oh, and then the night before ... my first night doing an extra session with this same family ... I get to the house about 5:10. I ring the doorbell twice. I knock. I freeze my tushie. Finally! I am let in. What is the first thing I'm greeted with? Mom: You are 15 minutes late! How are you going to make up that time?
I calmly explained to her that No, I was NOT 15 minutes late. I had told the mom when we made the arrangements that I could not be sure exactly how long it would take me to get there due to traffic. So we had said I'd arrive between 5 and 5:30. I had to drop a tutoring client off across town at 4:30. If I was a little further up the particular freeway, I would have been able to make it by 5. But where I was at, it was total bumper to bumper for 20 minutes. I didn't even stop anywhere for a sorely needed bathroom break.
Needless to say, I was ticked.
Last night I told her I had not appreciated her talking to me like that - especially in front of the students. She told me that my being late "reflected badly on her." Oh that was SWEET! MY being late reflected on her?? I can count on one hand the number of times that I have been late to a tutoring appointment since starting in January, 2010. She'd need to borrow the hands and feet of all of her clients, plus some. Just saying.
So ... can you see just how famously we would get along living in close quarters for more than a few days??
The really awesome, fantastic super duper news though is this .... MY BROTHER IS COMING ON MAY 10!!!!! He's coming for my graduation, but decided to come a few days early. That is the only graduation present I need.
The only dilemma is this ... if I get the oil and gas job, I knew I was already going to ask for the Friday off (May 13.) But ... with my brother being in town a few days early ... I'd really like to ask for Wednesday and Thursday off as well. But it would be SO soon after starting ... Maybe if I just asked for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon (and all day Friday)?
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Frugal Single Life
March 29th, 2011 at 05:12 am
One of the reasons that I think I have not been getting any responses from the numerous applications I have sent out for various school librarian jobs across the country is due to my being out of state. This creates two obstacles: 1, my certification (will be) is for Texas and not for their state. Most states offer reciprocity with TX, but it is a process, and 2, the fact that I'm out of state means that I'd have to fly out there (or drive) and I may be wanting relocation costs, etc.
In order to avoid another time and money waster such as driving 5 hours two ways for a 30 minute interview, I'd like to figure out the best way(s) to let an employer know that I'd like the initial interview to be over the phone or Skype AND that I'm available and more than happy to live anywhere.
Tonight a job listing came up for an assistant librarian position at a middle school in Washington D.C. (not a public school). The position doesn't require certification, so that would not be a hindrance. I figure it would be a great way for me to gain valuable experience for a few years under someone who knows what they are doing. I have a good friend who lives in that area, and most likely would let me stay with her and her family for a short time if necessary.
So anyway ... what suggestions do you all have (especially Ray!) as to how to address an out of state employers concerns regarding relocation costs, etc?
This is an example of what I was thinking of ...
Dear hiring manager:
I am interested in the position of Middle School Library Assistant at _______ school. I have 8 years of teaching experience in grades 1 - 5, as well as several years experience tutoring students ages 5 - 20. During the summer before starting college, I stayed in Washington D.C. for a month with a good friend and really enjoyed my time there. On May 13 I will complete my Master's degree in Library Science from _________, and also receive certification as a school librarian. In my lifetime I have lived and traveled in many places, and enjoy new experiences.
Blah blah blah (listing experience, etc)
To further discuss how I can best benefit _______ school, I can be contacted at email address, or at phone number. I would prefer to have our first conversation via the phone or Skype. (this is what I'm really not sure of!)
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Work Related
March 29th, 2011 at 12:54 am
I received my 3rd Beezag payment of $8 today - that makes two just in the month of March. Largely thanks to their running the March Madness campaign where all videos are worth 250 points. I already have over 3000 towards my next cash out.
The principal on Friday said he'd let me know later that day, or Monday. It is now nearly 7 p.m. on Monday. Nada. I think that probably in this case, no news is not good news.
I'm debating on sending him an email so I can have conclusive evidence that it is bad news. But I am not sure how to word it without sending desperate or putting him off in case it just is really taking longer than he thought.
Ugh. I feel sick. (literally - Sat a.m. woke up with bad stomach cramps, and have not felt well since then)
I get that he probably interviewed lots of people, but if you say that you'll let a person know ... well, then it seems like it is just common courtesy.
I have a research paper due on Monday. I have all the resources I need, but just can't get myself started on it.
I wish I hadn't let myself get so excited about this job possibility. I knew better, but I just hoped so much.
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Work Related
March 26th, 2011 at 08:26 pm
Hey everyone!
Friday morning before heading to my interview, I found out that I had passed Capstone! That means that all I have left to finish my Master's is passing the one class I am taking right now. Yahoo!
I'm not really too sure about how the interview went. One way or the other I should know by Monday.
The things that make me question whether or not it went well:
1. It took only 30 minutes. I've heard of many school librarian interviews lasting several hours or more.
2. I was not introduced to anyone. This right there was a big indicator to me. Of course it could just be that they don't want to do introductions until a final decision has been made ...
3. Towards the end of the interview I had to ask him (the principal) if he wanted to see my references. This could just be forgetfulness, or it could more likely be a bad sign.
4. I wasn't asked to fill out any paperwork. However, he did say at one point that the background check, etc., would be filled out upon hire. Seemed kind of strange to me, but maybe that is the way they do it.
Things I did right/went well:
1. I was prepared with a list of questions to ask - thankfully it was a rather long list, because I ended up crossing out 3/4 of them.
2. I was prepared with a list of suggested databases and technologies/websites. I think that this actually impressed him - especially when he recognized one of the items as something one of his teachers was doing.
3. When he asked me about what I saw the role of the librarian in the school, I told him that I saw the librarian's role as being one of the instructional leaders. He liked that answer. (I'd read that answer Fri morning researching librarian questions!)
4. I think he also really like my question regarding how he felt about having a volunteer program for the library - both parents and students.
5. Something else I think he really liked was my idea/suggestion of having the high-school students create a weekly school news podcast.
6. I sent a thank you email as soon as I got out to my car.
7. I spent about two-hours of my drive down practicing questions with my Dad and also my Grandma. My dad has served on numerous school boards, and my grandma taught K-college and served as a librarian.
Things that need major improving:
1. One of the first questions he asked me was "Tell me a little about yourself in relation to experience for this job." I started out strong, stating that I had 8 years of teaching experience, and that I had learned a list of things with my library mentor. But then I floundered - visibly. I need to have a prepared and practiced statement for this type of question. (How I missed being prepared for this type of question??!!!) This is where I think I really lost him. 
2. WAY too many um's and uh's.
3. In trying to let him know that I had read through the school's website pretty throughly, I said the following "I noticed that you have a 70% Hispanic population." After saying that, I realized that I had no idea where I was going with that statement, and that it probably gave him the idea I was a bigot. Esp. when followed with the following question (the only one left on my list!!)
4. My following question after #3 was, "I noticed that you have an ISS Supervisor and a Dean of Discipline. What is the discipline policy here?"
5. I looked down at my list of questions WAY too often. It was partly because of trying to find questions which had not already been answered, but it was also because my mind was starting to draw blanks.
Two possible positive indicators:
1. He showed me the salary schedule of his own volition.
2. He handed me his business card.
If you're wondering if this is a job I'd like to do? The answer is an unequivocal YES!! Essentially this is a charter school founded in 2006. As of this year, they are now a K - 12 school (so I could still do storytime!!!) They do not currently have a library -- of any sort. A nearby military/army whatever base recently closed, and is donating over 16,000 items from its now defunct library. Plus, the school got a boatload of Title 1 funds for the purposes of developing a school library.
So, if I get this job, on April 4 I would start the process of going through all these materials, setting up an automation system, and putting together a temporary (3 - 5 years) library. If I were still to be there a few years later, I would then have the chance to help plan/design a brand new library space!
Oh, and here is something else I really liked -- his answer to my discipline question. He told me that they go by a code of conduct which is adhered to quite firmly. The main reasons kids get disciplined/detention is due to tardiness and uniform violations. Very minor, minor issues. Music to my ears.
And while I would be more than happy to do this job for free since I do have to eat and all, let me say that the starting salary for a teacher with a BS and NO experience is MORE than what I earned my 8th year of teaching. So, needless to say, I would very easily be able to rebuild my savings, eventually replace my car, and start dreaming of a house again.
Almost forgot - he mentioned that he'd need the librarian to continue working through the summer, both to finish the setup of the library, but also to support the summer school program. And that this would be over and above the regualr contract days. (Contract days I think are ten more than what the classroom teachers have ~195). So even more so, I would be able to make my coffers flush again!
The road trip was fairly uneventful - at least the first 350 miles of it or so...
One thing which I will be eternally grateful to my ex-stepdad for is what he did for me this trip. Thursday morning I mentioned to him how the car charger had NOT worked when I went to Houston last week, and how my phone had just about died before getting to my destination. He did a little puttering around, and ended up letting me take his inverter. This thing you plug into the cig lighter, and then you plug your normal wall plug into it. It was a total lifesaver. In many ways.
Friday afternoon I was cruising along and contemplating how long it would take to be able to replace my car if I got this job. Literally seconds later my steering wheel starts jimmying and shimmying, and then a small popping noise, and finally I'm having to keep both hands on to control the car. Providentally (I strongly believe - if you could see the roads around where I was driving, miles and miles between exits) this happened *just* as I was about to pass a rest stop! I pulled in, and had to drive for 100 feet or so to get inside the rest area.
My right passenger side tire was completely shredded. So, after checking to make sure I still had my spare tire (I've had several go missing over the years ...) I called Geico to send out someone to change my tire. 40 minutes later I was heading down the road with my hazzard lights on. My attempts to use the frontage road as much as possible caused what should have taken maybe 30 minutes to find a place to get a new tire, take more than 90 minutes! I was seriously tired and felt like falling apart at one point. Then *finally* I see a Walmart with a tire center! (I'd stopped at three other places - all only had truck tires.)
Three observations I made in my stops along the way:
1. The first gas station I stopped at was kind of a smaller mom and pop type place and was manned by a good ol' boy Texan with a cowboy hat. When I explained to him that I was looking for a place to buy a tire, his first question was one of concern for me. Then once I told him I was fine, and I had a spare tire on, he told me of a place that might have tires.
Outside of this gas station there were two small dachshunds running in and out of the cars. I have no idea who they belonged to. I hope they don't get run over - if they did, the driver might not even know it!
2. At the second gas station (one of those Travel places) a clean cut All American man was the cashier. When I asked him about where I might find a tire, he acted very annoyed and curtly told me there was maybe one beyond the McDonalds.
3. At the tire shop, an older Hispanic man was at the counter. As soon as I told him what I needed he let me know that they mostly only had tires for trucks, but maybe a few for passenger cars. He then went out to my car and got the measurements. They of course didn't have the tire I needed. He did tell me that there was a Discount Tire right off the highway in about 20 miles. I never did find the Discount Tire because I saw the Walmart first - but those 20 miles became more like 50 thanks to three different times having the frontage road veer off into another roadway, or go into a turnaround.
4. I had my oil changed on Thursday, and asked the guys to take a look at my car - but especially my tires, due to the impending road trip. I was assured that they were just fine. When the guy at Walmart looked at my shredded tire, he showed me that I had NO tread left whatsoever. Um ... wow!
I can't remember if I mentioned this on here already or not, but on Thursday morning I got a reply *finally* from the oil and gas company. It said that I sounded like a "great candidate" and that they want to interview me. I replied right away, but still have not heard back. I imagine that Friday was their day off. (every other Friday they take off, work 9 hour days the rest of the time)
Oh and there may be a third possibility too - with my mom - but this is already way too long, so I'll save it for another post.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
March 23rd, 2011 at 12:04 am
Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions! They have been *very* helpful.
Posted in
Work Related
March 22nd, 2011 at 04:30 pm
I just got a call asking if I was still interested in a school librarian job in San Antonio!!! I have an interview on Friday at 10:30. If I get the job I'd start immediately - not totally sure what that means, but I'd be letting down my tutoring students. Hate to do that ... But, I need a job!
Please send good thoughts and prayers. If this is right for me. It is a middle/high charter school.
Posted in
Work Related
March 22nd, 2011 at 01:55 am
Yesterday I was able to redeem more of my Mypoints for a $25 Amazon gift card. That makes $50 in AGC from Mypoints this month (once they arrive of course!) I'm now down to a measly 471 points. So, I think it will be awhile before I can redeem again. 
I'm within 600 points of being able to redeem for my next $8 cash in Beezag. This March Madness deal (where all the videos are worth 250 points) has been fantastic!
I've donated 770 Swagbucks so far this month to the Japan donation thing. I'm at 21 Swagbucks now. I'll wait till I get back up to 100 to donate again, or March 30. Whichever comes first. 
So I was supposed to pick up Buddy yesterday afternoon on my way back from my friends house. But when I called to find out if my mom wanted me to pick him up, she wasn't home yet. So today she calls me while I'm in my tutoring session and asks me if I can come pick him up because she was going to be gone from 1 pm to after 11 pm, and couldn't take him with her. So of course I said I would. I got there about 4:30. His leash was nowhere to be found. UGH! I texted her to find out where it was - and she didn't know where it was either.
When I took him out to the car, I had to improvise a leash - because when I set him down on the grass, he ran after another dog .... I found one of those tie down straps. Worked perfectly. A normally 30 minute trip took 1 1/2 hours thanks to traffic. Not fun!
Mom's lease is up at the end of April. So she also today was asking me if she should get a two-bedroom apartment so I'd have a room to stay in. I told her I really had no idea at this point - I may need a place to stay, and I may not. Of course, considering how many responses I've received from my school librarian job apps ... more than likely I will need it.
So, I think she decided to go with the two bedroom, with the understanding that I'd be renting the "guest bedroom" from her and that it most likely would be temporary. She at first was wanting $300/mo for it - but when I asked if I could bring all my stuff from storage so that I could save that expense ... she agreed to $200/mo. If we decide to make it a more permanent arrangement, then she wants me to pay half. Half of what we didn't discuss ...
I sent inquiries about a couple more jobs. One of them is similar to what Whitestripe has been doing. If it works out, I could do it for 15 - 25 hours a week at $10/hr +gas allowance. It is putting out fliers for a window washing company in various neighborhoods. I'd be doing a lot of walking - which is something that would be *very* good.
I figure I could do that from 8 - 11/12 every day, get home and shower, and then start my tutoring appointments at 1 or 2. That would put my income in the range of $1400 - 1600! I don't know what I'd do with all that money! Save as much as possible of course 
I bought some groceries today: $8.61 (yogurt, bananas, cheese)
So I have $11.49 remaining for March.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Grocery Tracking,
Extra Money Tracking,
March 15th, 2011 at 01:16 pm
Last night I was reading through some of the postings on the Beezag Facebook wall, and I realized something. The reason I've been getting a lot of videos worth 250 points lately, is because they are doing a promotion -- March Madness - where ALL videos are worth 250 points!
If you are a Beezager already, this is the time to check daily for new videos. The points add up really fast when all videos are worth 250! If you've been on the fence about Beezag, really, now is a great time to start!
I've already cashed out two times since starting with them in December, and am over halfway to being able to cash out again! It is fun and easy. Just watch videos and then enter the two numbers that flash on the screen.
If you decide to sign up, and want to help me out, my referral link is under "Sites I Enjoy". Otherwise, you can just go to beezag.com or check with a number of other bloggers here who do Beezag for their links. 
Yesterday as I was driving to my evening tutoring appointment I was thinking about what I would do if I don't find a school library job soon (or at all.) I decided that maybe what I need to do is find a part-time W-2 job where I can make at least $600/mo steadily. That would give me enough steady income for a small studio apartment. Then, I would continue to tutor part-time. It wouldn't make me rich, but it would give me enough income to live on. I also then would not be *as* dependent on my tutoring income being steady. Right now I have at least 3 students who will most likely continue with me through the summer, and possibly 4 who would continue with me next year. So, this is a feasible idea.
In that vein, I started looking at Craigslist last night. Lo and behold, I came across a posting looking for an Administrative and Project Assistant for a small family-owned oil and gas company -- here, in my city! Where did I work for 3 years??? At a small family-owned oil and gas company in a nearby city!
While not a part-time job, and obviously not a school librarian job, it is something I know how to do, and did enjoy for the most part (at least when I was busy).
So I applied for it this morning. If miracles happen and I actually GET this job, then I plan to continue my tutoring in the evenings. I might lose one or two of my students, but I know at least three of them would be fine with evenings. I would be able to afford a small apartment, AND SOCK the money away!!
Even better, this company works on a 9/80 work week. From what I've been able to research about this, it may mean that I'd have every other Friday off! I could use those Friday's to volunteer at my local church school's library - especially since I wouldn't have to worry so much about gas money.
I'd be one busy person, but I'd also be very happy because I'd have benefits again, I'd be rebuilding my savings and restarting my retirement, AND I'd have time to volunteer using my degree!
I may totally be getting ahead of myself here, because I may never even hear back from them. They probably have been inundated with resumes. But ... it is nice to dream a little. 
I am planning on calling my former company and see if they know which company this is, and if so, if they can put in a word or two for me. (It was a blind ad on Craigslist, no company name listed.)
Prayers please - if this is right for me ....!
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking
March 11th, 2011 at 12:01 am
Beezag took less than a week to hit my Paypal account with $8! Sweet! My second cash out since December. Such an easy and fun way to earn money - watching videos.
I also *finally* received my $25.00 from sidetick. I requested payment over a month ago. I'm trying to decide if it is worth it or not to keep doing this site. All I have to do to earn .50/day is comment on a blog post. The problem is that sometimes the blogs aren't posted til after ten a.m. I try to get most of my paid to do stuff sites out of the way between 8 and 9 a.m. So this means I have to remember to go to this site later during the day. Still though, for something that takes maybe 5 minutes a day ... I'm leaning more towards going back and continuing to do it now that I *finally* got paid!
I recently found the website pixelofink. So far I have downloaded ten free ebooks onto my iPhone. I don't think I'll ever run out of reading material (although most of them I wouldn't say are exactly ... quality). 
I like what SB's has done with their tv! It is now part of the toolbar, so you can surf the internet while the videos are playing. Such as right now, I have the videos playing off the toolbar. So instead of typing this on my iPhone and having numerous mistakes, I can type it on my full keyboard and have a few less mistakes. 
I'm trying to complete an application for a PA school library job. One thing they want is your fingerprints. There is no protocol for out of state applicants. I'm hoping I can just go somewhere here locally and they'll forward on my fingerprints. I wish BA was around, he'd be able to tell me (he was a police officer at one time, if I remember correctly.)
Filling out all these applications is so frustrating. There is a system called REAP which supposedly is the *one* application you fill out for numerous states. But after spending 3 1/2 hours filling it out (including writing 10 Professional Statements and an essay!) you see what jobs are available. I selected several ... only to find out that they want you to go to their districts website and ... fill out another application!!! Argh!!!
So far I have actually completed and submitted two applications - one for Missouri, and one for MA. I started one for PA and another one for South Carolina.
My dad is miffed that I haven't filled out any applications for CA, or nearby. Unfortunately, there are NO school library jobs IN California (unless you want a library clerk job ... expecting you to do the job of a certified librarian for half the pay.) Nor have I even seen any openings for WA, or OR, etc.
So my confidence level right now is pretty low. All three of my "parents" (mom, dad, ex-stepdad) seem to have assumed that I'm not going to find a job by May.{sarcasm}
This is really helpful to me, seeing as how I myself am really worried about finding a school library job.{/end sarcasm}
My exstepdad seems to think that I should be applying for any and all jobs right now, and not focus on just school library jobs. I hate to give up on that ... but then again, what if there is a job right now that I can get, and I never can get a school library job (or at least not one for next year?)
How long do I wait to give up looking for what I really want (or at least focusing on it) and branch out to look for anything and everything?
My mom is talking with another tutor about having some kind of a summer school program, and including me as the technology person. This would be good for me, even if I *did* end up getting a librarian job, because I still would need some income before August. I also have several students who've already asked if I will keep working with them through the summer.
I really don't know what to do. One way or the other I will have to have another place to live by the middle or end of May. If ex-stepdads fiance had her way, I'd be OUT now. Considering my income (especially come summer, unless this summer school thing actually works) I will barely be able to afford the $200/month I'm paying now for rent. So my only option would be to bunk with my mom in her apt. That would not last very long very well. The other option would be to move out to CA and rent a room at my dad/grandma's. Of course, by doing that I would then have no way of knowing how I'd bring in any income, and it would be a lot of expense to move out there which may make it more difficult to move somewhere else where there is a job.
Please tell me if I'm being bull headed about this. It is a problem I know I have, being narrowly-minded focused on a goal and not seeing the big picture. The other thing I know is that I need to get more aggressive about looking for school library jobs and getting the applications filled out. It's just that every application (for each state) I fill out sends all my references an email ... I'd imagine that gets quite annoying to those references!
Also, I feel like I've committed to my current tutoring students through the end of May. Some of them would be fine if I wasn't working with them ... a couple of them need every bit of help I give them plus some. So, looking for just a job, any job, which may start before May, really doesn't appeal.
Sorry, I've been all over the place. That's kind of where my head is too -- all over the place. If you managed to follow all this and have any words of wisdom, I'd appreciate it!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
March 5th, 2011 at 04:16 am
Last night after getting lots of sweepstakes entry videos, I got a 300 point video which put me to 8,000 points. So I was able to cash out for my second $8! Yay!
I'm already up to nearly 700 points - they've been throwing out the videos. One really cool one I just watched called Bravia - a bunch of synchronized color splotches. Put a smile on my face, although I had to watch it twice since I was too into the video and missed the first number. 
I actually managed a pretty low spending week. Other than buying a copy of Sixth Sense, groceries, and gas, I didn't spend anything extra. I was really tempted by the Fandango movie deal on groupon, but with the Redbox deal and the previous Movie Studio deal, I think I have more than enough to keep me through June. 
I only had enough Swagbucks this month to cash out for 4 $5 Amazon's. I'm about halfway to my fifth for March.
I'm still waiting on my payout from Sidetick. Getting impatient.
I finally have over 1,000 Zoombucks. Only 987 to go for my first cashout. Maybe by May ....(would go faster if I attempted more surveys and qualified, but they are pretty much a waste of time for someone with my demographics)
Today I was sitting in the lobby at the school where most of my tutoring students attend. The senior girl I tutored last semester came up to me with another girl - a sophomore. We are going to start working together on Monday - Mon/Tue/Th. The senior girl also told me that she was accepted into the college she wanted to go to. Yay!
This extra money will be a big boost to my bottom line - a much needed one.
I've decided for sure that I'm going to go to Houston over the last part of Spring Break. My friend has already challenged me to a rousing game of Flinch. I might just bring my aebleskeber pan along and make breakfast for her family one day. 
I can't really afford the gas there and back, but on the other hand, who knows when I'll be this close to her and her family to visit again??
Speaking of gas ... today cost $3.37/gallon w/ Walmart discount. I'd put $30 on a gift card, and it didn't fill my tank. :0 Never had that happen before. Made a sick feeling in my gut.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking
March 3rd, 2011 at 04:53 am
I am feeling quite frustrated with my main tutoring student (the Junior.) On Monday I told him very clearly that he was to get a copy (in English) of the book he'd chosen to do for his book journal (over 2 weeks late on Monday.) We were going to work on it today and Thursday. So today I asked him if he'd done it. He hemmed and hawed, but no, he hadn't. So ... on the way to his house I stopped at the library and picked up a copy.
We get to his house and he goes upstairs. He comes back down more than 5 minutes later. He proceeds to tell me that his father (in Korea) needs him to translate in a business matter *right then*. This is the fifth time this has happened. I told him that he was going to be charged for today's session, as well as for the extra time we will now have to do tomorrow. I told him how frustrated I was because we'd worked so hard to get him on the honor roll this year, and right now he's in danger of failing English!
He told me he's frustrated too, but that if he doesn't help his dad, then he'll have to go back to Korea. I asked him what did his dad do before - when he wasn't getting out of school early. He told me that he would have to hire someone to translate at $100/hr. So ... essentially it costs less to pay me for my time, than to pay for a translator in Korea.
ARghh!!! Supposedly today is the last time this will happen in April. I hope so for his grades sake.
I updated both my Living Frugal and Children's Books blogs yesterday. I found out about a really neat website that I think parents of young children will really enjoy (old enough to "write" stories) which I wrote about.
Good thing I gave myself a spending out for tutoring expenses. The same tutoring student I mentioned above has to do an essay comparing The Turn of the Screw to a modern day horror/ghost film. Neither of us are into the gory stuff, so I suggested The Sixth Sense. His job is to have watched it by Friday so we can begin the essay.
I myself haven't seen it since it came out in 1999, so I figured that I better see it too. I checked the library - all 8 copies were checked out. I checked Redbox - no copies in stock. The local Blockbuster - no copies for rent available, but had one to buy $15. Netflix only had it in disc. My SD finally suggested Half Price Books - voila! I got a copy for $5. I'll watch it tomorrow night, and bring it to Half Price on Friday (along with other books) and hopefully get a few dollars back on it.
After having been solidly housetrained for a good 4 or 5 months, Buddy seems to be kind of regressing lately. About a month ago there was an incident where he did #1 on the stairs when we didn't take him out fast enough. Then today I'd taken him out at 10:30 a.m. before leaving, and when I got home at 12:40 he was jumping around while SD and I talked. Then he went right by SDs chair and lifted his leg. It took me a minute to believe what I was seeing.
I hope this isn't becoming a pattern.
Wow! Last night I finished the book "Because of Mr. Terupt". I just kept repeating the word Wow as tears streamed. It is probably one of the better books I have read in quite awhile for this age level (middle grades). A brand new teacher changes the lives of his class - told from the perspectives of 7 of the students.
Today I started a teen fiction book called "My Life as a Rhombus." So far I like it - not great, but enjoyable.
Almost forgot! Guess what I did tonight when I got home from tutoring? I set off the house alarm!!! I kept turning two of the numbers around!!! I finally got the alarm turned off so I could take Buddy outside. Of course I took the handheld phone because I knew I was going to get a phone call from the alarm company - which I did. Thankfully I remembered the password!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
March 2nd, 2011 at 01:10 am
Yesterday I received my $5 Amazon gift card from Irazoo that I ordered on 1/17. Took a little while ... I am 1,000 away from having enough to order two more, so am going to wait until then. 
I can't quite do a no spending month in March, but I would like to attempt a minimum spending month.
The two main spending times I foresee are a spring break trip to Houston - only cost gas and snacks most likely .. and a celebration dinner (hopefully!) when I get the Capstone results.
So ... these are my goals (with the above exceptions):
1. No more than $15/week on groceries (not including reimbursable type items for SS or tutoring materials)
2. No more than one fast food stop (plan ahead!)
3. No spending money to "make" money
I need to call my friend in Houston and make sure the dates I can come down are good for her and her family. I haven't seen her since her 7 year old son was 8 months old. My SD is going to be gone the first half of SB, so I'll have to go the second half. I may see if my SS asst. will do class for me that Sabbath.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking,
February 27th, 2011 at 09:17 pm
If you like getting movies from Redbox, right now there is a Groupon deal to get 3 one-night rentals for $1 (including tax). Make sure to go through Trialpay if you do Swagbucks! 
If you aren't a member of Groupon yet, Text is this link and Link is http://gr.pn/hSXxNJ this link will take you directly to the Redbox/Groupon deal. *disclaimer - it is my referral link
Hurry though, who knows how long before it sells out (there were over 50,000 sold when I bought mine)
In other news ... just got back from a 5 hour long tutoring session. Attempting to get the Junior boy caught up with his English reading assignments! Fun, fun!
Oh my!
I posted a profile on Christian Mingle last week because they actually had an option for my particular faith. I've been getting lots of matches sent my way that *don't* match the 4 or 5 areas I noted as the most important (i.e. faith, smoking/drinking, etc.) So today I decided to do a keyword search. I could NOT believe it, but on the first page of results was a guy I'd dated my Sophmore year of college!! He's divorced and has kids and lives in PA. I was 19, and he was 24 at the time.
I'm tempted to send him a message ... but not so tempted as to spend the $30 for a one-month subscription plan!
Edit to add!
I forgot to mention this fantastic book I read this weekend - House Rules by Jodi Picoult. It is about an 18 year-old boy with Asperger's who is obscessed with forensics (think CSI). He and his family's world is rocked by a death in their town. Fascinating read - each chapter/section is the story told from one of the characters viewpoints.
I also just started "because of mr. terupt" written by Rob Buyea. So far I'm really enjoying it. It is about a first-year fifth-grade teacher told from the viewpoints of his students. Like the other book, each chapter/section is one person's viewpoint. Great book for fourth and up.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
February 12th, 2011 at 02:47 am
Yesterday I received the $5 in Paypal money I'd redeemed on Swagbucks, and tonight I received the $25 in Amazon Gift Cards I'd also redeemed on Swagbucks. So I've now earned $205 since late October through Swagbucks! Nice!
This morning I also finally reached the cash out amount of $25 for Sidetick. All I do on that site is open one email on their site every day and post a comment on the daily blog. That earns me $.50/day. The verification email says it will take up to 15 days to receive it. The clock is ticking!! 
Yesterday I had a full day of tutoring! Yay! One of the two boys I normally tutor on Wednesday afternoons had a bunch of makeup work from being out with asthma, and then again with flu. So his mom asked me to come back again today. Normally I won't do Friday after 4 pm tutoring, but since the sun wasn't setting til after 6, I decided to go ahead and do it.
I also will be tutoring the Junior student on Sunday morning for a couple hours. He's decided that he wants to test out on a course he'd taken via correspondence but failed. So we'll be studying for the test over the next 4 or 5 Sundays.
My income for February will still be quite bleak, but not quite as bleak as I was fearing.
Tonight I was on FB and the husband of one of my good friends whom I haven't been in contact with since mid-September messaged me. It wasn't really to say hi or to connect back with me, but to tell me about a business opportunity. I'm mighty skeptical, but I really don't think he'd take me down a bad path. I told him I can't really think too much about it right now, but after the 20th when I'm done with Capstone, I may have time to look into it. It's something about tax-free income and retirement ...
I told him that the first thing that comes to my mind when I see "tax-free" income is SCAM. So he then tells me that he did his due diligence on this whole thing and truly believes its legit. Will have to see it for myself I guess.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
February 9th, 2011 at 07:31 pm
I finally did the deed of putting Netflix on hold yesterday. It would have charged me for another month today. I felt really conflicted about it because I do get so much use out of it - not just personal use, but use as a tutoring tool as well. (At least twice I used it with one tutoring student to watch television programs for an assignment.)
But I got to looking at my money situation again - especially considering that in February I'm going to be WAY short on tutoring income thanks to illness of students and weather - and my heart started pounding faster. Not that $10/month is really going to make that much difference ... but it is something.
One of the things that had me worried is that my scholarship money had not credited yet - and the uni site was not showing account information. Thankfully late yesterday evening I got an email telling me that my scholarship had credited, and my account was paid in full.
I was seriously contemplating taking money out of my ROTH. I may still have to end up doing that ... but I'm going to wait till I'm down to my last $500. Gulp.
I'm thinking that from now on I'm going to be getting paypal credits for Swagbucks instead of the Amazon cards. If my computer starts really getting finicky, I probably can give it more life with a reformat. I had to do that a few years ago, and it perked it up.
I can't do paypal for all the sites I work on, but for those I do, I think cash probably would be better than Amazon credits right now. Although I can use the AGC for quinoa/lentils, etc.
School was canceled once again today. Mom called me and told me the roads were fine and she doesn't understand why the schools were closed. She talked me into doing my tutoring with the family we do together - just a few hours earlier than normal on a Wednesday. I hope she's right. I really could use that $50.
I'm doing awful on the 100 day challenge - to put it mildly. Sigh.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
February 3rd, 2011 at 01:15 am
My Internet still wasn't working this morning. So finally SD plugged the direct connection in to my computer. Five minutes later the power went out. When it came back on fifteen minutes later, the Internet was working! I think the main router needed to be reset, and that's what the power going out did. Hopefully it'll continue to work!
I had a disturbing message today when I logged on to my university account. I wanted to see if the scholarship money had gone through yet. In place of where the money due usually is, it said "student account information not available until unenrollment process is complete. " Yikes! Of course the uni is closed today and tomorrow, so there is no one I can call.
My mom went out today to tutor. She was going to work with the s 4 boys we do together. But there front gate was frozen shut!! She said the roads were pretty bad, and I was smart to not go out.
I have an Aunt and Uncle who are missionaries in Egypt. My Aunt is currently in the US staying with her mom who is terminally I'll. She's been sending out updates from my Uncle - they are in a town right by Cairo. As of this morning my uncle wasn't worried. But some of the CNN reports since then make it look like the situation is explosive. I hope we have another update tomorrow.
I can't do very much schoolwork because the rolling power outages in Texas messed up the university li libraries servers - which means no online access to research databases.
So I'm doing what I can, and then enjoying time to read. I have several library books, plus 4 books from a birthday gift card.
Right now I'm reading "The Confession" by John Grisham- a legal murder mystery.
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Frugal Single Life
February 2nd, 2011 at 03:41 am
All night the wind and icy rain fell, eventually becoming snow. The warmest it got today was 19 degrees. But with the wind ... much colder. It is supposed to go as low as 8 degrees by Wed morning - coldest temp in Texas since the late 1980's.
Buddy had his first accident since August. I took him out in the am and he was frantic trying to figure out what was going on. Thankfully he got used to it and figured out a good spot to go in. This was his first real experience with snow.
Most schools are closed again tomorrow.
Between today and tomorrow I'm losing $170. But like my stepdad told me - it's less expensive than getting into a wreck!
I wish I could figure out what is going on with my Internet. On Sunday all ATT customers in our neighborhood were without service. Monday it was back. Today mine went out around 4:30. It's done this before, but usually restarting the computer does the trick. Not so this time.
I guess this is part of what I have to live with relying on a wireless connection. I really hope it's working again tomorrow because I need to get schoolwork done - and the library won't be open.
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Frugal Single Life,
January 18th, 2011 at 01:51 am
This afternoon I went to the dollar theater with the lady I help count money at church. We went to see Burlesque (excellent!). I was telling her about my adventures with my mom yesterday attempting to see Social Experiment ... when the movie stopped! It had just finished the previews and was doing the screen asking you to silence your phones. We sat there for at least five minutes and the screen didn't move. Finally, I got up and told one of the workers. As I was coming back in, a couple other people were getting up to do the same thing. A few minutes later our movie started - thankfully perfect sound quality!
I just realized that today is my Blogaversary! Six years! Wow!! When I met up with MonkeyMama in CA, we talked a little about some of the SA bloggers we've seen come and go, and those we'd so love to meet for different reasons. (It would be so great to have a whole SA bloggers get together some day!)
I don't think there's very many people still blogging here that were around when I started. Miclason was here ... Ima I think started a little after I did ... I'm not really sure who else! (Could be my Swiss Cheese Memory at work here.)
Of course, Jeffrey and Nate were around back then The blogs and the site have definitely evolved in the passing years.
I for one am very thankful that I stumbled across SA, where I have found such a wonderfully caring group of people.
I'm considering doing something that may or may not be fruitful or smart. I am considering joining Match . Com for one month as kind of an experiment. My profile headline would be something like "Busy Graduate Student Wants a Break from Studies." I'd be point blank blunt about what I want (friendship/fun) and what I don't want (fwb!). Since I very well may be moving in the next six months, I'm not interested in a relationship ... unless of course I met someone who was completely over the top right for me.
I'd also include my definition of respect: When I say that I don't drink, smoke, eat meat, etc., respect means that you accept that and don't try to "change my mind" or "trick" me into it. I'd also be blunt about the fact that I can't afford to pay for anything more expensive than Taco Bell and the dollar theater. So, if they want to do free or inexpensive activities (like hiking/picnics,playing board games, watching videos, or hey, come help me out at Sabbath School) - great! If they want to do things like musicals, first-run movies, plays, rollercoasters! etc., -- great! as long as they're treating me with the only expectation/reward being the pleasure of my company. And more along those lines. 
I'm curious if I were to post a profile like that, how many responses would I get, and if I got any, how many of them would have actually read and comprehended AND understood what I'm saying ... and then still contact me? 
Most likely would be a waste of time and breath ... Maybe if I was 140lbs one or two might bite (but then even less likely that they'd read the profile ... )
--- My mom has a profile on Match, and she told me that she has an income criterion of $150k/yr+. She has at least 6 guys she's corresponding with right now.
When I was in college, I met a wonderful man on Match who I ended up dating for about a year. My longest relationship. (Sad, I know for a 35 year old.) So I do know that there are possibly quality men on these sites. But my mom's ability as a multiple-divorcee to attract the interest of these supposedly well-off men, makes me wonder ...
I'm at the age where I realize I'm probably not going to have a flesh and blood child. I'm not totally okay with that idea yet, but the realization has also made me think ... why the hey not - put on a profile what you really think and want. If someone actually reads, comprehends and understands it AND contacts you ... he may be someone you actually want to get to know better. If not, oh well. Keep on living life like always.
Well, I'll probably not do it for real. Just some of the thought processes going through my head tonight stuck in traffic coming back from the movie. See, it's dangerous to have no radio in your car (especially if your phone is about dead, so you can't play music from it either!)
On a completely different note. 
I downloaded two new aps last night on my phone - one for Ebay, and one for Half-com. I then preceded to list two of my textbooks on Half, using the nifty barcode scanner, and an unused gift card I'd redeemed from Mypoints a few years ago (I think I'd meant it to be a gift for my brother's then wife ...) was put up on Ebay.
The school health center wasn't open today. So I'm going to have to go in the morning. I really can't keep putting this off. I wish I could've done it today, because tomorrow is going to be hectic trying to get everything done.
I figured out how to use the scholarship money today. It had been sitting in my refund account since October because I couldn't figure out how to transfer it to ING. I didn't want to have to withdraw sums of money over several days from an ATM. So I figured out today that I could link the account on the Chase CC website to pay the CC! Perfect! So I went ahead and paid my balance three weeks early. 
Tomorrow is the first day of the new semester. I'm curious and nervous about what all this one class I'm taking will entail. I'm just SO glad its the LAST class! 
Something else I'm considering is getting a hotel room the night before my certification test near the test site. From where I live, it would be about a 40 minute drive - which is not bad, but it could be an extra 40 minutes of sleep ... The test is at 8:00 a.m., and I have to be there by 7:30. So I'd have to leave the house by 6:30 a.m. Whereas if I got a hotel 5 minutes away ... I've already posted to see if there's anyone who might be willing to split a hotel room. 
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Extra Money Tracking
January 14th, 2011 at 05:14 am
When I logged in to my MyPoints account today, there was a popup saying that I was preapproved for a MyPoints Visa card!! I had a MP Visa when Washington Mutual was still solvent, and earned many, many gift cards that way. (thanks mostly to being able to put my rent on my card each month - paid off in full each month of course!) So now, I don't have the opportunity to put a large amount on it each month, but it still will be much more lucrative than either Chase or Citi rewards points. This quarter Chase is doing the extra rewards for groceries and convenience stores - which is similar to Citi and MP - except Citi is also fast food. So for this quarter at least, Citi will be in my wallet all the time, and Chase for two weeks, then (once it gets here) MP for two weeks. Spread the love. --- I may end up canceling Citi actually. I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to get an acceptable copy of my grades - it'd be worth 2000 points for this past semester (and hopefully this coming semester as well ...) And the grade rewards points is one of the big reasons I went ahead with this card ... (plus the 25 rewards points for paying on time :roll eyes
My 5th Amazon card came in from Swagbucks today. So I'm now up to $75 in my Amazon account. I also have enough Swagbucks for my 5 cards in February, and 3 in March (close to the 4th one.)
This is a true 4-day holiday for me this weekend. I'm not even losing tutoring money! How does that work?? Well ... I worked with my one student this past Sunday, which will count towards tomorrow's normal session. Then today, I worked with him an extra two-hours which will count towards our normal Monday session. Extra work this past week, but makes for a nice PAID break. 
Tuesday night I got a phone call - blast from the past. Guy I dated for about five months or so back in 2008. I hadn't heard from him in about eight months, give or take. He wanted me to come over to his place and "hang out." He was of course "in-between" relationships and was lonely. I told him that I wasn't interested. He asked me if I'd been on any dates lately. I laughed and told him "where exactly would I meet anyone?? -- church? with maybe 300 members where I spend half my time there in a sabbath school classroom or in a back room counting money ... my various tutoring jobs??? maybe at the main school I tutor at, but not very likely ... grocery store/gas stations/library ... been "hit on" at those places, but not by people I'd even consider giving my number to ... so he asked me why didn't I try online dating sites ... LOL! sure, where can I have a free profile and respond to people for free, and have people who actually read the profile information to see if it matches them AND are honest in ALL their responses?
(and no, I didn't say all that to him)
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
January 10th, 2011 at 01:02 am
This morning I headed over to work with the Junior boy. He had a writing assignment where he had to watch a pre-70's sitcom and compare it to a current day sitcom. It was pouring rain and cold.
By the time we had watched an episode of Dick Van Dyke (via Netflix on the iPhone) and written about it, the rain had turned to snow! It was still snowing after we finsihed watching and writing about an episode of 30 Rock.
When I got home to let Buddy out, he got his very first experience in snow! I didn't let him run free in it though, because the backyard was too muddy. I also didn't get a picture ...
Two hours later I came back downstairs (again, to let Budster out ...) and the snow was already melted. 
Oh well ... that's pretty normal for Texas snow. Here for a short while, and then but a memory.
I may have my first referral for a number of my extra money sites. On another frugal forum I visit, someone asked about other money making sites. So I mentioned the ones I'm doing, and offered to send my referral links. They asked me for them ... and I sent them. This is someone who might actually DO something with them (unlike my mom and dad ...). 
My $400 scholarship went through sometime this weekend! Yay! The second part of the $2000 scholarship should go through in early February.
Only a few weeks till I take my certification test. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I'd hate to waste that $120 test fee! Not to mention having to wait till the next test date!
I've become way addicted to Cityville on Facebook. The only reason I even looked at it was for the Swagbucks. Now I constantly find myself going to "check in." I think I could have left it if it hadn't been that people I know added me as a neighbor within less than an hour!
Yesterday after church I was running on fumes, so had to stop and get some gas. I only got 3 gallons worth because it was $2.99/gallon!! Tomorrow I'll fill up at Walmart for $2.78/gallon - Ugh!
The story of the shooting in AZ just makes me so sick. That little 9 year old girl, just barely starting out in life. And the other people killed too - none of them deserved to die. Sometimes I really wonder what this world is coming to. It just makes me long all the more for that day when I look up in the sky to see Jesus coming.
This Christmas while I was around my family, I had to keep my mouth shut about my own political views. To put it mildly, most of my family in CA have different viewpoints than I do. There was no point in getting into a heated discussion - neither party would change their minds. That's our right though - to think differently. It's not our right to act violently towards those we disagree with - no matter what we think of their position.
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Frugal Single Life
January 7th, 2011 at 02:10 am
So Tuesday afternoon I had my first session with the pre-school girl. It went fairly well, even though I was uber tired and not as prepared as I would have liked. Then I had my session with the senior girl. She has decided to drop back to two sessions a week - although this week we ended up only having one. (We'd mainly been working on college essays, and are pretty much done. I'm thinking that I may tell her that we can just get together on Sunday mornings when she has writing homework to do and drop our afternoon sessions. That way it will make that time slot available for me to put other people in it.)
As soon as I got home from working with the Junior boy, I literally crashed. Laid down on my bed, and the next thing I knew it was after 9 p.m. I got up and did some searching on the net in prep for my Wed. night students and the pre-school girl. Went to bed around 11:30 - couldn't sleep. Finally about 2:15 a.m. I went downstairs and fixed a cup of hot cocoa.
SD was awake talking on the phone (otherwise I wouldn't have banged around in the kitchen.) Turns out he was talking to my mom. She'd been making hot cocoa in her microwave, when the door of the microwave exploded!! It hit her on the forehead, knocking her into the fridge, and the water splashed all over her. Luckily, other than a bump on her forehead, she was unhurt.
Wednesday morning after finally getting some sleep, I woke up feeling much better. I spent a few hours doing more prep for my students, and managed to have less than 15 minutes to eat something before having to leave. After my morning appointment, I stopped at Walmart to pick up groceries and some organizational things for my new student. Then I stopped at the teacher store to get materials - I just wasn't finding what I needed online (i.e. free.)
By the time I got done at the teacher store, I was running really late. Thankfully, when I called my SD he was home and willing to put in the oatmeal I'd put together (other than the water) that morning, but hadn't had time to actually eat. Ate quickly, and did one more printout, then off to my Wednesday afternoon and evening appointments. Ended up getting home about 11:00 p.m.
Today I did the same thing - I still needed to do some prep for my pre-school girl (the things I'd bought yesterday) and ended up with 10 minutes to eat breakfast/lunch. By the time I was finished with my Junior boy, my belly was sticking to my backbone!
Whew! I don't need to do any prep for tomorrow, so I've been taking a bit of a breather tonight. Tomorrow though I need to prepare for Sabbath School, and I still need to unpack!
I need to work on my 2011 goals, but am just too tired to even contemplate them right now. Maybe on Saturday afternoon ...
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