My Internet still wasn't working this morning. So finally SD plugged the direct connection in to my computer. Five minutes later the power went out. When it came back on fifteen minutes later, the Internet was working! I think the main router needed to be reset, and that's what the power going out did. Hopefully it'll continue to work!
I had a disturbing message today when I logged on to my university account. I wanted to see if the scholarship money had gone through yet. In place of where the money due usually is, it said "student account information not available until unenrollment process is complete. " Yikes! Of course the uni is closed today and tomorrow, so there is no one I can call.
My mom went out today to tutor. She was going to work with the s 4 boys we do together. But there front gate was frozen shut!! She said the roads were pretty bad, and I was smart to not go out.
I have an Aunt and Uncle who are missionaries in Egypt. My Aunt is currently in the US staying with her mom who is terminally I'll. She's been sending out updates from my Uncle - they are in a town right by Cairo. As of this morning my uncle wasn't worried. But some of the CNN reports since then make it look like the situation is explosive. I hope we have another update tomorrow.
I can't do very much schoolwork because the rolling power outages in Texas messed up the university li libraries servers - which means no online access to research databases.
So I'm doing what I can, and then enjoying time to read. I have several library books, plus 4 books from a birthday gift card.
Right now I'm reading "The Confession" by John Grisham- a legal murder mystery.
Snow Day 2!
February 3rd, 2011 at 01:15 am