This morning I headed over to work with the Junior boy. He had a writing assignment where he had to watch a pre-70's sitcom and compare it to a current day sitcom. It was pouring rain and cold.
By the time we had watched an episode of Dick Van Dyke (via Netflix on the iPhone) and written about it, the rain had turned to snow! It was still snowing after we finsihed watching and writing about an episode of 30 Rock.
When I got home to let Buddy out, he got his very first experience in snow! I didn't let him run free in it though, because the backyard was too muddy. I also didn't get a picture ...
Two hours later I came back downstairs (again, to let Budster out ...) and the snow was already melted.
Oh well ... that's pretty normal for Texas snow. Here for a short while, and then but a memory.
I may have my first referral for a number of my extra money sites. On another frugal forum I visit, someone asked about other money making sites. So I mentioned the ones I'm doing, and offered to send my referral links. They asked me for them ... and I sent them. This is someone who might actually DO something with them (unlike my mom and dad ...).
My $400 scholarship went through sometime this weekend! Yay! The second part of the $2000 scholarship should go through in early February.
Only a few weeks till I take my certification test. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I'd hate to waste that $120 test fee! Not to mention having to wait till the next test date!
I've become way addicted to Cityville on Facebook. The only reason I even looked at it was for the Swagbucks. Now I constantly find myself going to "check in." I think I could have left it if it hadn't been that people I know added me as a neighbor within less than an hour!
Yesterday after church I was running on fumes, so had to stop and get some gas. I only got 3 gallons worth because it was $2.99/gallon!! Tomorrow I'll fill up at Walmart for $2.78/gallon - Ugh!
The story of the shooting in AZ just makes me so sick. That little 9 year old girl, just barely starting out in life. And the other people killed too - none of them deserved to die. Sometimes I really wonder what this world is coming to. It just makes me long all the more for that day when I look up in the sky to see Jesus coming.
This Christmas while I was around my family, I had to keep my mouth shut about my own political views. To put it mildly, most of my family in CA have different viewpoints than I do. There was no point in getting into a heated discussion - neither party would change their minds. That's our right though - to think differently. It's not our right to act violently towards those we disagree with - no matter what we think of their position.
Snow! Referral, AZ Shooting
January 10th, 2011 at 01:02 am
January 10th, 2011 at 01:37 am 1294623434
January 10th, 2011 at 01:39 pm 1294666763
January 10th, 2011 at 02:45 pm 1294670718
My dh and MIL wanted to take the kids to some political rally late last year. I just didn't like the idea at all. I wasn't thinking "shooting," but I was thinking that little kids didn't need to be around all that - people can get so easily heated.
January 10th, 2011 at 07:19 pm 1294687191
I think that the lack of access to mental health resources combined with the ever increasing craziness of the world we live in, are probably contributing factors, and will continue to be so.
I can not even imagine how people in Tuscon must be feeling right now. I'm glad you and your family were not near it.
I would have to agree with you. I don't think I'd take a child to a political rally. What is said on the radio by various talk show hosts is bad enough - but some of the speeches by politicians and statements by their supporters ... yeah, not really suitable for young impressionable minds.