Home > Exciting MyPoints news! 4 day weekend, phone call/dating

Exciting MyPoints news! 4 day weekend, phone call/dating

January 14th, 2011 at 05:14 am

When I logged in to my MyPoints account today, there was a popup saying that I was preapproved for a MyPoints Visa card!! I had a MP Visa when Washington Mutual was still solvent, and earned many, many gift cards that way. (thanks mostly to being able to put my rent on my card each month - paid off in full each month of course!) So now, I don't have the opportunity to put a large amount on it each month, but it still will be much more lucrative than either Chase or Citi rewards points. This quarter Chase is doing the extra rewards for groceries and convenience stores - which is similar to Citi and MP - except Citi is also fast food. So for this quarter at least, Citi will be in my wallet all the time, and Chase for two weeks, then (once it gets here) MP for two weeks. Spread the love. Big Grin --- I may end up canceling Citi actually. I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to get an acceptable copy of my grades - it'd be worth 2000 points for this past semester (and hopefully this coming semester as well ...) And the grade rewards points is one of the big reasons I went ahead with this card ... (plus the 25 rewards points for paying on time :roll eyesSmile

My 5th Amazon card came in from Swagbucks today. So I'm now up to $75 in my Amazon account. I also have enough Swagbucks for my 5 cards in February, and 3 in March (close to the 4th one.)

This is a true 4-day holiday for me this weekend. I'm not even losing tutoring money! How does that work?? Well ... I worked with my one student this past Sunday, which will count towards tomorrow's normal session. Then today, I worked with him an extra two-hours which will count towards our normal Monday session. Big Grin Extra work this past week, but makes for a nice PAID break. Big Grin

Tuesday night I got a phone call - blast from the past. Guy I dated for about five months or so back in 2008. I hadn't heard from him in about eight months, give or take. He wanted me to come over to his place and "hang out." He was of course "in-between" relationships and was lonely. I told him that I wasn't interested. He asked me if I'd been on any dates lately. I laughed and told him "where exactly would I meet anyone?? -- church? with maybe 300 members where I spend half my time there in a sabbath school classroom or in a back room counting money ... my various tutoring jobs??? maybe at the main school I tutor at, but not very likely ... grocery store/gas stations/library ... been "hit on" at those places, but not by people I'd even consider giving my number to ... so he asked me why didn't I try online dating sites ... LOL! sure, where can I have a free profile and respond to people for free, and have people who actually read the profile information to see if it matches them AND are honest in ALL their responses?
(and no, I didn't say all that to him) Smile

9 Responses to “Exciting MyPoints news! 4 day weekend, phone call/dating”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Hope the cc works out well.

    lol at the old bfriend call. Rolleyes Sounds like he might be missing what he had??

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks Smile
    Somehow I think he has this idea that I'll come "hang out" with him anytime he's not in a relationship - even though I was the one to end our relationship AND I've said no everytime he's called out of the blue like this. Now if he called me up and said he wanted to take me to a movie of my choice and eat at a place I chose, with advance notice ... Then I might consider it. Smile

  3. Homebody Says:

    Laura, I just have to share, my oldest daughter has a dating blog.... adventures in online dating. I think it is hilarious. You might want to check it out and see what you are missing!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Thanks Homebody Smile I remember you sharing that link before. Your daughter and I are pretty close to the same age. She has a good way of writing. Smile
    Thanks Jerry,

    Yep, the main reason I ended his and I's relationship was because he just didn't get that I didn't care to be his "after-thought" Oh, I don't have anything to do tonight ... I'll call up Laura!

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Men--sometimes they are so dense. You've got me into Swagbucks, Laura. My mypoints rewards seem to take forever to arrive, but I use them too.
    Let's not talk about my fixation on a couple of the swagbucks games.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I finally was able to cash out today for a $50 Amazon card from Mypoints. I'm curious how long that'll take to arrive - physical cards usually take a week or less.

    One of the games wouldn't happen to be synonymous would it? I'm addicted to that and crazy taxi. Big Grin

  7. My English Castle Says:

    It is! The curse of teachers, I guess. I ordered a gift card from mypoints over a month ago, and still no sign of it. Last year's came after eight weeks!

    Watch out for Drop 3 too!

  8. Homebody Says:

    Sorry Laura, my brain is not working as well these days, I forget everything!

  9. frugaltexan75 Says:

    My English Castle,

    Oh yes, Drop3 has reached out its tentacles to me as well. Big Grin

    It's been well over a year since the last time I ordered a reward from Mypoints, so maybe their redemption time has gotten significantly slower. Before, I always would get my card(s) in the mail within one - two weeks -- even when it was getting close to holidays.


    I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad! I was truly glad for the link to your daughters blog - I'd forgotten about it, and truly enjoyed being led back to it!

    Yesterday I was telling the kids a story in Sabbath School class and was trying to remember the name for the circle holes on the ends of a stretcher where you can put a rope through. For the life of me I could not think of the term I wanted! I was pretending to be the paralyzed man who'd been lowered through the roof on his bed and healed by Jesus ... so I joked with the kids that time travel had given me a swiss cheese memory. Big Grin They of course had no idea that I was referencing Quantum Leap, but they still got a kick out of it. Big Grin

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