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November 8th, 2015 at 08:05 pm
So I realized that I was about out of allergy medicine today. I remembered that I'd gotten an email from CVS a few days ago offering me $5 off $15. Usually they won't let you use those on psueduedorphine (SP?) products ... So I looked to see what else they had.
Toilet paper .. buy $15 worth and get $5 in ECB. Ok, I'm down to my last 4 rolls (from about a year ago or so ... big pkg from Sam's.)
So I go to CVS planning on doing the toilet paper deal, use the $5 coupon on the toilet paper, and then the $5 ECB get some chocolate. (Technically NOT spending money on it ... )
Well when I get there I ask at the pharmacy for the cost of the Allegra D and my Syntrhoid just in case it's cheaper than Walgreen's. The Allegra D is cheaper! (Synthroid is the same.)
So I buy the Allegra D - the lady uses the $5 coupon on it! I tell her that I didn't think it could be used for that .. but she says, "it worked" shrug. O....kay.... So instead of $16.96 ($2 cheaper than Walgreen's) it was $11.96.
I have a coupon on the MobiSave app to save $5 on Allegra D 24hr 10 count. So 2 weeks worth of Allegra is ending up costing me about $7! Suh-weet!
I also decided to go ahead and transfer my prescription to them. (CVS)
Then I picked up $15 worth of toilet paper (actually, $17 after taxes.) That should last me a year.
I did end up spending $2 after the $5 ECB for chocolate. I was really hoping to find a chocolate orange ... but they only had a dark chocolate version. So I got some other items.
It made me happy to do everything I wanted to do in one store. (The cheaper Allegra D also definitely made me happy! Here's hoping the MobiSave coupon keeps repeating indefinitely!!)
I also paid my tithe/charitable giving today for October and November.. Oops. Totally spaced doing it last month. It works out though, because I put it all on my Discover card and it puts me close to the required $500 spend for November. If I use it while in CA, I should have it easily covered. Then I can stop using it!
(I'll have completed the spend $500/mo for 5 months get $75 deal.)
I have Wednesday off. I was thinking about seeing a movie Tuesday night ($5 all day Tuesday) but just don't see any I care enough about to see.
I'm thinking of doing a cooking / freezing / cleaning day on Wednesday. So today I'm taking it easy. It will be so nice to have a 4 day work week.
Then not too long later, I'll have TEN days away from work in a row! Oh my, I won't know what to do with myself ... (5 of those days I'll be here, 5 I'll be in CA.) Not looking forward to that at all, nope, not at all.
Almost forgot:
Redeemed $5 AGC from Bing
Redeemed $25 AGC from PerkTV
Spent $45.xx AGC for 2 canisters of protein powder (bought 2 to get free shipping - instead of trying to figure out something else to get to $35 for the free shipping - will last a LONG time.)
Posted in
Work Related,
Grocery Tracking,
Extra Money Tracking,
Year 39
November 7th, 2015 at 01:15 am
Today I stopped by the grocery store after work and picked up some fruit and and an Amy's meal. It's gotten cold here (today!) and so I wanted something warm and easy.
Spent $9.98 and didn't pick up any sweets, etc.
When I was checking out, the cashier said, "Hi neighbor!" I had to do a double take - and realized that he was a neighbor I met a couple weeks ago in the laundry room. He and his gf live in the apartment above me.
Something kind of strange at work today ... about 4pm my boss calls me to her office. She tells me to go ahead and log off the phone at 4:15 and head out without saying anything to anyone or turning lights off, etc.
There was someone in the office with her, otherwise I would have asked what prompted this.
Instead I just said, Ok ... thank you!
I sure don't mind getting off work 15 minutes early.
NE called me this evening to tell me he finally sold his car! It's been sitting on Craigslist for 6+ weeks with progressively lower price. It sold for $300. He's just glad to be done with it. (A 2001 Subuaru Imprezza?? with lots wrong with it.)
Another piece of surprising news - we checked his credit reports last night and paid for one credit score. The number was MUCH higher than either of us expected.
We talked about him getting a Paypal credit card to add a revolving account (he's got lots of installment accounts - i.e. student loans) to improve it even more.
I'm now very curious about how our two credit scores would merge together for when we're house hunting next year. Do they just average the two scores?
I'm leading the SS discussion tomorrow. WAY WAY WAY out of my comfort zone. The only reason I said yes was because the person who usually does the first Sabbath discussion was in a major car accident a few weeks ago (is out of ICU now, but still in hospital - will be going to rehab next week possibly.)
It's about Jeremiah and the different symbols / symbolisim used in the Bible - such as the clay and the potter. It's a topic I really enjoy, but the breadth of what one weeks lesson covers ... Ugh. I much prefered the SS lessons for the early primary age kids - simple story, simple activities connected to it, a couple of songs.
Am hoping for a SMALL group.
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Work Related,
November 3rd, 2015 at 01:01 am
So far so good. No spending at all so far this month. (Said on day two ...) Of course I still have some chocolate left over from October ... the real crux of the moratorium (on buying only) will come when I've run out of all chocolate sources ...
NE and I have begun a challenge with each other. Lose 10% of our weight by May 1. Each month we lose weight we each will put in $50 into the pot. At the end of 6 months (May 1) if we've both lost at least 10%, then we'll use that money to take a trip together somewhere. We're going to have a monthly weigh in (as close to the 1st as possible.) Last night was our first one.
$600 could be a pretty nice trip.
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Year 39
October 28th, 2015 at 02:01 am
At my dentist visit today I did end up having a filling done. It was going to cost $84 after insurance. Zoinks!
I handed over my FSA card thinking there was maybe $5 or $6 left on it at most. Nope! There was over $50 left! Yay!
So since I was in a celebratory mood ... (ya ya sure ... I was using any excuse) I headed to Target and got my fave Amy meal x 3. Plus a few other things.
Spent about $24.
BUT .. today I saw my last October paycheck. Which is the second one going to November.
After entering it in, and filling in the numbers in my various categories ... and knowing that I'll be getting reimbursed for the plane tickets to CA for Thanksgiving ... and knowing that December should also be a 3 paycheck month ...
I came to the following conclusion --
I will be able to meet my $10k in my EF goal by the end of this year!
This goal originally was $12k, but I realized that I wasn't funding some categories properly (i.e. car tags, etc.) and so reduced it to $10k. With some of the larger medical expenses I had this year, I wasn't sure I'd even make that one.
But it (knocks on wood) looks like I just might!
Then in January I can start aggressively saving towards the house downpayment! YES!
I have decided (once again ...) that I am going cold turkey on purchasing soda or any junky food for November and December. (Not saying I won't EAT any junk food - just I won't purchase it myself.)
I've let myself get way too lax with the junk, and I'm hoping by putting forth this moratorium, I will both save money (since many trips to the store are merely disguised trips for junk ...) and help me get back to LOSING weight. Maybe help with my lack of energy too.
Okay, so now for the funny ...
Our bus system has a number of routes which are interconnected. This means that when Bus A is South of O street it is for example #46, but when it is North of O Street, it is #45. A rider could get on Bus A when it is the #46 and ride it from the North to the South and get off of it as the #45.
So ... today I get this call from a woman who was at first and O St. She wanted to know when the #45 bus would be coming by.
After checking to make sure if she was wanting to go downtown or outbound, I told her that the #46 bus would be going by her in about ten minutes.
(The #46 bus goes out from our transfer center west along O St from 11th to 1st, and then the numbers start going back up (Nw 1st, Sw 1st) When it gets to NW 48th and O it heads North. This happens from 6:10 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. Monday thru Friday.)
She then started arguing with me that the #45 bus came by first and O in the morning, but not the #46 bus.
As she was hanging up I heard her say to someone nearby ... "The lady doesn't know her buses very well." LOL
Almost forgot!
I filled out a comment card at the restaurant the other night. Today I got an email letting me know that I'd won a $15 gift certificate!
I wonder how long that will be good for ... cuz' I'm guessing it'll be a long time before I'll be getting back that way.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Grocery Tracking,
Year 39,
Bus Chronicles
October 27th, 2015 at 01:30 am
NE calls me up pretty early on Sunday. (earlier than I'd planned on for our roadtrip) He tells me that his laptop has fallen apart on him. The one he bought used maybe 3 months ago? Maybe less?
He wanted to go to Office Max to check out their Chromebooks. I was elated he finally was going to actually buy something NEW. When his last laptop broke I casually mentioned to him that if he added up how much he's spent on used laptops just in the two years we've been back together, he could have bought a pretty nice brand new one!
Office Depot didn't have a great selection, so he's borrowing my iPad and ordering something online. Good thing I hadn't actually gotten around to *selling* my iPad yet.
Our roadtrip to Norfolk, NE went pretty well. It was a LONG drive though. I drove there, and he drove back (I'm terrible with night driving.)
My GPS cut off before we got to the restaurant, and so we ended up driving past our turn off. Then once we got it going again, there wasn't great signage ... and then when we pulled up ... there was only ONE car in the parking lot!
We were worried that they were closed.
Thankfully, they were open. The food was REALLY good. I had a veggie burger that was their own creation - so yummy! NE had chicken fried steak - which he said was "the best I've ever had" which coming from him is HIGH praise.
When we were done eating I asked about the jukebox. No jukebox anymore (old pictures I guess.) But they did have an upstairs lounge area with airplane memorabilia. There was a mural of a famous actor in an airplane film (older film) with this look on his face like he smelled something really bad. So ... since we were in the room all by ourselves ... and NE is a guy who loves breaking wind ....
It was just too perfect. We got several tame selfies of us in front of the pilot mural, and then a couple other ones where NE pretended like he was giving the pilot something to smell.
Maybe I'm 12 years old too ... it was really funny. (I pity anyone who went up there up to ten minutes after we vacated though ....)
So ... in other news ... someone posted a link on FB today about a new app which links students to scholarships which fit them. There's SO many scholarships that just don't get claimed because people don't know how to find them, or think they won't qualify or whatever.
My philosophy is, you won't know if you qualify unless you go for it. I got several scholarships in grad school that I wasn't sure if I really qualified for or not. Every $50 and $100 helps!
Here's a link to the story about the app:
My dentist appointment is tomorrow afternoon. It will be nice to get out of work early. I'm going to have to talk myself out of going to Target which is really nearby and has the Amy's meal I *really* *really* *really* like (Chinese Noodles & veggies in Peanut? sauce) I SO don't have ANY grocery money left for October. No spending money either ...
Got to bed pretty late last night - due to the roadtrip, etc. So my goal tonight is to be in bed no later than 10 p.m.
It seems like the season has started where I need to check my windshield by 7:25 a.m. to see if I need to start the car or not. The windows were a bit frosted over this morning - not enough to require scraping, but did need wiping.
Got me to thinking again about the remote starter ... NE and I were actually talking about that last night. As much as I'd DEARLY Love to have it ... I'd rather have the money for the house downpayment fund ... where maybe we'll have a GASP garage! Then I won't need a remote starter anyway. (Wishful thinking, as the house in our price range generally don't have garages ...)
Remembered the actor's name (mural on wall) Jim Belushi! My brother told me it's from the movie Blue's Brother's. (My boss is the one who told me the name of Belushi - but I couldn't remember it til shortly ago.)
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October 22nd, 2015 at 02:14 am
After work today I stopped by a local Lane Bryant store to pick up my order. Upon walking in, I saw signs advertising "up to 80% off" ... and so I started looking. I ended up trying on 5 different items - two of which I liked well enough to check the prices. Yeah .. no. Neither of them were liked well enough to pay the asking price (neither of which were actually on sale, even though I pulled them from a sale rack ...)
I've had good luck in the past shopping a LB sale, but not today. I did try on one of my new bras before leaving to make sure it fit well.
On FB I belong to a MMM group. Someone started a thread a few days ago asking about car insurance. I mentioned I'd been with Geico for 12++ years, and even with shopping around every so often, hadn't found anything cheaper for me.
So ... someone mentioned that they too have Geico. BUT they mentioned something I'd had NO IDEA about. If you own a share of Berkshire Hathaway stock (BRK.b) you can get a 8% discount on your Geico insurance.
All you need is ONE share (currently at about $134.) I pay about $218 every 6 months, so it would net me a $22 or so discount - so would take about 3 years to equal the share price. But maybe the share will go up in value?? I'm debating on whether I want to do this or not .. but wanted to share for others who might have higher car insurance than I do.
I redeemed $10 from Pact today.
Update - I just got off the phone with Geico. I've actually had the policy for 16 years. My rates are as low as they can go - the only available discount would be if I were to get renter's insurance. Or ... if I were to add a second vehicle/get married.
Oh well, it was worth a shot.
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Extra Money Tracking
October 21st, 2015 at 12:49 am
I checked yesterday with our HR person about whether my union had any other retirement plans available other than the one the city contributes to for us. He told me he'd send me info.
I got the info today! There are three different companies offering 457 plans. Contributions are pre-tax, and count towards the tax savers credit (although I *think* my 401(b)contributions do that too ...)
So ... I decided to open a 457 with Ameritas (had the best options = lots of Vanguard Index funds) and put in there the amount that I'm currently putting in my ROTH right now. Of course, since this is pre-tax, it won't actually be the full amount.
So, I'm going to take the "leftover" amount plus a bit more, and continue to add $50/month to my ROTH. That way I'm still adding $600/year to an account I can access penalty free if an absolute emergency occurred before I'm 55 and retired ... but in effect increasing the total amount being saved towards retirement with very little effect on my actual net income. Then when I get my next raise in February, I can add a little to the 457 contribution amount very easily.
Overall, I think it adds maybe 1% to my retirement savings amount - 17% employer/employee match; ~10% to 457, ~.75% to ROTH. I have it set to start in November since my October ROTH contribution has already been set to go.
I love how it says "contribution limits per years are $18k" Hah, hah, ha ...... I'd be rolling in it if I made enough to contribute $18k a year .... Shoot, I'd be retiring in 5 or 6 years instead of 15 or 16 if I made that kind of money ...
I was wishing I hadn't checked my electric car stock today. Ouch. My net worth dropped by ... oh .. $5k or so thanks to stupid Consumer Reports.
Anyways ... I redeemed for a $5 Walmart card from Bounts today - got it in my email oh about 30 seconds later.
Between the Bounts cards and Savings Catcher I have a little over $15 to spend at Walmart. I'm probably going to save them up til I have more like around $50 or so. Or enough for a manicure and pedicure. Nice way to treat myself for doing lots of walking.
Got an email today telling me my Lane Bryant order is at the store! I'll probably go pick it up tomorrow after work. (I was walking home today, so once I got home, just wanted to cool off - not go drive to the store ...)
I found my lanyard with my library card and ID badge! You'll never guess where it was ... if it were a snake it would've bit me. Right under my keyboard on my desk. :roll eyes:
I joined a rewards program for the local Internet company. You can redeem points for cash or gift cards or money off your bill. Works for me. Whatever I can do to get that horrendous bill down a bit is good.
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking,
Year 39
October 20th, 2015 at 02:12 am
Today I received a couple snowflakes -
$50 PayPal from Swagbucks
$25 AGC from PerkTV
$5 AGC from Bing
I'm seriously considering dropping my gym membership. I don't know how much it'd cost me to break my contract, but I'm just not using it. And I really don't see myself using it ... the traffic to get there is just miserable.
There is another gym where I wouldn't have to deal with such miserable traffic - no contracts. I drove there today after work in 7 minutes flat, even with kind of guessing how to get there. (I didn't go in because I was in the wrong lane to get into it ...)
I need to find out how much both the new place would cost and how much it will take to get out of my old place.
NE and I were talking a bit more about houses last night. There really aren't too many in the price range I could qualify for by myself. I told him that if he really wants something in a higher price range, then the only way we'd be able to do it is by combining our income qualifications. Which means he really needs to work on his credit score.
He told me that he'd paid all his bills on time since the last time we'd started talking more seriously about this.
I was saying something about maybe looking into getting a small installment loan of some type to help build the score as well - he was wondering if the medical bill might not qualify as that. Hmm... He'd been thinking of paying it off in one lump sum once he gets his inheritance money, but maybe it'd be better to stretch it a bit longer.
It seems a bit of a catch 22 though ... the medical debt would count as debt (obviously) but could also be a way of showing on-time monthly installment payments. By the time we'd be doing the house looking, my one installment payment loan (car) would be nearly 2 years old, so wouldn't count too much I think.
There was this one house on FB yesterday that was just *perfect* Walk-out basement (so he could come home from work and go through the basement without waking me up at 3 or 4 a.m.) finished basement area, two bedrooms upstairs (my space!) and a finished attic space - 1 1/2 bathrooms. And a 2 car garage, porch, and good sized yard with mature trees.
Only problem was it was listed at $123k. I really need to stop looking at the home listings on FB ... at least for another 6 months or so.
When I was getting ready to walk to the library today I realized I'd misplaced my library card/work badge! Thankfully the library took my driver's license to check out the book that was on hold (Homebuying for Dummies) ... but I still need to find the card/id..
Only three places I usually keep it - my car console, my purse, or in the bag I take to the library to carry books. Hopefully it'll turn up soon.
It looks like my 401(b) is FINALLY migrating to Vanguard. I got an email notice today that they'd gotten a check - but it hasn't shown up in my accounts yet. It'll be so nice to have that all finished for once and all.
Speaking of retirement accounts ... I emailed the city's person who deals with that stuff to ask about whether people in my particular union have any other retirement savings options other than the one the city contributes to. He said there are two other options which he'll send me info on.
He also told me that I could contribute more than 7% (9% match) BUT it would not be pre-tax and it wouldn't be through payroll deduction (and no extra match). Hmm ... kind of takes away the desire to do it when it isn't pre-tax. (Not that I'm anywhere near being able to do that yet anyway ... need to get my ROTH to compacity first before thinking about upping other contributions.)
I'm curious to see what the other options are. The lady I met at my MMM meetup said she contributed $20 a pay period to a 457? and got a 100% match (up to $20.) She works for the city too, just in a different union.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking,
October 17th, 2015 at 03:09 am
This afternoon as a colleague was heading out the door ... she let slip the S word. No .. not a four letter word. A five letter word. Strep.
As soon as she said it, my radar pinged wildly.
I am someone who catches strep almost at the mere mention of the word.
I have been feeling more and more run down this week - which I thought was due to maybe overdoing it with the walking.
I really, really, really hope I do not have strep. In any case, I plan on taking it very easy this weekend. Which is kind of disappointing because there is a free concert at my church tomorrow night I wanted to go to, plus I've missed 3 weeks now of walking with the church group on Sabbath afternoon.
I redeemed 5k Swagbucks for a $50 PayPal card on the 14th - mistakenly thinking that was the day the swagups went into play. (They don' til the 19th.) I have about 1700 towards the next one, so hopefully will be able to make use of the swagups I earned (I think I earned 200.)
I also redeemed Bounts points for a $5 Walmart gift card which I have already received (ecard.)
I am considering making an extra trip out to CA in December. No, I can't really afford it without missing my savings goals for the year, but ... family is more important than savings goals sometimes. I'm going to call my aunt tonight and see what she thinks.
NE told me he's surprised I'm even thinking of going because his family experience is such that his sister didn't do more than call him when he was in the hospital for shoulder surgery in March (she lives in the same town, but we were in a town an hour away.) But he also said he'd fully support me if I decided to go.
My boss has also told me that she'd make it work if I needed to take a few days off to do this.
Pricing tickets, it looks like somewhere around $375, plus I'll probably have to do a hotel room ... in San Francisco....
If my dad were alive, I know he wouldn't let money keep him away from his kids who needed support.
I just don't know ... Part of my hesitation is that nothing is in stone yet. So dates could change.
All I can say about all this is ... I hate alcohol.
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking,
Year 39
October 15th, 2015 at 02:04 am
I participate haphazardly on the Mr Money Mustache forums and a few weeks ago there was a thread on there asking if anyone in this city wanted to get together for a meetup. I said I would like to.
Tonight was the first meetup! Including myself, there were three people. Someone who works for the city, and someone who works for the college CCF's daughter goes to!
We chatted and got to know each other for a little over an hour. (We met at a beautiful park near the zoo.)
We talked about maybe making this a regular thing. That'd be great I think.
They both were a lot younger than me, so I am a little envious that they've gotten started on the good path so much earlier than I did. Not really though ... without the path I took, I'd be a different person today. We all have to take our own.
I ended up walking to work today - barely. If I'd left any later I would have had to drive. Just as I was getting breakfast, I got a text from my boss telling me to wear jeans today - we were going to clean the schedule room!
I was glad to hear that because the last time I was down there, it was a mess! (I had told her that.) It made it a royal pain to get what I needed.
So today we spent nearly two hours cleaning, discarding and reorganizing the schedule room. It was so DUSTY and full of spider webs, etc. But now it looks marvelous! We jokingly bet each other how long it would take for it to get back to the way it was ...
So with the walking to work and back, the cleaning out of the schedule room, and then the meetup tonight ... I got in 14k steps! I can't remember where I was at yesterday, but I think I just surpassed 50k steps for this week.
Here's hoping this will mean a really good nights sleep tonight. Only got in maybe 4 1/2 hours last night.
Posted in
Work Related,
Year 39
October 13th, 2015 at 03:16 am
So yesterday after going to the grocery store, I decided to go to the park and do some walking. This partly was because I wanted to rack up some steps for the challenge (50k steps by Friday) and partly because I just wanted to get out into the fresh air.
About this time I got an email from Bounts telling me that they'd reduced the time between GPS tracked activities from two hours to one hour.
This got my wheels turning.
So, in total I spent two hours at the park.
I did a GPS tracked walk for 20 minutes at 2.5 mph+ and then set my timer for 62 minutes and ... kept walking. It was pretty hot yesterday - in the low 90s! I was really feeling it by 40 minutes in to the 62 minutes. But I kept going. Finally it was time for the second 20 minute GPS tracked walk. I ended up walking around my car in circles (in the shade) for the last 3 minutes or so ...
But between walking to the grocery store, the walk in the park, plus a little bit more walking in the evening with NE (IHOP, Dollar Tree) I got in over 15k steps!
I also made lunches for the week - quinoa w/mushrooms/onions/tofu and 3 baked sweet potatoes which I divided up into 4 meals. (tomorrow we are supposed to have a free employee appreciation meal ... we'll see if I can eat any of it or not...)
Today I managed to get in another 10k steps = nearly 6k of them at work. I went down to dispatch twice for lost and found items (people were leaving so many wallets on the university buses today - it was ridiculous!) I also walked on the treadmill during my 15 minute afternoon break. Plus going up and down the stairs multiple times more than necessary to refill the brochures in the lobby.
So ... I'm at 33k steps out of 50k. I think I'm going to make it.
After work today I called Empower Retirement to find out why my 403b STILL hasn't been transferred to Vanguard. The person who I talked to told me that they had received notification of my termination date, but there was a 45 day hold. He saw the ridiculousness of this statement as he said it ... given that said termination date was on June 30, 2005!
So ... that should be set in motion (finally!) tomorrow.
I also called my Swagbucks card provider and after a bit of back and forth, they are sending me a check for the overpaid amount. (I had my paid in full amount taken once from ING and once from the CU account.) 7 - 10 days from now .... the check should arrive.
I also called the bank that had my Mypoints card - which I haven't used in 15 months ... mainly because the SBs card is a better deal, but also it doesn't have the option of automatic payments. I'd gotten a letter saying they were going to close it if I didn't make a charge. Well, I couldn't find the card (probably shredded it) so I called to claim it as lost and have a new one sent. In our discussion though, I realized that the deadline was the 14th to make the charge ... so I said go ahead and close it.
This will probably have a negative effect on my credit score since I think this is one of my older cards. But by the time I'm ready to do house hunting for real, it'll be right back up there I'm sure.
(Anyway, an article I was reading today said something about how if you're score is above 740, you really don't need to care too much about what the number is. Because it doesn't really matter at that point other than being a number.)
I got my Pinecone credit today so I was able to cash out = $15.00.
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking,
Year 39
October 11th, 2015 at 02:57 am
I got an okay night's sleep on Friday night, but ended up getting up and going an hour or so before my alarm because .. well, I was awake.
Then I went to Sabbath School and church. After I got home and ate lunch I goofed around on the net for a bit, but was really sleepy. So I laid down to take a 30 minute nap. Even set my timer on my phone. I wanted to make sure to get up in time to get ready to go walking with my church group.
We usually do around 4.5 miles or so. Lots of steps!
Next thing I knew it was 5:05 p.m. Oops. I was over an hour late.
So instead I decided to walk to the library to return a couple things and pick up some holds. Got 2.5 miles in, and got my steps for the day to a bit over 8k. So have 42,000 steps to go by Friday .... I WILL do it!
Talked to my grandma and to my mom this afternoon. Also texted with my brother a little bit. Grandma's pretty excited about me coming out for Thanksgiving (although hopefully she won't be looking for a plane coming from Colorado where she thinks I live. She's 94, so I humor her.)
My brother is going through some really tough life lessons right now. Our choices do have consequences. I hope that the consequences are as light as possible, because I think just what is going on right now has been a good wake up call for him. Some of the choices he'd been making was making me wonder if I was going to get a phone call with about the worst possible news ever. A phone call I hope to never get.
NE and I are going to the Sprint store tomorrow to see if him getting a WiFi card thing would be a good idea. He has been using my old Android phone as a hotspot with Ting, but used over 12 GBs of data .... He had the same Internet service that I do, but the modem(s) / Internet stopped working and multiple service calls didn't get anywhere with the stupid company. So ... he's trying the alternatives.
After that we're going to eat at IHOP. It's my treat this month (so also my choice of place to eat. )
I think the Sprint store we're going to is near the mall with the photo booth - if so, I'm going to get him to get in there with me.
My last order of clothes from Schoola came today. I absolutely ADORE two of the items. The third one unfortunately doesn't fit. So that'll be going in the goodwill bag.
So overall of the 6 items I bought from there, 4 of the 6 turned out to be WONDERFUL. And I paid a total of $11.26 for the 6 items shipped. A fifth shirt I really like, but unfortunately its design emphasizes my tummy too much.
I'd planned on watching a couple of my DVDs tonight, but I don't know if I will really do that or not. There's two that NE watched and told me were really good (he borrowed the DVDs from me which I had borrowed from the library ... weeks and weeks ago.) The Ultimate Gift and Rudderless. I've already renewed these several times... I just don't watch movies or even videos on the Internet that much anymore.
Oh, I also want to share this youtube video:
It is a style of music I usually won't touch with a ten foot pole - rap music. But for some reason I decided to give it a chance and listen to it today (while doing my Bing searches) and ... it is simply beautiful. When I See You Again by Wiz Khalifa. If you haven't heard it yet, give it a chance - I think you'll like it.
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Frugal Single Life,
Year 39
October 10th, 2015 at 01:14 am
I've been using the website/app Bounts for a little over a month now I think. I'm really liking it. I did upgrade to a paid plan because I thought I could check in to my local gym here ... but so far, that's a no go. Anyway, I've earned nearly 1000 points so far. Just need 300 more for a $10 Walmart gift card.
A couple weeks ago they had a challenge where you had to do 5 activities in one week for a bonus 50 points. Got it.
Starting tomorrow there's a challenge to do 50k steps by Friday for a bonus 50. Will do it!!
You also get 10 bonus points for working out on Saturdays, and 5 bonus points for sharing your workout status on Facebook. (Note - you can set it to post only to yourself. That's what I do for most of the apps that ask to post on FB for me ..)
If you're interested in trying bounts out, and would like to give me some referral points My referral code is: laura1828 The website is bounts.com. If you are UK based, you'll have a much wider selection of giftcards and points opportunities.
I finally got another Pinecone survey today, so will be able to cash in for $15 by Monday probably.
I'm kind of wondering if I should have cashed out some of my stock when I was considering it earlier ... lost about $30/stock since I first considered cashing in for a house ... Oh well, I have faith it'll go back up. Eventually.
I had some woman from Madison call today asking about our shuttle service to the big game tomorrow. She spent most of the call letting me know how arse-backwards our transit system is here. How nice. :roll eyes: As if I don't get enough of that from city residents.
I had someone else call and complain because the bus was ten+ minutes late at a major transfer point. After finding out that it was coming off another route which ran late, I told that to the woman. She then starts moaning and groaning about how she was late for an appointment, and so and so was late for tutoring, and on and on. Seriously - do you really thing I can do anything about that?! Do you really think the bus is running late on purpose? Just to make your life miserable?
SO glad the week is over.
Stepping on slight soap box ...
NE and I were talking about what Ben Carson said about what he would do if he was in a similar situation as the Oregon state students. He agreed with me that if he were in a similar situation, that he'd hope that he would find the courage to rush the gunperson. I KNOW that if I was in that situation as a teacher, I would do whatever it took ... but when it's not my students lives on the line .. I would hope that I would choose to go down fighting.
We also talked about the backlash Carson got from this statement. I think that it was kind of an unfair question for him in the first place - making him put himself in those students shoes. I also think that he wasn't saying that he thought he was better than those who didn't fight, but that he thought he would do it differently.
NE and I agreed that the mentality of lay back and take it, or negotiate, negotiate, negotiate, here in the US especially may be coming to an end as these horrible events keep piling up. Soon maybe there'll be more incidences like on the Paris train where people choose to fight.
Let me make myself clear - I am NOT blaming the victims at all. I'm just saying that I think it is the generally taught/accepted mentality of people in the US - to NOT fight. Running and hiding are good first options, but by the time you are trapped in a room with a man ordering people to stand up and state their religion ... the time to fight has come. We just have to change our mindset to do it for real.
Tripping off soap box ...
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking
October 6th, 2015 at 12:49 am
This past weekend I had a chance to talk to my Aunt and confirm my dates and her dates. She has offered to pay for my tickets. At first I told her I appreciated it, but she really didn't need to do it. She insisted she really wanted to. So ...
I'd checked ticket prices a few months ago, and for leaving on Monday morning and returning on Saturday or Sunday it was around $450. Apparently all the cheap return flights on Saturday and Sunday are gone. Returning either of those days added $400!! to the ticket price.
Returning on Friday though kept it to $460. So .. I'll be returning on Friday. Keep me away from the Black Friday sales. (Not that I do them anyway ...)
I'm looking forward to seeing my grandma and aunt again - it'll have been nearly two years since my last visit there. Grandma is 94, so who knows how many more times I'll get to see her. (Just as feisty as ever though!)
Today at work our accountant passed around a document that made me feel pretty panicked. It was a spreadsheet delineating the costs of having bus passes.
IOW it showed how much money / time would be freed up if we stopped doing passes and just did free rides. Relied totally on Federal funds I guess.
40-50% of my job is bus pass related.
So you can guess where my head was going with that.
My boss told me not to get too worried, that they are always coming up with ideas/plans that never get off the ground.
Still though ... All the more reason to have a beefy Emergency Fund!
If it were to come to that, they'd first have to try to place me in a similar positon/pay grade. Failing any openings (for people with less senority than me) there is some kind of severance package.
Stopped at Walgreen's today .... $13.xx later (meds, treats)
I'm now topped out at my $20/week spending. So no more money spent this week (other than bills, or stuff like the airplane ticket.)
I got my Schoola clothes! They all are in beautiful shape, and I LOVE two of them and like the third. I have $30 to spend today there ($15 + the code for 50% off - good through today.) I am going to see what I can find!
I also got the letter for Kari's license renewal - $21. Will pay it today.
Oh, another PANIC today ...
I have my credit cards set up on auto pay so I don't have to think about it.
Usually that is no issue.
However, with the new 2.5% checking account having the majority of my money ...
I paid my Swagbucks card in full on Thursday from my new checking account - thinking that would cancel out the auto payment for today from ING/Cap one.
I was wrong.
So this morning I applied for and was gifted a $1000 overdraft on my account. (Instantly!) Why did I need this? Because my rent check will be coming out from that account in the next day or two!
I've already set up a transfer from new account to old account to cover whatever isn't covered. So hopefully if I go into overdraft it won't be for more than a day or two.
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
(I also contacted my CC to ask them for my money back!)
Posted in
Work Related,
Year 39
October 4th, 2015 at 05:13 am
Most of today was trying to catch up on sleep, then surfed the net for a bit, and general laziness.
I did see I had some items at the library which had to be picked up today, so I stopped by the library. On my way home I dropped off my rent check.
When I got home I guess I had a second wind or something, because I did an inventory of my pantry, my freezer, my fridge, and the cupboard above my sink!
Then I mapped out a meal plan for the whole month of October, along with listing the items I'd need to buy each week.
I also checked all my grocery apps to see what had rebates right now, and included the ones I would actually use in my meal planning/shopping.
Even after making all the food for my meal plan for the month, I'll still have a fairly good food stock.
I'm hoping that this is going to help me keep my food spending to a minimum this month.
I did include one meal out with NE (my turn this month) and one meal that we'll make together at my place.
Generally ...
M - F - Breakfast - Fruit smoothie, 1/2 English muffin w/ peanut butter
Lunch - Sandwich of some sort / veggies / apple
Dinner - varies
---- spaghetti w/spinach, Morningstar crumbles
----- spaghetti squash w/crumbles (if still good)
---- Cottage Cheese loaf , veggies
---- Corn pudding, veggies
---- Sweet potato w/ baked beans or greek yogurt
---- Quiona w/veggies and tofu
---- Couscous w/ veggies and crumbles
----- Fried "rice" quinoa w/veggies/tofu
---- leftovers
---- last Friday night --- Amy's frozen meal
Snacks (Weekday) - fruit, snack bar
Weekends - Sundays -
-----------Brunch: Greek Yogurt/banana pancakes, egg
-----------Dinner: One of the dinners or eating out, making pizza with NE
Saturdays - Breakfast - Bagel w/cream cheese, egg, banana
----------- Lunch - leftovers
------------Dinner - cereal, egg
------------Dessert - ICE CREAM!
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Year 39
October 3rd, 2015 at 01:32 am
On Wednesday I mentioned that my CU paying 2.5% interest only credited me with $.44.
I sent them an email trying to understand why I didn't get the 2.5%. I thought I had more than qualified.
Yesterday afternoon I got an email from them telling me why I hadn't qualified. The reason they gave was that I only had 11 transactions instead of 12.
That did not make sense to me, so I called them on my break. I found out that customer service had credited me with the 2.5% as a courtesy. And the reason my 12th transaction didn't count was because it hadn't completed before the 30th.
Needless to say, I will be much more careful about making sure I have my 12 transaction in well before the 31st this month!
I've had a rough few days at work this week. All of us have really. As I was leaving today I asked two of the people I work with if they'd felt like it had been an extra long week too, and they agreed it had been.
4 hours or less sleep 2 nights in a row also sure hasn't helped.
So .. I stopped at BK for dinner tonight. $6.89. Definitely not part of my meal plan, but works within my $20/week spending budget. (Groceries on Monday - $12.xx, and then BK today.)
I am really hoping to get caught up on sleep this weekend.
Posted in
Work Related,
September 29th, 2015 at 04:24 am
So this past weekend I didn't do all that much, trying to muster up all the energy I could to go back to work this week. Ugh. (Today was a clustermess of buses running majorly late and very shorthanded all around.)
But one thing I did do was to check into the downpayment assistance program here in NE.
One of the requirements is that anyone who would reside in the house (over 18) has to take 4 two-hour classes. Another requirement is that the borrower (potential borrower) has a continuous work history of two+years.
I corresponded back and forth with the main person at the local office. The basic gist I got was that NE and I probably wouldn't qualify once our incomes were put together, and that there was no way NE could NOT come to the classes. (They are in the evenings on nights he works.)
So ... that avenue seems to be off the table.
I'm wondering though - is a two-year continuous work history that big of a deal?? I have worked/been employed (W-2 employment) for 4 years minus about 5 weeks. Would the minus 5 weeks be a huge stumbling block??
If so, then we might have to go with NEs finances, or wait til August when I'm at the two-year mark.
If we go with NEs finances, then we've got some major repair work to do. I offered to take over paying his bills so we could make sure they were paid on time each month - not sure if he thought I was serious or not.
I also was thinking about maybe a secured credit card, or some kind of small installment loan.
I also briefly considered selling my non-retirement funds stock to just forego completely messing with a mortgage. .... I sold about $4k worth of stock in 2013? and didn't have to pay any capital gains on it - I think because of my income bracket? (it had a cost basis of about $300 or so) So, if I were to sell $55k worth of stock with a cash basis of around $2k .... would that be counted as income and therefore majorly raise my tax bracket, or would I be in the same situation of not paying capital gains?
Really not planning on doing that (selling stock) but am kind of curious about what would happen if I did.
I've looked for info on what the mortgage people look for when deciding on loans / interest rate, but haven't found much beyond advertising. I'd really like to take that class, but it doesn't seem like they'll let me do it by myself. Sigh. Although I still think I'm going to apply - just in case.
One thing we talked about doing is sitting down with a mortgage person at my local credit union and seeing what they think our options are. I'm not sure what all information we should bring with us to something like that? Most recent tax returns? # of check stubs? documentation on any debts?
I did my last spend of the month today. (the first one since my mom left!) Bought some olive oil and bananas - both items with rebates, and both needed. (Used up my olive oil frying the eggplant when my mom was here.)
So now I'll get the 2.5 % interest. Can hardly wait til Wednesday to see it.
Posted in
September 25th, 2015 at 04:14 pm
So far the spending fast is going well. I haven't spent a penny Tuesday - today.
There's been a number of times driving home, etc. where I get the thought in my head "let me just stop and get a drink (soda)" and then I'll remind myself that #1 I can drink water when I get home, and #2 I am NOT spending any money unless I absolutely NEED to. So far, so good with that. (It kind of helps that thanks to my major overspending, I have a stash of not so healthy food in my place ... so when I'm overly stressed the food is already there ... no need to buy it ... good for the pocketbook, not so much for the waistline)
NE and I did some more talking last night. He wants me to go ahead and do the research/get started on figuring out how to get pre-approved for a home loan. From the various calculators, based just on my income debt/income ratio, we should be able to get something around $75k - or about $600/month total cost (mortgage, insurance, taxes, PMI) That'd be nearly $400/month less than what we're paying in rent currently.
By combining expenses we'll eliminate one Internet bill ($80/month Gulp) and probably cut utilities by 1/3 or so (depending on how big the house is of course.)
He's on board with the idea of a 15 year and paying extra to it so as to get it paid off as quickly as possible. I've also stressed to him that we need to have money set aside for repairs/maintenance/improvements.
I asked a lady at church (at women's ministry meeting) what Realtor she'd used when buying her recent rental property - she gave me the info for her and said she'd highly recommend. Before going with a Realtor though, I want to get the pre-approval thing done. Not sure if I should try through an online place like Cap One or through a local credit union. I'd really like to try to see if I can get the 2.75% rate ....
I read somewhere that some of the first time buyer programs that offer downpayment assistance have clauses such as they get your profit when / if you sell your home later?? I'd kind of get that if they asked you to pay back the money they assisted you with, plus maybe a little extra ... but all the profit? (Not that I think I'd really need to worry too much about that, because whatever house we buy, we will be staying put in - not planning on doing the whole "starter" house thing.)
Like I said though, still need to do some research on this whole thing.
So ... possibly a little prematurely and presumptively .... based on some conversations NE and I have had recently plus the house talk getting more serious (and him knowing my viewpoint for MYSELF about living with someone I'm not married to) ... my mom and I went to a dress shop while she was here. Yes, that kind of a dress shop.
I found *the* dress. $847. GULP. THE dress. It fit nearly perfectly. (I could possibly get the price reduced, as it is a stock dress. Alterations would be less than $50 ... Sigh.)
I can't do it. I won't do it. But me oh my ... if I had the budget for it ... and a venue/large enough prospective guest list for it ... and didn't want a house more than THE dress ... It would be mine.
Even though I'll more than likely end up getting something off the rack at Macy's or JC Penney's etc., it sure was fun to have the experience and to know that there really IS that experience of finding something that really IS THE Dress. Even if you don't actually get it.
(When/if it happens, it'll be just family and a few local friends. NE only has a sister and a close friend here, possibly a nephew that might come. We have a mutual friend here. I have a slew of family that'd come. Still, the total guest list would probably be under 20, maybe 15. So something *really* simple. Maybe even a courthouse one. My recent experience has made me rethink whether that is totally out of the question or not.)
I am at home today. Woke up feeling pretty miserable. Yesterday at work was pretty miserable (plus stressful .... Why oh why would someone ask you to do something for them, and then while you are doing what they asked, they go ahead and make their own version? Which of course is *exactly* what they wanted/pictured. And this is the person who's always talking about how she is SO behind and SO overwhelmed. Of course you are - even as you supposedly delegate tasks to me, you are either doing them yourself, or spending 20 minutes plus explaining it ...(whereas a note telling me what labels she wanted created would've been more than sufficient ... I don't have ANY interest in her job, so the explanations have ZERO interest to me ...)
So anyway ... since I am at home today during regular business hours, I plan on calling the horrible company that holds me hostage to their prices for Internet. My "promo" expired and went from $67/month to $82/month. Cannot comprehend spending that much money on Internet. (A phone line is included in the cost - it is required for whatever reason. Believe me, I have tried to tell them I refuse to have the stupid phone line. Didn't work.)
First though I'm going to call the *other* company here and see if they have a better offer. Last time they didn't.
It just galls me to pay this much for it, when in NM and TX I paid less than $40/month, and even less than $30/month (in TX.)
I got credited for my hotel stays on SBs - 2888SBs. Of course I'd seen they had a credit pending for just the first hotel stay, and I wrote CS an email asking what was going on ... CS credited me with 2888SBs. Only in my ledger it shows as for Groupon. Not Expedia. I wrote them back to let them know they made a mistake, but so far I still have the SBs. So I have enough to redeem for a $50 PayPal with plenty left over ...
Will give it a few weeks though to see if they take the SBs back or not.
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking,
Year 39
September 23rd, 2015 at 02:16 am
It was way worse than I thought. Even after entering the $450 extra($200 bank bonus, $200 from mom, $50 from Swagbucks) I STILL had to take money from my slush fund to get rid of the red in multiple categories.
So for the remainder of September, unless it is an *absolute* necessity, I will not be spending one more penny. (Okay, I still have to do one more transaction for my checking account to get 2.5% - but that will be a less than $5 transaction.)
In October I can't make it a fast because I've already agreed to going away overnight with NE. Hopefully we can keep the expense to a bare minimum though.
I think I will bow out from the children's conference though - that's $40 I can't afford right now - not with the MAJOR overspending I did this month. I also am going to skip the mani-pedi - that money that was budgeted is going to pay for overspending in other categories.
I really let the stress of the property manager get to me overly much ...
October will be a 3 paycheck month so I can replenish the slush fund, and almost finish the EF. It makes me sick to know that had I not done this, I would be able to finish the EF and get a good start on the car fund in October.
I tried to cash out my iBotta tonight but it just kept spinning and spinning after I clicked the link to confirm my paypal account. I have $27.25.
I did cash out Pact for $10.
I also cashed out another $25 in PayPal from Swagbucks tonight.
PerkTv is driving me nuts with this ad that keeps freezing - if it wasn't for that, I'd be really close to my next $25 AGC!
I'm trying to figure out if I'm correct ... If I have $10k in an account which earns 2.5% interest, that would be $250??? Or would it be $25? If the first number is correct ... then that just boggles my mind. It really seems to me like that first number should be correct ... If it is ... then my EF will be finished much quicker than I imagined, and my car fund will be getting started really soon!
(I also think I could persuade my bf to do the debit card thing for me if I gave him $50/month off of whatever he used it for to do it. That way I wouldn't have to dream up 12 reasons to use it in my own transactions, while at the same time making sure to get my $500 spend for Discover.)
Posted in
Extra Money Tracking,
September 22nd, 2015 at 03:09 am
I'm back home now from taking my mom to the airport today.
We had a good visit together. We did some shopping, we rode the bus and took a tour of the bus station where I work, made eggplant parmesean at my house, ate out twice with NE, etc.
One of the places we ate at is the vegan restaurant which Ceejay recommended a long time ago. Overall I'd say it was a good place, and that some of the food was pretty good. The atmosphere was WAY noisy though (especially this one lady who did not understand how to keep her noise level to inside levels ...)
Friday afternoon my mom and I had a really interesting experience. She and I were sitting in a booth at a downtown Casey's store (gas station.) An older lady came in and was trying to get someone to come be a witness to her wedding - she was willing to pay $10.
I was kind of wondering if she was trying some sort of scam, but when she got to us I decided to go with it and see what happened. My mom agreed.
So we followed the lady outside to where her fiancee' and another person who'd agreed to be a witness were standing. Apparently both of their witnesses had flaked out (decided to go get drunk instead of coming to their wedding ... a daughter and son.)
We headed over to city hall where we stood waiting for about ten minutes while the lady chain smoked and gabbed about many way too personal details to tell strangers.
Finally we headed inside where we had to go through a metal detector and went into a courtroom. The judge met us there and explained what was going to happen. He seemed like a really nice guy, very easy going with a good sense of humor.
After putting on his robe, he conducted the ceremony. It really was quite beautiful for a courtroom ceremony.
At the end I had to sign my name and write my address on two documents (as a witness.) Both I and the other lady refused the $10 when offered. Then before leaving gave the bride a hug and good wishes.
(She and the new husband had been together for 19 years - had been homeless, drug addicts, etc., but now she is on disability and he is a truck driver. She recently bought a house on her credit, and insisted on "making it official.")
All in all ... an interesting experience.
The Walk Through ... got a voice mail Thursday night from property manager. Said "Your place looks like a million bucks. I am so impressed. Thank you."
Ugh. At least it's over now.
Now that my mom is gone I am going to be putting myself on a Spending Reduction.
This means that I can only spend $20 per week on anything outside of gas for my car, regular bills/contributions, October trip with NE, October restaurant w/NE, and the mani/pedi which I still haven't done! I also may add in there the registration fee(s) for a Sabbath School workshop and a fundraiser 5k I might participate in during October.
Yikes .. lots of exceptions. But even with them, I think it will help me get my spending muscles back into check after the spendalooza that has been August and September so far.
This spending reduction is in effect until November 19 (before I go out to CA for Thanksgiving.)
I'm going to be entering all my receipts, etc. into YNAB tomorrow night and see how much damage has been done ...
$200 account bonus from Nationwide
$200 from mom for her part of the hotel, other stuff we did together
Have enough SBs to cash out for a $25 PayPal, but am waiting for the next Swagup to come available.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking,
September 17th, 2015 at 02:51 am
So my place is as ready as it can be for ... the walk through ...
I went to Target tonight and bought new cat litter and a new high sided litter pan (both on the cartwheel) along with some other stuff. Sigh ... I will be doing some kind of a spending moratorium after my mom is gone. Sorely needed. Earned $6.50 in ibotta rebates/bonuses ... (up to $26.70 now)
I've been looking on Craigslist at apartments in case I decide to say enough is enough with this deal. There really isn't much available in my price range right now. (At least not in areas I'm willing to live.)
So ... I also have been looking at houses.
I've been seeing some that are very interesting, and under the $75k price mark. One I'm quite interested in is about $69k. 3 br/2b/full basement/large yard/large front porch
If NE and I end up getting married .... our credit scores are worlds apart. He spaces on paying bills a lot ... (which is why I would be taking over that aspect presto pronto - which he agrees with totally)
So ... I'm guessing it would be better to work on getting a mortgage/approval prior to saying I Do and having our credit scores merge (as far as getting a mortgage goes) It would then just be my name on the deed (if just my finances are used to get it.) Later on though, when we've gotten his score back up, we could refinance or something and add him to the deed??
(And yes, I do plan on making sure that I could handle the house payments/bills on my own if necessary. He'd really be taking most of the risk here by contributing monetarily to a house that doesn't have his name on it.) How would that affect taxes though? If we file jointly, could we still claim the mortgage interest thing if it's in just one of our names?
I'm thinking that the time of the low interest rates for mortgages may be coming to an end soon ... and so that is also kind of making me thing it may be time to act sooner than later. (Not *just* because of stupid property manager's wife )
I should start looking into those links you guys gave me last time for first time home buyers and such not. Though that'll have to wait til next week after my mom is gone and hopefully my stress level will have gone down 50 notches.
Picking her up at the airport tomorrow and then eating at the vegan restaurant Ceejay recc'd so long ago! Good thing I get to sleep in on Friday!
Posted in
September 15th, 2015 at 01:15 am
So as I mentioned, I hired someone to do a deep clean of my apartment for two reasons - 1. my mom coming on Thursday, and 2. the PM's wife/PM's walk-through on Thursday.
I got about 40 texts from this lady in total. 25 of them were her checking to make sure I'd gotten the things she'd "suggested." Already I was getting to where this was a definite two-time deal. First and last.
Then last night just before NE and I were about to head out for dinner, I get a text from her telling me to empty my vacuum bag and make sure I had her money in cash.
Ummmm.... okay.
So on our way back we stopped by an ATM.
Then just before NE left, we opened up my vacuum cleaner to change the bag. Slight problem. None of the bags I had been hauling around for the last oh 5 years fit the vacuum!! (Can you tell how often I vacuum?)
So I was faced with having to go out looking for a bag to fit it at 11:00 p.m. An 18+yo vacuum.
Thankfully NE was willing to go to his place and bring me his vacuum.
One of his cats has a bit of a ... urination problem. (Yes, she has been checked out medically.) The vacuum had been on its side. The cord had been peed on.
So NE spent about 35 minutes cleaning the cord so the lady cleaner wouldn't smell the cat pee.
Finally I got to bed about 12:30a.m.
Before leaving for work I made sure to put my extra key under the mat by my door.
About 10:30 I get two phone calls in a row and a voicemail. I couldn't do anything about the phone calls, but I could read the text.
She couldn't find the key.
I asked her if the door was locked. (Panicking thinking someone saw me put the key under the mat and took it, and went inside my place. Not that I have much worth stealing.)
Nope, it was locked.
So I get some coworkers to cover the desk and rush home. Only to find that she isn't there!! Guess what WAS there? Right where I had left it this morning?
Yep, my key.
So I text her back and forth a bit again. She's insisting the key hadn't been there. My last text to her was: The key was there. The key is there.
I hear nothing else from her. So I have no idea whether or not she came back and actually cleaned my place!
When I got home I found out that she had cleaned it. Whew.
She definitely better think twice before asking me to recommend her to anyone!
Posted in
September 14th, 2015 at 12:33 am
Hey all,
My brother lives in Napa and I have an uncle in Angwin. If I'm reading the maps, etc., right it sounds like my brother is in the mandatory evacuation area. I have had contact with him today, but not much.
The town of Middleton is pretty much completely destroyed - one of our churches and our local church school is reportedly amoungst the burned down structures in that area.
So scary how fast a majorly destructive fire can start. (This fire is only about 24 hours old.)
Posted in
September 13th, 2015 at 09:09 pm
So far today I:
*cleaned out litter boxes and refilled
*took out trash
*decluttered my kitchen drawers
*put together a box of books and other things that I had been planning on selling on eBay, but have just been sitting there for a year on a shelf ... and took that box plus stuff from the kitchen drawers to Goodwill
*cleaned out my car - found $1
*figured out how to hang the shelves I got a few weeks ago without buying a drill bit (like NE said I'd have to do) Hmph! Girl power!
*moved boxes from beside the back door to behind my bed
*moved suitcases from beside back door and put into my closet (this only made possible because of KonMari'ing my clothes a few weeks or so ago - otherwise would not have had the space in the closet!)
*attempted to put plate hangers on my two deco plates, but found out the hangers were TOO big! (plates I think are 8" and the hangers are for 10-14")
*Went to Walmart and spent way, way too much ...
but ... got two bathroom rugs to go under litter boxes
.... got a new shower curtain w/hooks that *I* like (not the drab brown the guy who lived here before had left)
... got a new hand towel and washcloth to spiffy the bathroom up
... a lot of other stuff (mostly groceries)
*got home and got everything scanned to my various apps ($3.70 Ibotta, $2.75 SavingStar, $.25 Shrink, $.25 Snap)
*got everything put away, and just finished a late lunch. Now am going to relax a bit until it's time for NE to come over (we're going out to a place called Pizza Ranch tonight - his treat!)
Yesterday I went for a 4.5 mile walk with some people from church. Overall, I got in over 14k steps!
I used the Charity Miles apps and earned $1.06 for a charity, and I also earned 40 bounts points - 20 for fitbit (14k steps) 10 for RunKeeper, and 10 for a weekend activity. I'm up to 590 bounts already. Sweet!
Now I just need to get my extra key to the cleaning lady so she can clean my place tomorrow.
Posted in
Gasoline Tracking,
Grocery Tracking,
September 12th, 2015 at 02:18 am
This afternoon I met with a lady who is going to do the cleaning I need done. She suggested I get something called Draincare to help get rid of the future possible clogs.
She's probably going to come on Monday. I agreed to pay her $100 (the bathroom with the litter mess was a bit worse than I'd realized.)
I need to figure out a better solution for keeping the litter off the floor. I have tried the hooded boxes before, but really didn't like them (neither did my cat(s).) I've also tried a variety of litter mats ...
This is something I'll deal with once my mom is gone though.
I bought the draincare stuff, some lightbulbs, replacement liner things for the stove burners, and ... some chocolate.
This weekend I'm going to focus on doing more decluttering and getting my car cleaned out.
I made it 3 days with no spending so far this month ...
This month's totals are going to be so disastrous. At least I have a good slush fund to handle it without missing a beat. I just don't like actually *using* the slush fund.
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Frugal Single Life,
September 11th, 2015 at 12:07 am
I won't go into all the details ...
Last week after having tried multiple solutions to fix the tub drainage issues (including using a Zipit) and finding that it was getting worse and not better, I finally called my property manager.
Today I got an email from PMs wife. In it she told me that my pipe had been completely clogged with hair and that if happened again that I'd be charged the service fee ($89.) Fine. Never had issues like this before, but whatever.
She then went on to say that her husband is going to come back on the 17th to do a walk through. It is expected that my place will be clean and clutter free.
Say what? I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a great housekeeper, but I'm not a horrible one. The cleaning aspect though, I'm really like again, whatever.
The clutter though has me furious. I don't see how it is ANY business of a landlord/property manager to tell someone they have "too much clutter."
I emailed her back to ask specifically what were the issues. She said one of the things was the boxes (broken down ones) stashed in front of the back door in my bedroom - that it was a safety issue (can't exit during a fire.) You're kidding, right?? If I was on the second floor there wouldn't even BE a back door exit.
I SO badly wanted to respond with a few choice words.
Am I totally off base in thinking that how much clutter/little clutter is none of their business? (I'd love to say - if you think it's bad now, you should have seen it six months ago before I let go of a whole bunch more stuff!)
I've decided to look into hiring someone to come in and do a deep cleaning. Kari's litter in the bathroom + the shower curtain not doing it's job totally, did a number on some areas of the floor which I'm not sure how to get off. Plus I just don't have the energy to do a "deep" cleaning like what it sounds like she's expecting. Not by the 16th for sure.
PMs wife said "it should look like the day you moved in" HAH so unrealistic. Somebody and a cat actually LIVE here (someone's who's first priority isn't keeping a pristine house .. sorry!)
I am just SO ticked right now! (Ate half a bag of chocolate after taking the trash out and generally stomping around and scaring poor Kari ...)
This makes me want to cash out 1/2 my stock and go buy a house. Just get out of having to deal with carp like this. (Yes, I know I'd then have to deal with the plumbing issues, etc. myself - but at least I'd have no one being judgmental about it)
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September 9th, 2015 at 12:33 am
We had a good bit of rain this past weekend which helped to cool things down (Saturday during the university game it was in the high 90s ..)
So .. this morning I decided to walk to work. A nice cool mid-60s, with an afternoon temp in the low 80s. Perfect.
The one thing I didn't think about was the mud on the sidewalks.
Can you guess where I'm going with this?
Yes, in my work clothing walking along trudging through sections of sidewalk covered in mud. (Wearing tennies, not heels.)
Almost slipped two different times, but managed to catch myself. Until the third time I slipped.
Ouch! Now I have a load of laundry going that definitely WAS NOT planned for tonight.
Once I got home I took everything out of my pantry and my closet (where I'd been stashing some of my recent purchases) and reorganized it. 6 bags of cat food, 30 cans of canned cat food, 4 rolls of paper towels, 6 boxes of snack type bars, 6 boxes of cereal, etc., etc.
When the laundry is done I AM going to put it away right away.
Then the rest of the evening is mine.
If you're a praying sort, my brother did something this past weekend which could have pretty negative consequences. He'll be finding out for sure October 9 what the consequences will be. My hope is that he will learn what he needs to from this so that it doesn't repeat and he can make some tough decisions.
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