At my dentist visit today I did end up having a filling done. It was going to cost $84 after insurance. Zoinks!
I handed over my FSA card thinking there was maybe $5 or $6 left on it at most. Nope! There was over $50 left! Yay!
So since I was in a celebratory mood ... (ya ya sure ... I was using any excuse) I headed to Target and got my fave Amy meal x 3. Plus a few other things.
Spent about $24.
BUT .. today I saw my last October paycheck. Which is the second one going to November.
After entering it in, and filling in the numbers in my various categories ... and knowing that I'll be getting reimbursed for the plane tickets to CA for Thanksgiving ... and knowing that December should also be a 3 paycheck month ...
I came to the following conclusion --
I will be able to meet my $10k in my EF goal by the end of this year!
This goal originally was $12k, but I realized that I wasn't funding some categories properly (i.e. car tags, etc.) and so reduced it to $10k. With some of the larger medical expenses I had this year, I wasn't sure I'd even make that one.
But it (knocks on wood) looks like I just might!
Then in January I can start aggressively saving towards the house downpayment! YES!
I have decided (once again ...) that I am going cold turkey on purchasing soda or any junky food for November and December. (Not saying I won't EAT any junk food - just I won't purchase it myself.)
I've let myself get way too lax with the junk, and I'm hoping by putting forth this moratorium, I will both save money (since many trips to the store are merely disguised trips for junk ...) and help me get back to LOSING weight. Maybe help with my lack of energy too.
Okay, so now for the funny ...
Our bus system has a number of routes which are interconnected. This means that when Bus A is South of O street it is for example #46, but when it is North of O Street, it is #45. A rider could get on Bus A when it is the #46 and ride it from the North to the South and get off of it as the #45.
So ... today I get this call from a woman who was at first and O St. She wanted to know when the #45 bus would be coming by.
After checking to make sure if she was wanting to go downtown or outbound, I told her that the #46 bus would be going by her in about ten minutes.
(The #46 bus goes out from our transfer center west along O St from 11th to 1st, and then the numbers start going back up (Nw 1st, Sw 1st) When it gets to NW 48th and O it heads North. This happens from 6:10 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. Monday thru Friday.)
She then started arguing with me that the #45 bus came by first and O in the morning, but not the #46 bus.
As she was hanging up I heard her say to someone nearby ... "The lady doesn't know her buses very well." LOL
Almost forgot!
I filled out a comment card at the restaurant the other night. Today I got an email letting me know that I'd won a $15 gift certificate!
I wonder how long that will be good for ... cuz' I'm guessing it'll be a long time before I'll be getting back that way.
Dentist Visit. Looking into the Future .. , A funny
October 28th, 2015 at 02:01 am
October 29th, 2015 at 08:38 am 1446107925
October 29th, 2015 at 04:11 pm 1446135083
October 29th, 2015 at 11:21 pm 1446160899