Viewing the 'Frugal Single Life' Category
December 5th, 2009 at 12:03 am
Today at work I decided that I probably should go ahead and start finding my textbooks for next semester in order to find the best possible deals. So, I entered either the ISBN#'s or the title (to find the ISBN) into Google and searched through a number of different comparison sites. Most of the books I was able to save between 29% - 50% off of retail. Even the one with a copyright date of 2010!
Even so, it was a LOT of money going out! I found a coupon for half.com ($5 off $50) and that helped a *little*. I ended up buying 3 books from half.com; one book from Barnes & Noble; and one from textbooks.com.
List price at half.com: $225
Paid (well, will pay)*: $140.97
List price at textbooks.com: $43
Paid: $31.93
List price at Barnes & Noble: $60
Paid: $29.47
Total List Price: $328
Total Paid: $202.37
The 2010 book comes with a DVD -it's list price alone was $108. I just about choked when I saw that.
*I thought my address was changed with my Chase cc. I guess I was wrong. When I tried to pay at half.com it would not take my card. I thought maybe a fraud alert had been put on (due to unusual amount of spending activity.) But it turned out they had my old address still!
I will have to wait til tomorrow to purchase the items, because their system won't "fully update" until tonight. Ugh.
These all should arrive before I leave for California, so it will be nice to be sure that I have them ready and waiting for me to start class in January.
I went grocery shopping at Walmart after work.
I'd been making a list all week - anticipating both getting cottage cheese (to replace the rotten one I found last Sunday!) and a Terry's Chocolate Orange.
I had a coupon from the All You magazine (freebie the gym gets) for Peter Pan pb. I needed more pb, so that was good timing.
So, I got: sweet potatoes, bananas, sour cream, cottage cheese, swiss cheese, Terry's C.O., Peter Pan PB, and 8 pkgs of frozen veggies.
Total cost: $20.60
You may be wondering why I bought 8 packages of frozen veggies. The large bag of mixed veggies is $2.06. The bag that is exactly half its size is normally $.98.
Today, they were marked $.75. I won't have to buy frozen veggies again until probably late January or perhaps February.
The coupon was a bit of a pain though. It was for a 28 oz container. I prefer crunchy pb to creamy, so I picked up a crunchy. When I got to the register, the coupon wouldn't take. Come to find out the coupon is only for creamy. So I went back and exchanged it for a creamy. Stand in a different line. Coupon won't ring up again. Cashier takes pity on me and just goes ahead and takes the $1 off. Whooh!
Before I'd gotten to my first cashier, I had the displeasure to witness a woman being extremely unpleasant to the cashier. The cashier had placed a number of items in a bag, and the lady was upset that it wasn't double bagged. Instead of politely saying "please double bag these items" she *very* snidely/angrily/rudely/condescendingly told the cashier she didn't know what she was doing and that she didn't want the bag to break. (The words themselves were fine - it was the tone of voice and look on her face - her whole attitude about it.)
When I got to the cashier I asked her if she'd had a long day. She told me that her shift had just started. And that she doesn't let people like that bother her. Most people don't want there items double bagged - so she doesn't do it automatically. Those that do, usually ask much more nicely.
As I left I told her that I hoped the rest of her shift went better.
It was *freezing* cold *all day* at work today. Thankfully I had the gloves I picked up yesterday at Dollar General. I cut off the fingertips of the thumb and forefinger, and it worked *perfectly*!!
Then today when I took the dogs for a walk, I put my other gloves on top of the other pair. A double layer of gloves made for toasty warm hands.
The potential roommate who was supposed to stop by on Wednesday flaked. But we have another very likely one. A male.
My landlady said that she hasn't rented to a man before, but she picked up good vibes from him. Like he seemed to be a good person.
He may be moving in as soon as this coming week, because the lady who'd been renting the other room moved out completely today.
This will be interesting.
Oh, almost forgot. I made my annual required Snapfish purchase. (To keep my "free" photo storage on their site, I have to make one purchase per year.)
So, I chose a picture, and had one copy made - sent to Wal-Mart. $.21
I can live with that.
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Frugal Single Life,
Grocery Tracking
December 4th, 2009 at 03:24 am
For one of my classes I was supposed to register with the American Library Association and Texas Library Association as part of a "leadership project". Then I'm supposed to explore the sites and write a report on it.
Great, not hard at all right? Except ... when you wait until 8 days before the assignment is due and find out that you can't register online nor over the telephone. You can however register over fax. Then you find out that it takes up to 4 weeks!!! for your registration to process.
Oh, oh!
I emailed my professor and asked him what my best course of action would be. I'm not sure he understood what I was asking, because he emailed me back and told me I had to register with the associations! (after explaining that I *had* registered that morning, but it wouldn't be complete for up to 4 weeks.)
This seriously was not smart on my part. I should have registered way back in August. I just didn't want to pay the $35 fee... so I drug my feet.
This could very well cause me to have to retake the class because leadership points are 25% of our grade. (It does include a few other assignments, but as far as I can figure, this counts for half.) You have to retake any class you get less than a B in.
What a waste of money and time on my part if I have to retake it! It's totally my fault. I'm usually much more proactive on this kind of stuff - especially when it comes to grades!! ARghh!!
At least it's only a one-credit course.
I thought I was working at the gym today from 6:30 to 6:30. When I asked E about my schedule last week, he said this week was normal, except for opening on T and Th.
So when he gave me the actual December schedule, I glanced at it briefly and didn't see anything pop out at me.
Then today a bit after 3:00 A walked into the gym. He said he was there to relieve me. I'm like, "what?!" Then I took a closer look at the schedule, and saw that he was scheduled.
When I got in my car I called E and as calmly as possible asked what his reasoning was. He told me that he didn't want any of us working 12 hour days, and since I was opening, he put A in to close.
If he would've asked me, I would have told him I had NO problem working a 12 hour day - especially considering the fact that my Jan. 1 paycheck is going to be paltry due to my California trip. Extra hours right now are a *good* thing!
Seriously, it's things like this that really, really make me *strongly dislike* working at an hourly job. The flexibility is great for some things, but it can be a two-edged sword.
Not actually spent yet, but put into motion: $35 on Credit Card for ALA/TLA membership.
Gas: $21.33 --- Could have waited until tomorrow, but I saw a station with $2.19/gallon gas (at least $.20 less than anywhere else) and decided to jump on it in the likelihood of it being a one-day sale.
Dollar General: (cash) $3.31
two pairs of gloves (only sold in sets of two) and a knit pull-over hat (says "one-size" but doesn't cover my ears at all!)
Landlady: $1 -- two AAA batteries so that my keyboard would start working right again (I offered the money - didn't want her to feel like I was taking advantage.)
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking
December 1st, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Today was a no spend day.
I also felt much better than I did yesterday, although it was colder outside.
On my way home I came across two accidents. One of them closed an entire intersection, and I had to follow someone in front of me to figure out a detour. The second one was right before my street. It looked like a 4-car chain reaction accident.
Texans don't know how to drive in slick and cold conditions very well. It is supposed to maybe snow tonight. I think I might need a hat (whatever those knit hats you pull over your ears are called.)
Today at work I was wearing one glove most of the morning. I had four different people ask me if I was sporting the Michael Jackson look. LOL! No, it was more like wanting to be able to navigate on my iPhone and turn magazine pages look!
There are gloves where you can separate the finger tips while still wearing the glove - but they're in the $25 - 30 range. My gloves were in the $2 range.
I stopped at Chase today and closed my checking account. I told the person who helped me that I would have stayed there if it wasn't for the $6 monthly fee if I didn't do so many debit transactions a month. She didn't give me any hassles, which was good.
Then I went over to Compass where I had opened an account last November for the $25 account bonus and "free" mp3 player. (turned out it cost shipping and handling, so I never got it.) I deposited my funds from Chase + my paycheck in there. I also asked for a new debit card because I'd shredded the other one (thinking I'd never use it.)
*I am going to look into opening a student account at the university's credit union - but will probably do that after the holidays when I'm on school break. Spring semester doesn't start till Jan. 19!
Today was payday. Ouch. I sure took a hit from having Thursday and Friday off. Roughly $110. It would have been worse if I hadn't worked on Wednesday.
So, my Nov 15 paycheck was $497.49, and my Nov 30 paycheck was $405.73.
I have $30 cash left from my last cash outtake, and kept out $36 from today's deposit (what was left over the hundreds from Chase). That means I have $76 for groceries and miscellaneous to last until December 11 when I'll take another $40.
$40.50 x 3 (Savings, Tax Savings, Giving)
That leaves 248.23 for other bills.
Tomorrow I need to get my car inspected (yeah, procrastinated on that!) Finish and turn in my barefoot running paper, and complete another assignment for a different class.
I'm also going to be meeting a new possible roommate. My landlady's daughter is ok with continuing to give her room up so someone can rent it - at least for a short time. It doesn't sound like this person will need fridge or pantry space - which is good, because I'm using all my allotted space!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 30th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
This morning I managed to get off to work with a new cannister of oatmeal, my frozen veggies and $.72 Michaleo's frozen meal, and a banana. Unfortunately, I forgot my new box of Stripples (vegge bacon) and container of egg whites.
I went to bed a bit after 9 last night, but didn't really get much sleep by 5:30 this morning when my alarm went off. Between not being able to turn off the thought machine and my allergies/maybe beginning of a cold ... ugh!
So ... I wanted more protein for my breakfast than just oatmeal. I headed over to the deli and though I did spend, it was controlled. I got one taquito (breakfast burrito - eggs and cheese); juice; and a banana. $3.33
In case you're wondering why I got a banana when I already had one ... well, I realized I hadn't gotten enough for the whole week this morning. So by getting a banana today, it gives me one less reason to go grocery shopping before Friday. Thus, more than likely, saving me money.
So the lack of sleep/rest also affected my driving this morning. I pulled on to the business highway where the speed limit is 60, and it didn't dawn on me to speed up from 45 until someone honked at me.
The whole day at work I was just cold. I wore my jacket the whole day. Usually I can wait till around 10 a.m. or so before I get too cold.
By the time the afternoon shift came, I was feeling plumb miserable.
Got home and walked the dogs. That was a production and a half. I figured that if it was cold enough outside for *me* to wear my jacket, then little thin Nikki *must* wear one too. Yikes! She was just like a little kid who doesn't want to wear a jacket!! It took ten minutes of me wrestling with her before finally getting it on. Ugh!!
Kayla was so funny. She was acting like the patient older sibling (which she kind of is, older at least) who just wants to go for her walk! She kept coming up to me like she was letting me know that she'd be willing to do whatever it took for us to get out that door!
I came across an interesting work at home site. I haven't tried it yet myself, but it looks good. livework.com
One of the options is doing short answer questions. You just need good writing and research skills.
It's only 4:25 right now, but I think I'm going to go to bed a little early. Maybe just rest a bit ... who knows.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 30th, 2009 at 01:41 am
Today I helped E and one other person clean the gym location which is closing tomorrow. It took the three of us 6 hours.
I ate about 10 a.m. and got there a little before noon. By the time I was leaving (about 6) I was *starving* and thinking about all the fast food places I could get something to eat. I couldn't actually go *in* anywhere, because I was a royal mess thanks to 3 hours of cleaning blinds and dusting out lockers + powerwashing 6 shower stalls.
But, you notice I said today was a no spender? I fought those thoughts of stopping with thinking about what I had at home that I could make quickly. I came up with a sweet potato, leftover cornbread muffin, and a veggie patty with cheese. Then of course today is an S day, so I wanted to have some chocolate. I realized I already had some chocolate at home, so there was no need to stop somewhere and pick any up.
Yay! So I made it home without falling into the trap of saying that I deserved a treat (fast food) because of how hard I worked today.
While dusting out the lockers, I found a dime and three pennies. When I asked E if it was "finders keepers" he gave me a dime he'd found earlier.
So, for children's offering this coming Sabbath, I have $.23 already!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 29th, 2009 at 04:12 am
Today at church I put $1.70 in the children's offering, and $1 into the loose offering.
So I "spent" $2.70.
Last night I was going to have some cottage cheese to go with my supper, but when I opened it up, it had gone bad. I'd forgotten to turn it upside down (a trick which has made cottage cheese last forever in the past.)
I debated about maybe going to get some tonight, but decided to see if I can hold out until Friday when I do my next shopping run.
I went to the animal shelter today. I almost talked myself out of going because I really wasn't feeling great - in fact, I almost left church early because I wasn't feeling good. But, I talked myself into going.
I am glad I did. Several dogs who I thought for sure would've been adopted by now were still there, so I got to walk them, which was great. After I'd had my fill of walking dogs, I went into the cat room. There was this one cat, maybe a Persian, which was just gorgeous and super friendly. It even got up on my lap after awhile.
It's really good that there is no way that I can take either a cat or a dog home.
I thought about stopping for a soda on the way home, but ended up not doing it. I will get one tomorrow if I really want one, but I think tonight I was thinking about getting one just out of habit.
So, all I spent today was the offerings at church.
Tomorrow is cleaning the gym. Yuck. But it will help pad my next paycheck a bit - which will be very helpful considering how many hours I'll be out in my next paycheck (due to vacation.)
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Frugal Single Life,
November 27th, 2009 at 11:12 pm
I had a pretty nice time over Thanksgiving. Went to my mom's house on Wednesday evening. After supper we went shopping for a birthday gift for my stepdad's granddaughter. Then we watched "Sunshine Cleaning". I wasn't sure if it was going to be good or not, considering the scenes they were cleaning, but it was actually pretty good.
Thursday we all got up nice and late, and headed over to the dollar theater and saw "Julie and Julia". That was a fantastic movie, really one of the best I've seen in a good while.
After the movie we headed over to Cracker Barrel for our official Thanksgiving Dinner. I pretty much had to choose off the breakfast menu, because I read a nice little notice that most of their veggies and their corn muffins and their beans are all cooked in/with animal fats. Ugh!
Still, I got french toast, eggs, sweet potato casserole and pecan pie. It was yummy and I was quite full. No stuffing though (only trust kind I make myself to not be made with turkey dripping or some such thing.) Maybe I can make some stuffing this weekend.
After we got back home I printed out my running paper for my mom to read - she made a few suggestions, but overall said it was really good. Then I did a 20 minute recording of her talking about family history. We stopped at that point because my knees were killing me. Unfortunately, even though she was speaking loudly, the mike on the camera didn't pick it up very well.
We're going to try it again later - maybe see if we can find some kind of mike or another way of holding the camera when she's speaking ...
Of the $40 cash I took out, I have spent .... $3.30!
$.30 was for printing out a registration form
$3 was for the movie yesterday (I treated)
Today I stopped at Walmart and picked up $23.34 worth of groceries and some misc. items. But I paid for them with a remaining balance on one gift card, plus most of the remaining balance on a second gift card.
Tomorrow is church and the no-kill shelter, and then on Sunday I'll be helping E clean up the closed gym location. This time however, I *will* be accepting pay.
Almost forgot. E had asked me several weeks ago to work this past Wednesday which is normally by day off. I had this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I should call and doublecheck with him about it on Tuesday ... but ignored it.
I got to the gym at a bit before 8, and found that E had double scheduled the time slot! That's better than not having gotten anyone for it .... but still.
E was pretty fair I think. He said he'd pay the other person for 4 hours and they got to go home. I got paid for 8 - 3 (when someone else came). I just thought it was kind of funny.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 26th, 2009 at 03:57 pm
I would like to wish all the wonderful people in the SA family a Happy Thanksgiving.
I am grateful that I found this place nearly five years ago where I have had the opportunity to know many people who share the desire to live differently from the norm. Our community here is very unique in the Internet world. We support each other in times of stress, give advice on financial and other life matters, and let new people know quickly that rudeness and meaness is not tolerated here.
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Frugal Single Life
November 24th, 2009 at 12:43 am
This morning I woke up in major pain. I'm not sure exactly what I did, but the right side of my neck, down a bit onto my shoulder was in torturous pain this morning. It hurt to lay on my side, and it hurt to lay on my back. I was seriously wondering if I'd be able to get out of bed or not!
I made it out of bed, and once I was up the pain was 1/20th of what it had been - so I managed to go to work, etc. today.
I'm hoping when I lay down for bed tonight that it won't hurt like that again. Ugh!
After work today I stopped at the library and picked up some books (on how to study the Bible, etc.) And I printed out the application to join American Library Association and Texas Library Association. (Joining them is part of fulfilling a leadership requirement in one of my classes.)
So, two printed pages: $.30
I also stopped and got gas. My tank wasn't quite empty, but I decided to fill it up today in case prices go up tomorrow or Wednesday. $23.47
I needed to refill my prescription. The last time I'd refilled it, it had cost me over $40 at Kroger. I hadn't even asked how much it would be, just wanted to get my gift card.
This time I called around to find the best price.
Walmart had the lowest price without any gimmicks at $27.39
Walgreens had it at $24.95 IF you buy a $20 Prescription Club. So, with buying the Club plan, it comes out to about $26.62 which beats Walmart.
So, I dropped it off at Walgreen's and will pick it up tomorrow.
I stopped at Chase Bank to deposit my paycheck (yes, the one from the 15th!) and to get my $40 spending cash.
I asked about changing my account into a student account, but the age cutoff was 24. So, about 10 years too old for that one.
Tomorrow I'm going to check and see what I need to do to get online access to Compass, and start switching out to it.
I'm also going to check into what credit unions are in the immediate area and their qualifications.
I think my university probably has one for it's students - but that is a 20 minute + one way drive in the opposite direction I usually go. It *could* work, but with getting two - three checks a month which have to be deposited ... it would be a pain.
Tomorrow I need to get my car inspected, and I need to pick up my prescription. Those two together will be roughly $90 (adding the Club plan to it).
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking
November 23rd, 2009 at 12:27 am
I haven't quite decided yet what I'm going to do about the tithe yet (posted about yesterday). But, I do think that I need to get refocused on living within my means, and below as much as possible.
So, I think what I'm going to do is each time I get a paycheck, or some other kind of income, I am going to post here exactly how that money is going to be used.
Two things which I'm going to change is the use of my debit card and my credit card.
My debit card I get charged a $6 fee if I don't have at least six transactions during the month. This is because I don't have a direct deposit going into it. So I have been making sure to get those six transactions each month ... but I think I've ended up spending a good bit more than I would otherwise. So, the $6 fee may be a less expensive way to go.
I've been putting pretty much everything on my credit card (except the 6 purchases a month for the debit). This made sense when I was paying my rent on it, and so was accumulating a good number of points each month. Without that, the points grow *slowly* and it doesn't seem as worth it.
I also think that I *do* spend more on groceries, etc. when I am using my card. I always pay it off each month of course, but I do think I'm a bit freer with spending.
So ... I have decided that I'm going to stop using my debit card completely.
I will use my credit card only for online purchases, school tuition/books, gas, toll tag, car and renter's insurance, car repairs/inspection, cell phone and prescriptions.
Everything else will be paid for with cash.
School tuition/taxes/textbooks/car repairs all come out of savings.
Paycheck (Taxable Income) Budget:
10% Tithe/Giving/To Be Determined
10% Savings
10% Tax Savings
$290 rent
$120 groceries and miscellaneous
- to be taken out each week in $40 cash - remaining change each week put in children's offering at church
$5 - iTunes - songs, apps, etc.
$40 Tolls
$90 Gas
$40 Car Insurance Savings (paid every 6 mos)
$17 Renters Insurance Savings (paid every year)
$6 Netflix
$6 Bank Charge
$80 - Phone ($30/mo pd by dad as a gift)
Would like to add back in (maybe will restart in May after paying 2009 taxes):
$50 month IRA contribution
Total: 30% + $694 + $50 (IRA)
My last two paychecks gave me a total of $1108.
30% of that would be $332.40.
$1108 - 332.40 = 775.60
So ... that would work for the last two paychecks.
The "excess" money would go straight to savings - at least till May (after 2009 taxes paid).
"Extra" (Non-Taxable) Money Budget:
10% Giving/Tithing/TBD
40% Fun/whatever
50% Savings
My next paycheck will be short 12 hours due to Thanksgiving (off Thursday and Friday, but working on Wednesday which is my normal day off) - so, $87.
My Dec. 15 paycheck should be fairly normal, but my Dec. 30 paycheck will only have 3 or 4 days on it due to my vacation - which means it will be *really* low.
Upcoming bills:
(Nov. 25)
Car insurance 6 month premium: $213
(January 25)
Renter's Insurance: ~$200 (1 year prem.)
April 15
Fed. Taxes - estimating $1500
Two wants:
YNAB 3 - coming out sometime before the end of the year. $35
Extra iPhone charger - $50
*would be most useful in CA on vacation - not really sure about otherwise - maybe I should talk to my brother and see if he might be able to use something like that, and we could split the cost - I'd use it while in CA, then give it to him to use.
November 15 paycheck:
$47.90 -- Tithing/Giving/TBD
$47.90 -- Savings
$47.90 -- Tax Savings
$40 - Cash Miscellaneous/Groceries
Remainder of $315.30 forwarded for December bills.
*Credit card is already paid off for the December 7 due date. So next payment won't be due till around January 7.
I am going to try to be more accountable to myself here regarding spending.
Other than refilling a prescription, gas, getting my car inspected this week, and a few groceries on Friday, I don't know of any other necessary spending.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
November 22nd, 2009 at 04:30 am
I have been wondering lately if I really qualify anymore to be called frugal.
No, I don't have any credit card (or other) debt.
Yes, I got rid of a bunch of extraneous stuff and downsized majorly in terms of living space and monthly rent costs.
But ... even though I went from paying $660/month in rent to $290/mo ... I'm not really sure where that money has been going each month.
Considering the fact that I am having to chip into my savings, and soon my EF to pay for my school tuition, you would think that there would be NO extraneous spending .. and that I'd be doing my utmost to make my grocery bill as minimal as possible.
But ... that hasn't happened.
For example, the iPhone. I love it. No, I adore it! But ... it is *way* too easy to buy music from the iTunes store, or purchase apps from the App store.
One night I got into this huge spree in iTunes and bought $23 worth of songs. Yes, they were songs that I like a lot, but ... if I would have had a little patience, I could have found most of them on CD's at the library and gotten them for free.
Some of the apps I've purchased, have been really useful. For example I bought one called Pocket Tunes which allows me to connect to my local radio stations. (My car radio is non-functioning. I really missed having local news/weather/traffic.)
But then there's iTreadmill. At first it worked great, but after a couple weeks it started calculating the distance completely wrong. I'd finish up a two-mile run/walk and it would show 5 miles.
And then yesterday I purchased a budget app called Pocket Money. Even though I read on its forums that there was no way to make unused budget amounts "carry forward" to the next month's budget (ala YNAB). And after playing around with it last night, realized that there is no way to add "extra" amounts of income to the budget. So, unless I figure out a fix for this, I just wasted $5.
Then .... there's the groceries. Once a week I go to Walmart and get around $23 - 26 worth of groceries. It is supposed to be for the week. If that was all I bought during the week, I'd be doing really, really well.
But ... then I stop at the deli near the gym and spend $4 - $6 on "breakfast" -- even though I have a canister of oatmeal, Rice Dream, box of brown sugar and butter and Stripples (veggie bacon) at the gym. Sometimes if I'm in a really bratty mood (deciding for whatever reason not to follow NO-S that day) I can spend up to $9 at one shot there.
If I did that once or twice a month, well, not great, but okay. But I've been doing that *at least* once a week, and more than one week, two times in a week.
Still, that wouldn't be so terrible on my budget .... but then there's the stops at 7/11 or the Dollar General. 7/11 is for their egg salad sandwich, and the Dollar General is for their junk food (even though I try to get my weekend junk food at Wal-mart and say thats it.)
Then there's all the spur of the moment spending. Such as buying this ebook on barefoot running which I knew didn't really contain anything new, but I just wanted to read it (it was 9.95). Or, like right now I'm really tempted to buy this extra battery doohicky for my iPhone ($50) so that during Christmas if we're traveling a good distance and I can't get to an outlet to recharge my phone, I have a backup.
My dad has been SO generous with sending me surprise amounts of money - he had told me he was going to only pay for the extra charge on my phone bill due to the iPhone, but every month he's been sending me enough to cover my *entire* bill + a bit more. He tells me to get clothes with the extra money, or go out and do something fun.
The problem is, the extra money is generally going towards paying off my credit card bill each month. Those checks have been what have helped me to stay away from reaching into my EF (until now.)
I feel as though I am still living on the income I had before. That even though my actual living circumstances have changed drastically, my mindset of how much "room" I have to spend each month hasn't really. It's like intellectually I see the fact that I'm having to break into the top part of my EF - and the sick sinking feeling hasn't been enough to wake me up.
Tonight I went to the Dollar General and to 7/11. Between the two places I spent around $18. I walked there, and walked back.
Walking back a young man was coming down the side street. I was more than slightly uncomfortable. He started approaching me and even greeted me. I said good evening to him and hurried on my way before anymore interaction occurred.
But ... as I was going on I started thinking... what if the young man had been about to ask for money for food? I could have honestly told him I didn't have any cash on me ... but to say I didn't have any *money* to help him with ... when in my bags I had $18 worth of junkfood, egg salad sandwich, shampoo/body wash, and a cat toy .. in other words, things I really didn't need ... would be totally dishonest. (maybe a better word would be disingenuous?)
I truly *can't* afford to be spending frivolously like I have been. Not if I want any chance of my savings (EF) to outlast my tuition (and taxes!) Somehow, just knowing I have so much money to draw off of when my spending outgoes my income, has made me not be careful. That was okay when I had enough income to be a *little* frivilous with and still have a good bit left for savings. Not so okay when I don't have much wiggle room at all to be able to put some in savings.
*warning - Religious theme ahead. I understand not everyone has the same viewpoint. Some may even strongly disagree. That's okay, but I am not saying any of this to start a debate on it. Please.
Although I have been feeling kind of hypocritical for a few months, and have really tried to reign myself in a number of times, today in Sabbath School (similar to Sunday School) part of our lesson was on tithing.
I believe in tithing. 100%. The money in my bank accounts, etc. is not mine - it is God's.
However, I have not paid tithe in about 5 years. At least not in the way God really intended. I stopped paying it about the same time I lost faith in the Conference administration. (Our denomination is divided up into regional conferences. Most of Texas is called the Texas conference. There is also part of Texas and New Mexico which is called the Texaco Conference. All the conferences in the US and Canada make up the North American Division. etc., etc.,)
But today, the SS leader said something which really hit me. I had expressed my reasons for not paying tithe. Had said that I had given money to the local church body and to the local schools, etc., but just couldn't stomach the idea of putting money into the hands of some of the people in the higher level administration.
Paraphrasing -- he asked me who's money was it? God's of course. So, if it is God's money, and we are faithful in giving back the 10% portion he asks (as a show of our faith/trust/obedience), then do I think He will make sure it gets used in a good way?
So, this afternoon I took the dogs out for a long walk. During this walk I had a long talk with God. I acknowledged that the real reason I haven't let myself get past my feelings towards the conf. admin. and feel right in tithing really has nothing to do with them, but has to do with a lack of trust on my part.
My fear that if I really take 10% off the top of my already meager paychecks, that I'll have to tap into my EF for more than just tuition and tax bills. That the money will run out before I'm finished.
Then I got to thinking about how I've been spending the money I've been entrusted with. 10% of my monthly income would be roughly $85 - 95 Gross. Net I think would be maybe around $70?
I think I could easily say that I've been spending $70+ month very frivolousy/needlessly. Probably closer to $100 - 120.
So, my choice is to continue to spend 10 - 12% of my gross income each month on things that either add clutter to my life or add unnecessary calories to my body - and ignore the fact that I'm using what I've been entrusted with this way. And probably end up tapping out, or coming close to tapping out all my savings.
Or ... cut way down on the needless spending, and start to give back to God a portion of my income. (Of course then the question is, should that be of Gross or Net? Something I've never been fully satisfied on about the answer.) Doing this *may* help my relationship with God because I'll feel more in tune / in step with His will. And maybe that will help me in other areas of my life / walk which still get me down at times. I may still end up tapping most, or even all of my EF, but ... maybe not.
In a totally unrelated note....
Today we had a Thanksgiving potluck lunch at church. I made my family's traditional corn pudding (aka cornbread casserole). Muy easy and muy delicious. It was a hit. Every bit of it was gone -- and best of all, I had someone ask me for the recipe.
Better yet, the person who asked me for the recipe turned out to be a relative of one of my former students (a real sweetheart of a girl.)
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
November 20th, 2009 at 03:00 am
Last night I registered for my 3 Spring Classes. $2,167 for 9 credits. I'm going to have to make the first official transfer out of my six-month emergency fund to pay for it. Up till now I've only used my other savings.
This summer I'll take a 4 credit class, and then next fall I'll take 9 credits, and in the Spring 2011 I'll take a 3 credit class + the Capstone (1 week "course" where you write 3 1800- 2500 word essays - pass/fail). So, it looks good right now that I'll be able to graduate by May of 2011.
Monday night I got home to find my landlady had acquired another dog! If you've seen the Legally Blonde movies, or Beverly Hills Chihuahua, then you'll have a good idea what the dog looked like -- except much, much skinnier/bonier. An old friend of hers showed up unannounced and told her that she couldn't take care of the dog anymore -she'd found it in a Wal-mart parking lot - and she wanted my landlady to take it.
So ... she took it. It was a very sweet and affectionate and extremely needy (male) dog - probably about six-years old and possibly used as a breeding dog (ahem..certain er.. actions constantly repeated around the female (spayed)dog Nikki ...)
Landlady put an ad on Craigslist on Tuesday, and today someone followed through and came and picked him up. His name was Bruno the Bruiser, but I thought a more appropriate name for him would be Shadow. (as in wherever the main human went he went, or wherever Nikki went, he went (until she growled at him))
Not much else going on really. Classes are winding down. I'm still working on putting together my barefoot running paper, and have two assignments left in another class, and then a practice exam in a third class. I'm getting a few extra hours at work tomorrow, and again on Wednesday - which will be helpful since Thursday and Friday we'll be closed.
Just over a month till I see my brother again! I am really, really, really looking forward to that!
This weekend I'm planning on putting some more hours in at the animal shelter. On Sunday I want to finish a rough draft of my running paper so my mom can help me proof it over Thanksgiving.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 16th, 2009 at 12:10 am
Yesterday afternoon I went to the no-kill animal shelter. I spent about 2 1/2 hours walking/interacting with 5 dogs. The last dog I took out was a 1 yr old large Chihuahua named Penny. She was so funny/sweet. As soon as I got her outside, she started running towards this garden area and jumped up on a bench and sat down. So, I sat down next to her, and she jumped up on my lap. We sat there for the next 45 minutes. Finally, I had to get up and take her back inside. I think she'd have been perfectly happy to have stayed much longer.
After Penny, I went into the cat room and petted cats for about 30 minutes.
I might go back on Wednesday, depending on how much I get done on my running paper.
I stopped at the library today to pick up two James Patterson books on CD which were on hold. One is "Alex Cross's Trial" and the other is "Swimsuit." I've loaded the first into iTunes, and am working on the second one.
I also put my name on the hold list for another James Patterson book, "I, Alex Cross" which isn't out in stores yet. (I came across a free excerpt of it in iTunes - didn't even know he had a new one!)
Heading towards the library it had been looking a little dark, which I'd thought was weird because it was only 3:30 or so. When coming out of the library, I found out why it'd been getting dark. It was pouring rain! I was completely soaked from head to toe on my way to my car.
Fun! Luckily I'd taken the dogs for their walk already.
I stopped at Dollar General to pick up some body wash's and spray deodorant for the gym. Unfortunately I couldn't get them, because their card machine was down and they could only take cash. I hope E actually got the supplies I told him we were out of!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
November 10th, 2009 at 03:39 am
I obtained the list of children and young adult books that I will have to read for one of my classes next semester, and today read one of the high-school level ones.
It is called "If I Stay" and is by Gayle Forman. A very powerful book about the love of family, and the choices we all make. The main character is a 17 year old girl named Mia. I would not recommend reading this if you are in a sad mood. I also would suggest a box of tissues nearby.
It's short, less than 200 pages, but very well worth reading.
I stopped by the library today to print out some discussion guide questions for the books I'm reading for my class. (We have to post thoughts about the books and do blog posts - so I'm taking notes as I go to be prepared.)
I was going to print out the booklist, but it was 15 pages long, and at $.15 per page, just not worth it.
I checked to see if there were any books on running that I could use as a source for my project, but there weren't any usable ones. I do have "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougal on hold, which will be a great source.
I also stopped by Wal-mart and by Payless to check out any shoes they had to replace my sandals. Wal-mart had a slim selection of sandals for $5, but none of them fit my wide feet. Payless had some, but all of them had way too much heel to be a comfortable walking shoe.
I was going to stop by the Dollar General, but breezed right past it on the way home without realizing it. (It is less than 1/4 block from my street.)
I stopped by the bank to deposit my gym paycheck and the check from my dad (iPhone fees). I attempted to do both checks via the drive up ATM, but it couldn't read my dad's check. So, I had to go inside to deposit it. Not painful, just annoying.
I also pulled out the $30 I need to bring tomorrow when I go to my orientation meeting at the no-kill animal shelter.
I am feeling uber exhausted right now - maybe left over from Saturday? - but need to have much more energy for tomorrow night!
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
November 8th, 2009 at 10:41 pm
My sandals which I have been wearing now for about three years have recently developed quarter size holes in the mid-foot area. The only reason I can think of is that as I have been learning and practicing barefoot running with a mid-foot strike instead of a heel strike, my walking has also become more mid-foot.
So, since I still haven't gone and replaced the $5 sandals yet, when I took the dogs out today for their walk I wore a pair of ballet flat shoes. About half-way in my pinkie toe on my right foot was really being rubbed the wrong way. So, I took my shoes off and walked barefoot the rest of the way.
I got a few strange looks from passing cars, but the majority of the sidewalk was free from debris, and I was enjoying myself quite a bit.
I put Kayla back in the house, and took Nicki back out for our second walk. Shortly after starting, I just felt like running! So, we ran.
On our way back, Nikki actually was acting like *maybe* I'd succeeded in tiring her out just a little bit and was actually keeping almost pace with me. So, I put a little burst of speed on, and of course, found out she wasn't so tired. She did NOT want to let me run ahead of her.
It was truly a beautiful day, and I was really happy to have a chance to do some barefooting. With all the rainy/cold days we were having for awhile, I had stopped doing my barefoot runs and gotten out of the habit.
I'm planning on doing my final paper for one of my classes on barefoot running - how to get started, why it's better for you than shod running, things to watch for, etc. If anyone's interested, I can put it up as a google doc *after* it's graded. (I wouldn't want my professor to google it to see if I copied some other source and find it already online!!)
Financially speaking, barefooting is great on the pocketbook. No shoes to buy!
If you are interested, a great place to read up on it is at Runner's World online in the Barefoot Running forum.
In yesterday's mail I got my $50 gift card from mypoints for Walmart. That pretty much wiped out all my points. I may use it for some clothes for work (if I get the job) or for groceries, then put the same amount into savings.
If nothing happens to my car this month, I think that this will be the first month since January of this year that I'll actually be able to put money into savings!!!!
Although ... I need to register for my classes for Spring semester, and they usually require a portion upfront. Well... at least I won't have to take out the full amount from savings for it!!
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
November 5th, 2009 at 12:40 am
Monday night I stopped at Ross and bought a suit, a business casual outfit, and a new pair of dressy shoes. Total: $60
I needed the suit because none of mine fit right now. It was only $15. The outfit I'll need if I get the job - if I don't get it, I'll take it back. The shoes - my only pair of dress heels have part of the sole coming off -so not a good thing to wear to an interview.
I finally heard back from the no-kill shelter I applied to volunteer at. I'll be going to an orientation meeting on Tuesday night. I'm looking forward to that!
I also heard back from the receptionist job I sent a resume in for on Monday night. The contact asked me to fill out an attached application - only there was no attachment! So I replied to her, and she sent me the attachment yesterday.
I printed it out today and typed it out at the library. They didn't have a fax or a scanner. I attempted to find a Kinko's, but after fruitlessly driving around for 30 minutes, decided to wait till tomorrow and fax it from work.
Tonight I got an email asking me for an interview tomorrow at 1:30. I had to say I couldn't do it - I work from 9 to 6:30 tomorrow, and 1:30 is potentially a busy time period at the gym.
Hopefully she'll take the 1:30 slot on Friday I said I could do (would have to get K to come in early, but she usually has no problem doing that.)
Today was my brother's 29th birthday! I called him and sang Happy Birthday. Then he told me that he'd just been showing a friend of his my video text I'd sent him a couple weeks ago, when the phone rang. Spooky.
I told him about dad buying the Wii for Grandma. He was pretty impressed too.
I made macaroni and cheese for supper tonight. I'd thought about it before, but hadn't wanted to open up a Rice Dream (milk sub). Tonight though I really wanted some, so I opened up a box. I'd never tried it without real milk - it was yummy. (For added protein I nuked a Bocca Veggie Chicken Patty and tore it up.)
The gym I work at is closing one of our three locations. E asked me on Monday if I had plans this weekend. When I told him I didn't, he said he might need some help with moving. I thought that he meant *he* would be moving. But I found out later that it was moving their stuff out of the closing gym location.
I'm not sure how much help I'll be - but I'll be on the clock, so the extra bit will be nice.
(in March they're supposed to be opening a brand new facility -- should be interesting)
paychecks were late this week because E and his parents (check signers) were out of town. To make up for it, they've added $20. I'll have to see my check tomorrow to see if the money actually was added.
I was accused of being rich on Monday - by the lady who takes the 3 - 7 shift. I had said something about the paychecks being late being more of an annoyance than a hardship. I had a real good laugh about being accused of being rich.
(It was kind of one of those under the breath things - not really directed towards her - just commenting out loud {I think I spend too much time alone sometimes} - she's not really someone I like all that much, though I suspect the feelings mutual -- K on the other hand who comes in on Tuesdays and Fridays, is a sweetheart {frugal} and we get along really well)
This was my first Halloween since I've been out on my own that I've had a chance to see a lot of kids/costumes. Usually where I've lived there were very few trick or treaters that came by.
Here, we probably had close to 70!! My landlady had to go out and buy more candy because she'd made candy packs for 35 kids.
I'm not sure why, but she pretty much let me be the one to answer the door and hand out the candy. I didn't mind, because it was cool seeing the variety of costumes (and ages!), but I thought it was kind of weird.
I'm really trying to get back into the mindset of making my food and not just nuking it. It's just so easy to nuke the burrito or the Lean Cuisine - little cleanup and little fuss. But that mindset isn't helping my food budget much. So, the past couple nights I've been actually *cooking* supper! I made quinoa M and T, and then of course tonight, mac and cheese.
I'm going to try to keep the frozen meals just for lunches, and do actual cooking for suppers. Maybe eventually I'll cut out the frozens for lunch as well ... I got back into some bad habits....
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
November 2nd, 2009 at 03:03 am
Today I was talking to my dad about Christmas plans. We have all agreed that we're NOT going to exchange gifts this year, but that instead we're going to *do* things together. It's been a long time since my brother and I and Dad have all been in the same place at the same time, so that is an amazing gift all by itself.
However, what surprised me was this: Dad bought Grandma a Wii for Christmas!!!
Apparently they were at the gym (where grandma has a free membership due to being over 75) and they wandered over into the video game room. Grandma was playing this bowling game and just loving it. So my dad asked what it was ... it was the Wii.
I told him he's going to have to ask my brother to bring some of his games with him (he has a Wii) and we'll probably end up spending a lot of time playing with it.
Mostly spent today working on schoolwork and laundry.
When I had the dogs on their walk this afternoon we came across this lady walking three small dogs. We stopped and let each other's dogs sniff each other. It would've been fine, but she had to go and make not one, but three! comments about Kayla's weight! (the pudgy Beagle/Basset) Seriously, one comment is more than enough -- especially when my response was "Yep, that's why we're out walking."
Oh well, more than likely will never see her again.
Even though it's only 9 pm right now I'm feeling as though it's 10 and am ready to hit the hay. Was thinking of watching a movie, but nothing sounded really appealing. Maybe I'll start a book ... but that's dangerous to do at 9 pm .... hummm..
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Frugal Single Life
October 31st, 2009 at 01:28 am
Thursday evening I got home from work and started to take the dogs for a walk. Before we'd gotten very far, my landlady drove by and stopped me. She told me she had found something that morning and wanted to show it to me.
Here's what she found:
She asked me if I'd be willing to let it sleep with me that night. She guessed that it was only 4 or 5 weeks old. I agreed.
We named him Felix. Such a sweet little fella. We also agreed that with her two dogs and two cats, there were more than enough animals in the house. So, he'd only sleep with me until we could find someone trustworthy to take in the little fella.
Felix got some sleep Thursday night, a good bit more than I did!
When I got home from work today, there was a note telling me that my landlady had found a home for Felix - someone we could be sure wouldn't use him for *Halloween* purposes.
I was a little sad that he was gone already, but happy he found a good home so quickly (and that I'll get a good nights sleep tonight!)
My mom's gall bladder surgery went well. They were able to go in laprascopically (sp??) so she should recover in a two week time or so. However, my stepdad and she forgot to mention to me that he had a doctor's appointment on Thursday morning and would need someone to stay with my mom.
I got a call Wednesday night asking if I could sit with her in the morning. I had to make a few phone calls (begging) to find someone to cover my morning hours, but I was able to find someone.
I drove over Wednesday night so I wouldn't have to fight morning traffic.
No problems. Stepdad got home about 10:40, and I left.
Problem: Blinding Pouring Rain the ENTIRE way! It took me about 80 minutes to do a 45 minute drive.
I have not heard back from the animal shelter I applied to volunteer at, nor the job I applied for yet.
I am looking forward to this weekend - sleep and More Sleep! (oh yeah, laundry too.)
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
October 25th, 2009 at 11:14 pm
This weekend I went to my mom's place. I'd been planning on going next weekend, but when I found out she was going to have gall bladder surgery on Wednesday, I figured it'd be better to go this weekend.
Anyway... mom came with me today to an international food festival fundraiser being held at my local church. Then after that, we took the dogs for a walk. During the walk, we came across a $5 and a $1 bill!!!
I hardly ever find money on the ground, so this was pretty darn awesome!!
I also stopped by Walmart and picked up a 50 ft Ethernet cord. Thankfully that seemed to do the trick. I may even be able to view Netflix (streaming) on it (watched a couple youtube vids and they worked really well.)
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
October 24th, 2009 at 01:18 am
Where I live they have time Warner cable for Internet. I connect to it via a netgear wireless device. The best signal strength I get is 60%.
I can't play netflix on it, nor can I watch most YouTube videos. That's annoying, but I can live with it.
What I can't live with anymore is the connection constantly going down. Wednesday night I was trying to finish up my reference list for my research paper. There were some items I had a question on and needed my desktop - the iPhone wasn't easily able to do the needed search. The net kept going down. Finally got fed up and called my dad and walked him through finding the info for me.
Tonight it stopped working at 6:15 and still isn't working at 7:20.
Considering that I'm only here till May, I really hate to spend much money on getting the Internet working.
They have a modem I could plug into, but it is Far away.
Any ideas???
Posted in
Frugal Single Life
October 22nd, 2009 at 11:51 pm
This morning the woman who works out at the gym every morning told me that there is a receptionist job open at her company. She said I could use her as a reference. We talk a lot and are sort of Quasi friends.
Although being a receptionist doesn't excite me, having health insurance again and more income defintely does!
If I were to get this, I'd probably have to slow down on school - maybe take an extra semester or two. But if I'm making enough to live on, go to school, AND save .... I think the extra time would be ok.
Tonight I need to get my resume polished and put together a cover letter. Then tomorrow I'll stop at the library, print them out, and fax them in. (she told me to fax it. )
So if it works out, then sometime next year I'll have insurance again!
I've kind of gotten spoiled though, only working 4 days a week and pretty much having nothing to do at work. It sounds like the phones are pretty busy, and there might be some typing letters and other projects to keep a person busy. Their current person is being promoted in the company.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
October 20th, 2009 at 03:02 am
Today after work I headed over to Micheal's to check out their cross stitch supplies. Since I wasn't sure how to get there, I put in the address into my iPhone map function.
Here are part of the instructions:
Take 121 S 11.5 miles
Take the exit
Go on the road for .8 miles
Turn right on McCrumber Street
Yes, it actually said "Take the exit" and nothing more. Luckily I could see that I had to pass 35, and as I was about to pass 35, I saw a sign for the McCrumber Street exit, and was able to find it easily.
Gave me a good laugh though.
I was hunting for those cross stitch kits that included the pattern, thread, needle and a frame. They were ones I could almost always finish in 4 or 5 hours, and usually cost around $3 or $4.
Micheal's did not have any. All they had were kits starting around $10 and up that take 50 hours+ to make - ones I have the tendency (if I even open the package, that is) to start, put in maybe 10 hours worth of work, miss a row and/or add a row, get frustrated and give up on. I have finished maybe one or two of that size.
So I decided to try and find the other store which my landlady had mentioned to me. She wasn't sure if it was still in business or not.
I found it, and it was still in business. However, they do not sell ANY kits. The ladies also told me that they think that the little oval all in one frame kits that I was looking for aren't even made anymore!!
They showed me a large bin of cross stitch pattern magazines and books in the back that were all on sale for $1 each. I looked through them, and realized that I was going to have to change my plan of action. I hadn't wanted to do anything Christmas themed, but to find seperate patterns that fit into four or five different themes, would mean buying four or five different pattern books - plus of course all the ensuing thread.
So, I picked out a Christmas Mini Pattern book which had a pattern for a Bible with candles. Sort of Christmassy, but not too much. Then one of the ladies helped me pick out a good cloth for it, and she serged it for me. Then I picked up the thread. What I'm going to do is make 4 of them and put each of them into a coaster.
I have a project I'm already working on that I can give my mom and stepdad. When all is said and done, all of these items will end up costing right around $25.
Now it's just a matter of actually getting them all done in time!!
If they turn out good, maybe I'll post pictures on here of them.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
October 19th, 2009 at 03:46 am
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my post yesterday. And to others who've responded to previous posts. You all are awesome!
I found out that there is a no kill shelter not too far from me called Operation Kindness. I have to pass a background check, an interview and send two references. Then I do an orientation session. I think this will be a good way to spend my Saturday afternoons, at least twice a month, maybe more.
My landlady also suggested to me the hospital nursery which is really nearby. I'm going to check into that and see what it'd take to be a "hold babies a lot" volunteer. I'm sure there'd be an extensive background check for that one!! (At least I'd sure hope so!)
Oh, I also finished the first draft of my mid-term research paper. The final draft is due Wednesday. It came together pretty nicely once I started typing it out.
I celebrated by going out to IHOP for a late lunch.
I stopped by Wal-mart to see what cross stitch patterns they had. (I've decided I'm going to make a bunch of those small oval patterns as a type of ornament for gifts this year - take about 4 or 5 hours to make and usually cost under $5.) But Wal-mart had NO Cross Stitch materials!!
So, after work tomorrow I plan on either finding a local needlework store my landlady mentioned, or a Micheal's.
If no luck there, then I'm going to see if I can find patterns small enough to work - I need one sports related, one antique car, one garden related, one for my grandma (maybe something teachery???)and one for my aunt (she's a nurse admin, not really sure what she's into).
Oh, I think I haven't mentioned this. But ... for Christmas I'm going to CA again!! This time it will be even better though - because guess who'll be picking me up from the airport in San Jose???? My brother!!!!!!! He'll be able to stay until the morning of Christmas Eve, then will have to leave for work. But that gives us nearly two days together.
After Christmas we're going to visit Reagan's Presidential Library and also go to Solvang - maybe take in Hearst Castle too.
It'll be nice to get out of Texas for a while, but even better to get to see my brother in person again! (It'll be good to see my dad and grandma and aunt and uncle too ..)
Ambituous Saver's dad dying recently got me thinking. My parent's aren't very old, and I don't think I'm in any danger of losing either of them anytime soon ... but my grandma is 88 .. and you just really never know. So, I'm thinking that over Thanksgiving when I'm at my mom's, I'm going to take my camera and buy a memory card for it, especially to record her telling stories about her life, memories of her parents, stories of others in her family, stories of me when I was little, etc. Maybe I could bring the photo albums my mom gave me from her first marriage/college age and video her telling who all the people are.
Then when I'm out in California, I'll do the same thing with all my relatives out there. (may have to get a couple memory cards!) You just never really know .. and if my brother or I ever have kids someday, these videos would be a great way to share vividly with them who we came from.
I may even ask my mom's brother and sister if they'd do something similar (they live in TN and OH) - I'd have to send them question starters and find out what kind of memory cards their cameras use ... but it would be great to get all those memory cards and somehow transfer them onto a DVD. Could be good Christmas gifts for next year.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life
October 18th, 2009 at 06:31 am
Like I said in the title - this may be kind of a rant and not really financial. You may want to skip to a different one.
So, you've been warned.
Ever get the feeling that no matter what you do, you're still standing still and going nowhere fast?
Ever attend some group function where you don't know anyone and have no idea how to break into any of the clusters of people to meet anyone?
Ever hear yourself talking to people (when you finally muster up the courage to actually talk to someone in one of those clusters) and hearing what's coming out of your mouth and think you sound like a bitter, negative and just plain sad person?
Ever find yourself wondering if life is ever going to really change, or if its gonna just stay the same status quo forever?
Ever wonder how you lost the ability to make connections with new people and how you seem to have lost connections with all your friends?
Ever wonder how you're going to get through yet another Saturday night all alone?
Ever wonder how in the world you can get away from someone (like, let's say, your landlady) who doesn't get the hint to stop talking via body language (or still doesn't get the hint when you verbally say you have to get going)?
Yeah, that's me alright.
I attended my local church for the third time today. It was a service in the park. The service part was fine - it was just the standing around feeling like an idiot while all these people who knew each other already formed little clusters everywhere that wasn't so great.
Then once one of those little clusters finally pulled me in, for lack of things to say, I hear myself being a little too brutally honest about why I left teaching and the fishbowl of pastoral/teacher life in the church. And then saw people trying to get away from me as fast as possible as I'm kicking myself in the rear.
I stink at small talk.
Then of course there's having nothing to do on a Saturday night other than surf the internet or watch a movie with my landlady. When what I'd really love to do is go find someone to play card or board games with - or just get out of the house. (If this was a once or twice a month occurrence, that'd be one thing. It's when it is 90% of the time ... and then the other 10% is usually a weekend spent with mom and stepdad .... well...)
Not to mention I had to go and read one of those insightful articles about singles that tell you not to stay home - but get out there and be seen! Ok if you're single, have money to spend, drink, and oh, actually have someplace to go! But lets just say that you're single, broke, don't drink, and better yet, have no place to go - what then?!
Oh yeah, lets talk about the connections thing. It appears that pretty much all of my friends have gotten way too busy in their lives to keep a connection with me. Even my one nearby friend T seems to have pretty much dropped me - haven't seen her in six weeks, and hadn't heard from her in a month before that. And yes, I did attempt to contact her several times.
Other people I've met through various functions - and seem to have made some kind of a connection with - simply vanish.
I'd like to have a life. Really, I would. My life right now consists of working 4 days a week at the gym where I see a few people throughout the day - some of whom don't even bother acknowledging me; coming home and walking the dogs; sitting in front of the computer for hours and hours either doing school work, or more likely, just surfing; and of course the scintillating brief chats with family.
Then of course there is the weekend.
I'm attempting to get back into regularly attending church. For many reasons, one of which is to try to meet new people, and sadly, another partial reason is to fill hours. (more reasons than those two, but they are sadly two of them)
But that still leaves Friday night, Saturday afternoon and evening, and Sunday to fill. In my faith Friday sundown to Saturday sundown is supposed to be "set apart" from the rest of the week. So things like watching TV, doing schoolwork or shopping aren't generally done. (not Jewish)
I want to change my life. I want to figure out how to be that elusive single person who has a life and is perfectly content.
I wish I could figure out the answer.
I've tried meet-ups (meetup.com -site where people of similar interests in local areas can arrange get togethers). Had no luck in making any connections that made it out of the meetings.
I'm trying at church - have tried before as well. Somehow everyone is already part of a couple, or if not, already well stocked with people in the church, so makes it difficult to add myself in. But, I keep hoping that somehow, somewhere, I'll find someone who actually has time and space to add me to their life once in a while.
I would just so love to find one person to go walking with, or several people who like to play games, someone I can connect with like I did with T, but maybe without kids or hubby - and preferably live close enough to actually spend time together, even a couple times a month!
In SO many ways I am blessed. I have a job. I have a roof over my head, and plenty of food to eat. I have plenty of clothes to wear. I have a great family who loves me. I'm having the opportunity to return to school and pursue something that might actually be an enjoyable career.
But is that all there is to life? Work, shelter, and non-husband/children family?
And then of course I take a look at myself in one of the 15 deleted video clips of a message I made for my brother. Do I really look like that? Forget the slow, steady and sensible weight loss, and bring on the speedy as a silver bullet loss! (No, I won't really go that route. I just feel like doing it when I think of my image in those deleted clips.)
.... I was looking at my sidebar and noticed my 3 personal goals. #3 is "Give of myself to others, and enrich my life with friendships old and new."
This entire post is all about me, isn't? How crappy I feel about my life. How I can't seem to make any new connections or maintain old ones. There is nothing about how I'm giving of myself to others.
Maybe that's a large part of my problem. I'm so focused on myself that I've become myopic.
***Warning - Religious talk ahead***
Even though I'm attempting to attend church regularly again, it's not really for the right reasons. First and foremost it should be about improving my walk with Jesus, and in so doing, being a light to others. Not about meeting other people to fulfill *my* needs of friendship/companionship.
I call myself a Christian, but I'm not so sure I can really claim that. A Christian is a follower of Christ. Christ was someone who cared about others so much that he sacrificed his own needs to make sure others were taken care of. He forgave people who were unimaginably evil towards him - he didn't become bitter or continually rehash old hurts.
I've made my sacrifices for others (one person in particular.) But I didn't do it particularly cheerfully, nor leave that time without somewhat of a bitter taste in my mouth for time and resources lost. I say I've forgiven and moved on, but then I hear myself talking (like today at the outdoor church) and realize that I really haven't.
I need to change my focus. It may be the only way to change my life for the better.
Now, just to figure out how to do that.
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Frugal Single Life
October 15th, 2009 at 01:49 am
So this morning I got up earlier than usual for a Wednesday (day off) and drove over to the Brakes Plus shop. There was one car who had arrived ahead of me. The person I talked to said they only had one technician on staff today, so it might be a bit before they could give me an estimate.
I told him that was fine, because I could walk home and get stuff done.
So, I walked back home. The past week we've had wet and cold weather. Today, we had clear skies, but *muggy* weather. I was soaked by the time I got back. (about 8:20 a.m.)
So, I piddle around doing various things until finally I get the call about 10:30. I'm told my rotors are shot and need to be replaced. To have the front brakes done + the rotors would be $310. They also suggested a brake flush and some toolkit thingy which would have added another $90.
I went ahead and did the $310 work.
Was told it'd be a few hours. So, I decided to walk over to the library so I could get a card, and use a computer to print out the journal articles for my research paper. (The question was released last night for our mid-semester paper - due one week from today.)
The walk to the library wasn't bad at all - except for the mugginess, and crossing two pretty busy roads. (with stoplights thankfully.)
After getting my library card, I managed to find a free computer and sat down to get to work. Unfortunately, the computer wouldn't let me set cookies, so I couldn't access the articles I needed to print.
Luckily the person working the information desk was very accommodating and let me work off one of her computers - she even went and fetched my papers for me!! Turned out that she also is a library science student at my uni, but is almost finished. She didn't know about RefWorks, so I told her about it. (great site where you can export document citation info to, and then it will format your references for your research papers.)
The 9 documents I printed out cost me $14.55, but I think it was worth it to have hardcopies to work off of.
When I was done at the library, of course I walked back home. I managed to read through all my documents, and even write an introduction to my paper, when I got the call that my car was ready.
So, I walked over to the brake place and picked up my car. When I got home, I started a load of laundry.
Then I took the dogs for a walk. Because it was so muggy, both dog walks were shortened. (I take both for a walk together, then go out again with Nikki for a longer/faster walk.) In my second walk with Nikki, we came across a lady with her dog who somehow didn't understand about picking up after your dog's #2's. Ick! The lady herself was pretty nice, and I didn't say anything to her about it ... Maybe I should've.
Well, by the time I got back from the 2nd dog walk, I was completely soaked and parched. Finished up my laundry .. and since then have been procrastinating about doing any more work on my paper!!
Tomorrow is a long day at the gym, so I'll take my netbook and all the documents tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be bored enough to actually get some more work done on it.
I'm thinking I really need to get a copy of MS Word. For me to have the full functionality of RefWorks, I have to have Word. So far I've gotten by just using Open Office. Maybe if I could find a copy of MS Office that predates the 2007 version? I *detest* the 2007 version! (I'll have to have MS Access for a class I'll be taking this summer .. so one way or the other I'm going to have to get it.)
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
October 12th, 2009 at 04:25 pm
@ My mom had an outpatient procedure on Friday - they injected something into her back to calm a swollen nerve -- seems to be helping so far, but she may need the injection a couple more times
@ I spent all day Saturday at a library science seminar, and then met with classmates. It was really funny - one lady I had a lot in common with - we were chatting away and I mentioned about my barefoot running - she reacted like she'd met a celebrity! Lol! I'd mentioned it in my intro and she'd remembered it ever since - said her husband would be jazzed. Too bad she lives in Houston , I think we'd have fun together.
@ my dad sent me a check for the monthly iPhone charges + a little extra -for clothes! I thought that was really sweet and hood timing since I had just bought some new pants!
@ Saturday morning I did my official monthly no- s weigh in. Since July 23 when I started ( including two weeks where I wasn't doing great) I have lost 8 pounds!!
@ I don't get what's going on with E ( gym manager). When I went to the south gym on wednesday there were no clean, dry towels. There was a load washed - luckily I arrived 40 minutes earlier than I was supposed to ( wasn't sure about traffic) and barely managed to have a dry towel ready for the first gym visitor. I off handily said something about it to E, and he was like "I don't know why you guys complain about doing the laundry" I wasn't complaining about doing the laundry - I was annoyed that HE hadn't done any the day(s) before, which left me with no clean towels to start the day. According to the person who normally is there on Wed's this is a normal occurrence.
Then on Friday I went to the south gym again after E had supposedly opened it - I found out when I was closing for the day that he hadn't turned on any of the machines!!! Seriously , how does he wonder why people aren't renewing?? Not to mention all 3 locations constantly running out of one supply or another. (like the ladies bathroom on wed having no papertowels!)
I think he's as bored as I am with doing this but he is rebelling against his parents (owners of gym) by doing the bare minimum - and even less!
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
October 5th, 2009 at 10:31 pm
I just got back home from work to find a note on my door from my landlady. Essentially it said that the longest that I can stay here is till Oct 2010.
Apparently there was a huge misunderstanding.
When I was looking at this place as a possibility, I remember stating several times that I was looking for something for several *years* because the program I'm in will *take* several years. I guess she didn't hear me say that, or it didn't register or something.
The soonest I'll be finished with my degree program is May 2011.
The thought of having to move again, even a year from now, makes me sick to my stomach.
I *think* Spring classes end in April, and then May you can take a 3-week short class before the regular summer classes begin. So ... probably the best time for me to move somewhere else would be in May.
August wouldn't be a good month, because I think there'd only be a two-week break between the end of summer classes and Fall classes.
I just feel like screaming myself hoarse right now!!!!!
Posted in
Frugal Single Life
October 4th, 2009 at 11:35 pm
I don't know about any of you, but over the years I have tried many different things to lose weight. I've tried Weight Watcher's several times - both doing actual meetings and doing online only. I've tried ediets, WeighDown, and just simply counting calories through Sparkpeople or Fitday. A few times I tried taking some of those "miracle pills" that just left me jittery and sleep deprived.
All those diets and plans have several things in common: 1. They are complicated with lots of rules to remember or time spent entering information. 2. You develop the mentality of "Well I slipped up today, may as well totally fall off and start again Monday." 3. Most of them cost a lot of money. 4. They're not truly sustainable.
And .... although I lost weight on all of the various plans ... I eventually have always regained it.
So, what does all this have to do with anything?
This past July I was reading a blog on Sparkpeople of a person who has attempted more diet plans and styles than I have. In the post I was reading, she had just discovered the No-S Diet. I was completely intrigued, and so went looking to find out more about it.
It is simple. Not complicated. And completely free. And ... it saves me money on my groceries!!!
Here is the No-S Diet plan: No snacks, no sweets and no seconds, except for (sometimes) on days that begin with S.
So, that means that Monday through Friday I have three meals. Each meal fits on a plate. If a Special event comes up, such as my birthday or a family member's birthday, I can choose to make that day an S day.
S days can also occur when you are sick.
But usually, S days are only Saturdays and Sundays. No rules apply on S days except ... You can't mess up!
Do you see why I love the weekend now?
This is NOT a plan that will help you lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks. You're more likely to lose 4 or 5 pounds in those 8 weeks. But ..... you also are more likely to KEEP those 4 or 5 pounds OFF Forever!
This is truly a plan which can be easily followed for life. It is essentially learning how to maintain an appropriate weight, while working on losing weight.
How does this save me money on my groceries? Well, that's pretty easy. I'm eating less! When it is a weekday (or what we call N days) I can drive home from work without stopping to get a snack.
Before, I would fight and fight with myself about stopping to get something, and would lose the fight more often than not. Now, it's not a question. If it's an N day, I just don't stop!
Believe me, I didn't think I would be able to manage 5 days in a row without chocolate. But so far, I have managed 6 sets of 5 days with NO Chocolate!!! The awesome part is, is that after making it through the 5 days, I can treat myself to a cookie or even a small Dairy Queen Blizzard with No Guilt!
I will have to warn you though -- you may find your tolerance level for sweets diminishing. A few weeks ago I bought a Peanut Buster Parfait and only managed to get 3/4 of the way through it. The chocolate was making me feel sick!!
I haven't followed it perfectly. There have been days where I backed my car into the wall (and a few times even drove over the cliff.) But when that happens, I am learning to say "Mark it* and move on."
*Mark It -- Reinhardt, an engineer and librarian, who developed this system, also developed something called "Habitcal." This is a simple way of marking your S days and your N days to show Success, Failure, or Exempt.
So, if you're looking for a simple (free) way to lose weight and keep it off for life, and probably save on your grocery bill too, check out No-S!
Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
October 2nd, 2009 at 04:51 pm
Note: I'm writing this while at the gym and on my iPhone, so please forgive any typos.
On Wednesday when I got a new tire for my car and bought a bike, I also was given a strong suggestion.
Get new brakes --- Soon!
The mechanic told me I have about 20% left.
I'd known that it had to be coming soon. After all, it has been at least six years since I last had my brakes done. But I'd been hoping to hold out till November so I'd have a couple months of lower expenses before messing with them.
I considered going back to the mechanic I used during my Murphy month. But then I realized that he'd told me my tires were fine and made no mention of my brakes. ( this was after me specifically asking him to tell me if he noticed anything else) Not to mention that he's way out of my way now.
This doesn't seem like something I can put off for very long. I hate to put more money in the car if I'm just going to be trading it in soon. But I was really hoping to wait for a car sales crunch time - esp end of qtr and end of month when they're desperate to make a sale.
The last time I got brakes, I think it was around 100. But I don't think they were as far gone. I'm worried it's going to be a $$$$ job.
I probably just need to take it to a mechanic ( maybe my stepdad can suggest one - he used to live in my new area) and get an estimate.
I ordered a cashback reward from Chase before moving for $100. It came on Tuesday, so last night I deposited it and my paycheck. Guess all my car troubles and tuition bills are good for something.
It will add up much more slowly now because I can't put my rent on it anymore. Cheaper rent is worth it.
I checked into a local bike club. There is only one ride for novice bikers, and it is on Saturday mornings when I'm in church. So that won't work.
I found a book on bike care at my library which I put a hold on. It's written for kids, but I bet the info will still be useful. There was one book for adults, but there were no copies. ( I've asked why they have books in their catalog if they don't actually have any copies. I was told that it means they did have a copy at one time, but it was lost or irreparrably damaged.)
Lux, I checked out the bike tutor site. Lots of good info. The main thing I was looking for though was how to know if your chain is on correctly. My chain had come off the gears when I took it home. I put it on the lowest gear and was able to ride it, but there is a clicking type noise once every revolution.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Nowhere to go, just relax and see if I can work ahead in some of my classes.
There's another reason I love weekends, but I'll have to save it for another post.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
September 27th, 2009 at 09:35 pm
So yesterday I was heading to my mom and stepdad's. We were going to go see "The Promise." I was hungry, so halfway there decided to stop at Sonic and get a grilled cheese. (I love grilled cheese.)
I pulled up a bit too far and managed to hit the cement stop - not hard, but a good bump.
When I finished eating, I started back on my way. I heard a scraping sound. At first I thought it was just the scraping sound you hear sometimes when the bottom of your car somehow manages to get too close to the ground. But, it continued as I began to accelerate onto the highway.
So, I pulled off onto the shoulder and got out to take a look and see if I could figure out what was going on.
Here's what I saw:
I tried putting it back into the wheel well. At first I couldn't figure out how to get it back in at all. Finally, I did manage to get it back in (sort of.) Then I drove slowly along the shoulder - still heard the scraping sound.
Luckily I was very near an exit, so kept my emergency blinkers on and slowly drove towards the exit. With all the car troubles I've had in the past few months, I was worried that the scraping sound was BAD NEWS.
I managed to get off the freeway and parked onto a shoulder on the frontage road. At this point I called my roadside service. (Thankfully, my year began again on September 23.)
During this time I had also called my mom and stepdad. Not knowing how long all of this would take, they went ahead and released our tickets for the program. My mom was planning on coming to pick me up in case my car had to be towed.
Finally the tow truck driver/roadside assistance person showed up. I showed him what the problem was.
He told me that it was the inner fender that had broken out of its proper place, and that there were two options. One, take it to repair shop and have them rebolt it into place, or Two, take a knife and just cut the hanging part off.
I opted for option number two. So, he took a knife and cut it off. I asked if I needed to sign anything, but he told me I didn't. So .. I am thinking that this may not count toward my 4 calls for the year.
So ... thanks Murphy for just teasing me a bit. I guess even he's got a sense of humor.
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Frugal Single Life