Today was a no spend day.
I also felt much better than I did yesterday, although it was colder outside.
On my way home I came across two accidents. One of them closed an entire intersection, and I had to follow someone in front of me to figure out a detour. The second one was right before my street. It looked like a 4-car chain reaction accident.
Texans don't know how to drive in slick and cold conditions very well. It is supposed to maybe snow tonight. I think I might need a hat (whatever those knit hats you pull over your ears are called.)
Today at work I was wearing one glove most of the morning. I had four different people ask me if I was sporting the Michael Jackson look. LOL! No, it was more like wanting to be able to navigate on my iPhone and turn magazine pages look!
There are gloves where you can separate the finger tips while still wearing the glove - but they're in the $25 - 30 range. My gloves were in the $2 range.
I stopped at Chase today and closed my checking account. I told the person who helped me that I would have stayed there if it wasn't for the $6 monthly fee if I didn't do so many debit transactions a month. She didn't give me any hassles, which was good.
Then I went over to Compass where I had opened an account last November for the $25 account bonus and "free" mp3 player. (turned out it cost shipping and handling, so I never got it.) I deposited my funds from Chase + my paycheck in there. I also asked for a new debit card because I'd shredded the other one (thinking I'd never use it.)
*I am going to look into opening a student account at the university's credit union - but will probably do that after the holidays when I'm on school break. Spring semester doesn't start till Jan. 19!
Today was payday. Ouch. I sure took a hit from having Thursday and Friday off. Roughly $110. It would have been worse if I hadn't worked on Wednesday.
So, my Nov 15 paycheck was $497.49, and my Nov 30 paycheck was $405.73.
I have $30 cash left from my last cash outtake, and kept out $36 from today's deposit (what was left over the hundreds from Chase). That means I have $76 for groceries and miscellaneous to last until December 11 when I'll take another $40.
$40.50 x 3 (Savings, Tax Savings, Giving)
That leaves 248.23 for other bills.
Tomorrow I need to get my car inspected (yeah, procrastinated on that!) Finish and turn in my barefoot running paper, and complete another assignment for a different class.
I'm also going to be meeting a new possible roommate. My landlady's daughter is ok with continuing to give her room up so someone can rent it - at least for a short time. It doesn't sound like this person will need fridge or pantry space - which is good, because I'm using all my allotted space!
NSD; Closed Chase Checking; Payday
December 1st, 2009 at 11:06 pm
December 1st, 2009 at 11:16 pm 1259709408
December 1st, 2009 at 11:48 pm 1259711331
December 2nd, 2009 at 12:30 am 1259713849
I had this account linked to ING Orange - thanks for reminding me that I need to get it switched to Compass! With Orange, you do still have to have a brick and mortar checking account - so you may need to find a deal like Compass or perhaps a credit union.
Thanks Househopeful! The person is near my age, so maybe we'll have something in common. That would be nice.
December 2nd, 2009 at 12:55 am 1259715350
December 2nd, 2009 at 01:01 am 1259715695
No, I haven't seen those kinds of mittens at a dollar store -- I would so love it if I could find a pair like that for a dollar or two!
December 2nd, 2009 at 01:56 am 1259718980
December 2nd, 2009 at 04:11 am 1259727114
December 2nd, 2009 at 05:07 pm 1259773664
December 2nd, 2009 at 10:53 pm 1259794390