Viewing the 'Frugal Single Life' Category
August 14th, 2013 at 04:15 am
Tomorrow is the first day of classes (not for me, but for the regular classes.) I'm so not ready for school to be starting again, but it is what it is.
We did the scheduling today, and I did end up getting a little bit of what I wanted - extra time for both kinder and first and a little bit of a time buffer between my Kinder and third classes on Mondays. I also worked out with the new 4th grade teacher a 25 minute time period for keyboarding for the entire year! First semester will be all about learning the keys and increasing accuracy, and then second semester will be more practical uses of keyboarding (along with continuing to focus on speed/accuracy.) The really cool thing about the 4th grade teacher is that he is a Navajo man who two years ago had no interest in teaching, but started volunteering at our cafeteria and was pulled in to the 6th grade teacher assistant position. He loved it so much that he went back to school and got his teaching certificate! (He's the coworker I went with to Baltimore last year.)
I kind of let my principal know that this is my last year today ... didn't mean to let it slip out, but it did. I'm not sure if she totally caught it or not. Oh well, would have told her sooner than later anyway.
I've had at least two people tell me about people who would hire me this year (one was a lady at my church who told me their librarian had resigned on Friday and I should apply.) Hopefully stuff like this will pop up next year.
My mom was here this past week. I picked her up on Thursday. That night she helped me get my back bedroom cleaned out and reorganized. I put a lot of stuff out by my trashcan which was gone by mid-morning on Friday. I can now actually USE the back bedroom (need to ask about a mattress - have a frame and boxspring, but no mattress.) Then on Friday we worked in the library and got started on the huge job of sorting out the fiction books by genre (which my wonderful assistant and I finished up today.)
Saturday we went to church .. the head elder preached. Usually he does pretty good sermons, but this one had about a five minute diatribe about how terrible it is for us to associate with those who don't believe the same ... Um... Why is our church not growing? ....(he ensconced it in the idea of someone choosing to go to a neighborhood party instead of a church social .. my mom called it spiritual bigotry and I have to say that I agreed with her.)
Anyway, we went to ABQ Saturday afternoon and spent the night at a nice hotel mom paid for with points. We ate at an Asian restaraunt and then saw the movie "The Way Way Back." Um ... Steve Carrel played someone really out of his norm - a real a**hole of a guy. Great movie though.
Sunday we slept in, then I read while my mom worked on her speech for toastmasters (she got first place!) Then she wanted to get her hair done, so she paid for me to get my hair cut. Then we shopped at Dillards -- I was really needing a new pair of black dress pants. I ended up finding one pair of black pants (~$26) and my mom bought me two tops for about the same amount. I offered to pay for meals and for the movie, etc. but she wouldn't let me.
Today and yesterday were work days. Most of my morning was spent helping the homeroom teachers work out their schedules and fixing computer/printer problems. Good thing my classes don't start til Monday.
I got my Swagbucks CC in the mail today and made my first purchase. (I was really craving some ice cream...)
I've received all $25 of my AGCs from Swagbucks for August now, and have enough for the first two September ones. So far I've hit the Daily Goal 13/13 days.
I'm going to work on getting the items I have charged to my Discover card switched over to the SBs card and then probably close the Discover card.
Almost forgot. A week ago Monday I went to the doctor about how fatiqued, etc. I've been feeling since about March. She ended up doing an Epstein Bar Virus test along with a TSH test. On Monday she called me with the results - apparently sometime in the past I have had mono. So she's thinking that possibly I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Looking at the symptoms ... I wouldn't be surprised. She also is upping my synthroid dose. Nothing to do really about the CFS if that is what this is - except live with it I guess.
Well I better start getting ready for bed. The alarm will be going off at an unwanted hour tomorrow ... (and the next two days...)
I managed to catch up on all the blogs I've missed the last week or so.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
August 7th, 2013 at 02:40 am
This morning I was about 14 minutes into my walk when I started to pass by my principal's backyard. I usually say hi to her two dogs as I go by, but this time her Maltese came out and greeted me! I found the hole it had dug under the fencing, and then called my principal to let her know. In all, I spent about ten minutes making sure the dog didn't get hit by a car or go to far away. I was glad I was there to help!
The SD card I ordered came with some books I'd ordered - seriously fast! If I remember when I ordered the card, I'd say this was almost one-day delivery! As soon as I put the card in my phone, the Entertain app started working. So far, about 30SBs.
Between the paltry monthly bonus I earned for July, generous Jun videos and a few other small offers - I managed to get enough to cash out for my last $5 AGC for August today.
I got over to the library today for a few hours. I didn't really accomplish much ... although I did manage to get the entrance / class table area cleared out (of course most of the stuff was just transferred to the work room table. That is an ongoing area that needs to be cleared .. it gets close to being cleared off once in a while ...)
Tomorrow I'm taking Kari in to get her nails trimmed and pick up my prescription (synthroid.)
My goal for today (before I go to bed) is to finish putting away my clothes from my closet reorganization project (I ran out of proper hangers and had to go buy some more .. by the time I got back I'd kind of lost the zeal ...) I also want to sweep the house - esp. Kari's bathroom.
Tomorrow I need to do a trash run (and break down the pile of boxes in the corner); scrub counters and mirrors; and wash the sheets so they'll be clean for my mom.
Last night NE told me he thinks he'll come here Labor Day weekend. (yay!) So today I double checked with my principal about where he can stay. I found out that I had had a miscommunication with her previously - he can stay with me in my house, as long as it is for a short visit (less than 7 days.) Woo hoo! That'll make life so much easier (than trying to find a guest trailer that's available or staying in a hotel 30+ miles away.) Now I just need to make sure my air mattress is in good working order (for both my mom's visit and NEs visit!)
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Extra Money Tracking
August 6th, 2013 at 01:42 am
Today I went to the doctor. I think I may have mentioned on here a few times how I have not felt completely recovered since the bout of bronchitis I had back in March. So anyway, my next appt was supposed to be at the end of August, but my level of fatigue/insominia/bouts of light-headedness/brain fuzziness/nausea, etc., etc., etc., was just getting too much so I decided to see her again sooner than later. I'd told her the same symptoms back in June, and she told me to try taking the new dose of syntrhoid for a few months and see if that improved anything. Obviously, it didn't.
So I saw her today, and she suggested that maybe it is either related to mono or chronic fatigue syndrome. I looked up the symptoms for both, and can relate to LOTS of the symptoms ... I had my blood tested for Epstein Bar virus and my thyroid rechecked. My blood pressure was high again too .. so of course I get the little paper telling me to not add salt to my food (never do!); eat more fruit (more than my normal 5+ servings?); and fill half my plate with veggies (ok, could do better on this one.)
So anyway, with the copay and the balance from my June visit (my share of the bloodwork after insurance paid) - I paid $49.xx
After the doctor I headed over to the auto shop and got my oil changed. (it needed it badly - it was almost time before I headed to NE, but adding another 2500 miles definitely put it in the MUST DO category.) That was $38.xx
I got pulled back into a farm game app on my phone that I had deleted because it was becoming a time s*ck. And ... I spent $12 within it to buy "diamonds" to make things a little easier. Gah, can't believe I did that. I really need to delete that app again.
I still have the Android phone I bought for my Ting experiment. (I had no problem with Ting, I just couldn't stand the phone for real phone use.) So Swagbucks has an app that only works for Android right now. I finally found the charging cord for my phone, and installed the app. Of course when I tried to open it, it says "can't find SD card." Ugh. So I found a 8gb SD card for my phone --- $7.32 prime. I would've gone for a 2 gb card instead, but once you added shipping (no prime for it) it cost more than the 8gb card. It will take a lot of days using this app to equal out the cost of the card. But there is some kind of adapter thing that it comes with, so I'm guessing maybe I can use the card for other things too if I want - so it might be useful for more than one purpose (I hope.)
My mom is coming on Thursday and my house is a mess. I've managed to pick up some, do laundry and dishes, do several trash runs, etc., but there's still so much more to do. But I also have tons I need to do at school. Guess how much I've gotten done there? Yeah. not much. So we'll have to see how much my mom will really be able to tolerate ... hopefully I can get the gumption to do a bit more cleaning before she gets here - at the very least make sure the sheets are fresh on the bed. (I'll sleep on the couch so she can have my bed - or maybe see if my air mattress still works.)
If it wouldn't be so embarrassing (and make me worry that others would think I make too much money or something) I would dearly love to hire some local person to clean my place every couple months or so ... I did that my last few years of teaching .. hired someone about once a month (generally right before I had planned on guests ...) that made life so much easier. (and only cost around $40!)
My former walking partner told me that her teacher assistant had "gossiped" to her about all the bits of paper I had around my computer in the library and how she wondered how I found anything. My former walking partner has been in my house ... so I asked her - what do you think I work harder at keeping organized and neat - my house or the media center? She said the media center! (very true) So pity the teacher assistant if she ever saw my house!
Oh! I received my check from Pinecone today for $3. That was fast!
I also inexplicably received a refund from my health insurance company for premiums. I've heard about that (something about 80/20 or such thing) but what made it weird is that ... I don't pay for the premiums! I figured that if there was a refund due, it would go to my employer who pays it. It is only $9.xx but I guess I can ask my principal tomorrow what she thinks.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
August 1st, 2013 at 06:03 pm
Some extra money that's come my way lately:
-- $3 from Pinecone
I was surprised to be accepted as a panelist, and even more surprised to get a survey right away. They sure do hide the cash option well!
-- $10 from GymPact
This is my third time cashing out from this app. (It is for iOS and Android systems. You say how many days you're going to exercise, and if you do it you get paid. If you don't do it, you pay them.)
--- Potential $21.xx from UPromise
After a recent post here, I checked my account and after a few rounds of emails, I found out that I had money that was sent to the state of Texas. I need to get in touch with them to get the money.
Found out that my new library budget for this year is an 80% increase from last year's! Woo Hoo! I then promptly spent 60% of the budget getting things I'd really wanted last year, but didn't have the budget for both books and these items (floor chairs, book organization stuff, and best of all .. a reading/writing magnetic whiteboard for storytime!)
Thank you everyone who commented on the now deleted section. You have given me some good food for thought.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
July 28th, 2013 at 09:48 pm
Haven't really been up to much lately. Other than doing my daily walk with my walking partner (she's leaving on Wednesday morning ) I've been pretty lazy. That will have to stop tomorrow - must start getting ready for the school year.
One bit of cool news - thanks to the one stock I have, my networth - not including my checking/short term savings - is now just over $100k!!
My mom will be coming for a short visit - Aug 8 - 11. I'll have to go to the airport to pick her up and drop her off. Since she has a Costco card, I'll probably include a Costco trip so I can use my gift card I have (about time for more cat litter and a few other items.)
I've been watching a lot on Netflix (H2o Mako Adventures - new addition!) and on Hulu (Touch - season 2!) I also found out that you can find just about ANY workout DVD program on youtube - and I do mean the *entire* program! Since I don't have a tv or a dvd player, youtube is the only way I'd be able to see a workout program in my living room. So, once my walking partner is gone, I'll have my iPad and YouTube and a playlist of various workout programs.
I've managed to make the daily goal on SBs for six days now - just need one more to get a small bonus for this month.
Yesterday I went to church for the first time since early June. It was our new pastor's second Sabbath - our outgoing pastor's wife had the idea he was single, but I don't think that is the case. Anyway, it was Communion Sabbath (which in our church happens about every 13 weeks, or once a quarter.) There was a lady sitting next to me who I discovered that it was her first time ever having her feet washed by someone else, and her first Communion like we do (we stay seated and the elders pass out the crackers and grape juice.) So I kind of talked her through it. It helped to make the day more interesting. (It was also her first visit to our church.)
Anyway, can't really think of anything else terribly interesting to report right now.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
July 25th, 2013 at 07:38 pm
Yesterday I had to go to Walmart to pick up some hangars which I'd meant to pick up on Monday, but forgot.
After getting the hangars, I was of course near the kitchen section. I've been thinking about getting a new toaster oven for awhile, and have been really annoyed with the lid on my blender not getting clean (after having been through the dishwashing cycle multiple times..) I toyed with the idea of buying a $15 one serving blender and a new toaster oven. The only thing wrong with my current toaster oven is that it desperately needs to be cleaned and has been in my back room for the last two years.... (It's okay, you can call me lazy.)
I did talk myself out of both of the purchases. The blender because well ... I have a perfectly wonderful blender (a Ninja!) and all the lid probably really needs is some actual elbow grease and it will be fine. I just have to get motivated enough to want to make my smoothies again to actually put the elbow grease in! As far as the toaster oven ... I haven't used the one I have in two years (more really ... I think the last time it was out and in use was five years ago???) So if I haven't seen fit to use it in two years++ AND the only thing wrong with it is needing to be cleaned??
So I guess I saved money by talking myself out of those purchases. Now just to get to the cleaning of the items I already own!!
NE and I talked a long time last night, and I think we've worked through what we needed to. It is weird how sometimes things seem so much more serious in the written form than when talked about face to face.
I was doing some searching for online couples counseling and came across a couple interesting links. One is called power of two marriage - I did the free three day trial. It has some really good information/lessons on communication (along with a lot of other stuff too.) I worked my way through most of the communication videos/activities.
The other thing I found was a VH1 program called Couples Therapy where they take 5 celebrity couples who are having Issues (to say the least) and take them through counseling. I watched a few full episodes ... even though it is made for entertainment value mostly, it still seems to offer *some* valuable insights.
Yesterday I just managed to make the daily goal on Swagbucks. I think I got 4 of the codes? I made it today too. Thanks to the hotel com offer, between my two hotel stays I'll have enough SBs for two AGCs, otherwise I'd really be behind the 8 ball for August (more so than I am already.)
Today will be a no spend day. The first I think I've had in a lonnnnngggg time.
I plan on doing a refresh on my YNAB budget and attempt to get my spending back under control. I just have spent way too much this summer.
Almost forgot. I messed up with my internet provider. I'd had them send me a new modem because my old one kept dropping my Skype calls. I kept forgetting to send the old one back... so they charged me for it. $119. Ugh. No way to send it back and get refunded after 30 days. It still was good I called though, because my 6 month promotional period had ended and my bill was going up to $45 + taxes. Got it back to $25 + taxes.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking,
July 24th, 2013 at 05:06 am
This is going to be short - I had written it actually yesterday and without thinking, hit Save and Publish. You guessed it ... off it went into the ether-sphere.
Short background - before heading off to my NE adventures, I had two things happen involving my front door. One was that it was sticking and not shutting or opening very easily. When the guys were here turning on my swamp cooler, they "fixed" that issue. Then a day before leaving for NE I noticed that my door would open even if it was locked properly with a bit of pressure. I put in a work order before leaving.
My walking partner (for a few more days anyway...) called the maintenance man to make sure he had gotten around to looking at my door. He didn't seem to know about the work order, but said he'd get on it.
Fast forward to Saturday - my walking partner stopped by my house and checked my door. Said it seemed fine to her.
Now to Sunday around 4 p.m. I pull into my driveway and see ... my front door wide open!
I made a few phone calls, and Monday morning a couple guys came by and my door is now fixed. (Nothing was missing or messed with - but I have found a few erstwhile flies.)
NE and I have hit a bit of a bump in the road. We're working through it, but at the moment it has kind of derailed some of my thought processes I was going to mention here. Ugh. Emotional eating stinks.
About the only thing I've really accomplished since arriving back here is getting my front door fixed, getting completely unpacked, and doing a clothes purge (and taking to Goodwill.)
Tomorrow I really need to get by the school and see what shape the library is in, and how full my mailbox is.
I received my summer school paycheck (finally.) I figured out that before taxes were taken out, it equaled to about $200 less than I make in a month. So .. 65 hours of summer school equals about 130 hours of regular school year pay. (And that was with the summer school rate being reduced $9/hr from last year.)
My one remaining walking partner has found a different job. She called me today to let me know that the place she's going to is looking for a librarian ... I thanked her, but told her I wasn't interested. In six months I will start looking seriously for the next school year, but I am committed to here for this year.
I am so thankful I upgraded my phone. The GymPact app is a great motivator, but now with it looking like I more than likely won't have a walking partner, I am going to have to rely more on my indoor exercise. Not as fun or as enjoyable .. but will get the job done.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
July 22nd, 2013 at 06:15 am
What a summer it has been. Summer school, CA trip, and finally a long sojourn in NE. Now about three weeks til the first day to report back to work.
I have so much to catch up on, I'm not really even sure where to begin.
Finances - Oh boy. I really am not sure how much I spent between CA and NE, but to put it mildly ... it was way too much. Gas and lodging I have hard numbers for the NE trip -gas $237.xx; 2 hotel stays - $105.xx. I averaged 35.8 mpg (that's including around town driving in the average - otherwise it would probably be closer to 37mpg.)
I went a little nuts with the close proximity of fast food places and other shopping places. Seriously, a little nuts. NE treated for most of the meals we ate together - but that was just one meal a day. I bought groceries for myself to supplement, and ... the fast food ... Less than a block from his apartment - McDonald's (smoothie anyone???) and Pizza Hut (personal pan pizza???) Amazingly I seem to have only gained a pound (maybe it was due to all the walking I did as well?)
Then of course there was the Adventist Book Center (or ABC as Adventists know it.) I restrained myself on books (only 2! both on sale) but the veggie foods?? Total spent $71. I also checked out a Goodwill store and came away with 20+ books for the library (one, a brand new hardcover 2006 Guinness World Record book!!! Score!!) as well as a few other items (such as a pretty casserole dish, a pannini maker and a glass container for NEs change.) All for ... $28.xx!! (less than the cost of the WR book alone brand new!) I also went to the mall ... it was SO hot ... and I wanted to see if my gym pact anywhere function really worked ... It did. I also managed to spend money at JC Penny's (super clearance sale!) and then at Dress Barn (lace skirt/white blouse for $30.)
I messed up with one of my credit cards. I thought I had them all on auto pay full bill - but I left one out. Ooops. Thankfully when I got the notice that my payment was late, I was able to call them and get the finance charge and late payment fee dismissed. Thanks to my history of no late payments and always paying in full.
As I mentioned, I did a lot of walking. NEs place is less than 3/4 of a mile from Wilderness Park. There are some really fantastic walking/biking trails there. Most nights when NE was working, I did 3 - 5 mile walks (usually 4 miles.) It was SO beautiful! (and HOT!)
Other things NE and I did together - spent a lot of time at various area lakes with him showing me some of his favorite fishing spots as he was growing up. We also went out to Tuttle Creek where he caught a lizard, took a picture of it, and then let it go. We saw Man of Steel - loved it! Went out to eat at a lot of fast food places - mostly that are only NE/Lincoln places (Runza, Gregs, Tastee's --- all for Cheese Frenchies! Yum!!) I ate more fried foods in the three weeks I was there than I usually do in a year! We did eat at a few sit-down restaurants - IHOP, Olive Garden and a local place Beacon Hill Bar and Grill. I treated for IHOP.
NEs aunt died while I was still out in CA, and the TN family held the memorial service for her without inviting NE or his sister ... so we didn't do any big road trips.
Kari and the five cats ... Kari eventually settled down enough to where she was comfortable being out and about in the apartment -but not without hissing and batting at the other cats. The five cats just kind of tolerated her I think... Kari knocked down a 5 gallon aquarium (empty thankfully!) which shattered all over the place. She also took a great liking to a pair of expensive speakers as a scratching post ... Ugh. I hope when NE comes here to visit, that he and Kari will be able to like each other without the other 5 cats running over every time .. NE just barely got to the point of being able to touch her without being hissed at.
I attempted to hook my computer up to NEs modem, but could not get it to work. Until tonight I was slightly worried that I had jostled the modem or something in it during the trip to NE - but it is working perfectly. So, I was pretty much without a computer (although NE did let me use his laptop .. I didn't do too much on it because of its small size.) I really did not accomplish much at all - other than reading several books, watching stuff on Hulu and Netflix (and getting a warning notice from aTT that I'd gone over the 3 GB limit and my service will be slow next month ... ummmm thought I had unlimited data??) I forgot some books I needed to do stuff for my elective classes (from the six=month class.) Still, all in all, I kept pretty busy/occupied while NE was at work.
I am happy that I went. The time there definitely helped me see some things more clearly, and see some things that need to be addressed. He really tried to be thoughtful and do things he thought I would like. One thing that was clear is that I won't have to worry about him complaining about my housekeeping ... We did a lot of talking about different things - from current events, past events, views on issues, to possible future scenarios. It was definitely a good thing.
So ... in other news... my great Uncle (my grandma's sister's husband) died this past week. I wasn't close to him or anything, but I did like him from the times we'd interacted. Then in other big, but not really surprising news (sadly) ... my mom and the man she married in December are getting divorced - his idea. Basically he decided that he couldn't handle her health issues (more later), that she drove him nuts always wanting to go do things instead of sitting and meditating for eons of hours, etc. She is coming out of this pretty badly ... gave most of her furniture away when she moved in with him, gave up her tutoring students/business, gave up Buddy her dog, etc.
Her health issues --- about 15+ years ago she had a pituitary tumor which was removed by them going through her nasal cavity. It has returned, bigger than ever with the addition of lesions. She's going to need surgery to get rid of it, but due to the larger size and the legions, they are having to figure out the best course of action. She is staying at an extended stay place right now, and last week slipped and fell hard on her back/neck. She has had multiple back and neck surgeries ... So far it doesn't appear to have caused any more damages, but still not good.
Oh the REALLY big news?? My brother called my mom today!! (He had cut off contact with her in June after our dad died due to a number of reasons.) He told me he decided that it was time to let go and get past it. I was completely ecstatic!!
In mixed news ... I am now without any walking partners. Both of the co-workers I walked with this past year have gotten different jobs. One of the former teaching assts is taking one of the positions, another vacant position is being taken by someone who I don't think will be living here, and I don't know what's going to happen with the third one. The third one is my only hope for a new walking partner...
I have more I am thinking about, but this is already way too long. Tomorrow - what I found when I arrived home ... and lifestyle/diet thoughts/plans/thinking.
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Gasoline Tracking,
Grocery Tracking,
July 14th, 2013 at 05:11 am
Hi everyone. I've tried posting a couple times but took too long, and lost my post. I'm in Lincoln right now but will be heading home probably on Saturday. Kari has not adjusted very well at all to having 5 cat mates ... This morning she knocked an empty acquarium down and it shattered ...ugh!
I brought my computer with me, but haven't been able to getting to connect to NEs Internet. So ... I haven't accomplished much while here. I still am glad I came. There's been ups and downs, but mostly good.
I'm trying to keep up with everyone's blogs, but signing in on my phone is a pain, so not too many comments. Will write more when I get home!
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Frugal Single Life
June 17th, 2013 at 10:57 pm
Ugh. Please remind me to not sign up for any "reward" from a credit card that is offered as "statement credits" over a period of time. Back in September (I think) I signed up for the Citi offer giving you up to $9.95 statement credit for Netflix up to a year. It worked great for the first few months, and then I got an email telling me that I had an overdue balance. Say what?? So, I check it out - two months of Netflix had been charged within one statement period. I called Citi and they gave me a credit which fixed it.
Fast forward to yesterday. I again get an email telling me I have an overdue balance. Same thing had happened - two monthly charges on one statement. Again, I called and hashed it out with them. It took a lot longer this time, but they wiped out the balance due. I also asked that they make a note on my account so that I don't have to go through this yet again in October. (The problem is when there is a month with less than 31 days. Such as February or April.)
I will very happily be canceling this card as soon as the free year of Netflix is over. (I came close to just going ahead and cancelling the card as it was ... even though I'd lose out on $40 of free Netflix.)
I redeemed Chase points today for a $51 statement credit.
I also booked my hotel for my trip to NE using hotels com through Swagbucks. I'll be getting 6 SBs per dollar ($53!) I was going to book at a somewhat cheaper place, but they only allow dogs in their rooms. When I asked why no cats, the front desk guy was pretty rude. Now I wouldn't book there even if I didn't have Kari with me!
NE sent me a link to a house/property near him that is $12k - 1900 sq ft/5 acres. The kitchen reminds me a little of my mom's parent's kitchen. The bathroom made me laugh though - normal toilet and sink, but a miniature do it yourself type shower. Best of all though it's close enough to a city where you can get city Internet (instead of having to do Satellite.) He's not ready to buy anything yet, but this goes to show that there are some good options available. (He wants a country house with acreage to raise turtle/dig a pond, etc., with few neighbors nearby. Sounds good to me. )
I got laundry and dishes done yesterday, and so far nothing really done today. Ooops. Tomorrow I have to pack for CA and NE trips and try to leave the house in somewhat presentable shape.
My walking partner and I went to town yesterday. I bought some more clothes at Walmart. I need to reign in the clothing spending here ...
After stepping on the scale this a.m., I also decided to quit the soda. I hate to think what the scale would look like if I wasn't walking most days...
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
June 15th, 2013 at 12:01 am
This morning I got an email from NE telling me that he'd just found out that a favorite aunt is dying, and probably doesn't have too much longer. She's in TN. I emailed him back and told him that if he decides to go see her/go to funeral, to let me know if he'd like me to go with him. If that happens, then that may mean I won't get to CA this summer. My tickets are with Southwest, so I can always use them at another time. This is something I know he'd do for me, so I'm glad to be able to return the favor.
Today was the last day of summer school for me. Yay! Overall, I'd say the last two weeks weren't too bad - almost enjoyable. But no, I will not be asking to do it again next year!
I took Kari to the vet today - had her nails clipped and had her weighed (9.2 lbs) The vet gave me a prescription for xxxxphodrine (something like that - don't have it in front of me.) He didn't charge me for an office visit, just the nail trimming and the meds - $18.xx Not bad!
On the way back from the vet, I came *really* close to getting into what could've potentially been a *very* bad car accident. I really had been paying attention, and thought the way was clear enough for me to pull out and go ... but as soon as I was half-way out in the lane I saw the vehicle not even 50 feet away (probably less.) I kicked on my accelerator, and they probably slammed their brakes ... and we avoided each other. Our angels were watching out for us for sure!
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June 13th, 2013 at 02:34 am
Tonight it was finally cool enough to consider going for a walk again with my walking partner. As I was heading over to where we meet, a short black boxer type dog runs across the street from where it lives and bumps against the back of my knees. That was startling enough, but I also felt a sharp stab as he did this. I immediately stopped and looked, and saw that he'd broken my skin.
I then just kept on walking ignoring the dog. It was following me, and the child of the owner kept calling him back (which he ignored.) Finally I got to my walking partner, and the other dog left. (probably after getting a whiff of my walking partners bull mastiff!)
This is a not great picture of it. In the grand scheme of things, not that big of a deal/bite. It's more the principle of it that really irks me. (Not to mention that if the dog had *really* wanted to be aggressive/attack, I'd probably be in the hospital now with major leg wounds at the least.)
One bit of great news -- the maintenance guys came by today and hooked up my swamp cooler! Yes!! I'm glad I didn't go spend money on an a/c unit.
Cancer s*cks. I found out today that one of my friends from Pathways (a life improvement program I went through in 2006) has stage 2 breast cancer. She's the mom of two young kids.
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Frugal Single Life
June 12th, 2013 at 12:42 am
Despite the heat yesterday I did manage to get one task accomplished .. or at least the beginning of it. I have a 403b from when I was teaching that has just been sitting at a particular company. So finally yesterday I made the call to the company I want to move it to, and the financial guy walked me through the process of moving it over. Now I just have to wait for the forms and mail them in. Once this move is over, I'll have my taxable/tax-deferred accounts at 3 institutions rather than 6 (like back in January.) I don't know yet if I'll consolidate further or not yet.
Only 3 days of summer school left! As much as I'm eager for it to be over, I am actually enjoying myself. I still have no desire however to repeat it next summer! We'll be getting our paychecks for summer school on the 25th - I've asked for mine to be mailed to NE so I don't have to worry about making it in to big G before leaving town. Thanks to the smartphone app, I can easily deposit it.
I found a Bill Nye video on pollution which I'm going to play for the kids on Friday (thanks Youtube!)
This afternoon we had the grand opening of our neighborhood playground which was built this past weekend. It was quite fun seeing 70+ K - 8th grade students, plus 20+ neighborhood kids running around and enjoying the new equipment.
I stopped at Family Dollar today and bought a blackout panel which I've now nailed above my office window. I'm hoping that this will help both with privacy and with heat. I also bought two six packs of bubbles which I'm going to let the kids use tomorrow as a bit of a treat for good behavior during Mass the last two days. (We're having Mass everyday this week except Friday.) They also had a bunch of deodorants in the clearance bin - $.80 each.
I am *hoping* that the swamp coolers will be turned on tomorrow ... I just can't get motivated to do much of anything with it so hot. There is so much I should be doing too ...
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Frugal Single Life,
June 10th, 2013 at 11:08 pm
Last night at 9 p.m. it was 82 outside, but inside my mobile home it was 95. One of my co-workers went and bought a window air conditioner unit because she just could not stand it. If I knew for sure how much longer it would be before the powers that be decide to hook up our swamp coolers, I might just do that myself ...
Seriously ridiculous. Take a 30+ minute COLD shower, step out, and am instantly sweltering again.
Today was the first half-day of summer school for me. (kids still go full day - but volunteers take over for the afternoon.) That was nice - except that one of my students got sick during lunch, so I stayed with her until the dad came and picked her up.
I'd planned on getting stuff done today in my house, but with the heat, I just can't make myself. I did manage to get two loads of laundry done yesterday - which probably didn't help the heat inside (had to use the dryer for a few items.)
Maybe good news! My friend/IT person who is battling lung cancer the second time around? Her latest report is saying that the tumor is shrinking with chemo -- so maybe she won't have to have surgery!!! She should know for sure in two weeks time.
I got the last of my 5 $5 AGCs from SBs today. I have a healthy balance on Amazon right now.
I have finalized my plans for my CA trip. Will be in San Jose 19/20,24 and Napa 21/22/23 - with a side trip to Lodi on the 23rd (where my dad is buried.) My brother is starting his new job (can't remember if I mentioned that or not - as of the 24th he's no longer working for the Wine Train) on Monday, the 24th. So I wanted to make sure to not interfere with his first day on the job!
I'll have about one day here in NM to recover, and then head out to NE! I still need to finalize my plans for what I'm going to do with Kari while I'm gone.
Is there something I can give her so she's not exactly sleeping, but is relaxed and not anxious? If I take her with me, she'll have a total of 4 8 hour car rides (2 each way.) Is there a valium for cats?
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Extra Money Tracking
June 9th, 2013 at 02:45 am
So ... in 5 weekdays my part of summer school will be over. In 11 days I head out to CA to see my brother, aunt and grandma. Then in 19 days I head out to NE to see my NE man. Can you tell I'm excited and ready? (especially for the last one!!)
Today was build day for the new playground sponsored by our school and our health insurance company. Hot, tired, sweaty just barely begin to describe how I felt when I got home. I took a 30 minute COLD shower, and still didn't feel that much cooler. At least I felt cleaner!
I spent part of the morning at the registration table, and then a few hours in the afternoon putting water in the wheelbarrows where people were mixing cement. I wouldn't have minded the job too much if it hadn't been for this one guy (who I guess was in charge) constantly telling me I was doing it wrong and then grabbing the hose out of my hand to start doing it himself ... Ugh. When we reached a breaking point where we had more cement ready for the mixer than could be easily/quickly mixed, I left and went back to the registration table.
The playground is very nice, although using mulch as the ground cover is pretty questionable here - especially considering how very windy it can get. I also heard that the flowers that the students/neighborhood kids had planted about 4 or 5 weeks ago and that had been left outside the science building at our school to grow, had been killed by someone pouring bleach on them. Twice. I hope whoever did that doesn't decide to mess with the new playground.
I'm thinking of renting Tiger Eyes from iTunes tonight. I doubt it'll come out in any theaters around here, plus seeing it on iTunes would be cheaper. I heart Judy Blume and am so happy that one of her books finally became a movie! (especially this one - one that I read at least a dozen times when I was in elementary school (7th/8th grade.)
Tomorrow I'll need to go into big G to pick up a memory card reader for our preschool director. She'd had our IT person buy her a brand new computer so that she could print pictures off her memory card ... but the computer doesn't have a memory card reader!! She asked me to look at it on Friday after school, and that's when I told her about the usb memory card reader. Oh, UGH UGH UGH - the computer has Windows 8 OS. It is HORRIBLE. For a smartphone, it'd be fine, but for a desktop? UGH UGH UGH! And this is coming from someone who feel way comfortable finding their way around a computer AND a smartphone. (She'll reimburse me for the purchase.)
I recieved 3 of my 5 $5 AGCs from SBs yesterday. I'm just waiting for the last two now. I missed the daily goal on Thursday I think.
I picked up my NON-generic Sythroid prescrip yesterday - along with sunscreen (from the clearance box!), sunglasses (to replace the ones I broke recently), and a few other items. Hopefully within a couple weeks this NON-generic will do the trick and I'll have my energy back. (I also read somewhere that sometimes you can get dizzy spells due to thryoid issues ... which might explain some of the dizzy spells I've had.)
I also filled up my gas (had two bars left - so didn't wait for fumes!!) The first gas station I went to - tried two different pumps and they wouldn't work. After the first pump didn't work, I canceled the transaction. At the second pump it told me to "see attendant" - he tells me that I have to leave my card with him and he'll turn the pump on for me. UGH! I do this, and of course it doesn't work. I went back in and told him "nevermind, I'm going somewhere else." Next place I went to the first pump worked with no problem - and it was for the same price! ($3.29/gallon)
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Extra Money Tracking
June 9th, 2013 at 02:41 am
So ... in 5 weekdays my part of summer school will be over. In 11 days I head out to CA to see my brother, aunt and grandma. Then in 19 days I head out to NE to see my NE man. Can you tell I'm excited and ready? (especially for the last one!!)
Today was build day for the new playground sponsored by our school and our health insurance company. Hot, tired, sweaty just barely begin to describe how I felt when I got home. I took a 30 minute COLD shower, and still didn't feel that much cooler. At least I felt cleaner!
I spent part of the morning at the registration table, and then a few hours in the afternoon putting water in the wheelbarrows where people were mixing cement. I wouldn't have minded the job too much if it hadn't been for this one guy (who I guess was in charge) constantly telling me I was doing it wrong and then grabbing the hose out of my hand to start doing it himself ... Ugh. When we reached a breaking point where we had more cement ready for the mixer than could be easily/quickly mixed, I left and went back to the registration table.
The playground is very nice, although using mulch as the ground cover is pretty questionable here - especially considering how very windy it can get. I also heard that the flowers that the students/neighborhood kids had planted about 4 or 5 weeks ago and that had been left outside the science building at our school to grow, had been killed by someone pouring bleach on them. Twice. I hope whoever did that doesn't decide to mess with the new playground.
I'm thinking of renting Tiger Eyes from iTunes tonight. I doubt it'll come out in any theaters around here, plus seeing it on iTunes would be cheaper. I heart Judy Blume and am so happy that one of her books finally became a movie! (especially this one - one that I read at least a dozen times when I was in elementary school (7th/8th grade.)
Tomorrow I'll need to go into big G to pick up a memory card reader for our preschool director. She'd had our IT person buy her a brand new computer so that she could print pictures off her memory card ... but the computer doesn't have a memory card reader!! She asked me to look at it on Friday after school, and that's when I told her about the usb memory card reader. Oh, UGH UGH UGH - the computer has Windows 8 OS. It is HORRIBLE. For a smartphone, it'd be fine, but for a desktop? UGH UGH UGH! And this is coming from someone who feel way comfortable finding their way around a computer AND a smartphone. (She'll reimburse me for the purchase.)
I recieved 3 of my 5 $5 AGCs from SBs yesterday. I'm just waiting for the last two now. I missed the daily goal on Thursday I think.
I picked up my NON-generic Sythroid prescrip yesterday - along with sunscreen (from the clearance box!), sunglasses (to replace the ones I broke recently), and a few other items. Hopefully within a couple weeks this NON-generic will do the trick and I'll have my energy back. (I also read somewhere that sometimes you can get dizzy spells due to thryoid issues ... which might explain some of the dizzy spells I've had.)
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Extra Money Tracking
June 7th, 2013 at 02:28 am
Ugh. Did it again. Posted without saving.
Not feeling great at all today - in fact had a bad episode of light headedness around ten - think was partly due to not eating much for breakfast.
One of my students got miserably sick today. My assistants took care of the rest of the class while I waited with the student for someone to pick him up.
Tomorrow should be fairly easy - one of my assistants is taking care of math, and the afternoon is pretty much used up with The Lorax movie.
Today is one year since my dad died. Been dreading it for awhile - not sure how I'd take it/react. NE has been truly amazing and special and supportive - especially the past few days. I think that has helped a lot. It probably also helped that I've been so busy/exhausted and haven't had a whole lot of time to think about it. So much I'd like to tell my dad about what's happened, so much I'm sad about that he might miss out on in the future.
Speaking of exhaustion .. 6 nights in a row with 5 hours or less of sleep - no matter what time I go to bed. Tonight I'm thinking of taking some generic Nyquil and seeing if it will help me get at least more than 5 hours.
Will be going into town tomorrow to pick up the NON generic Synthroid. Hopefully this will help soon.
My June car payment should be going out tomorrow I think. two payments closer to payoff
Didn't come even close to SBs goal today and am not going to bother trying (especially with one single search win of 6 ...gah!_)
NE sent me a Firehouse song (one of the *many* super sweet things over the past few days) and that has gotten me on a long hair band kick - Firehouse, Journey, etc. Gotta love youtube right?
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Frugal Single Life,
June 4th, 2013 at 01:48 am
I slept maybe 5 hours last night. Got to the school shortly after 7 (unheard of for me!) Had two surprise student additions, but thankfully had 6 who didn't show up.
Overall, it went much, much better than I feared. The kids listened well, and other than math, everything ran pretty smoothly. They (kids) seemed to enjoy everything I had planned out for them - even overheard multiple students saying how much they'd liked summer school.
I had one student tell me that she was surprised that I (a teacher) hadn't melted standing out on the playground during recess. I guess most of the teachers don't tend to stay out for recess ... Oh well.
I broke my rule to not spend anything ... I bought 6 $1 decks of playing cards for math class - math war! (If you've never played it, you really should sometime. It's a blast!) That'll be enough to occupy a group of 6 students during a rotation. That'll help the congestion of kids needing their initial worksheets corrected/signed so they can go to the next activity/game.
I think I got a bit of a sunburn - need to see if I can find any sunscreen 0 don't remember the last time I had any though.
My doctor called with my test results from Friday. No anemia, etc. My thyroid is still on the low side, so she thinks we may have to up it again. Once I can get my new prescription filled (insurance won't pay for it until June 5) if I'm not feeling more myself within a few weeks, she may up it. I really don't like that idea because I'm at .15 right now and am not sure how much further it goes up. Somewhere I have the idea that .2 is the upper limit, and then it means something like you have a non-functioning thyroid. Really don't want to research it and scare myself ...
I got a 40 search win on SBs this morning before leaving for work. That definitely helped me make goal much more easily than it would've been otherwise.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
June 1st, 2013 at 12:41 am
I went to the doctor this morning. When the PA took my blood pressure, it was 150/106. Yikes! That is SO out of normal for me. The doctor told her to take it again in ten minutes - more normal this time - 120/80. I told the doctor how fatigued and icky I've been feeling, as well as a couple things I thought it might be. One of them possibly being a generic Syntrhoid. She emailed a scrip in stating NO GENERIC. So hopefully that will help! She also gave me a couple extra tests other than the thyroid - including a CBC count. Will have to wait to see the results.
She asked me if I was exercising, and I told her that yes I was - around 30 -50 minutes 4 or 5 times a week. She wants me to increase it to a min. of 45 minutes. I'd love to if I had a willing walking partner!!
I really think I am going to upgrade my phone. If I upgrade to the 4 or the 4S then I can use the GymPact Anywhere function - this way I could use my elliptical on days when walking partner decides to not walk, and still be motivated to exercise for the GymPact. Or I could walk/run in the gym and still have it count. With 3rd grade co-worker leaving, I have a lot less chance of having a willing walking partner - especially one who's willing to do more than the bare min. of 30 minutes. Ugh.
The visit cost me $69. $35 Co-pay plus a $34 balance from the last visit (blood tests.) I'm supposed to go back again in 3 months.
After the doctor I was on the SBs site and got nearly 200 points just from the McDonald's app. Cool. I had planned on going in to the school during the morning, but just did not feel good. I finally made myself go a bit after noon. I thought I was going to have the help of my summer school assistants for a couple hours, but only had them for an hour. That was barely enough time to divide the kids into groups and classify them loosely into ability levels. I spent a few more hours printing out games/worksheets - but will have to go in Sunday to make sure everything is really put together and ready for Monday.
I got an email today from restaurants . com telling me that a place I'd bought a certificate for a few years ago is no longer participating. Since I hadn't used the certificate, I could exchange it and redeem it for $25 credit. I'd bought the certificate so that I could take my dad and grandma out to a Chinese vegetarian place in Loma Linda, but we ended up not going. So I'm going to use the credit to buy certificates for IHOP and another place in NE. I've asked NE to look at the possible places and tell me what would be a good choice.
I think I'm going to skip church tomorrow and just try to sleep. I'm also going to try to get off the phone/Skype by 11 tonight (we have our date start at 8 my time, 9 his time.)
The co-worker who is leaving in the morning gave me back my dad's laptop today. She'd been using it to hook her wi-fi router into at her house. It's good to have it back, although I'd rather still have my friend staying here.
My barclay's account is funded and vetted now. A month from now I'll see how much difference that .15% makes.
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Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
May 31st, 2013 at 04:36 am
Tonight my two walking buddies/co-workers went out to eat - two of us were treating the third who is leaving on Saturday. With tip, the meal for the three of us was $50. Gulp. Oh well, it isn't like someone leaves all the time that you want to take out. The food wasn't that great, but that doesn't matter that much.
I opened a Barclay's account and am now just waiting for the test amounts to be able to transfer money into it. I'll be putting about 70% of my savings there. I don't know how much difference an extra .15% interest will really make .. but every miniscule bit helps, right?
Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment for bloodwork and hope to also see the doctor to talk about my tiredness/icky feeling that doesn't seem to go away. I'm wondering if it has to do with upping my dosage of thyroid meds - or if it has something to do with taking a generic of Synthroid for the last three weeks or so (although the icky/fatigue started before I started taking the generic--- I picked it up on the 14th? on my way back from CO and it didn't dawn on me that it was the generic until I was in my car and I decided one month of it wouldn't kill me ..)
So ... NE and I are doing well. He'd said something on Monday night that confused me as to what he meant, and I asked him to clarify about it last night. Which he did. I found a couple of neat websites - one where you can send virtual flowers (name of site is just that - virtual flowers com.) And then this other one with funny/dirty/scandalous ecards for all sorts of occasions - some ecards (no spaces.) I sent NE one of the few that were funny without also being dirty - if you check it out, it's the one about pigs and bacon. He got a kick out of it.
Today was the 3rd payday for May. I had actually forgotten about it, but then I stopped by the office to ask the secretary something and saw the paystubs on the table (we have to sign a sheet to show we picked up the paystub.)
I'm kind of nervous about next week/summer school. Without a real curriculum to follow and needing to fill two weeks with "fun" educational activities ... (while also attempting to spend NO money) ,, It's been a few years since I've *really* been in a classroom like this. (Yes, I've been teaching in the library/computer lab for the past two years - but that is with multiple different groups for no more than an hour at a time. Lots of times I can just basically repeat the same lesson for different groups with a few tweaks ...)
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May 28th, 2013 at 10:15 pm
So yesterday I had my babysitting job. It went well - about 5 hours for $40. It was worth more than the cash to me though - I really enjoy taking care of the girls. Of course, by the time I got home and got something to eat, it was just about time for my Monday phone date with NE. So I didn't get much done on Monday other than a walk with my co-workers, babysitting gig and a 5 hour phone date. Not that I'm complaining. At all.
After another walk with my co-workers this morning, I decided that instead of going into town and spending money (which I'd been contemplating) that I'd sit down with YNAB and do a fresh start and see where I'm at money wise.
In November after buying my car, my Net Worth was around $48k. Today, mostly thanks to one particular stock (hit $110 today!!) my NW is grasping at $95k!! That number is seriously hard for me to comprehend that I've actually got that kind of money available to me. (Of the individual stock I own, approximately 90% of them were inherited. So, unless they drop down to $30/share, I'm not messing with them.)
Tomorrow I need to start preparing for summer school in earnest. It starts on Monday.
Good friend/co-worker is leaving on Saturday. A couple of us are taking her out to eat Thursday night (3rd payday of the month - dinner out is being timed for the payday ... my 3rd payday will mostly be going into savings - such a different mindset.) She has a possible job offer in the area she'd like to relocate to, so that is good news. I'm still really sad to see her go though.
(I had a lot more to this post, but had to restart it due to a browser hiccup before I had a chance to save ...)
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Extra Money Tracking
May 27th, 2013 at 03:37 am
Haven't done much this weekend. Yesterday I went to church in the morning, but was so tired that I went straight home (didn't stay for potluck.) I slept pretty hard for a few hours, and then gave J a call (the lady I lived with for a few months two years ago.) She's a month out from her second knee surgery and is recovering pretty well from it. She was happy to hear about NE and I. Then it was time for my weekly call to grandma. Pretty much same conversation per usual.
I slept a bit more, then got up and caught up on about frugal forums (hadn't read in over a month!) Did some laundry too.
** Oh, I had to fill up before heading to church. I was on fumes again. Last tank was 34.4 mpg, even with the fast driving. $37.39 for 10.489 gallons
This morning I was supposed to go walking, but both people wimped out on me. I was going to make ableskebers for my two sometimes walking partners this morning, but shortly before heading over to Ns place to make them, I realized I didn't have buttermilk, good butter (all my tubs were dried out ...), salt or sugar!! So I had to go to the expensive mom and pop store and pick that stuff up (no buttermilk, but did get lemon juice --- didn't quite achieve the right results using rice milk ...)About $10. Ouch.
The first two batches didn't turn out great, but luckily by the third batch they were working out better. The ladies told me that it was my practice run for making them for NE. (I hadn't made them in practically 3 years .. so was a little rusty.)
I redeemed swagbucks for a $15 AGC yesterday. Now have enough for my June 5 $5's.
Tomorrow I have a babysitting gig. The mom wrote me to let me know that her dh won't be going on the trip he was thinking about doing, but they'd like to spend some quality time together tomorrow.
I can't seem to shake this tiredness, no matter how much I'm sleeping/lazing. I will be seeing my doctor again on Friday for retesting bloodwork (thyroid.) I'm hoping she can offer me some ideas on what is going on. Tired of being tired.
Almost forgot - got a call this pm from one of my walking partners about the loose neighborhood dog who always comes with us on our walks. She (the dog) has been accused of biting a child. Witnesses (all kids under ten ..) say that it was actually the child's dog that bit her after being sat on by the child ... but the child claims it was neighborhood dog. Only consequence right now is that nd is going to have to be tied up all the time (which her owners have tried to do, but she constantly gets off the tie out.) The owner asked if we'd write a note to animal control stating that nd is NOT aggressive. She isn't - so I will be doing that.
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking,
Extra Money Tracking
May 24th, 2013 at 04:16 am
This week has been busy with end of the year activities and trying to recover all the checked out books (with one day left, still have 43 out!!)
I am still sad about my coworker leaving and my other coworker finding out about cancer, not to mention a third coworker who has decided to look for another job as well. Both of my walking partners may be gone next year. However, a 3 hr Skype convo with NE and a sweet ecard the next morning, did a lot to lift my spirits.
NE ... I knew he was a gem before, but he's showing himself to be a diamond. I had no idea what to expect with rekindling our relationship, but I am SO glad I jumped off the ledge and helped it along.
Today was field day. I got a bit of a sunburn supervising the Great Wall of China station (two kids stand in the middle of the playing field and try to catch all the other kids as they run back and forth.) It went pretty well from what I could see, and the kids had fun. TG our principal had told the kids yesterday that if they had books still out that they would miss one event for every book. At that time there were 30 kids with books still out! Today 22 kids had to sit out. I hated to do something so negative like that, but come on! It isn't like the kids aren't aware that the books belong to the library. I have a plan for next year which will hopefully alleviate this problem.
After work today I helped 3rd coworker scan a bunch of documents to apply for a different position. Then I went into big G and stopped at Walgreen's to pick up a thank you gift for my assistant. I ended up getting a few other things as well (of course.) About $24.xx or so altogether.
I had to get gas as well (both because I was running on fumes by the time I got to big G and because I'm taking the school nurse to the airport tomorrow.) I was truly on fumes - 10.458 gallons it took (at $3.49/gallon.) I had to switch pumps though because the first pump I was at wouldn't start fueling, even after I had one of the cashiers come out and look at it.
Well the past two nights the trailer has been very warm, almost uncomfortably. That's better though than last year where it became this way by the first week of May. I'm hopeful they'll set up the swamp coolers soon so I won't have to swelter too much. (I do have a fan, it just doesn't work that great.)
I am planning on taking it pretty easy until Tuesday. Then I'll have to go into uber prep mode for summer school. I'm totally refusing to spend any money on it this year. Just cannot do that again.
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Gasoline Tracking,
Grocery Tracking
May 19th, 2013 at 09:18 pm
I forgot to put this in my post yesterday. I called the local mechanic to find out how much he'd charge to add cruise control or possibly a combo cruise control/remote starter to my car. He told me I really should call the dealer. So .. I called the dealer in the G town. Long and short of it- they don't make anything like that for my model of car (2010 Toyota Yaris) and this particular dealership doesn't have the right equipment to even install after market parts. Huh?? Maybe the dealership in ABQ would though ...
I plan on contacting the local mechanic again to see what he thinks. I hope I don't have to go all the way to ABQ to get it done, but if I do, then I guess I do. Having cruise control will be very helpful in avoiding speeding tickets on the 16 hour drive .. (plus help with gas mileage too.) Oh yeah - speaking of gas mileage. My car averaged around 36 - 37 mpg on the trip - even with going up steep inclines.
I'm possibly taking the school nurse to the airport on Friday, so if the only place to get it done is at the ABQ dealer, then I could drop my car off on Friday. (maybe they'll have a loaner car or drop me off at the mall or something while I wait)
Not feeling 100% today, so kind of taking a lazy day. Though I really need to do some laundry and dishes..
Posted in
Frugal Single Life,
May 15th, 2013 at 01:19 am
I got back last night from my weekend adventure. Boy am I ever tired!!
The way to Colo Sprgs is pretty much a straight shot - 25 to 40. Unfortunately I ended up taking a "shortcut" which led me through the mountains of Taos, etc. on the way there. I was able to cut 30+ minutes off the drive by sticking to 25 to 40 on the way back. I am going to need to get cruise control installed in my car sooner than later though, otherwise that route is probably going to cause me to receive some speeding tickets sooner than later ...
(filled up w/gas a total of 3 times at a bit under $100 total)
Yes, I will be making the trip again, although this next time all the way to where NE lives. We talked a lot about a lot of things and cleared the air about other things. Friday night a few hours after I arrived, we officially agreed that we were back together. We are both determined to be more open and forthcoming with any concerns or issues - this is especially on my part. So far, so good.
We visited Pike's Peak, although we weren't able to get all the way to the top due to a recent snowstorm. It was quite beautiful, and even snowed for a short while. (It was outrageously expensive though - $12 per person just to drive the road!!) We also went through the Cave of the Winds. It was good, but I don't know if it was quite worth $18 pp for a 45 minute excursion. We also saw Iron Man 3 -- It was his first 3D movie in a theater. ($12 pp!) I took care of the meals and outings, and he took care of the hotel. It was pretty even.
He's asked me to come spend a few weeks this summer with him in NE. It really makes a lot of sense. If he came here, he'd have to stay in a hotel, and would only be able to here for a few days at most. While if I go out there I can stay at his place and stay for a few weeks. The longest we'd ever had together in person previously was about a week, so it'd be good to have some length of time in the same zipcode!!
I figure I can bring my desktop and some planning books and work on the website/activities, lessons and Swagbucks while he's at work. That way I'll still get stuff done. Maybe I can also check out the local university library for book ideas, etc. I'm thinking of taking Kari .. it'll be a test to see if she can get along with other cats. He has 5 (two of whom he had when were together before.)(Will need to get some kind of sleep aid/relaxing agent for Kari. She can barely tolerate a 30 minute drive - can't imagine how overly stressed she'd be with a 16 hr one!!)
He was so sweet. The first time he asked me to be his gf back in 2005, he met me with a rose. I'd mentioned to him in an email that I still had that rose (dried.) He gave me a new rose this weekend. Roses aren't my favorite flowers (snapdragons are) but they are still a special flower.
My car ran with no problem (other than not having a lot of horsepower on some of the mountain highways.) I listened to my music off my phone via the mp3 plugin on my radio most of the way there and back. It was SO nice.
When I got back here, there had been some drama due to a decision made by the mission office/principal. Of 50 staff members who said they were coming to a barbeque (staff appreciation) only 20 came. This was some lame protest. Ugh. I'm actually kind of glad now that I wasn't here, it would have just made me sad.
Oh! I also got a cool email from the lady who's asked me to babysit her girls a number of times this year. She is needing someone to take the girls to and from summer school because her mother in law is doing poorly and her husband is going to be going out to be with her for a few weeks. She told me that she'd prefer to have me do it over any other babysitter in the area. That made me feel pretty darn good.
The yearbooks are selling pretty well - nearly 40 sold out of 76. So maybe we'll be rid of most of them ... (Somehow some of the staff/teachers got the idea that they get a yearbook for free. I have NO idea how they got that idea - didn't last year!! NE got to hear me be annoyed at the idea when I got the texts from my asst. about the whole thing. He was impressed at how seriously I took my job. )
I forgot to take a camera with me to take pictures. Luckily NE took his. He's going to email me the pics we took. It was funny thinking back to 2005 - he'd taken pics back then too (and he had kept them! He brought them along to show me.) Only back then he sent me copies of the photos after having them developed, and now they can just be emailed.
I am so tired - haven't got much sleep this past week or so. Either too excited/anxious, too much to talk about, or overtired. I need to give my brother a call, as well as my aunt - they both want updates. Probably will hit the hay as soon as I'm done with those calls. (Am going to attempt to catch up on blogs here too.)
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking
May 6th, 2013 at 04:23 am
This morning I went to brunch at the 3rd grade teachers home, along with several other of my coworkers. While there I learned that on Saturday morning the 29 yo mom of one of our 4th grade girls was killed in a car accident. I had just helped this little girl on Friday create a Mother's Day card and can vividly remember what she wrote in her note - it showed such a special relationship.
You just never know.
This afternoon I volunteered at the photos for smiles event at my church. It was pretty slow. We only had around 60 groups show up. Although I think if we'd had as many as we had been expecting, it would not have been good. We really didn't have enough waiting area space and two hairstylist/makeup people would not have been enough. People seemed to appreciate it though. I am glad I put in a few hours helping out.
After I finished there, I went to Walmart and did some clothes shopping. I got several pairs of capris, a pair of sandals, a dress and a couple other items. I also replaced my two water bottles. It was over $100, but I so rarely spend money on clothes and I was needing some newer items for the summer .. If I could find items at Goodwill or the thrift shop in my size, I'd check there first, but it usually is like looking for a needle in haystack - especially if looking for something in good shape AND cute.
Five days.
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Frugal Single Life,
May 5th, 2013 at 06:02 am
This coming weekend will be doing Pike's Peak and Cave of the Winds for sure, and perhaps something else.
NE found a hotel for $40/night which is within walking distance of Old Colorado Springs. When NE first mentioned CS as a location, I thought the name sounded familiar, but wasn't sure why. After reading some of the hotel reviews and seeing the name Old CS, I am thinking that it may be near where I attended a Pathfinder Camporee (similar to Boy/Girl Scouts) in 1985. My favorite memories from that camporee include seeing the "Huxtable" kids, the obstacle course, seeing an old friend from Iowa, and walking around in the downtown area of the nearby town - where I found an awesome fancy hat (but didn't buy). I also lost a camera there. If it is the same place, I wonder if the hat shop is still there?
(At first NE found one for $70/night and I thought I could find a cabin or something at a KOA campground or the like for less. But everything I was finding started in the $90 range. Neither of us have any camping gear, so that wasn't an option either.)
I got a pedicure on Friday afternoon. The lady doing it asked me if I wanted her to use the slougher (not sure of exact term, thing that takes off dead skin). I told her that was the main reason I was going for a pedicure!! With tip, it cost $33!!! I usually don't pay more than $30 for a mani & pedi combined. If I do this again, I'll have to do more research on other places (with hopefully better prices!)
I stopped at the grocery store afterwards and picked up 5 items - bananas, orange juice, treat, and two other things I can't remember. $15.xx (forgot my savings card for Safeway)
I also had to fill up with gas - $33.xx. According to my Gas Cubby app I got 34.2 mpg this last tank. Nice.
I was SO tired this afternoon when I got back from church that I took a 4 hour nap. I didn't really want to get up, but I knew I needed to if I was going to get a good nights sleep.
Funny When I was walking with my two co-workers this morning, one of them told me that the preschool director (who is a Sister) had asked her about how my Sabbath works - because she'd seen me out walking at 9am on the past 4 or 5 Saturdays. My coworker let her know that my church service doesn't start til 11:30, so I have plenty of time in the morning for a walk! (Just a taste of what it's like living in a neighborhood where 30+% of the residents are co-workers, and about 30% of the student population are also residents.)
Tomorrow I'll be volunteering at the free portrait event at my church in the afternoon, and also need to put together 4 days worth of morning worship activities (my 3rd morning breakfast/worship duty this year.)
I also need to find a place that details cars in big G (and work on getting my car cleaned out ..)
Six days.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Gasoline Tracking,
Grocery Tracking
May 2nd, 2013 at 02:31 am
Tomorrow's payday, the first of three for May. I am thinking about sending it all to the car loan, or maybe 70% of it and then let the other 30% be used for upcoming extra expenses. It still would be a good chunk gone.
Made appointments to get Kari's nails trimmed (tomorrow), pedicure (Friday), haircut and manicure (Wednesday.) 8 days and counting til Colorado Springs.
Old bf (NE) told me that he'd been thinking along my same lines, but just hadn't found a good opportunity to bring it up. He was glad I did it. Funny how after so long we both got the same feeling/idea.
Yearbooks still have not arrived. With less than 3 weeks of school left, I'm a little worried that we will not sell many. Today we sent home "pre-order" flyers so parents can at least start sending in money (best at beginning of month!) From what old principal told me last year though, this tactic isn't too successful. Most don't buy til they see the actual yearbook. Ugh. Next year I want to have the yearbook finished a week ahead of deadline .. and maybe I can find a second person to back me up in case I get sick again.
Cashed in for first two $5 AGCs from SBs today. Also got my $15 AGC put into Amazon account. I made the monthly goal everyday for April (SBs) but have the feeling that will be the last time it happens if things work out with NE. (Can't exactly say, um.. I know these are the only two days we'll see each other this month, but I really need two or three hours to make my daily goal on SBs...) Oh well, it'll be worth it.
That's about it for right now that I can think of anyway.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking