I figured out how to login to my account again!
Sorry for being MIA for so long. I had not realized it had been so long since I actually posted a blog here until a few days ago, and then I couldn't log in!
Hmm .... what are some life updates?
In two weeks I'll have been at my new job for a year! I worked 100% from home from mid-March until late September. In September I was asked to come back for the express purpose of giving the receptionist her breaks. I log in at home in the morning (7:30) and work til 9, then log out for my "meal" at 9:15 and drive to work, where I clock back in (and it always counts it as 30 minutes, even if it was only actually 17 minutes ... but I really don't care.) Then get off at 4.
I guess that is something new - we started having to clock in and clock out in September I think. Really annoying, but am starting to get used to it. Soon something I'll really like will be happening - we'll be able to change our direct deposits ourselves AND have multiple ones! This will make it easier to do checking account bonuses.
I've actually been getting some overtime! My supervisor told me on Thursday to not worry about it - if I have stuff to do overtime with (which I do) then go for it! But not to feel obligated to do so ... Hmm.... I got 14.25 hours in the most current pay period. I'm thinking of maybe doing 3 or 4 this week - because it did cut down a bit too much on my time to do house tasks.
Speaking of house tasks .... I seem to finally have gotten some kind of a routine where I'm keeping the (upstairs at least) decently clean. I'm slowly also working on cleaning out and organizing cupboards and closets. Still a long way to go ... but it is better than it was a year ago for sure!
What sort of prompted this was a trip to Texas in September. My mom had a major foot surgery (bunion issues) and I went and stayed with her for a week and a half. (Barely survived ...) but when I got home, the smell and the mess hit me really badly. I resolved to do something about it.
DH is reluctantly doing the few things I've asked of him (i.e. put his shoes on the shoe rack when he comes home, close the shower curtain after a shower ... etc.) I think though that him seeing me set a routine AND following through on it has caused him to be more proactive on getting his own list of stuff done.
Financially things are moving along fairly smoothly. We do have a 4th car that is almost road worth/ready to be insured. My insurance agent is in the process of figuring out the most economical way to meet our insurance needs ... I'm anticipating having to up our auto insurance budget by at least $800/yr to do what we really need to be doing. Gulp.
I voted here on the first day of early voting. The early voting center is right next to the credit union we use, so every Friday I'm there anyway (to deposit DHs cash tips.) From the looks of the traffic lines, it appears that it has been quite the hopping spot. I'm really curious to see if there is a large upswing in people actually voting this year. (My DH won't be one ... but he'd be voting opposite of me ... so, not pushing it too much. )
I invested part of the money I had saved for my Ireland trip into the Vanguard ETF VGT. DH talked it up so much, and after looking into it for a good bit, I decided it wasn't too big of a risk. I've put enough aside to buy another stock in November (from my spending money.) I also diverted some of my Vanguard Total Stock Index money to buy some Tesla stocks before they split. My brother (and my dads side of the family) have stayed pretty heavily invested in Tesla from the beginning ... I wish I hadn't sold all of it. But ... it could have gone the other way. My brother has a networth almost 5x mine (and is almost 5 years younger.) Good for him!! (He and his wife recently bought a second house for a rental unit.)
I missed the mark on my Healthy Wage bet which ended in September. I knew this was going to happen, so I decided to extend it 6 months. Unfortunately, so far, it seems like my focus on getting the house in order has caused my diet/exercise focus to falter. But I plan to slowly start back on the healthy path tomorrow. I *really* don't want to completely lose the HealthyWage bet - need to lose 27lbs by March 20. Doable if I manage to get on it SOON.
Okay, I think I've rambled enough. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but hopefully I'll get back here more often.
October 31st, 2020 at 10:57 pm 1604185064
November 1st, 2020 at 03:19 am 1604200786
November 1st, 2020 at 02:46 pm 1604241968
November 2nd, 2020 at 05:15 am 1604294136
November 2nd, 2020 at 03:33 pm 1604331219
I have a routine as far as cleaning and I think it helps a lot, except if something comes up, I tend to stress over it which I need to get over.