Home > March This and That

March This and That

April 1st, 2020 at 01:30 am

Well, this is my second week working from home. Overall I'm really enjoying it. I think it'll be hard to go back to the normal routine.

I did go into the office for a few hours yesterday and saw my boss. It's pretty obvious she's an extrovert Smile she was so happy to see me.

DH is still doing his pizza delivery. He says business has picked up some this week, and tips are bigger. When all the universities shut down, deliveries took a hit.

I asked him tonight if I could locate a mask for him, would he wear it. Nope, he'd feel like a dork.

I'm keeping in mind my locus of control. I can control what I do, but not what others do.

If I knew for sure things would be okay in 4 weeks or so, and he could get his hours back, I'd tell him to take a month's vacation. But I don't think either of those are true.

My Ireland trip is canceled obviously. I got my refund a few days ago. Sigh.

I bought something thats been on my wishlist for several months - a 5 - in - 1 griddler w/ removable waffle irons. It should be here next week.

Have not been doing well with the eating. If I continue like this, there's no way I'll meet my Healthy Wage goal in September. Ugh.

Well, not much else to say, other than Wash your hands and stay home! Be safe my friends.

8 Responses to “March This and That”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I think you are right on. We can only control ourselves, not anyone else. May you be well!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Good to hear from you! It sounds like things are under control. So true you can't make choices for others, even husbands!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    The mask thing is a hard one, I haven't decided if they're a good idea or not. But in terms of your husband's safety, they say it's mainly to protect others, not the wearer so much.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks all.

    Ceejay- I hear conflicting reports saying masks are some protection from catching it, and of course reports saying it’s only good for those who are already sick. I guess I see it as SOMETHING that can be done ... even if all it does is help you not touch your mouth inadvertently. Who knows I guess.

  5. Sue Says:

    Hi Laura, I hear you on the "not eating as well" during this situation. I'm retired and, with the "Stay at home" orders, having a hard time with wanting to eat more than usual too. I also understand that we can't control what everyone does but at least you put the idea into your husband's head and I think if more people start wearing masks, your husband may change his mind.

  6. ceejay74 Says:

    I talked to a nurse friend last night, and it was interesting to hear her perspective. She didn't think the general populace wearing masks was necessary--other behaviors were more important, like cleaning groceries (or leaving them somewhere for a few days). She said she's been wearing gloves to the grocery store and trying to limit the number of times she goes.

    That said, I think a national recommendation might be forthcoming and if it is, I'll wear one in stores for other people's mental comfort. But I'll wear it a lot more safely than the people I see wearing them now and doing it all wrong!!

  7. GoodLiving Says:

    It's so interesting to see all the different opinions of how to best protect one's self. Here's a Dr from NY in what he sent to his family. We have stayed home except for groceries and Rx. I'm still walking outside but giving everyone more than 6 feet distance. When I was at the grocery store, I wore a mask on my spouse's insistence. With asthma in the house and folks that have different opinions about safeguards, we're working it out. I know it can be hard.

  8. Lucky Robin Says:

    There were a lot more people wearing masks at the grocery store and gloves. I have been wearing gloves, but not a mask. I will start wearing my mask from now on.

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