In January 2010 I was single and woefully underemployed. I was working for minimum wage at a small local health club - I'd started the job over a year earlier, a few months before being laid off from my oil and gas job. I was renting a room in a lady's home - loved her pets! She was jealous I think of the attention her pets gave me (sorry, but dogs tend to gravitate to those who consistently walk and play with them ...)
I was also taking classes towards my Master's in Library science, and mostly living on savings. My networth was approximately $45k.
Fast Forward ten years.
I bought a used car, had three different main jobs (plus the tutoring in 2010/11), earned my Master's, moved to two different states, lost my dad, got married, and bought a house! (Mom got divorced, married, divorced, married and finally widowed.) Oh, I am again taking classes towards another degree.
Our networth is approximately (not including house or cars) $350k. A good portion of that though comes from the stocks I inherited from my dad. (Go figure, they are up nearly $100 from when I sold them a few years ago. Could've gone the other way.)
10 Years (Belated)
January 9th, 2020 at 03:24 am
January 9th, 2020 at 03:51 am 1578541912
I'm glad you have moved up from ten years ago!
January 9th, 2020 at 02:32 pm 1578580353
January 9th, 2020 at 04:44 pm 1578588275
You have had a very eventful decade.
January 9th, 2020 at 05:44 pm 1578591847
January 10th, 2020 at 03:17 am 1578626234
January 12th, 2020 at 03:13 am 1578798796
Petunia - I'm working on an AS in Office Professional with a focus on administration.