Home > 5 Weeks In

5 Weeks In

December 21st, 2019 at 08:24 pm

About 5 weeks in to my new job, and I'm still quite happy. I spent a day at old job training my replacement last week. They made a really good choice.

We're not going anywhere for Christmas, per our usual. I purchased and sent mom our Christmas gift already. She sent us a check - which is what I had asked for - money towards my Ireland trip. She specified that some of the money was for DH which I think made him feel good.

I was approved for the BOFA $200 bonus card. I'm also debating about the Chase savings/checking bonuses.

I won a RunBet on Thursday - $8.87 profit.

Not much else to report.

2 Responses to “5 Weeks In”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks Joanne. I'm going with a group from a number of local community colleges. Are total trip is ten days long - in May. I'm really excited!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like a good Christmas the way you want it. Nice you have a gift to help with your Ireland trip.

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