Ok, so last night I stopped at two stores.
Aldi's - $18.81
Spring mix -- $1.99
Yellow mustard 20 oz - 0.65
Brown rice spaghetti - 1.89
3lbs red delicious apples - 3.39
2.16 lbs bananas - 0.95
6 oz bag of pepitas - 2.19
frozen Brussel sprouts x 2 - 1.78
Veg stock - 1.89
Unsweetened almond milk 32oz - 1.99
4 oz canned mushrooms x 2 = 1.10
Walgreen's -27.25
razor - $9.99
Airwick refills (2 pk) - 6.99
Get Well card - 2.99
Daytime cold/flu syrup - 6.29
Black cherry water - .99
Ordered from Amazon
2 pk razors (different type) - 9.99
silicone ice cube molds (for freezing lemon juice) - 11.99
Used a $5 gift card
Cost $18.31 (after taxes)
This morning I made a 3 bean veggie chili for my lunches. In a bit I'll be washing dishes and some other chores.
Later tonight I'm making barbeque and roasted potatoes for dinner (soy curls and homemade bbq sauce)
Swagbucks is being torturous to earn anything right now. Geesh! Luckily I completed a 50 sb survey on my second try today, otherwise I may have just given up for this month. (getting monthly master bonus)
I really need to get outside today - a balmy 34 degrees! I walked to the library and back yesterday in 22 degrees.
I should finish book #2 today, and start book #3 - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant Based Nutrition. I saw it recommended in several places, so am curious to see what it may offer.
I updated our YNAB budget with all of the end of 4th qtr amounts. Our networth went up 4.6% for the 4th qtr. (I only update retirement/investments at the end of each quarter.)
I'm starting to feel somewhat better finally - a little bit of energy even. Hopefully this means I'll get some tasks accomplished. I'm SO far behind on stuff it isn't funny ...
Spending, etc
January 7th, 2018 at 07:55 pm
January 7th, 2018 at 09:34 pm 1515360897
January 7th, 2018 at 09:40 pm 1515361216
January 8th, 2018 at 03:38 am 1515382739
January 8th, 2018 at 04:23 pm 1515428618
January 9th, 2018 at 12:34 am 1515458084
Kashi - I think I've read that book - sounds familiar
I'll have to look into kombuchu ... my immunity stinks. (partly why I've gone this direction nutritionally ... trying to find my energy again)