Hi all.
So on Thursday I got my Retropay - minus the OT hours (next check) and it was $768.xx. After taxes and retirement, it was about $576 extra. Not too shabby.
1/2 of it will go to our general budget and 1/2 will go to my fun money.
I bought two clothing items from Grayson for $27. I'm disappointed in them, but it'd cost nearly $10 just to ship them back. So ... I'm thinking of just keeping them and making them work. One reason I don't like buying clothes online!
I hadn't updated our budget for awhile, but finally got around to it yesterday. I was surprised to see we'd only gone through 1/3rd of our budget.
Of course I need to go grocery shopping tonight .. so we'll see what happens.
I decided to sign up for the clean food dirty girl meal plans - $20/month. I've kind of been backsliding on my eating and think part of it is due to boredom. So I'm hoping that having meal plans set out for me will alleviate some of that. We'll see.
As some of you may remember, my brother lives in Napa. So far he has luckily not had to evacuate, but he's assured me he has his car packed and ready.
So sad about all those places destroyed and lives lost. Redwood Adventist Academy (one of my church's highschools) was completely destroyed.
I'm planning on going to see The Princess Bride on Sunday at our downtown theater. 30 year anniversary showing. It's also showing on Wednesday at certain theaters across the USA.
After that we'll probably be going out to eat at Golden Corral again - Groupon deal 2 meals for $19. (all you can eat Prime Rib ... yuck.) I'll be loading up on fruit and veggies.
We're making slow progress removing the brush pile that our errant fence guy created. Probably two more truck loads to go.
I have the feeling the fence will not be put up til next spring ... Hopefully all the wood we have will make it through the winter (for the fence.)
What a fiasco.
DH fixed the warm air blower machine. I thought it was dead and we'd have to get another one. But Thursday night he took off the shield and futzed with it for 5 or 6 minutes, and Voila! it was working again. $30 not spent!
I've put on the electric blankets and our wedding quilt. It was very welcome Thursday night, but last night it was too much.
Haven't turned the heat on yet though.
I'm going to Aldi tonight to see if they have the $50 HP wireless printer. Our printer stopped printing 6 or 7 months ago, and there have been multiple times we wished it was working.
RetroPay, Grocery budget, Napa fires, etc
October 14th, 2017 at 09:06 pm
October 14th, 2017 at 11:33 pm 1508020396
Are fence contractors less busy in fall? Any possibility of getting the work done before winter? Is there a discount off season? Does ground freeze there?
October 15th, 2017 at 09:54 pm 1508100879
Sorry about the outfits not being to your liking. That is exactly why I hate mail order, phone order, or online ordering. With the way stores are closing up around me, I may have to resort to it and I'm dreading shopping that way, especially with the pain the patootie chance of having to return it by mail not to mention the charge.