I hadn't been sure just how much it would be, so I'd been setting aside $150/month for it. Looks like that was underestimating a bit. Our first payment is due in March for $1106 and the remaining $1106 is due in August.
I currently have $900 set aside for it, so by March we'll be fine. However, we won't be ready for the August payment at our current savings.
We need to save $1300 more by August. So instead of $150/month, I think we should be putting aside 163/month. Maybe I'll make it 170/mo to have a round number.
Starting in September, we'll need to save $185/mo (rounding up)
I can pay online - so will have to find out if there is a CC fee and if I can find a good sign up bonus to negate it.
*We don't have an escrow account.
I got a "refund" check from my former Internet company which had charged me for a month of service I hadn't asked for. Of course the check is in my maiden name - misspelled. I don't know if I can cash it, and am not sure it's worth the hassle for $15.xx *They over credited me somehow.
Speaking of banking hassles ...
On Friday I stopped at our credit union to deposit DH's paycheck and tip money into our joint account. I've done this nearly weekly for almost 8 months!
As soon as the teller looked at DHs check, she said "we don't have a signature on file for him, nor an id!" What are you talking about lady?! He signed a whole bunch of documents and had his id scanned when we opened our account! Besides, I'm DEPOSITING the check into our JOINT account - not cashing it! Plus, look at our balance - do you really want to tick me off?
Ok. I didn't say all of that to her ...
She left and got someone from the back who showed her how to find his signature from the opening documents. Then tells me he needs to come in so they can get his id.
I scoffed out loud and told her - good luck with that. Besides you should have his id on file already. It's not our fault if you don't have it in the right places!
The only think I can think of is that she was a newbie teller. Or maybe it's just that branch that has annoying tellers. I've had two annoying interactions with the credit union - and both have happened at that branch. I only go there because its close to Planet Fitness!
If it weren't for the 2.5% interest rate .. I'd seriously be looking elsewhere.
One week left for my current Stepbet. I'm not sure if I'm going to take a little break or not yet.
I'm still holding strong on the no soda. However, my junkfood/chocolate consumption is really, really bad. So bad, I've gained back at least five pounds.
I wish I could find the same willpower with chocolate that I'm having with soda. If I could, it'd make my exercise more beneficial.
Sigh. Maybe turning 41 on Thursday will be a turning point. Probably not.
Big non-surprise - got an email letting me know I wasn't hired for the job I interviewed for. Sigh. It'd be a bad time to leave my boss now anyway. We're still getting everything worked out with the new routes and tweaks to the schedules.
Had a new light duty person start on Friday. Just as I was enjoying having my space back. She's nice and all ... but will be there at least a few months...
Spent more money at the Vet. I managed to get a urine sample for Kari - the vet said it looked better, but the UTI wasn't cleared up. When I told him what a difficult time I'd had gyving her her pills, he suggested an injection. So .. that's what we did. Not sure if i's helping any yet or not.
One of our cats has taken to bullying her. Multiple times I'm startled awake to the sound of her mountain lioness scream as she's chased through the house or cornered.
I really wish I knew what to do to make it better.
Got Our First Property Tax Bill, etc
December 11th, 2016 at 07:48 pm
December 11th, 2016 at 07:59 pm 1481486358
December 11th, 2016 at 08:54 pm 1481489655
December 11th, 2016 at 09:19 pm 1481491154
December 11th, 2016 at 09:54 pm 1481493247
December 11th, 2016 at 10:19 pm 1481494764
December 11th, 2016 at 11:22 pm 1481498573
I'll try depositing it like that - at the branch I've had no issues at.
December 12th, 2016 at 06:27 am 1481524023
December 12th, 2016 at 09:56 am 1481536612
December 12th, 2016 at 10:24 am 1481538255
You and I are close in age, I'm 40 as well.
December 12th, 2016 at 01:17 pm 1481548677
Just FYI having worked at a bank, even if it was the bank that lost or misplaced your husband's ID, if they can't find it, they will require your husband to provide it again. Banks have very strict KYC rules to protect against fraud. That stands for "Know Your Customer," and it's considered the first line of defense against fraud or money laundering. My bank would sometimes have to actually close down existing accounts becus for whatever reason the documentation/info collected at account opening was incomplete, again, for who knows what reason.
December 12th, 2016 at 02:13 pm 1481552013
December 12th, 2016 at 05:23 pm 1481563390
Thanks SG. If I liked dark chocolate that might be a solution. I've tried cutting chocolate completely before - never managed more than a few days.
Thanks Alice. We are close in age. Why do they make chocolate so good?
Thanks PS. I hadn't heard of that before. You'd think though if it's their fault they'd be more polite in pointing it out ...
Monkey Mama -
Nope. Part of dealing with a local credit union. Although I do still have my ING account- I could put it in there and transfer. Hmm ..
December 12th, 2016 at 07:04 pm 1481569447
December 12th, 2016 at 09:12 pm 1481577176
December 13th, 2016 at 11:30 pm 1481671811
December 15th, 2016 at 05:53 am 1481781221
December 15th, 2016 at 05:55 am 1481781311