I had my interview on Tuesday afternoon. I ended up NOT changing clothes because by the time I found a parking spot, I only had time to put on makeup and skeedaddle.
There were two interviewers - my potential boss and a potential co-worker.
The job sounds so way up my alley! I *think* they liked me ... hopefully my many "you knows" and "ums" didn't turn them off.
I'd have to learn a lot of new computer programs - one of the aspects of the job is being a Jill of All Trades - so I could take over any responsibility in the office if someone's sick or on vacation.
I sent both of them a thank you note today (handwritten) through Interoffice mail. (Hoping that wasn't a faux paux - using IO mail to send a note ...)
About two months ago I bought an 8 oz package of a product called soy curls. It sat in my cupboard till about three weeks ago when I finally decided to make something with it! I did a recipe called "Barbeque'd soy curls"
I made the mistake of telling my DH that they tasted nasty just plain and rehydrated. He wasn't willing to try them, even after I told him that the recipe was decent, when you added some mustard and cheese ...
I ate 3 meals out of it, and then froze the rest. This past weekend I reheated it and ate a 4th meal of it. There was still a good bit left (plus some broccoli.) I'd planned on eating it tonight for dinner.
So tonight I came home, fed the cats, cleaned the litter boxes, put my lunch together for tomorrow, got the dry ingredients ready for my smoothie, emptied the trash in the bathroom and office, started a load of laundry ... and then opened the fridge to get my dinner.
Only it was missing!
My DH apparently saw it in the fridge and wondered what it was, and then ate a few bites ... and the rest was history. So, I guess I will be getting some more Soy Curls. (I had planned on not getting them again.)
Tomorrow night is the Trans Siberian Orchestra Concert!!!!!! I'm just a *wee* bit excited.
We're going to be in a hurry, so will be doing a quick stop at a Hardee's for dinner. It will still be a treat, because L town has no Hardee's. (I love their Mushroom Swiss burger w/o the burger. DH teases me he's going to contact them to find out what the sauce is made with - I told him NOT ON HIS LIFE to ruin it for me like he did with cornbread stuffing (uses chicken broth ...) For some things, I'd just rather not know.
I forgot to mention - I won $9.67 in my Stepbet, and just started a new one on Monday. It's amazing how motivating losing $40 of my limited spending money motivates me to get my steps in!
Interview, Soy Curls, Concert!
November 17th, 2016 at 03:22 am
November 17th, 2016 at 06:38 am 1479364722
November 17th, 2016 at 12:15 pm 1479384938
November 19th, 2016 at 03:53 am 1479527595
CB - Yep, probably if I knew, then I'd have to give it up.