When I got home from work today and checked the mail, I found a check for $23.41 from one of those settlement things - Linked in. Yay!
But then just as I was getting ready to go for a walk, I saw that I'd missed a call from DH. I called him back, and found out that my SIL might be needing a liver transplant!
She has had hepatitis for a long time, and drinks/smokes quite heavily. So .. it's not really shocking, just really sad. She's about 9 years older than DH.
I haven't really spent that much time with her, but the few times we have, I like her. We just don't have much in common (other than loving my DH.)
I stopped by Ace Hardware ($24) on the way home to pick up a drill bit and a stud finder. I needed the drill bit to put up the removable showerhead, and the stud finder so we can get the mirrors hung.
Our house doesn't have drywall, it has plaster. So we were told we had to do something with tape? whenever we hung anything.
I wanted to get the cat tree project finished tonight before DH came home, but couldn't figure out how to change out the drill bit (I'm going to be attaching it to the brick wall near the fireplace.) DH kind of told me Sunday night, but I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Like I told DH, I've just not done projects like this. My brother or my dad always did them for me. Hanging pictures and screwing the table legs on are about the extent of my handiness (oh, fixing the toilet tank thing too!) (I was ecstatic when I figured out how to use the drill to unscrew a screw = you know, reverse direction? )
Good and Bad
October 19th, 2016 at 02:25 am
October 19th, 2016 at 02:49 am 1476841784
No idea on plaster walls. I'm sure they can crack if you pound right into them, so maybe just basic masking or painters tape which you then remove after the hole has been created. Again...google is likely your friend in this case too!
October 19th, 2016 at 02:53 am 1476842000
October 19th, 2016 at 08:45 am 1476863128
October 19th, 2016 at 12:06 pm 1476875193
October 19th, 2016 at 12:54 pm 1476878086
October 19th, 2016 at 05:42 pm 1476895363
Research...fun and informative...gotta love Google and You Tube.
October 20th, 2016 at 04:38 am 1476934696