Home > Post 2 - DD 12 and 13- Legumes & Healthy $$$ Mortgage!

Post 2 - DD 12 and 13- Legumes & Healthy $$$ Mortgage!

September 18th, 2016 at 02:43 am

Today makes 13 days sans soda. I don't really miss it that much.

I did buy and eat some chocolate on Friday, but much less than normal. I actually ate an apple instead of eating the chocolate right away .... Smile

I'd say Day 12 was about a 85% and Day 13 about a 65%. I had leftover pizza for lunch today (from Thursday Little Ceasar's) and it wasn't all that appetizing.

I was going to go on the Saturday afternoon hike with some fellow church members today, but after I finished my earlier post and started to get ready, I realized I just wasn't up to it.

Instead, I took a 90 minute nap.

Even after getting up from my nap (to see DH off to work) I still wasn't feeling very good. So, no walk today. Frown

I'm really hoping I'm feeling better by the morning because I'm way behind on cleaning, and I need to get food ready for the week. Tuesday and Wednesday will be late evenings for me (helping explain the new bus routes to people) and I don't want to derail my healthier eating.

I'd really like to hire someone to come in and assist/push me to get the cleaning done. Maybe some organizing too. Also have someone help me figure out how to make the house smell better ... Sigh.

I did some grocery shopping the last few days. DH agreed that if I made a big pot of Great Northern Beans, that he would eat them throughout the week. (This was after I read to him the section on how people were able to eat 1/2 cup of legumes daily on top of their regular intake, without it causing weight gain. In fact, it caused the opposite. Plus helped to regulate the blood sugar, etc.)

The beans and chickpeas have been soaking since Friday night. I am going to take them out of the water in a few minutes. Maybe use the Instant Pot for the GN beans so hubby can start eating them. Smile

I bought from our local "Farmer's Market" store - almond milk, spaghetti squash, eggplant, red onions, apples, oranges, 2 lbs of Great Northern beans, 1 lb of chickpeas (going to make hummus and roast some too), 1/2 lb of Brazil Nuts (eat 2 a day to help with thyroid, plus heart health), two Medjool Dates ($$$$$$) and some other things I can't remember. $26.xx

From HyVee, 3 candybars (3 for $1), red seedless grapes, ?? $13.xx

From Dollar Tree - multiple bags of frozen broccoli florets, frozen asparagus, a couple spices, etc.


From another local grocery store (Russ) -
bananas, ten different spices/herbs (ground mustard, bay leaves, chopped basil, ground ginger (to keep at work), sesame seeds, ....


I also looked at buying Chlorella and liquid B 12 ... but couldn't stomach the cost. I was thinking about buying some fresh kale too, because the fresh/non-bagged stuff was on a good sale, but I didn't know for sure what was the kale I wanted (3 varieties) - I wanted to try making Kale chips. So I didn't get any.

I'm about halfway through How Not to Die taking notes. Some of the recommended stuff is SO expensive. I'm thinking I'll stick to the recommendations that are a reasonable cost, and then IF something happens to me, then I can go for the more expensive stuff (like Chlorella ...)

A part of me is really frustrated that I'm feeling so poorly even with having been eating much higher amounts of fruits and veggies for nearly two weeks, and little junky food.

I'm not giving up though. Something has to work to get me feeling energetic again. Maybe if DH sees it working for me, he'll be more willing to expand his choices as well...

Redeemed a $25 Walmart gift card today from SBs.

Also used a $30 Petco gift card I earned last month by setting up "repeat delivery) to order some grain free cat food and more litter. Cost after rewards and gift card - $6.86

Almost forgot! The mortgage FINALLY posted to my credit reports! I got a call from the fraud alert place my company uses that there were two alerts - one that the mortgage had been added, and one about the inquiry from Chase.

11 Responses to “Post 2 - DD 12 and 13- Legumes & Healthy $$$ Mortgage!”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Any kale makes good kale chips, but to me, dinosaur (lacinato) kale is the best! Deeper flavor and it also makes flat vs. curly chips.

    I've made loads of batches over the past few years, so here are my best tips:
    - Wash the kale and thoroughly dry it before prepping to bake.
    - Tear into bite size (couple inches square) pieces.
    - Toss the kale in oil and then, as you lay it out on the baking sheet, kind of rub each piece to make sure it's coated.
    - Don't overlap and try not to let the pieces touch one another. Even if you have to use two pans or make multiple batches, they come out so much better if they're all separated at least a tiny bit.
    - Sprinkle with salt and nutritional yeast. They taste amazing that way!
    - Bake at a low temperature like 280. Try 10 minutes and if they aren't all completely crispy, give them another 5 minutes, and then if they need more just do 2 minutes at a time, checking frequently. You don't need to move them or flip them over, thank goodness.
    - They should be delicate and crispy. If they're at all floppy or chewy, they need more time.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks CCF! Do you think they could be made w/o oil? I'm trying to reduce oil.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    PS, have you been exercising more as well? I think that's one of the keys to more energy. I hate to admit it because I'm not big into working out, but I've been walking nearly every day for the past two months and I've felt a lot more energetic and my mood and motivation seem to have improved some as well.

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Hmm, I just looked it up and it does look like you can bake them oil-free! Sites recommend either parchment paper or a nonstick sheet for that.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Ceejay- pretty much for the past 3 months, I have taken a 30+ minute walk 4 - 6 times a week. A few times I have recently done a 60 minute jog/walk.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Cool Smile I have some silicon baking sheets coming this week.

  7. scottish girl Says:

    Did you know you can make your own almond milk? I seen it on Eat Well for Less. Soak almonds, blend with some water.

  8. CB in the City Says:

    I would recommend strength training for energy. There is something about the feeling of your muscles supporting your frame that gives you an energy boost.

  9. rob62521 Says:

    I'm proud of you going soda free! I did it a number of years ago. It's funny, when I had a colonoscopy a week ago, when I woke up, they asked me what I wanted to drink and gave me a list of different soda pop types. I asked for water and the nurse thought I was crazy. I have found the taste of soda pop is entirely too sweet for me now.

  10. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    SG - Yes Smile I've done that before.

    CB - You're probably right. Now that I'm fairly consistently getting my cardio, I really should add back in some strength training. I do really enjoy it.

    Rob - Thanks! I know sometimes when I haven't drunk it for awhile, it tastes too chemicaly for me.

  11. ceejay74 Says:

    One more thing I meant to say ... what kind of chocolate are you eating? Because chocolate on its own isn't bad for you and it's a natural mood enhancer. If you're eating nice dark chocolate I wouldn't feel bad about a square or two a day. If it's the sugary milk-chocolate stuff, then I can see trying to stay away from it.

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