Today I spent probably 3 or 4 hours reconciling ALL my accounts. It was a bit of a mess ... but now all are to the penny. I don't know how I missed some transactions, but I did. From August and September.
They were even spendier than I realized.
So ... for October. Did I manage an actual spending freeze? Ummmm no. Did I do better than August and September? Definitely, yes!
October was a 3 paycheck month for me. With the third paycheck I ... covered the airplane tickets for Thanksgiving (will be reimbursed), replenished the slush fund to $1k, added extra to the EF, added money to a number of rainy day funds needing a boost, and sent extra for tithe and giving.
I definitely overspent in the treats and restaurants categories - although the restaurants categories include two meals out with NE. Treats ... well I guess I wanted to get some before starting my 62 day treats, junkfood, fast food moratorium.
I did end up filling my car up after the roadtrip. I might have been able to get by til today, except I had three unplanned trips this week - enough to use up the last fumes.
2 trips were related to my church's Halloween alternative program, and the third one was related to helping NE out with a flat tire on Saturday.
So, without further ado, here is my October spending.
Groceries - 154.53
Phone - 18.82
Internet - 77.44
Nat gas - 23.20
Electric - 54.36
Fuel - 47.50
Medical - 50.94 (dentist, etc)
Clothing - 45.29
Treats - 57.96
Restraunts - 74.73
EF - +289.22 (8936.76 as of 10/31/15)
Extra Income:
Swagbucks - $75
Pact - $10
Bing - $5
Interest - $23.89
Reconciling and October Budget
November 1st, 2015 at 08:59 pm
November 1st, 2015 at 11:58 pm 1446422295
November 3rd, 2015 at 01:41 am 1446514865
November 3rd, 2015 at 03:27 am 1446521272