Home > Anyone live in or NEAR Nebraska? Anywhere in Nebraska!

Anyone live in or NEAR Nebraska? Anywhere in Nebraska!

August 16th, 2015 at 01:31 am

If you do, AND you have an Android phone with NFC capability, there is a really easy secret shop for payment of $65!

If you're interested, comment here (make sure you use an email address you actually check) and I'll forward you the email with the form/info you'll need.

4 Responses to “Anyone live in or NEAR Nebraska? Anywhere in Nebraska!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    How long does the secret shop last? I could see if my daughter is interested in it for make some money. Sorry I didn't connect with you the trip to L was quick, super busy and immensely emotional.

    She got her bus pass at our new house the day I arrived back home. Not exactly helpful. I now need to mail it to her! Not that sending a care package is a bad thing. Smile They should have a way to pick those up for out of town people.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's okay. Next time Smile
    I forwarded you the secret shop email - did you get it?

    We don't do the university level passes (those come through the university itself), although it is our buses that do all the university routes. Big Grin Two new lines start on the 24th. All the uni buses run on CNG (compressed natural gas). On Sunday I'll be at the big welcome event for students at our bus's booth. Lots of freebies Big Grin

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yes, I did get the secret shop email. The mailing did look like it came from the University. They are very nice buses...I saw a few of those. I'm going to remind my daughter of that event. Although I'm sure she knows. Smile

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The CNG buses are pretty new - less than three years old I think.

    Yes, she probably will have it pounded into her about the event. Big Grin Tell her there's lots of free food - I think I remember seeing pizza, churros, donut holes, variety of soda ..... not to mention as many pens, notepads, mugs, etc you could ever want ...

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