Ahhhh.... Can you hear the sweet sound of relaxation and stress relief? Nearly two days away from the phone calls, the endless, relentless phone calls (especially this past week ....)Two more full days away to come - all to fill with what I want to do.
Friday I got a late start on it, but I DID manage to KonMari ALL of my clothes - the only exceptions being what was in my laundry baskets.
I completely filled a medium sized box and a smaller box with clothes/other items to give away. This is after having let go of at least 3 large trashbags full of clothes before I moved here a year+ ago. I probably could still let go of more...
Funny thing is, I think it will stick.
Today after church I immediately hung up my dress (after passing the sniff test), folded and put away my slip, folded and put away my shrug, and replaced my shoes in their place. Granted, it wasn't anywhere near second nature, but that will come if I keep repeating the gestures.
I have taken some pictures of my drawers and my closet, and may post them later. I'm just too much into my vacation mode right now.
The rest of today is for napping (check), reading, watching movies (later tonight), and anything else I feel like doing.
Sunday will probably start out with my earned movie (Inside Out I think.) Then brunch out at a new to me restaurant that serves crepes as one of its mains. Possibly a pedi/mani.
Then it will be time to earn my Monday fun. I plan to KonMari my kitchen and bathroom. Then probably also clean them too. The pedi/mani maybe should wait til Monday ...
Oh yes, it will end with making dinner with the SO.
Monday will begin with Mission Impossible, eating at CiCi's, shopping at Dollar Tree and Walmart, figuring out the best way to organize/put together smoothie packets so I know how many days worth I have of various ingredients, perhaps cooking up some freezer batches of food for lunches/suppers. Then more rest and relaxation. Hopefully also setting up my new to me phone!
Either Sunday or Monday I want to go to the gym and use the pool - since thanks to KonMari'ing my clothing, I found my long lost swimsuit!
I may also add in there doing a major KonMari of my car too. NE is putting me to shame in the way he is keeping his new to him car free of clutter and trash. Mine used to be much cleaner, now it is definitely not.
Mom will be here in less than 5 weeks .... I wonder what she is going to think about my drawers of folded up clothing?
PS - I know all of this doesn't sound like a very frugal way to do a vacation. But it is all being done with money I'd specifically set aside to do a vacation with. Circumstances made it so that it became a staycation ... so I decided to play and splurge much more than I normally would within a 4 day period.
I almost scrapped my play/splurge plans due to the unexpected phone costs, but I just couldn't do that. I REALLY need this break. Desperately. I can whack the phone cost from other categories, and if necessary the slush fund. That's what it is there for anyway.
Day Two of Vacation :)
August 15th, 2015 at 08:49 pm
August 15th, 2015 at 09:13 pm 1439669587
August 15th, 2015 at 09:28 pm 1439670539
Me too ... with the pile of clothes (or clothes hanging off of doorknobs, chairs, and on the floor ...) If you want to read her book, and have access to Hoopla through your library, you should be able to borrow the audiobook version right away. Getting the physical copy from a library may require months of waiting on a holds list.
August 15th, 2015 at 09:30 pm 1439670633
August 15th, 2015 at 09:59 pm 1439672350
August 15th, 2015 at 09:59 pm 1439672395
August 15th, 2015 at 10:13 pm 1439673203
Snafu - I've heard that too, about the 21 day thing. We'll see.
August 15th, 2015 at 10:43 pm 1439675001
August 15th, 2015 at 10:50 pm 1439675433
August 16th, 2015 at 01:04 am 1439683495
August 16th, 2015 at 01:16 am 1439684193
Enjoy the staycation. ANY vacation is better than work, IMO.
August 16th, 2015 at 01:22 am 1439684566
PS - Kon Mari is the Kondo Marie book "the Art of tidying" - she (and everyone who talks about it) shortens it to KonMari method. She is a Japanese woman who from the precocious age of 5? was super into organizing/decluttering, etc. Seriously weirdly into it. She now does it professionally as a business. Her book explains her story and her thinking behind her method. The essential question she wants you to ask is "Does this spark joy?" as you go through items. She also advocates every item having it's own place, and is a huge proponent of all clothing items (other than jackets, pants, dresses) being folded (in her method) and in drawers - not hanging in a closet.
August 16th, 2015 at 01:28 am 1439684884
August 16th, 2015 at 09:44 pm 1439757857