Home > So Upset with Myself

So Upset with Myself

August 9th, 2015 at 03:39 am

In the annals of absent mindedness of FrugalTexan, this one takes the cake.

So this afternoon I go out to the park near the local children's zoo to go walking with some people from my church. There's two people going biking, and then myself and one other church lady going walking.

I get Runkeeper started on my phone to track mileage/time. We have prayer, and then get started.

As we are heading towards the beginning of the trail church lady (CL) notices a couple playing with two teeny tiny puppies. She wants to go check them out. So we do.

We talk with the couple for a few minutes. They let us hold the puppies (two month old Chihuahuas) and then we head on out.

Now the problem started here. In order to hold the puppy, I put my water bottle and phone on the ground.

Twenty minutes later I realized that I had my water bottle, but did NOT have my phone.

We headed quickly back to where we'd seen the puppies.

No phone.

We go over to where we had gathered as a total group.

No phone.

We go to the ticket window for the Zoo to see if someone had turned in a phone.

No phone. (Did leave contact info.)

At this point CL let me use her phone to log in to iCloud and see if I could locate my phone.

My iPad and my old iPhone showed up - located at my house. My new phone showed up - as not online.

CL tried calling my phone. It went straight to voicemail.

So whoever found my phone, turned it off.

When I got home I set iCloud to remote erase my phone the next time it is connected to the Internet. (If someone found my phone with the intention of returning it - they would have turned it in to the zoo office. That is the only logical thing. Hence, I figure they don't have the intention of returning it.)

I then called Ting to get my old iPhone set up and activated with my number. Sat on hold for 45+ minutes before being hung up on. (Used Google Hangouts on old phone.) It was the end of business hours.

I looked to see what I could do online. I suspended my account (so it's basically unusable except on WiFi.) Then I tried to set up my old phone. Except I need a new SIM card -- for $9 --- which won't ship til Monday.

I planned on going to Dollar Tree tomorrow. I *think* I have an okay idea of how to find it without GPS.

However ... Monday and Tuesday nights I have after school events at a place I've been ONCE. I was counting heavily on having my GPS to make sure I got there, and home.

I'm going to see if NE will let me borrow his GPS unit for these trips - although he uses it in his delivering sometimes ... Hopefully we can figure something out.

This also makes going to the gym not as good ... I have to be able to use celluar data to be able to have Pact check me in for my workout.

I am just SO frustrated!!

The only good thing about all this is that I do still have my old iPhone from ATT & I can use it on Ting now. If I didn't have that, I'd have to buy a new phone.

(The other phone I had, an Android, which I used on Ting, and let NE borrow to use on Ting ... I think I threw it away because I knew I was never going to use it, and NE didn't want it ... and the operating system was really outdated ... yeah, in hindsight, that wasn't smart. If I had that still, then I could easily and quickly get back into business .. at least as long as it took to get a new SIM card.)

The two Android phones I got a few weeks ago also wouldn't work because they are Net 10 phones - can only be activated with Net 10 network. (whatever that is) (I only use them for paid video streaming over WiFi)

8 Responses to “So Upset with Myself”

  1. starfishy Says:

    oh bummer!! sorry to hear that you lost your phone. :/ could you print out directions the old-fashioned way from google maps for your trips if you can't find a GPS to use? good luck!

  2. Tabs Says:

    Oooh that has got to be frustrating. Sorry to hear that and hope it will be resolved soon.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks SF/Tabs.

    SF - If I can't use his GPS unit, that is what I'll have to do.

  4. scfr Says:

    Oh no - I'm sorry!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks SCFR

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    That's so frustrating!!! Argh for sure Laura- I hope you get it all figured out! :/

  7. MonkeyMama Says:


  8. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks Ray, MM - NE still had the phone I'd lent him (not sure how I got it in my head that I'd thrown it away) however it is still attached to his account we would've had to activate it on his account so I still wouldn't have my number. Thankfully he was willing to let me borrow his GPS unit for the next couple days since that is the MAIN thing I'm needing.

    Hopefully the SIM card will get here quickly!

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