Tonight I did my taxes using TaxAct. It was interesting since I had to do two states plus Federal. When I first went through NM it said I owed $2. I thought that was weird, so just before I submitted the final button to file, I decided to go through it one more time. Good thing I did! Somehow the button had been clicked that I was a full year resident instead of a partial one. That was why they wouldn't let me just input my income from the school library.
So .. I got $540 back from Federal, and $220 back from state. It cost me $36.97 to file them electronically. Once that money comes in, it will be going straight to my EF goal!
I'm glad to be done with it for another year! (and looking forward to next year's which will be so much simpler.)
Some days my job is tolerable. Others barely tolerable.
Today was a barely.
I had a man come up with a companion (mentally handicapped I think.) He wanted to get an $8 pass for his companion.
I did what I do for *every* person that comes asking for a discount pass. "Sure, I just need a photo i.d. please."
Mt Vesuveus erupted!
The man starts ranting and raving that I shouldn't have to ask for an id. He culminates his rant by pounding his fist heavily on the counter and stomping off.
He didn't even give me a chance to let him know I could take either person's i.d. I just needed an i.d!
It is policy for the low income program. I ask for it from every person no matter how many times I've seen them.
So ... about an hour later he returns with the companion.
He practically shouts at me saying, "Here! Are you happy now?" while holding an i.d. next to his companion. He says something about trust, and then he starts ranting that he'd worked in government before and if one of his employees treated a customer like I did (simply asking for an i.d. per policy ...) that he'd fire them.
I just took the i.d., got the pass, filled out the receipt, took the money, and gave them the pass. Said, "here you go."
Around that time the bus driver supervisor came in because he'd heard the guy shouting - he asked me if I needed help and I told him I was ok. The guy asks me if that was my supervisor - told him no, that my supervisor was in a meeting. He goes "that figures."f
Finally he leaves.
The bus driver supervisor had stayed nearby out of sight, so I explained to him what had happened. He agreed with me that I hadn't done anything wrong.
Later ... I tell my boss what happened. She tells me that maybe we should just stop asking for the id. That some of the other places selling them for us aren't asking for them.
So should I ask for the blasted id or not? How would it be fair for me to ask for it from people, but if they make a fuss, say .. nevermind?? What is the point of having a policy if we're not going to follow it?
I plan on talking to her tomorrow more about this, because it is really really really frustrating me.
While I was bored out of my mind this afternoon having finished my book (12th of Nowhere by James Patterson) and exhausted yahoo and cnn news stories of interest, I read the local newspaper.
One of the stories was about how NE is thinking of giving a property tax credit to low and middle income people. Not just property owners though! Renters too!!
An example they gave for a renter was someone making $29k/yr and paying $362/mo rent. Um ... I make less than that and pay more than that. Thus I would easily qualify for a credit! I didn't quite get how that would work, but it's still being hashed out as to whether it'll happen or not.
The brownies I brought for treats today were all eaten up. I even had someone tell me they *really* liked them. Score one for $1 brownie mix!
I found out that the lady who had jonsed after my job has found a different job with the city in a totally different department. Her last day is Wednesday, which is the end of my 6 month probation. Funny how that works out.
Taxes, Angry People, and Interesting News Story
January 30th, 2015 at 02:57 am
January 30th, 2015 at 03:18 am 1422587914
January 30th, 2015 at 03:25 am 1422588329
January 30th, 2015 at 04:56 am 1422593787
January 30th, 2015 at 04:58 am 1422593900
January 30th, 2015 at 04:11 pm 1422634266
As for the jerk screaming about the id..... continue doing the job you were hired to do. Jerks come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities. It is entirely possible he was just having a crappy day and was going to blow up at the next person regardless of reason. Policies exist for a reason and requiring a valid id is a pretty common policy (often related to potential liability or legal issues) most places so his blow up was ridiculous.
January 30th, 2015 at 11:55 pm 1422662144
Ceejay and Little miss - That is cool about the credit! I'm guessing it would be on the state tax? I'm all for it.
Little Miss - That probably is what was going on - he'd been having a bad day, and I just happened to be someone he could go off on with no consequences to him.