Yesterday I stopped at the store that is closing - they were up to 25% off everything.
I walked out with $24 spent. However, I found out while I there that frozen foods were 40% off. I hadn't got a cart when I went in, so didn't get much in frozen foods.
Today I stopped by again ... and got a cart.
The damage? $44 in frozen foods.
It is all foods I can use for lunches and weekend meals for a good while. It barely all fit in my freezer.
However, it does make me about $40 over budget for January.
I was reading a blog post by MMM today and all the comments. The one on his 2014 spending.
It is making me consider doing something a bit different with my budgeting. I'm still ruminating on whether I want to make this change or not, and exactly what it would look like.
NE went to see the special specialist for his shoulder issues today. The SS had two possible options for him, but wasn't sure which one he'd recommend. One was a reverse shoulder replacement, and the other one involves taking bone grafts from a cadaver (ewww!!) and grafting it onto NEs humerus head. Also taking parts of tendons from other parts of his body to repair the multiple rotator cuffs that are not just torn, but are withered up.
This all could have been avoided if he could have just gone to the doctor when it first happened. UGH!
Overspent Grocery Budget by a lot
January 28th, 2015 at 01:11 am
January 28th, 2015 at 03:05 am 1422414316
I'd say that buying your frozen food on a good sale is likely to help the grocery bill in future months.
January 28th, 2015 at 03:56 am 1422417413
I'm hoping that is the case with the food.