So I'm now five full days into my no eating out challenge. And the news is ... I have been successful at it so far! The really interesting thing though is that other than needing to buy bananas on Wednesday, I have managed to do it with just food I already had on hand.
On Friday I picked up a couple quick/easy/fast vegetarian cookbooks that I plan to look over and pick out a few things from for this week. Then I'll be making my meal plan and doing whatever shopping needs to be done.
I think I have saved at least $30 this week from not eating out or stopping somewhere for a soda/candy/etc. Probably more. It was getting pretty bad. (Especially since when I would stop in for a soda/candy, etc. I would get something else so it wouldn't look like I only came in there for the junk ...)
I had an interesting Friday night with NE - towed my first car! You can read more about it here if you want to:
We also had an interesting situation happen here with regards to tailgating last Saturday - I've been hearing some sirens today, and am hoping it is not part of the fallout;
I have now been at my new job for 8 weeks. Most of the time I really like it. I definitely like my boss K. She is such a fun person to work with. I've had the office manager C tell me she's really glad I'm there - that I have such a good attitude.

Oh, I was wondering if anyone has tried Bing Rewards today. What do you think? {url][/url]
My first sewing class is on Tuesday! A needle and thread will be on my shopping list tomorrow.

What is the price of gas where you guys are? I was reading about how prices are expected to fall below $3! It's around $3.20 here right now. Do you think they'll really fall that low?
September 27th, 2014 at 10:48 pm 1411854482
September 27th, 2014 at 10:48 pm 1411854539
Glad you continue to be successful on your challenge!
September 27th, 2014 at 11:46 pm 1411857968
September 27th, 2014 at 11:51 pm 1411858292
CCF - Maybe they are trying it as an experiment to a few people? I really hope it switches back to normal because I do not like this format at all.
September 28th, 2014 at 05:31 am 1411878689
September 28th, 2014 at 11:55 am 1411901717
September 28th, 2014 at 05:14 pm 1411920889
September 29th, 2014 at 02:48 pm 1411998516