Well tonight I made my first attempt at making soap. I used one of my big pots and my glass measuring cup to make a "double boiler." Once the ingredients had all melted, I poured them into the two soap molds. Of course it wasn't until *after* about five minutes that I remembered to add the bug off oil to the soap ... and then it was ten minutes later that I re-read the instructions and realized that I was supposed to *stir* the drops in. Umm... I'll probably keep these first two bars for myself.
I'm going to have to make more tomorrow, Thursday and Friday - maybe Friday I can make two batches. I kind of wish now that I'd gotten either bigger soap molds, or more of them. Making two at a time will take a lot of time.
My ingredients that gave me just a smidge more than I needed for two small square molds:
1/4 cup each:
beeswax balls; olive oil, shortening
Then added about ten drops of bug off oil after putting mixture in molds.
Supposed to let it cool in the mold for a few hours, and then keep it in an airtight container so it'll last. (I bought soap cases, which added $25 (for 5) to the cost of my gifts. Still need to buy washcloths and some kind of ribbon to tie it with.)
Now that I have the molds and the beeswax balls, I can probably do something similar for gifts later - at a smaller cost. Maybe just moisturizing soaps or lip balms. I do think though that I may have to relegate my glass measuring cup to soap making ... not sure if I'll ever get that film off of it.
Made Soap Tonight ...
December 18th, 2013 at 03:06 am
December 18th, 2013 at 05:18 am 1387343909
December 18th, 2013 at 05:32 am 1387344774
December 18th, 2013 at 06:45 pm 1387392336
I make mine with neutral Henna. Besides Henna being used as hair die, Henna also has anti-fungal, anti-septic, and anti-viral properties that are very gentle and kind to skin. It really helps my skin.
December 18th, 2013 at 07:55 pm 1387396547
December 19th, 2013 at 12:42 am 1387413771
Hopefully I'll find the bug off oil - it's gone missing! Luckily only one bar fits in each container, so I'll only need to make 5. Still possible to do if I find the oil by tomorrow. Otherwise, I guess they'll just get plain handmade soap.
December 19th, 2013 at 11:18 am 1387451891