This afternoon I was working with the Korean Boy. His sponsor came home and started talking to me about working with him in June to help him finish two classes via home study. At first I was saying, well it will depend on whether I've been hired on somewhere else or not. Then she mentioned, wouldn't my job start in August (if I got one!)? I realized that she was right - even if I did get hired somewhere, the earliest I probably could go and start putting the library together would be July. So, I told her that I would be willing to do it.
On my way home I was thinking about our conversation. It dawned on me that most public school employees don't get their first paycheck until the end of September.
So, when I got home I updated my budget, making sure that all my accounts matched, etc. Then I took the positive balance and subtracted my Spring tuition (roughly $900). I then subtracted my 6-month car insurance premium due in November ($216). Then I subtracted other expenses for November, other than the rent (which has already been paid). It left me with roughly $1000.00 total.
November is going to basically have 3 weeks of tutoring. December is going to have maybe 2 weeks of tutoring. So, that means that in January, I'll most likely have to use some of that buffer. Feb. should be a full month (wait no, it might not be - my big test week will probably be in Feb.) March will be 3 weeks (Spring Break). April and May should be full months. If Korean Boy stays, June will be an extra month. That leaves July, August, and September. *If* I get a library job, I will have moving expenses, setting up the library expenses, and of course, living expenses.
This is of course assuming nothing goes wrong with my car.
I am going to have to cut my costs wherever I possibly can. I've spent way way too much on stupid things.
The only places I can really cut are food and Netflix. I don't really use Netflix that much, so putting it on hold for a while won't kill me. Food ... I think I'm going to have to go to a beans and rice, rice and beans, and throw in some oatmeal diet.
If it weren't for the fact that I have two responsibilities at church which I've committed to, I might consider changing to a church that is closer by to save on gas. But overall, it wouldn't really save that much more. I will definitely have to not do any extra trips though.
I really can't do *any* extra spending. No more .99 apps. No more junkfood (will fit in with the challenge!). No more $1 movies. Nothing that I can't unequivocally post here and defend as a necessary expense.
I think I may ask my family to pay the renewal on my iPhone AT&T driving app for birthday/Christmas. For me, it has become an essential. It saves so much gas and time in my not getting lost.
If I don't do this, I may still be in the clear by June -- but come August ... (or July if Korean Boy doesn't happen in June).
I am going to attempt again to post all my expenditures. If you see something that you question, please feel free to question me.
Also, please feel free to offer any suggestions.
*Something I've thought of that might help when/if I do get a library job -- Take with me only what I can fit in my car, and leave everything else in storage. Then rent a room from someone short term. Once my paychecks begin, pay for movers to load the truck and have someone drive it to wherever I am. That would also give me time to really investigate the least inexpensive places to live in my new town.
If I don't get a job .... I really don't know what I'll do. I guess that would be about time to cash into my retirement money.
***I just had another realization hit me. All the above figures don't take into account travel expenses for interviewing for the supposed jobs. When I was a teacher in the SDA denomination, those expenses were taken care of. From what I've heard, that isn't the case in the public school system. Oy vey.
***Edited to add - My dad pays my phone bill. At first he was just going to pay the difference ($30) for the iPhone, but he's ended up actually sending more than enough each month for the entire bill. So cutting that wouldn't help.
A Grim Reality Check
October 29th, 2010 at 03:30 am
October 29th, 2010 at 02:18 pm 1288358295
October 29th, 2010 at 02:38 pm 1288359489
October 29th, 2010 at 06:30 pm 1288373449
Us, too. Decided to really limit the money we spend. My 3rd grader is having his birthday party next Friday. I was actually standing in line with a pack of 6 invitations for $5.99. It was more of a "Duh" moment. I knew I was heading to Michaels for a tie dye kit, and opted to make our cards using $.59 paper (which I was able to get for 4/$1). So for under $1.75 we printed out the information on the computer using a fun font, slapped some stickers on, used markers to decorate. Definitely saved me money in the long-run, plus the 3rd grader worked with his oldest sister and had a great time.
And the numbers in our budget don't allow us a lot of flexibility either. And I 2nd Homebody's suggestion of the library for movies, that's the only place we frequent.
October 29th, 2010 at 07:48 pm 1288378134
You know, I haven't tried Swagbucks yet. I do Mypoints and haven't really been sure if I'd have enough time to do something else as well. I may just look into it more.
Yes, the library is a great place to get movies -- as long as you remember to get them back in time.
That was a good save on the invitations!