Ok .... I'm trying to figure out how to post a copy of my spreadsheet showing my expenses for January. I tried copying and pasting, and that didn't work too well. (Read - jumbled up mess.) Arghh - didn't work!
Pointer's anyone? I'm going to try it on one of the pages, because I think you can use html on those.
$23.00...Renters Ins:.............$23.00
$11.69...Eating Out:..............$11.69
$57.97...Medicine (OTC/Scrip).....$57.97
$37.80...Car Insurance:...........$37.80
$175.48..Repairs & Tires:.........$175.48
$84.60...Phone & Internet:........$84.60
$40.00...Extra Income:............$40.00
$75.00...Roth IRA:................$75.00
Rent: I found out today that my rent will be going up $10/month in April.
Renter's Insurance:
This amount will be going down next month. -- Well, actually it won't - because I paid for the whole year in one shot, but am counting it in February's expenses. The actual monthly cost will go down though.
Charity: I pledged a certain amount to something at church, and then gave some that was left from last month, plus this month to the mission trip fund.
Groceries: I spent WAY more than I should have on groceries this month. I think one of my biggest problems was going more than once a week.
Eating Out: This was when I went out with my friend N and her family.
Dentist: Got a cleaning, then had a fluoride treatment.
Doctor: Copay for a visit.
Meds: 2 tubes of orajel for my toothache (lost the first one ). Various prescriptions.
Gifts: Paid for part of Grandma's new divided skillet.
Fitness: This total includes paying for two Callanetic's classes, and my new running shoes.
Car Insurance: Self-explanatory.
Gas: This was a good bit higher than I think it would normally be, due to a couple extra fill ups - thanks to the drama of my car window being smashed.
Repairs: Two new tires (paid for warranty only); Used driver side window from junkyard; Oil change; replaced burnt out taillight; etc.
Tolls: Ugh.
Cable: This is actually two months of charges. When my old credit card number was cancelled due to fraudulent use, I changed my payment info as soon as I had the new number - several weeks before payment was due. Unfortunately, they charged the old card.
Netflix: I decided to keep this - on the lowest plan of two movies a month.
Phone/Internet: This is for my landline, DSL, and cell phone. It's a fairly typical amount for me. -- My landline is the MOST basic, but has ~$17 in fees and taxes!
So, that's my January in a nutshell.
January Accounting
February 2nd, 2008 at 02:16 am
February 2nd, 2008 at 02:56 am 1201920974
February 2nd, 2008 at 03:05 am 1201921505