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22 days!

April 21st, 2005 at 02:20 am

Actually had my aide today for both reading and math!! What a difference it makes!!! Overall the day went okay. M was okay, but not great. After PE wasn't very good. I was trying to read a book to them for Science, and several of my boys and one of my girls were just being incrediably disruptive and rude. I ended up not finishing the book, then walked around the room (they were all at their seats) and told the kids who HAD been paying attention that they could turn their paper in and choose a center activity to do. Those who had been rude/disruptive were left at their seats watching everyone else get to do a choice activity. After about five or six minutes (when I had cooled down a bit) I went around the room to each of them and asked them if they knew why they had had to stay at their seats. They all knew exactly why. Ok, so listening to a book isn't the most exciting Science lesson, but EVERY lesson can't be totally hand's on and just fun. Arghhh!!! I just have to keep reminding myself that its almost over.

My school keys have been missing since Friday after school. I've looked everywhere I can think of for them, even in places where I know they COULDN"T be. I'm starting to get really worried. Without them, I have no way of getting into my classroom during the weekend (not that i've been doing much of that lately anyway ... but still) AND on that keyring is the ONLY key to the big storage cabinet with ALL my construction paper and other important supplies, which someone of course turned the lock on over the course of the weekend.

After school I went to Albertson's and picked up some milk and OJ and banana's, and some other items (ok, ok, ice cream, ugh!). I couldn't find my regular Albertson's swipe card, so had to key in my number from my keyring card (which I can't swipe anymore - too faded).

Tomorrow is Thursday, and will HOPEFULLY be a musical afternoon - and a bit of a break for me. Then I just have to get through Friday, and then have a THREE_DAY_WEEKEND!!!! Then after that, 20 days/4 weeks to go!! It's hard to believe that I'm actually getting this close to the end. Sometimes it seems like the end is never going to come, but I know it's there, I just have to keep hanging on.

I tried to find information on Planet Pizza, which is where the kids wanted to go for their field trip. But the only ones I could find are in Conneticut and New York. Maybe the ones in TX aren't online, or they go by a different name?? I'd much much rather go to a place I know. One of the parents was talking to me today and I mentioned about Planet Pizza, and she was like, "You don't really want to go there do you?" I asked her why not, and she told me that it was just like Chuck E' Cheese's. Smile The thing is, I actually LIKE Chuck E' Cheese's!! LOL I told her though that it was what the kids had chosen as their reward, so I was okay with it. Smile

Yeah, Kashi, I agree, that guy from yesterday was a weirdo! Once I figure out a little bit more about what exactly I'm going to be doing with my life -LOL! I plan to try and find some kind of volunteer work, which might put me in contact with hopefully a few eligible non-weirdo's. Smile (As well as get me out of the house and away from feeling sorry for myself!) As far as bookstores go, well, for my own financial well-being, I have to severely limit the amount of time I spend in those places. Smile Smile

Oh, yeah. The grading STILL isn't done, and now there's the Social Studies test to grade too. Smile Frown

Spending Log:
Albertsons: $10.65

Keeping It Frugal in Texas,

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