You know what? The one thing I think I'm going to miss the most about teaching is that no matter whether I'm in a relationship on Valentine's Day or not, I know I'll always get a lot of sweet cards and hugs and "I love you" teacher's. That's not enough to change my mind, but that is definitely something I know I'll miss out in the "real" working world. I held off on the opening of the Valentine bags till the last possible moment of the day, and limited them to two items from their bags. All but one student very obedientally followed my instruction. Even though I didn't go all out like some of the other teachers by buying cupcakes and drinks or a pinata - all I bought were the boxes of SweetHeart's - not one child complained. Probably they thought better of it after the speech I gave them the time before last when I was going to show them a movie and several of them had the gall to complain about my movie choice - then the whole class got to write me a letter telling me WHY that was inappropriate. Last movie I showed, not one word of complaint.
Anyway, I got lots of chocolate (kids know how much I lurve chocolate!) A really sweet e-Valentine, as well as a Hallmark Valentine from my Dad, and an e-Valentine from my Grandma. I didn't even get so much as a peep from my ex-bf (long story - we had been keeping in touch - haven't heard from since my last email Jan 6) so I am assuming he's decided to cut off contact. That's really fine with me, because I'd been seriously thinking of doing that myself, but then he called me on my birthday and sent me a really sweet card . .. Anyway, I'm done and over with that. Wish I had some inkling of understanding of men.
After school today I drove over to my doctor's office and paid off my bill. I mentioned to the receptionist that it would be nice if they'd put the office's WHOLE phone number on the bills, so people could contact them without having to drive all the way there. She told me that other people had mentioned that to her too. Well, uh, then why hasn't anything been done about it? I also got the exact date of my last "visit" there, so now I can file with AFLAC and get my little $60 reward/bonus or whatever they call it - I call it free money. I also made another appointment - was hoping to get in on Monday (President's Day) but they were filled up - so am going during Spring Break. I have the feeling I'll be spending a lot of money medically in March - because I'm also planning on doing whatever dental work I need to have done then too - as long as I have the great insurance plan I have, better take advantadge of it.
I spoke to Lea the maintance lady this afternoon. She looked at my kitchen ceiling and told me that she was going to have them come in and redo it, as well as replaster above my sliding glass doors and the humungous picture window on my second floor (open from living room up to 2nd floor ceiling/roof). That would be really nice - I've only mentioned those other things to my apartment manager a zillion times since they first replaced that HUMUNGOUS picture window the 4th month? I lived here! (I'm still not sure exactly WHY they replaced it - it's not like the blinds are ever open where I can SEE out of that window!) Should I mention to them that I'll be moving after my lease is up the end of May? Nah.
Class pictures are on Friday, so that basically has nixed my idea of taking Thursday and Friday off as "mental health" days. Maybe I could still take Thursday off. Hmm. Will have to see how much work the class gets done in the next two days. It actually was pretty nice having a substitute aide today - she was in my room more consistantly than my regular aide - and she even took my kids out for both morning and lunch recesses!! Nice!
Okay, time to hit the hay.
Spending Log:
Doctor's Office: $53.23
No Spend Days: 9/12 (goal/actual)
**I am counting today as a No Spend Day because paying the doctor's bill was a necessary evil - just like paying rent and utilities. **
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
February 15th, 2005 at 04:02 am