I lazed out of bed this morning around 10 a.m. I'd stayed up till midnight watching my Ally DVD - turned out there weren't any episodes with Robert Downey Jr or Lucy Liu.
When I got to the first laundromat, all of the $1 washers were full, and there was a waiting line. So I went to my second choice laundromat and was able to secure two washers right away. While I was there, I started reading a new book (from the library of course) and got really into it. I didn't want to go over to the school til after 2 (to miss the Sunday church people) so after I put my laundry away, I read for another hour or so.
While I was working in my classroom preparing lessons for the week, one of my first graders came by. (One of the Pastor's daughter's). We had a good little chat. She told me she was bored, and I reminded her that that wasn't a good word to use, unless you wanted to be given something to do. She laughed.
After I was done with my lesson plans, I went shopping. My first stop was Mrs. Baird's for bread. Then I went to Wal-Mart, for my Sun Belt Granola bars of course. I also picked up a long-sleeved top for $3 and a new pair of long johns (which I'd been looking for). Then over to Kroger's for O.J. and bananas (I also got a pint of ice cream, 10/$10).
I'm going to do a bit more reading, then watch Desperate Housewives. Get my Valentine's all put together for tomorrow, and then get some zzz's.
Oh, almost forgot. I got a call from my mom while I was in Wal-Mart. Apparently she is going on a cruise (as I write) that a close girl friend of hers is treating her for. She told me that she had called my home phone a number of times this past week, but hadn't left messages because she thought I would see that she'd called. I reminded her that I don't have Caller ID. I'm glad she called, because I WAS starting to get worried, and apparentally she'll be gone for a week.
Spending Log:
Mrs. Baird's Thrift Shop: $2.29 (food)
Wal-Mart: $4.28 (food)
Wal-Mart: $8.58 (clothing)
Kroger's: $3.28 (food)
Total: $18.43
Groceries/Gas: ~$73.xx
No Spend Days: 8/12 (actual/goal)
Keeping It Frugal in Texas,
A relaxing Sunday
February 14th, 2005 at 01:17 am