Viewing the 'Work Related' Category
March 13th, 2009 at 01:06 am
Didn't really do as much as I'd planned on doing today because I stayed up way too late reading, and then slept in later than I'd planned.
I did send out a couple more responses to Craigslist job ads. Haven't gotten any response from the ones I've sent so far this week.
Was *very* annoyed to find out that Governor Perry of Texas refused the unemployment stimulus money.
I sent a couple of emails to various children's books publishers today asking them how I could obtain permission to read their books on video. I'm just not having much luck finding hard copies of public domain books to use. Plus, those in the public domain are at least 70+ years old, so may not have very much for the preschool/first grade age range.
I'll have to wait and see what the publishers say. I tried to couch it in the sense that they'd get some free advertising. 
* My new blog is located Text is here and Link is http://www.storytimeforchildren.today.com here if you want to look at it. I only have one post so far since I am still trying to come up with material to use for it.
Suggestions and ideas would be welcomed.
I found a great deal on Text is Glamour Magazine and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/03/12/save-money-on-glamour-magazine-limited-time/ Glamour Magazine which is posted on my blog.
Thursday's Accomplishments:
(x) Updated blog
(x) Made progress in kitchen
(x) studied GRE math (some)
() math flashcards
() exercise
(x) contacted 2 children's publishers
Fridays Plans:
() Update blog
() Study GRE math
() Make math flashcards
() close Chase savings account (service fees!!!)
() Gym from 11am to 7pm
ER with maybe George Clooney guest starring in less than an hour! Woo Hoo!
Posted in
Work Related,
March 12th, 2009 at 02:21 am
Hey all. It's been a few days. Sunday was a LONG day. I got a good bit done at home in the morning (or should I say between 10 and 2 thanks to a late start due to missing an hour!) Then I went over to my friend's house, and he went through the whole Math book with me - all 14 chapters of it! We did take a break for supper which his wife made - yummy dinner roast and sweet potatoes. But all in all, we spent nearly 6 hours working on math.
I came away with a much better base to work from, and have been going back through it doing as many examples as I can to make sure I really get everything.
What would I do without such wunderful gut friends? 
Monday was jury duty. I was going to take the bus so I wouldn't have to worry about getting lost. Hah! The bus was supposed to be at the bus stop at 7:12. A bus pulled up and it was the wrong bus - I checked the time and it was 7:24. So, I hustled back home and got directions. Amazingly the traffic was light, and I didn't get lost (going over there at least!)
I couldn't figure out where the underground discounted parking was, so I parked in the nearest lot I could find -- $8 for all day parking. Ugh!
Luckily for me, they only called jurors through 999 - so at 10:30, as I was #1807, I got to go home.
The parking lot attendant was so sweet - I asked him if there was any discount since I'd only been parked there two hours - not really expecting anything. He gave me back two dollars. 
Then of course I got royally lost on my way back home. Have I said before how much I do not like driving in downtown Dallas??
I called E and let him know I was available - so he put me on the schedule for the gym - so the day wasn't a total wash.
Tuesday was a wash. Got an email letting me know I didn't get the job I'd interviewed for on Friday. Oh well. Really didn't do anything productive - I think I was wiped from Sunday's math marathon and then no sleep Sunday night.
Today I applied for 7 different jobs - through Craigslist, hotjobs, and careerbuilder.
One of them in particular interests me - except I'm a bit worried that it's not an actual job, but they're wanting you to purchase a franchise. It's going to preschools and other school settings and teaching their computer programs. It sounds like I could make my own hours - so I could do it T,W,TH and keep the gym job.
Oh, and I fell for another one of those scam applications where they take your info and really want to get it for online schools to call you. This time someone actually did - I told them I wasn't interested, and they said they'd take me off their list. We'll see.
I got one of my quarterly calls from the DSO (Dallas Symphony Orchestra.) Before the lady could even start in on her pitch, I told her that I'd been laid off and didn't have any money for tickets. She let me go nice and easy. 
I'd love to go more often, but those tickets are pricey, so I prefer to save for when Kenny G or Jim Brickman or the Beach Boys are performing. 
My apartment isn't in company shape yet, but I do have to say I am proud of the progress I have made.
I've been waylaid by a new author - Cathy Marie Hake. They are Christian Historical Romance novels. She's good. I read 'Letter Perfect' and 'Bittersweet' the past couple days. They're the kind of books you can hardly bear to put down - even when your eyes are burning from lack of sleep.
Thursdays Plans:
() Study GRE Math
() make flashcards for formulas
() Finish cleaning kitchen
() Update blog
() exercise
Question: Does anyone know where I could find hardcopy copies of children's books that are in public domain? I am working on another blog and I need to have a good selection of children's books (actual copies) to use. I've found the online sources, but I'm needing something for a visual.
P.S. I have been keeping up with the blogs here, but for some reason my computer hasn't been letting me post comments since I updated my browser.
Posted in
Work Related,
March 7th, 2009 at 04:30 am
I really liked the place I interviewed at today. It seems like it would be kind of like what I was doing at my former job - only maybe with a bit more variety and keep me busier.
I think the interview went pretty well. Which was good, because I could have had my nerves totally frayed by the fact that my hose decided to run *below* my hemline AS I was getting out of my car to go inside!! And no, I hadn't noticed a run before that. They lasted all of 3 days. Nice.
Anyway, I should be hearing back from her on Monday (while I'm possibly at the courthouse getting on a jury!)
One of the GRE prep books came in at the library today - but it wasn't the one I was most wanting. So . . I decided to bite the bullet and go buy a couple prep books. With the test coming up on the 31st, I don't have very much time to waste at all.
I bought one book focused on Math review/test questions, and one book focused on the essay questions.
After spending about 20 minutes working in the Math book, (and yes, I know I am being hard on myself), I am feeling kind of stupid. I'm in the basics chapter. Some of it I'm remembering, some of it I'm still going "huh???" after he explains it.
Word problems are going to kill me.
Ask me to find the average - fine, can do.
Ask me the mode or the mean - great!
Now give me a problem that says Sally took 3 tests and got a 90, 92, and 94. She needs a 95 average to get an A for the course. What does she need to get on her 4th test?
Figured it out - not the way the book explained it - but still got the right answer.
Then, here comes this problem:
20 students scored a 90 on a true false test. 30 students scored 100. What is the mean, mode, and median?
I hate word problems!
Luckily, my friend T's husband is going to spend a couple hours with me on Sunday on this Math stuff. I really am going to feel silly telling him I'm getting confused on the prime numbers. I used to know this stuff - really, I did.
All I can do is take my time and study it right? If it gets to be a week before the test, and I'm still faltering with the math, then I'll just have to reschedule it. It might mean that I start my program later (and cost another $50)- but this isn't a race, right?
So . . tracking my back to school spending so far:
GRE registration: $140
Prep books: $40
Friday Plans:
(x) 9 a.m. Interview
(x) 11 - 6:30 --- gym
() Contact school librarians
() Write thank you notes
(x) Study GRE math materials
() trash run
() dish run
Saturday Plans:
() Sabbath School and church
() set clocks forward??
() study GRE math materials
() trash run
() dish run
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
March 6th, 2009 at 02:59 am
Perusing the Craigslist ads today, it seems like I have exhausted most, if not all of the possible legitimate job listings - at least for awhile.
This afternoon I went for my second interview. It was at a company dealing with waste management.
It didn't start out so good. When I arrived (30 minutes early - sat in car till it was 15 minutes early) there was *no one* in the lobby! At first I sat in a chair hoping someone would come into the lobby. It kept getting closer and closer to my interview time and I wasn't sure what to do.
I contemplated going down the hall labled 'human resources and payroll' to see if I could find someone there -- but in the end I just couldn't get up enough moxie to do so.
Finally, it was 2:58. I decided to call the phone number where my appt had been set up. They asked me to give it another 10 minutes, and if no one had shown up, to call them and they'd email the company to let them know I'd been there and they needed to reschedule with me. Just as I got off the phone, a lady came into the lobby -- and within a few minutes I was seated at a cubicle desk filling out the application.
The first thing I noticed was that everyone was wearing jeans. Oh happy day!!
Everyone seemed pretty relaxed while taking calls - they had a pretty funny one where someone wanted to rent a garbage truck for the day. 
After filling out my application, I took a typing test (scored 62 WPM.) Then I had my interview.
It was a total opposite of yesterday. I wasn't completely *not* nervous, but I wasn't *too* nervous. The lady was really friendly.
She told me about the company, and gave me a chance to ask questions. I asked her a question no one had ever asked her before - about how the calls were routed to the different reps. 
The position actually sounds like a fairly good fit for me (temporarily while going to school.) It's taking inbound calls helping customers be happy. The pay is about what I made at my former job -- but, and this is a BIG plus - you get graded on your performance (did you ask customers name, did you verify info, did you get account number, did you follow through on what you said you were going to do, etc) and based on your scores (10 quality checks a month) you get either a 15% bonus, 10% bonus or no bonus. They meet with you twice a month to go over your performance, so you're never left hanging wondering if you're doing okay or not.
They also offer full benefits (including tuition reimbursement - wonder if they'd reimburse for getting a masters in a totally unrelated field?? Or I probably should stay mum on that.)
She also told me that they have very little turnover - everyone has been there from one to 30 years. The reason they are looking to hire new people is because they've expanded (doubled) their territory and need at least 7 new CSR's to handle the call volume.
I won't know one way or the other for a couple weeks at least - but I really like the sound of this particular job. 
Oh, I went to Office Depot again today to print out corrected copies of my resume. The same guy who helped me yesterday was there. I told him that I had bragged about OD's customer service.
I spent some time reading through this Algebra review pdf today. A lot of it makes little sense to me - so many symbols it starts to run together. But some of it is sort of coming back.
I have a long way to go though.
Thursday Plans:
(x) Practice interview questions
(x) Print copies of updated resume
(x) Check Craigslist
() Send thank you note
(x) Interview at 3 pm
(x) Study GRE math material
() Contact school librarians
() trash run
Friday Plans:
() 9 a.m. Interview
() 11 - 6:30 --- gym
() Contact school librarians
() Write thank you notes
() Study GRE math materials
() trash run
() dish run
Off to see ER!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
March 5th, 2009 at 03:27 am
I used my problem solving skills this morning.
I stopped by Walgreens to pick up some hose - since I haven't worn hose in I don't know how long. Then I headed over to the library.
I planned to print out a copy of my resume there, as well as to print out my former address list/work history/reference list.
As I approached the library, I saw lots of men on the roof. I got a little nervous.
When I pulled up to the front door, I saw the horrible CLOSED sign. 
To avert panic, I started trying to think if there was any kind of solution to my problem (other than getting my printer at home fixed!) The Work Force Center was way too far away to be able to go there and come back in time. Then I thought, well, maybe Circuit City would let me print something out there.
I thought it was pretty far fetched, but I was desperate. As I got to Circuit City, I noticed an Office Depot next door. Lightbulb! They have a printing service - much more possible chance they'd be willing to help me out.
So, I went into Office Depot and explained my situation to the man at the printing area. He let me use their computer to access my documents, and then I was able to print my resume on bond paper (which I purchased by single sheet.)
Office Depot made a loyal customer today. 
It gets better though.
I arrived about 15 minutes early for my interview. After being shown to the waiting area, I happened to glance at my resume. In my haste, I had pulled up and printed my updated, but before lay off version! Ugh!
Needless to say, I was a bundle of nerves going into the interview.
From the time I walked into the persons office until he walked me to the door -- less than 10 minutes.
He did ask me what I knew about the company, and I'm not sure if he was impressed or something else when I rattled off the info I'd read on their about page (over 40 years; in 2006 expanded to UK; 14 locations ...)
He also asked me if I was nervous - and I told him I was a bit - that it was my first interview since getting laid off. Probably shouldn't have said that.
I didn't get a chance to ask any questions - he didn't even ask me if I had any - which is part of why I think he'd already made a decision and was trying to get me out of there fast.
Look at it as practice right?
Tomorrow is another interview, and another chance.
I registered to take the GRE on Tuesday, March 31. It's not available here where I live, so I'll have to drive to a city over 3 hours away to take it.
The test costs $140, and I'll probably have to get a hotel room for the night before - which may be another $40 or $50.
It's worth it though right? To become a librarian.
Although, after going through some of the practice math questions --- I'm more than a little worried. My math skills are WAY rusty.
I attempted to get in touch with a real live human at the Unemployment Insurance office today. No matter what number I called, no humans were produced. I just kept getting told to go to the website!
Wednesday Plans:
(x) Print out copies of resume (maybe finish new one)
(x) Get GRE study materials
(x) Practice for interview
(x) Research company
(x) 11:00 a.m. INTERVIEW
(x) make follow up notes
() Call Chase
() Contact Teachers about library
(x) Schedule GRE!
() Exercise!!!!!
Thursday Plans:
() Practice interview questions
() Print copies of updated resume
() Check Craigslist
() Send thank you note
() Interview at 3 pm
() Study GRE math material
() Contact school librarians
() trash run
Posted in
Work Related,
March 4th, 2009 at 01:42 am
Okay, in the today.com blogosphere they have a monthly contest where today.com bloggers can nominate their favorite blogs. As a newbie blog, even though I only had two nominations, I made the voting list. The other four blogs are awesome blogs, and I'm so jazzed that I not only got two nominations, but so far have 10 out of the 50 votes cast so far.
What was really surreal was to check my feedburner stats last night and see I had 9! subscribers, which was up from 3. Of course all of those newbies have dropped off now (not really sure why someone would subscribe one day, then unsubscribe the next . . oh well.)
Today I attended the resume writing seminar and then the interviewing skills seminar. Both of them were VERY worthwhile. I strongly suggest that you check at your local work force center to see if they have anything like that -- and even if you have a job currently, it probably wouldn't hurt to be current on marketplace trends. 
Then, on my way home I stopped at the library and talked to the children's librarian. She was very helpful and gave me a couple names of school librarians I should talk to in the area.
Oh! I also met someone during the resume seminar who's husband is a librarian and went through the UNT program. We exchanged emails, and I'm going to send her my resume and see if her hubby has any ideas for me. Networking. 
I'm having trouble reserving things on the library's website. I'm going to try again later tonight - need to get the GRE materials reserved - there isn't much in the way of available materials.
Tuesdays Plans:
(x) Work Force Resume class
(x) Work Force Interview class
() Print out copies of resume
(x) Make detailed work history list
(x) Make detailed address history list
(x) Check Craigslist
() Get GRE study materials
Wednesday Plans:
() Print out copies of resume (maybe finish new one)
() Get GRE study materials
() Practice for interview
() Research company
() 11:00 a.m. INTERVIEW
() make follow up notes
() Call Chase
() Contact Teachers about library
() Schedule GRE!
() Exercise!!!!!
Posted in
Work Related,
March 3rd, 2009 at 02:45 am
I lined up two more interviews today, so I now have a total of three for this week. One on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The one on Wednesday pays the least BUT it is within a mile of where I live AND after 3 months you get benefits. Plus, it doesn't sound like very difficult work (market research company.)
I got a strange call from Chase today telling me that the government had tried to make a deposit in my account but they needed more info. OMW - I just thought of something .. I wonder if it was a new scam. With all these people being laid off and getting debit cards for UI benefits .. Ugh! I didn't write down the number they gave in the phone call because I wasn't ready to take a number down - so I called back the number on my phone. And I GAVE them my debit card number! Oy vey! I really hope I didn't do something really stupid.
I really hope that it was legit - but I thought it was strange that I'd be getting my UI money so quickly, since I'd only requested payment at 10 a.m., and I got the call about 3pm. And of course all the tele-serve numbers don't go to a real person!!!
I was really sad to read about the passing of Paul Harvey today. The Rest Of The Story was always such a neat thing to listen to on the radio - he was so funny and thoughtful. The passing of true legend. 
I spent some more time today looking into becoming a librarian. The more I'm reading about it, the more sure that I am headed in the right direction. 
Last night I called my best friend T to ask her if her hubby would be willing to tutor me in a Math refresher for the GRE. He is a math genius. I offered to barter babysitting for tutoring. (Of course, I'd babysit their kids for free anytime.)
It just so happened that they had planned on calling me to see if I'd watch the kids last night - but little N had been sick, so they weren't sure if they should go out. I offered that I'd be more than happy to babysit.
So, I spent a couple hours reading stories, playing the kid version of Monopoly, and generally being silly with two of my favorite munchkins. 
I stopped at the library tonight to get some GRE materials, but they didn't have any. I can't search their online catalog because it's having some weird malfunction right now - but will do tomorrow.
Monday's Accomplishments:
(X) Call UI and ask for first payment (need to find out how my severance check affects this)
(X) Call Work force center and get my password reset (ugh!)
3. Workout for 30 min
(X) Gym from 1 - 7
(X) Call for interview at party place (from Craigslist)
6. Check Craigslist for any new possibilities
7. Research GRE prep materials
8. Contact UNT regarding online program details
Tuesdays Plans:
() Work Force Resume class
() Work Force Interview class
() Print out copies of resume
() Make detailed work history list
() Make detailed address history list
() Check Craigslist
() Get GRE study materials
Posted in
Work Related,
March 1st, 2009 at 09:29 pm
Following in the footsteps of others . . 
() Workout 3x a week
() Research for best GRE refresher course
() Study for GRE
() Register for next available GRE test
() Talk to branch librarian regarding some kind of job at library for experience, maybe paid
() Contact UNT to find out details of program - how online works
() Submit proposal to WIA for paying for/helping to pay tuition
() Find a part time job or more
() Spend no more than $150 outside of Rent, phone, internet and gas expenses (not including GRE expenses or application fees)
() Spend 30 minutes to an hour 4x a week cleaning and or organizing apartment
() List Spanish books/materials on ebay
() Make at least 28 posts to blog
() Finish Drivers Safety Course for discount
() do taxes
One thing I've found the past two weeks with not having a full time job, is that I've been spending a lot more on food - namely food that isn't great for me. So, my plan for March is I am taking out $150 cash for food and anything else (other than gas, GRE expenses, etc.) I'm hoping that that will make me a lot less likely to spend on food I don't need. If I have any left at the end of the month, I'll treat myself out to a meal - or if it's a tiny amount left, then I'll treat myself to a movie at the dollar theater. 
I'm really getting excited about the idea of going back to school and getting my Masters in Library Sciences. The more people I talk to about it, the more I'm hearing that they think it's perfect for me.
I'm more than slightly nervous about the whole GRE thing. I just need to bite the bullet and find study materials for it, find out test dates, and then get prepared for it!
Tomorrow I'll be posting an article my brother wrote for my blog about how to play golf inexpensively. It really is a pretty good article, if I do say so myself. 
Monday's Goals:
1. Call UI and ask for first payment (need to find out how my severance check affects this)
2. Call Work force center and get my password reset (ugh!)
3. Workout for 30 min
4. Gym from 1 - 7
5. Call for interview at party place (from Craigslist)
6. Check Craigslist for any new possibilities
7. Research GRE prep materials
8. Contact UNT regarding online program details
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 28th, 2009 at 03:38 am
I think I have figured out what I want to be when I grow up! 
Seriously though, Yesterday I was talking with some people about my whole life/work situation. I told them how I just was feeling unsure about going the technical school route, and how none of my options really excited me.
One of the people asked me what were my greatest passions in life. I immediately responded: children, books and computers!
Since they already knew that I don't wish to go back into the classroom, they suggested that I might enjoy being a school librarian!
I mulled over that idea most of last night (and overslept this morning getting to the gym!) Then today I spent a good bit of time researching it and thinking about it.
It just feels right. I am going to go back to school and get my Masters in Library Science with Certification for being a School Librarian.
My next step is to refresh my math skills, etc., and then to take the GRE.
Then, I am going to present a proposal to the WIA people as to why they should pay for me to get my Masters (or at least enough credits to get the certification) instead of paying for me to go to a technical school.
Whether or not they are willing to help me out, I am going to do this. It will just be more financially difficult without their help.
If I am accepted into the program, then that means I will be here in Texas for at least another year.
University of North Texas is where I am thinking of going. They have an on campus option, and an on-line option. If I can, I'm going to see if I can do some combination of the two options to provide the most flexibility.
I am truly excited about this!
I heard back from one of the Craigslist ads I responded to yesterday. I am to call on Monday to set up an interview. It is a part time position that pays $12/hr.
But, if I can combine it with my gym job, then maybe it'll be enough to manage through school without cutting into savings too much.
Today's Accomplishments:
1. Gym - 8:15 - 6:15
2. Decided what I want to do when I grow up! 
3. Updated blog (Potluck idea)
4. Not much else
Saturday's Gameplan:
1. church
2. update blog
3. get laundry together
4. do laundry at Mom's
Have a great weekend everyone!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 27th, 2009 at 02:08 am
Wow, today I spent a good bit of time on Craigslist. I ended up responding to 6 different ads, and considered 3 others.
One of the ads was for the local garbage service company for a customer service rep.
I actually was given a link to their site where I filled out a bunch of information and sent my resume. Once I was through, I was told to call an 800 number within 24 hours. So, I called it.
I've got an interview on Thursday at 3 p.m.!! Woo hoo! It's a bit far away, but hey, it's an interview right, it'll get my feet wet.
Another ad I responded to was for a Market Research company. They were looking for people to call possible research participants for studies (people already signed up in the database.) I love focus groups (free, easy money!) so I think this could be quite fun too. AND their office is *really* close by.
I searched a bit around their main website and found a name of the person who I think is doing the hiring - so my cover email used that person's name. Genius if I'm right, bozo if I'm wrong. But, at least I'm trying right?
In doing research for today's blog post, I came across a really neat freebie site for sharing videos with friends and family. I've already set up a site for myself and uploaded my first video - so easy and best of all, free! 
I have to tell you about this book I've been reading the past few days. I first saw it in Barnes and Nobles three or four years ago, and wrote the title in my notepad. Just this past week I finally got it from the library.
From the moment I read the first paragraph, I was guffawing. Seriously. It is a Young Adult book, but if you remember anything at all about being a teenager, I think you too will get a kick out of this book.
"The Year of Secret Assignments" by Jaclyn Moriarty.
Here's an excerpt from the first chapter:
Writing Prompt:
We bet you just wrote down 'grass,' "water," "sky" etc. Maybe you noticed the coffee cup, but we bet you didn't notice the lipstick stain on the side of the coffee cup! Now, go ahead and try again. Write down EVERYTHING that you see.
Girls response:
I don't get it. There is no coffee cup.
Ms. Yen just turned around from the board and I noticed shes getting a bit fat. The top buttons on her jeans has popped open.
She said that she didn't think there was a formula for time travel, although she does think there might be a formula to make me shut up and do my maths or else find myself laughing on the other side of my face when it comes to the half-yearlies!
If she tells me what the formula is, I'll write it out for you.
End Excerpt.
Okay, over and out. Almost time for ER - I missed it last week and the nbc.com episode viewer STINKS. 
Almost forgot:
Fridays goals:
1. gym from 6:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
2. exercise
3. clean apartment
4. update blog
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 26th, 2009 at 03:01 am
Today on my way home from the career skills seminar, I passed by a restaurant I haven't eaten at in quite a while. Pancho's. One of the main reasons I would go to Pancho's would be for their sopapillia's. They made them the way I first learned to love them in Albuquerque.
But, alas. Sometime in the last few months it appears that Pancho's closed its doors.
So, it appears that I will not have the chance to indulge in a sopapillia craving again any time soon. 
There was a huge group today at the work center for the seminar. I would garner a guess of at least 60 people.
The seminar started late, and the presenter didn't really get through all the points she had in her outline. She was funny though, which made the time pass quickly.
Next Tuesday they are having a 3 hour session for resume writing and a 3 hour session for interviewing skills. I figure it wouldn't hurt me any to go to both of them - so I'll be spending most of Tuesday at the work center. Only two other people signed up for it out of the 60 - guess they feel like they've got their resumes just perfect.
I wish I could turn the ac on in my apartment. It is so warm and sticky in here. I even have my ceiling fan plus a floor fan going. Yes, I know it is Feb 25 - but this is Texas remember. 
Today's accomplishments:
1. Researched A T I - think I'm going to pass, seems a little too much like West Wood (in it for the money.)
2. Updated blog
3. Attended work force seminar
4. Checked Craigslist
Thursdays Goals:
1. look for birth certificate
2. Fill out WIA paperwork
3. Craigslist
4. Check work sites listings
5. Do more research on schools -- call community college about program
6. Exercise
7. Clean something
8. Set up spreadsheet for tracking applications/emails
Any thoughts on medical transcription? I found an online course CAI that looks legit.
What about a Medical Secretary course that takes only 8 weeks? Does that sound like enough time to really train someone for real world work?
Posted in
Work Related,
February 25th, 2009 at 03:29 am
This afternoon I attended the orientation session for WIA (a program which pays your tuition, books, etc., for you to go back to school.)
The room we were in was meant to hold maybe 20 - 25 people, tops. Today, there were closer to 40 people. The center wasn't ready for quite that many people, and had to pull in chairs from other places. But, I did hear a few comments saying that the orientation sessions had been fairly large for the last six weeks or so, and getting more so every week.
When we came to the end of the orientation, the presenter handed out appointment sheets. These appointments were for us to have a one-on-one conversation with her, and take an assessment test.
The earliest date for an appointment was April 9. Ouch.
I didn't fill out an appointment sheet because this particular center isn't the closest one to me. I completed the orientation at it because it didn't conflict with my schedule at the gym.
I called the one which is closest to me to see if I could set up an appointment with them - seeing as how far out the appointments were being set. Unless the person I spoke with didn't understand what I was asking, I was told to just come in Friday at 8:45 a.m. and they'd take us in groups.
If I can find my birth certificate (yes, they require your birth certificate + social security card + driver's license, etc.) before Friday, then I'll go in this week. If not, I'll have to order one, and hopefully go in next Friday.
The school I'm looking at is A T I. (American T ech nical Ins ti tute.) It looks like they offer Business Office Admin and Medical Office Assist courses.
Does anyone know anything about this particular college? Would a certificate from this place actually be worth anything (career wise?)
Today's Accomplishments:
1. Attend Census thing - no, overslept
2. Attend Orientation - yes
3. Update blog - yes
4. not much else
Wednesday's Goals:
1. Check Craigslist listings
2. Check out WIA college listings and career courses
3. Look for birth certificate
4. Work on filling out WIA application
5. Go to gym to run
6. Attend career seminar
7. Clean for 15 minutes (anything!)
8. Update blog
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 24th, 2009 at 03:28 am
So this morning after calling about Cobra (yes, I can just put the account number on the memo line) and figuring out what was going on with my work in Texas login, I got dressed for my workout.
Before heading to the gym to workout though, I stopped by Chase to make a deposit. I was hoping to be in and out in 5 to 8 minutes or less. Preferably less.
Remember - I'm dressed to go workout.
So, I go in to the lobby and fill out a deposit form. I'm standing in line for less than a minute, when one of the ladies who has a cubicle desk asks me if she can help me. I tell her I'm here to make a deposit. She tells me that she can help me - so I go sit at her desk.
The manager comes over and takes my deposit for me. (Where's that bug eyed smilie when you need it?) Somehow it comes up about how I was laid off . . . and at least *15* minutes later I am finally able to get out of there!
On the one hand, it was really good personal service. But, on the other hand, all I wanted to do was make a deposit and scadoodle!
I actually had to cut my workout a little short due to how long it took.
I haven't had any responses yet on any of the Craigslist postings I responded to yesterday. I went through some more tonight, but didn't see any possibilities.
I may have another person signing up at the gym under my credit. Yay!
I wrote a post today on Text is Adopting a Nursing Home Resident. and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/02/23/show-you-care-by-adopting-a-nursing-home-resident/ Adopting a Nursing Home Resident.
Today's Accomplishments:
1. Cobra ---check
2. Work in Texas (WIT) -- check
3. bank deposit --- check
4. exercise (30 min) check
5. Gym from 11:30 - 5 -- check
6. Craigslist -- check
7. cleaning -- working on it
Tuesday's Goals:
1. Go to WIT for Census jobs testing (A.M.)
2. Go to WIT for WIA orientation -see if qualify (P.M.)
3. Mail resume/cover letter to job op
4. exercise (even just 10 minutes)
Posted in
Work Related,
February 23rd, 2009 at 04:49 am
Saturday night I went with some friends (and a bunch of their friends) to the Magic Time Machine. It was the first time I'd been there.
We had to wait about 90 minutes to get a table. While we were captive... er waiting for our table, we went upstairs. The upstairs is filled with ways to part with your pretty penny ... a Magic Show for $3/person, arcade games, a bar (not sure if they serve other than soda ..), and several people who'll do a caricature. Other than soda and water, none of us parted with any pennies upstairs.
Finally we were led to our tables (one for the adults, one for the young'ones) by two swashbuckling pirates.
One of our group who was celebrating her 40th birthday was dressed up as a granny - gray hair, fake glasses, droopy parts , a walking cane, etc. N, who was the person who helped me get my job at my previous company, will be having a birthday soon, and so he dressed up as Duff Man, the Redneck. To put it mildly, both of the celebrators, plus various others in the group, didn't need a drop of alcohol to get into the 'spirit.' 
After ordering (food way overpriced - I had a baked potato for $5) we were all led on a Salad Car Train. One of our group needed to use the restroom, and was thusly led on the "needs potty training" walk.
The kids all had a blast getting autographs from the various characters, and the adults had a blast having permission to act like kids. 
It really was a fun evening, which ended up not costing me anything because my potato was taken care of by my friends who'd invited me.
Today I spent a lot of time on Craigslist. I found the gigs section, which somehow I'd missed before. I ended up emailing 3 different ads.
One I got a reply on quickly - asking me for $10 to cover 'training materials.' Next.
A second one sounds a lot like Ch@Ch@, except you are based in a building and you do a lot more than just look up answers to questions. The pay per hour is about $1/hr less than what I was making, but I would get full benefits, plus have the possibility of merit raises.
I had to google the answers to 3 questions and include the links to where I found my answers in my email. That was kind of fun. 
The third one was for a Nanny position taking care of two 3 year old twins. From what I could tell, it is a 4-day a week job (Tue - Fri at 1p.m.) Amazingly, the pay is slightly more than I made per week at my former job, but no benefits. (Well . . I'd say playing all day with two little ones counts as a big benefit.)
Tomorrow I have to call work in Texas and figure out why I can't log in to the site. Well, it will let me log in, but not actually go anywhere - it says there is no account associated with my log in??? I will be *majorly* annoyed if my information has been lost, because I spent *numerous* hours putting together the info for the resume on it.
I found out how much my UI will be. It's roughly 55% of my former paycheck. 
I can send in a form to have 10% withheld for Fed Tax if I want to. I'm not sure if I'm going to do that or not.
Monday plan:
1. Call Work in Texas about website logging in
2. Call Cobra company to find out if TX is participating in the 65% deal, and when it goes into effect -- also if they *must* have a paper coupon
3. Make bank deposits
4. Exercise
5. Work gym from 11:30 - 5
6. Finish trash run - do dishes
7. Check Craigslist
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 21st, 2009 at 03:43 am
I got a phone call from E this morning at 6:47 a.m. asking me if I could go in early - as in ASAP. The person who was supposed to be there had gotten a bad sunburn and was pretty ill.
I made it over to the gym by a little after 7:30. 
One big accomplishment today -- for the first time since before Christmas break, I did my 30 minute run! Of course, I scaled it back a lot since it had been such a long time, but I ran for a total of 18 out of 35 minutes. Yay!
I found out from E that both of the people who I'd talked to about joining the gym have signed up! Bonus time! 
I got my Cobra letter today. Just for Medical it'll be $398/mo. It didn't mention anything about the 65% Stimulus discount - but it was dated on the 17th.
I'm going to call them on Monday to clarify about that, plus some other items.
Today's accomplishments:
1. Gym from 7:30 - 5 pm
2. Cashed gym check
3. updated blog
4. 35 minutes exercise session!
5. Checked Craigslist
Saturday Plans:
1. Church
2. poltluck lunch
3. update blog
4. Out on town with friends 
5. Clean counters (one of these days I'll actually do this!)
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Extra Money Tracking
February 20th, 2009 at 03:29 am
I worked at the gym from 8 to 3 today. It was pretty uneventful, except that one person came by who was interested in joining. If he joins, I'll get a bonus. On Friday a woman came by who was interested in personal training - she set up an initial appt w/E, but wasn't able to keep it. But if she ends up signing on, I'll get another little bonus. 
After I finished at the gym, I met my former OM in front of our office building. She gave me my severance check, and a few items I'd forgotten in my haste to leave.
For some reason, looking at that check took me back a few steps in dealing with the loss. I was a zombie for the next few hours - even through my doctor appt and stoping at Walmart.
When I was putting my groceries in my trunk, I realized I still hadn't brought in my box of stuff from my former life. It had sat there since Friday.
Once I got home I checked my mail. There were a number of important letters.
2 of them were from Texas Work Force. 1 said that as of Feb 22 I have to complete at least 5 work jobs each week - submitting an application, contacting an employer, attending a seminar, etc.
That sounds like a lot to me, especially when I see what the job listings look like. But . . I'll do whatever it takes.
The third piece of mail was a summons to serve on the Jury on March 9. I wonder if Work in Texas will exempt me from the 5 thing if I get picked for a jury, esp if it lasts more than a day? I've had Jury Summons before, but never made it to the courthouse. My group number always seems to get dismissed - maybe it's because of my last name being in the latter part of the alphabet?
Thursday's Accomplishments:
1. Worked gym from 8 to 3
2. Dropped off severance paperwork
3. went to doctors appt
4. grocery shopping (spent too much, bought some junkfood.)
5. Worked on work in texas resume
*no exercise, no cleaning, didn't look at Craigslist
Fridays Goals/Plans:
1. Work gym from 11:45 - 5
2. Get to gym by 10:15 to workout/cleanup
3. Prepare 3 blog posts
4. Clean counters
5. Cash gym check
6. Check Craigslist
Posted in
Work Related,
Grocery Tracking
February 19th, 2009 at 02:49 am
This morning I made it to the Work Force Center about 8:20. The seminar I was going there for started at 9, but I thought I'd get there early in case there was a typing test or something else I could do.
At first when I asked one of the ladies at the front desk about the seminar, she looked like she didn't know what I was talking about. Then when I told her the name of it, she was like, "Oh! WIA. Are you in the WIA?"
Trying not to sound stupid, I told her I didn't know what the WIA was. (I'm still not sure what the letters stand for!)
She told me that it was a program for people who had been laid off and want/need training in job skills in order to get a better job. Also, she told me that the seminar I came to attend was one of the requirements for the program - that most people didn't choose to attend it. Luckily I'm not most people, right? 
Another lady who was nearby spoke up and told me that WIA was a great program. That it was paying for her to go through training to be a medical secretary. Not only are they paying her tuition, but they also are giving her gas cards for getting to school (and presumably a part-time job.)
Hmmm.... this sounded interesting.
I am going to attend the next orientation session on Tuesday to see if I qualify, and what all it entails. (There is a session on Monday afternoon, but I'm working at the gym then.)
I'm just thinking that going the route of being a medical secretary wouldn't be a bad idea - or at least the training for it. Will have to check into pay scales on it though.
Another possible route is to take computer training on Quickbooks or other accounting software - both of which seem to be asked for quite often in the admin asst ads I'm looking at.
****Would it be bad of me to take advantage of this program if I qualify, considering I do have financial resources available to me, while others may not??***
The second thing I learned today was at the seminar. It actually became a one-to-one session because the room it was to be held in was occupied, and the presenter only had space for one person in his cubicle. The other two rescheduled for tomorrow.
The seminar was going through the functionality of the work in Texas website. I'd already signed up on it, as well as done a good bit of exploring, but he was able to show me a lot of things I had not figured out yet. He also gave me a lot of great hints and tips.
So, my visit this morning to the Work Force Center was well worth my time - even though they don't have an official typing test. 
Accomplished today:
1. Seminar at workforce center
2. Checked Craigslist
3. trash run, dish run
4. updated blog
5. Filled gas tank - $18
*Did not exercise, nor update applications, nor cash gym check.
Thursdays goals:
1. Work at gym from 8 -3
2. Give former OM severance paperwork
3. exercise
4. update blog
5. work on resume/application info
6. Check Craigslist
7. Clean counters (kitchen and bathroom)
This afternoon my mom treated me to seeing "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I absolutely LOVE the book series, and the movie was really pretty good too.
Afterwards we ate at TB ($3.01 for both of us!) Then went off on a wild goose chase looking for a book she needs to read before her interview on Tuesday.
My lateness getting home is partially why I did not accomplish some things I wanted to.
I have two questions about the Stimulus bill which recently passed, and am hoping someone may know the answer(s).
1. Is Cobra being subsidized at all?
2. Is there a certain amount of UI you can make without Federal Taxes being owed?
The reason I ask, is because both items were brought to my attention as things that were being proposed as part of it, but were not confirmed as to whether they were passed.
Thanks for any info!
Posted in
Work Related,
Gasoline Tracking
February 18th, 2009 at 04:19 am
Um yeah. You know that list I made yesterday of all the things I was going to accomplish today?
Managed to do four items.
1. Applied to company scfr mentioned
2. caught up on blog posts
3. Perused Craigslist job postings
4. Started to look into ehealthinsurance plans
Didn't clean, didn't exercise, didn't finish applications (although did make some progress on one of them.)
On Craigslist I found a number of interesting postings. One was for AmeriPlan, which I don't think is right for me. Another one was for a different tutoring company than AtoZ, which I did apply for and took a number of qualifying tests.
A third one though made me annoyed. I responded to an ad for an admin asst with a starting hourly rate slightly higher than what I made. I received a reply back with a link to a website to fill out an application. I filled out the application, copied and pasted my resume, and submitted.
After submitting, the next page was a list of online colleges where you could 'further your career opportunities' and nothing else. So now I'm wondering if the ad wasn't just a scam to get you to give your contact info so they can bug you to death to apply to one of those online schools.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. 
One thing I've been trying to wrap my brain around today is the fact that all the money which I've been earning from my side jobs, and which I've completely allocated towards savings goals, is now not really 'extra monies' but is now 'NOW' monies.
I'm trying to figure out if the money I have stashed in my general Extra Monies account, but not allocated yet, should be put in my Next Month fund for general spending, or go to where I'd put it if life was normal.
You see, right now I am using the money I earned in January for expenses. In March, I'll use the money I earned in February (including the severance pay I guess.) So by April, I'll presumably need to use the monies earned in March.
Since there will be no full-time income coming during March (unless a miracle happens) the only income will be from side jobs or unemployment.
So . . . maybe for February I will go ahead and allocate my extra monies normally, since I'll have a 'normal' income. But then in March, whatever comes in from whatever source, will go to fund April's budget.
Am I making any sense?
Tomorrow my mom wants me to go with her to some travel business seminar she thinks I could really do well with. I think I'm going to tell her I'm more than happy to meet her for lunch somewhere, but am not interested in MLM (which is what this is.)
What I hope to accomplish on Wednesday:
1. Attend seminar at workforce center - maybe see if I can take typing tests and/or other computer proficiency tests
2. Cash gym check and deposit it
3. Gather needed info to complete various applications (health insurance, workforce)
4. Check Craigslist for any new listings
5. Clean at least one hour
6. Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
February 17th, 2009 at 02:50 am
To keep myself accountable I am going to note here what I am doing each day in my job search.
1. Applied for unemployment
2. Applied at TexasWorkForce
3. Applied at AtoZ tutoring
4. Stopped by gym location and got my schedule
5. Read most of the employment related articles on MSN
Tomorrow's Goals:
1. Send in paperwork for severance
2. Search Craigslist for odd jobs
3. Apply at company scfr told me about
4. Spend at least two hours cleaning apt
5. Fill out state application
6. Catch up on blog series posts
7. Exercise at least one hour
8. Finish resume info for TWF and AtoZ
My mom called me tonight and told me that she has an interview for a position which I think she'd be awesome at - a teacher trainer/evaluator. She's one of 7 people being interviewed. I think she has an excellent chance.
Here is a really cute Text is video of a kitty drinking. and Link is http://holy-cuteness.blogspot.com/2009/02/noisy-drinking-cat.html video of a kitty drinking.
Since I'm not earning real income now, do I have to stop my Roth IRA contributions? Or could my gym earnings count towards earned income which would qualify me to continue my contributions?
Should I continue them??? I've been sending $75/mo to my IRA, so it isn't a big budget item - - but percentage wise out of even 40 hours/mo at the gym, is pretty huge.
Posted in
Work Related,
February 16th, 2009 at 02:16 am
First of all I want to say how much I appreciate all of your kind words and support regarding the loss of my job. It was a tremendous comfort.
Like I feared, I am having extreme pressure put on me now to go to CA.
I really don't know what to do. I've tried to make the pro and con's lists - logically and emotionally. But what gets me every time is that either way I'm going to end up hurting one parent or the other.
The loss of my job and the feelings of being rejected are really hitting me hard. I really don't know how people cope with this who don't have supportive family and friends. I really don't. Because I'm just barely hanging on.
My brother and I talked for a long time tonight. He's trying very very hard to be objective and not pressuring me one way or the other. He suggested that maybe I should take off on a cruise or something for a few days - basically get out of range and see if I can get my head clear.
As nice as a cruise sounds, I know I wouldn't feel at all comfortable spending that much money with no income to replace it. But, I think he is right in the concept - maybe just get away somewhere for a few days and be "out of range".
I'm really really tempted to call my ex in Lincoln. The last time I heard from him was nearly a year ago via email. But of everybody I know in real life, I think he'd have the best ability to be impartial and clear headed. But to open that can again probably would be a mistake.
I stay here in Dallas - my mom's happy, and I get to continue to watch my best friend's kids grow up. Kid's I fed bottles to when they both were barely a week old. But the possibility of me remaining single is pretty high.
I go to CA - my dad, my brother, other dad side relatives are happy. I maybe have a better chance of meeting an SDA man. I maybe have a better chance of being in an environment accepting of my lifestyle choices. I maybe have a chance to get to know my uncle's two little ones whom I haven't seen since they were 3 and 5.
I think by saying the only way I'd move to CA was if I had a job lined up, I allowed myself to not really have to make a decision. Now that I don't *have* a job here or in CA, I don't really have a good way of getting out of making a decision.
There are job possibilities which I could pursue here in Texas - but what if staying here really isn't the right decision? If I get another job here, then I'm making the decision to stay.
I'm so frustrated and confused about what to do right now that I could scream!
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
February 13th, 2009 at 08:34 pm
So today about 11:30 I'm in the file room working on well .. filing. The OM comes by and tells me to see SK before I head to lunch.
First thought is 'Oh S*(*&!' I'm fired!" Then I start thinking- no, that can't be it. The 15 th will be 3 years at the company - maybe its a raise. Maybe it's something completely innocuous- that's happened before.
So, finally I go back there to see SK. Long story short - I was let go.
They're giving me two-weeks severance and insurance till the end of the month.
Both SK and the OM told me that they would be happy to give me good references. That all the people making the big salaries have taken pay cuts, that the new land asst had been cut to three days a week, etc. They also told me that I was rehirable if the oil situation changed.
I'm upset right now mainly because, well who wants to be let go, right? But also I am going to really miss one co-worker who've I felt really connected to.
But in a way I feel kind of relieved. You all have read my complaints about my job, and my life in general.
I'm trying to see this as a forceful push to stop the broken record and actually do something different.
E, at the gym has already said he'll give me as many hours as he can at the location near my apartment. So, that's something at least until I can figure out what I'm going to do.
Maybe I'll go back to school - not really sure for what, but even though my mom believes I have really marketable skills, I'm not so sure about that.
I haven't told my dad yet. I know what he's going to say -- come to CA! Ugh.
The good part of all this is I have enough money between all my savings that I could survive, even paying Cobra, for probably 12 months. With unemployment and the hours I get at the gym, I could probably stretch my savings quite a bit more than that.
I also have people who will help me as much as they can. But in reality, I am an adult and need to do this as much as possible on my own.
I just feel sick.
Posted in
Work Related
February 12th, 2009 at 03:01 am
Today at work one of the things I was doing was hole punching a bunch of articles my manager had pulled out of various oil and gas magazines. Some of the pages needed to be turned so that the articles title would be facing up.
For some reason an article about a well in Kentucky caught my eye. The article was from 1991. A long time oil man had drilled over 7,000 wells over a period of 39 years. But none of them had been really great ones. He always had the dream to find an amazing discovery.
By a fluke of luck, he happened to acquire the mineral rights to a patch of land near the Kansas and Tennessee border. On it were a couple wells already that were producing, but not very much.
He chose one of them to deepen.
Several days after the redrilling began, his drilling foreman ran over to him with a worried look on his face. The well, which had previously been producing only 5 barrels of oil (BO) a day, was now GUSHING oil.
There just so happened to be a man at a nearby gas station with a couple backhoes on his way to another job. They got this man to come to their well and start digging pits to put the oil in - because otherwise it was going to go into a nearby creek.
The man with the backhoes stayed for 3 1/2 days and dug 10 pits for the oil. All of which filled up as fast as the pumpers they hired could drain them.
The well was now producing upwards of 300 BO per HOUR!
Needless to say, this was the fulfillment of a lifetime long dream of the oilman. He never gave up, even after drilling over 7,000 wells all over the world and 39 years.
I was just completely riveted by this story. I really wish I had a link to it so you could all read it for yourself.
It just spoke to me. I have dreams that I sometimes wonder if it's even worth it anymore to even keep dreaming about. Dreams I've had since I was little. But here's this man who never gave up after 39 years - and he finally made it!
If he could keep his dream alive, then so can I!
There is this Cat/Dog blog which I check on a daily basis. There is this amazing story of how a dog helped an old man and how God works in our lives.
Text is Dog Story and Link is http://blog.ourdoglog.com/2009/02/what-love-of-dog-can-do.html Dog Story . Have a kleenex nearby when you read it. Seriously.
*link fixed - sorry about that!
I have new posts on my blog. Today I talked about a really Text is special gift that my mom made me. and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/02/11/show-you-care-without-breaking-the-budget-the-story-card/ special gift that my mom made me.
I shopped at Walmart tonight. $29.02 for 3 bags of groceries. Ugh. And . .I forgot to get bananas.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
Grocery Tracking
February 7th, 2009 at 02:47 am
This afternoon I stopped by the gym location where E was working to pick up some more laundry soap, since I'd used the last of it this morning.
He told me that one of the gym patrons had been asking when I was going to come back and work out. oops 
I told him I'd been having a few too many late nights. When he asked why, I told him part of it was because of working on my blog.
So . . .I told him the name of it (again) and he pulled it up before I left.
About 20 minutes later I was at the other gym and I get a call from E. He'd just read my post on the Economy Affecting Gyms. I explained to him that I'd been pretty ticked off when I wrote it, but that by the time I finished it, I had calmed down a good bit.
He told me he agreed with me about the problems gyms are facing. But then he asked me a question I didn't have an answer to.
What is the solution?
I was stumped.
I really am not sure that there is a solution right now with the way the economy is going. I think that it probably is going to get worse before it gets better.
I wish I had the answer.
Today is Day 5 of my series on How To Show You Care Without Breaking the Budget - Text is Musical Memories and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/02/06/twenty-days-and-twenty-ways-to-show-someone-you-care-without-breaking-the-budget/ Musical Memories
I'll be heading over to my mom's tomorrow night, but will have new posts up Saturday and Sunday (Simple Pleasures and Sunday Sustenance).
Posted in
Work Related,
February 4th, 2009 at 01:15 am
Yesterday I picked up my gym paycheck from E. He didn't give me my timecard this time, so I am not sure how much extra he added to it, but the $35 extra was def. there.
He assured me I was fine to cash it that day - but then I reminded him of the two other checks I had. He asked me to wait till today. Which I did.
My coworker and I went to the bank the gym has an account at during our lunch break. My coworker waited for me in her car. I had to put my thumbprint on each check . . but . . they all cashed! Yay!
After work I stopped by my bank and deposited it, plus another check (refund from old administration company.) So, I added $210 to my extra monies funds today. Although, actually, $35 of it needs to go back into my buffer to pay myself back - so it's actually $175. Still, not bad. 
My post today, continuing the series of Text is Twenty Days and Ways to Show You Care Without Breaking the Budget, and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/blog-series/twenty-days-and-ways-to-show-someone-you-care-without-breaking-the-budget/ Twenty Days and Ways to Show You Care Without Breaking the B... is Text is Day 2: I Care Coupons. and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/blog-series/twenty-days-and-ways-to-show-someone-you-care-without-breaking-the-budget-day-2/ Day 2: I Care Coupons.
Quick curious question. What is the deadline for 1099's? Is it different than for W-2's?
Posted in
Work Related,
Extra Money Tracking
January 31st, 2009 at 02:44 am
This morning when I did my usual check-in of my various financial places, I noticed that Yodlee wasn't able to log in to my MyPoints Visa account.
I wanted to figure out why, so I went to the actual site. MyPoints Visa is a WAMU branded card, so Chase is taking over it. The problem was that they were forcing me to change my username! I couldn't use the same one I was using - I HAD to change it!
I tried about 6 different variations, and they wouldn't accept any of them. So I finally had to go and make a really long that will be a PAIN to type in.
Once I got on to my account, I noticed a big button saying something about learning about the changes. After reading that, I came to the realization that my easy way of earning lots of points will soon be a way of the past.
After March 1, I'll only be able to earn points by reading emails or buying stuff from linked websites. Le sigh.
It wss good while it lasted.
My post today: Text is Friday Funnies: Men At The Office. and Link is [http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/30/friday-funnies-men-at-the-office/ Friday Funnies: Men At The Office.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. I'm going to be attending a meetup at a vegetarian restaurant. They have quite a good selection. Their prices are pretty good too.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
January 30th, 2009 at 02:32 am
Yes, this is another post about the gym saga. I talked to E today and asked him what was up with the $35 NSF fees, and told him I'd be willing to work tomorrow afternoon.
He didn't really answer me about the NSF fees (we 'communicated' via voicemail tag) but did say that 'they' were going to pad my next check with an extra $25 - 50. He didn't say if that was including the NSF fees or not.
Personally, I would rather just get the fees refunded ASAP and know for sure that when I'm given a check or other form of payment, that I can feel confident in depositing it into my bank account.
I'd prefer not to get 'padding,' because quite obviously, they really can't afford it!
What do you all think? Should I tell him to not give me any extra? That I wasn't making the fuss because I wanted more money, I just wanted what I had earned?
My post today is: Text is A Meme and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/29/a-meme/ A Meme . In case you don't know what a Meme is, it is another word for an interview. Another blogger sent me five questions after reading through my blog.
It was fun!
The weather started out really bad this morning. Really, really THICK fog. When I got to my office building's grounds, there was even some leftover ice which my car of course found. It likes to do the slide apparently.
By the afternoon though, things had warmed up quite nicely. That's Texas weather for you.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life
January 29th, 2009 at 02:56 am
Those of you who live in places that have been getting hit hard this winter will probably laugh at me. But that's okay. 
This morning, for the second time since I've lived in Texas, my car doors were frozen shut!
The first time I experienced frozen car doors was my Junior year of college (1996!) I was supposed to go home that weekend, but between my car doors being frozen shut and the main highways near where my parent lived being shut down - I didn't go anywhere. 
Today though, I did manage to get my door open with a lot of chipping at the edges using my car key. Yes. My car key. Bright thinker that I am, I left both of my ice scrapers inside my car.
After about 30 minutes, I had my car defrosted and deiced, and headed off to work.
There is a slight incline from my complex's parking lot to the street. I didn't drive down it - oh no - I SLID sideways down it! That probably should have been a good clue that I needed to wait a bit longer to go to work.
Of course, I didn't wait. I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it back UP to my apartment - so figured I should go on ahead. My usual 20 minute morning commute took a little more than an hour, but at least I made it safely.
Unfortunately, at least 5 people in Texas died due to the icy conditions and driving. One of them was a 22 year old teacher. 
My post today is: Text is Do You Want To Meet People Who Are Like You? and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/28/do-you-want-to-meet-people-who-are-like-you/ Do You Want To Meet People Who Are Like You?. You may recognize some of the things I mention.
I don't remember if I mentioned that along with the lost Toll Tag, I also had a missing glove.
I've searched through everything I took to CA with me, and it still hasn't turned up. So, tonight I stopped at the Family Dollar and picked up a new pair of gloves for $2.
They had quite the interesting selection of gloves. I had to really dig to find any that were .... er.. normal looking.
Of course you know what's going to happen now that I've bought myself a new pair of gloves, right? Today will be the last cold day of the season!  (I can dream right?)
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
January 28th, 2009 at 12:57 am
Yay! We were let out of work an hour early today due to ice storm warnings.
Traffic and weather weren't bad at all on my way home, so hopefully it remains that way for other people today.
We had a birthday party for our company's owner today. The most delicious ($40) chocolate cake and ice cream.
Thanks to dmontgrey, I realized that my today.com blog wasn't letting non today'ers leave comments. That's all fixed now. 
My post today is probably pretty funny considering just how much I'm into sports and all. 
Text is How To Celebrate Superbowl 43 Inexpensively and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/27/how-to-celebrate-superbowl-43-inexpensively/ How To Celebrate Superbowl 43 Inexpensively.
When I got home tonight I had a note on my door from the apartment management. It told me that if I signed a new long-term lease, my rent would go up by $5/month. Or, I could go month to month and have my rent increase $50/month.
Somehow, I had thought that the month to month rent was much higher than the long-term lease.
I'm having a lot of debate in my mind over whether to keep the question/possibility of CA alive or not. Given the state of the economy right now, and the utter lack of job availability I've seen so far in the area I'm wanting to go to . . . plus the fact that I have a job that in a few weeks I'll have been at for 3 years . . ????
I'm just not sure if I should go for the 6 mo lease for only $5/mo more than now, and then less flexibility if a job should miraculously turn up that fits my criteria, or bite the bullet and go for the month to month lease for the extra $50/mo.
Right now I'm really leaning towards telling my dad I've decided NOT to pursue the idea of moving out to CA. I just am not firm enough on that to make the step of signing on the dotted line of a long-term lease.
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
January 27th, 2009 at 01:44 am
Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile will probably be able to guess what I am talking about. I can't be specific in naming what I'm talking about for a number of reasons.
*I just deleted a couple paragraphs after thinking better about it.
To sum it up: Got an email telling me I was no longer wanted at a company (not gym.) Am royally ticked off. Supposedly will have a chance to be wanted again in a few days. Am supposed to 'review' materials. Funny thing though, I can't log into my account?!
-Although it's probably a good thing I can't log in, because then I might say something in the forum there and *really* be locked out. 
Deep breath here. On to other subjects.
I went to the dentist today. She told me I need to floss more. (sheepish grin) But otherwise my teeth look fine. Whew!
It's rainy and cold here. In the morning it's supposed to be rainy and freezing -- icy roads. Fun.
My main post today: Text is Do You Have a Grocery Store Rewards Card? and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/26/do-you-have-a-grocery-store-rewards-card/ Do You Have a Grocery Store Rewards Card?.
I also posted a youtube video of a *really* funny cat video set to a rap type song called Text is Mean Kitty and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/26/mean-kitty/ Mean Kitty. (I don't like rap much, but I liked this song . . your mileage may vary.)
After the dentist visit today, I was just famished, and could not resist the siren call of fast food. My first idea was Taco Bell, but then I changed my mind to Burger King.
Not healthy food at all.
I asked for a BK Veggie Whopper w/cheese. What I got was a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mayo?, and a slice of cheese - no gardenburger!
I asked for a small onion rings. Got that.
I asked for a small shake. Got the shake, didn't get a straw.
I'd held out for six weeks on eating fast food -- and breaking that tonight just wasn't worth it.
Posted in
Work Related,
Frugal Single Life,
January 26th, 2009 at 12:06 am
Before my dad moved to CA, he enjoyed going to Panera's for a drink or a small sandwich and then using their Wi-Fi since he didn't have access where he was living.
I ran across this info about Panera's on another frugal forum I visit, and thought some of you may be interested.
Panera's is serving free coffee on Wednesday, January 28, along with free samples of their breakfast foods.
Text is Free Coffee at Panera's and Link is http://www.panerabread.com/breakfast/index2.php?pf=coffeeflash Free Coffee at Panera's
Today has been a pretty slow day for me overall. My allergies really are bugging me, so maybe that's why I'm feeling so tired.
My dad gave me a list of websites of places that supposedly are hiring in CA. I went through all of them, and the only thing I found was a head start teacher, but that would pay about what I'm getting now.
I passed along an email I got from ChaCha looking for sales reps in Texas to my mom. I think she'd do a really good job of it, once she caught on to how great ChaCha is.  She's applied already, and is now waiting to hear back.
My post today is: Text is Sunday Sustenance: Jan 25 - 31 and Link is http://thesinglefrugalton.today.com/2009/01/25/sunday-sustenance-jan-25-31/ Sunday Sustenance: Jan 25 - 31
It's hard to believe that there is only a week left of the first month of 2009.
Time waits for no man (or woman.)
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Work Related,
Frugal Single Life