Home > Squee!!! New Puppy Alert! Needs a Name!

Squee!!! New Puppy Alert! Needs a Name!

June 18th, 2010 at 12:44 am

I'm over the moon. Smile We (mom, stepdad and I) had been talking the past few weeks about the idea of getting a dog. Today mom asked me if I'd be available to go look at a Maltese puppy with her and stepdad. After ascertaining that it wasn't from a back yard breeder or puppy mill, I squeeeeed and said of course!

Fell in head over heels within just a few minutes. Smile

It's mom is named Sugar, and it's dad is named Max. The name the people gave him was Sebastian. I suggested calling him Sebbi, but mom and stepdad aren't thrilled with that. (The owners had both gotten Maltese's - female and male. Before they could get them fixed, Sugar became a momma. They're both getting fixed in the next few weeks.)

He's very very smart. At just ten weeks old he is already potty trained and knows how to sit and shake paws on command.

Here's a picture of him Smile

Name ideas needed please!

25 Responses to “Squee!!! New Puppy Alert! Needs a Name!”

  1. momcents Says:

    That is about the cutest dog I have ever seen. Soooo cute!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    awww!! So cute! I dont know what types of names you like, but I like: Scotch, Slugger or named after a famous person like Timberlake or Kanye. But I like funny names.
    ...I thought your stepdad and mom are getting a divorce and cannot tolerate each other??

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    I'd call him Suma, a mix of sugar and max. Or Puff. Lovely dog!!!!

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Cute! He looks like a little teddy bear. Maybe you could call him Bear. Or Teddy! Enjoy your new buddy.

  5. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Thanks everyone! We decided on the name Buddy. It was the nickname of a deceased (childhood) brother of my stepdad.

    yep, they were at the very brink of total splitsville, then suddenly mom moved back in and has committed to trying again.

  6. baselle Says:

    Squeee! You might be calling him buddy, but I bet Squee is his second name.

  7. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Big Grin lol Squee could very well be his middle name. Smile
    I have to confess. I broke the frugal fast again tonight. We went to petsmart and I really thought he should have a name tag. My mom told me that if I thought it was so important, I could get myself. Gulp! The least expensive was $8! I was thinking $4 at the most.

  8. boomeyers Says:

    Wow, so many of the same names I was thinking! But Buddy is cute too! And Squee as the middle name is funny! Smile

  9. Waterfall Says:

    I call my DH, Buddy. Ha, ha!

  10. MonkeyMama Says:

    Cute! Love the name!

  11. CB in the City Says:

    For future reference, you can get name tags much more cheaply at one of those machines at Wal-mart.

  12. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind if we ever need to redo the tag. Smile

  13. campfrugal Says:

    He looks like a marshmallow. So cute. Enjoy.

  14. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow, that is just a cute dog! No idea for a name though. Enjoy!

  15. ceejay74 Says:

    Awww! Welcome to the SA family, Buddy Squee!!

  16. Dandi Lion Says:

    I like: Buster, Lucky, or Shu-Shu.

  17. Looking Forward Says:

    Oh so CUTE!!! (And I see lots of dogs so I should know! Big Grin )
    I've never heard the name Squee, I like it.

  18. Ima saver Says:

    He looks just like my little Molly when I first got her. She is a malta poo, mother was black poodle and father was white maltese; but she looks all maltese. She has got the sweetest disposition and will let you do anything to her; not like my stubbord little poodle, Holly!

  19. Ima saver Says:

    If you have any trouble with brown tearstains around Buddy's eyes, I have a product I use that works great! You just sprinkle it in their food, just a little bit.

  20. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Big Grin Thanks everyone. Smile
    He is just so adorable! He's small enough to go under the family room furniture. So this morning when I was playing with him, took both of his toys under this one chair. Then this afternoon I took him outside and ran him around for a few minutes (HOT!) and when he came back in he dove for the water. THEN he picked up his food dish very carefully, and took it under the chair without spilling anything! LOL!


    So far it doesn't look like that is a problem for him. But if it does become one, I'd love to know what you use. Both of our previous Maltese's had the tear stains!

  21. Elisabeth Says:

    Your puppy is so precious!

  22. scottish girl Says:

    aw he's so cute!

  23. Ima saver Says:

    the name of the eye attitive is Angels' Eyes. I just sprinkle a little on her food, once a day. It is expensive, but I only use about 1/4 of what they tell me to use and it works great!
    I got it from a catalog called "In the company of Dogs" The phone number on the back of the bottle is 1-866-350-4569. The name of the company is "I'm a little teacup corp."

  24. whitestripe Says:

    i can't see the picture Frown my mum has a maltese and she called her sheeba. for awhile we looked after a boy maltese for friends, and his name was mishke. so cute!

  25. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    That's so weird. I think it's happened on other blogs, where the picture disapears after a few days. Frown
    cute names though Smile

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