Home > Year 33: Month One Review

Year 33: Month One Review

January 16th, 2009 at 04:03 am

Personal Goals:

* Find a balance between making more money and having a life.

--What this means:
-----Limit myself to 10 hrs a week doing anything related to ChaCha.
-----Accept only one extra gym shift per week.

Well... I have kind of been on a ChaCha hiatus since a bit before Dec. 15. But instead I've added my blog which is taking a lot more time than ChaCha ever did. BUT I have kept to just one morning a week at the gym. Smile

* Build existing friendships
----Contact at least one friend each week via email or telephone.
----Invite a friend(s) to my place at least once a month.

I have contacted a friend at least once a week. However, I haven't invited anyone over just yet. My excuse is that I was in CA for two weeks! Smile

* Build new friendships
----Attend at least one Vegetarian meet up per month
----Join and attend bookclub once a month

Um . .. moving on.

* Give Back to Others
-----Participate in at least one volunteer activity each month

I did sign up for something this past weekend, but then overslept and missed it. Ooops.

* Have home be able to be company ready in 15 minutes (similar to flylady w/o the emails)

Nope - not even close.

---Do an initial cleanup run - trash, dishes, etc.

Did do that before CA. Need to do again.

---Divide apartment into cleaning and decluttering zones. Focus on each zone for one week.
Not Yet.


Car Fund: Finish funding to $4,000.00

DONE! (After this month's interest from HSBC at least.)

House Downpayment: Save $5,000.00 towards it.

Cruise 2010: Save $500 towards it

Vacation(s): 2, possibly 3. I'm estimating needing roughly $1,000.00.

Okay, definitely a case of progress but not perfection. Big Grin


Today was a SPEND day!

Gas: $17.27
Walmart Groceries: $26.25
Target Groceries: $16.90

I made it out of Target without picking up any junkfood! All I got were Amy's Burrito's for my work lunches (10 @ $1.69 each!)

Today was also a good day at work. A coworker and I went out to lunch at a mall (she treated) because she needed to exchange something. That was fun. Smile


My post today is about

Text is How to Get Healthy Without Spending A Lot and Link is
How to Get Healthy Without Spending A Lot

7 Responses to “Year 33: Month One Review”

  1. mooshocker Says:

    As of the best bloggers here. Thanks....God bless.

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    your already looking at your resolutions! I have not broken any of mine but I have been reluctant to review them because I'm barely hanging onto the "not breaking them" part!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:


    I'm blushing here. Thanks for the compliment. Smile


    I'm hoping that by reviewing and accessing my goals once a month I'll be more likely to actually DO them. Smile

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    I'm excited that I added more monthly goals than just debt repayment, and I'm also glad so many other SA bloggers are doing the same this year. It's definitely easier being part of a group with the same methods.

    I think you made great progress considering the scope of your goals--very ambitious!

  5. dmontngrey Says:

    Oh wow, I need goals! lol...
    Even one concrete goal would help I think.
    I am very impressed with your goals!!

  6. Koppur Says:

    Wow, I haven't even started working on my 2009 goals yet! Great job sunshine!

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:


    I agree, it is important to feel like you are a part of a larger picture or group when setting out to accomplish goals. I think that is part of why our blogging community here works so well. We come from many different perspectives and walks of life, but all of us have similar big picture goals of being responsible with our money.


    Perhaps your one concrete goal could be coming up with a couple of small achievable goals by a certain time frame. Smile

    Koppur, Well then, get to work! Big Grin
    Thanks all for your comments. Big Grin

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