Home > Need advice - work related

Need advice - work related

November 20th, 2008 at 02:35 am

My main job is one where there are periods of time where I am so busy I can hardly think, and then times where I can go HOURS at a time with absolutely nothing to do.

Before the new desk arrangement, I was able to manage the down times by surfing the net, or doing fake spreadsheets based off of other ones I'd done before (for real), etc. But now, with the new arrangement (where everybody and their mother can see my computer screen), the option of surfing the net in more than quick little spurts is gone.

Let me preface this by saying that during down times, I do mention to various people that I'm pretty well caught up, and if they have anything I can help them with, I have time.

So, 6 days or so I've had more down time than busy time. I have all the filing done, I have all the logs put away, I have the insurance as up to date as I can (have to give vendors a little time between contacts), etc.

I've pretended searched on the various work-related websites - played with the maps on the computer, created various fake spreadsheets, etc., etc., ad nauseum!

I've about had it up to my eyeballs with pretending to be usefully occupied!!

Right about now, I'd even welcome DW giving me a 600 page book to copy!

So, I mentioned my availability to at least 3 people once (one being my Office Manager, the other being the president's daughter, the third being a friend and co-worker). The first two I *really* don't feel comfortable mentioning my availability more than once in a great while to -- don't want them to start thinking that I'm not a necessary employee, the third person I work pretty closely with, so don't worry about it.

I want to be truly productive and be an asset all the time, not just when DW slams me with a ton of things to look up and print out, etc.

So, my question is, what can I do to truly be productive, or at least better ways of killing time between assignments, without making it look to those in charge like there isn't enough for me to do, and if they need to let someone go, I'd be an easy one to do so.

Days like today feel like an almost complete waste of time. From 8:30 - 5:30, I would say that I had actual productivity for *maybe* 2 1/2 hours. Towards the end of the day I was starting to feel so frustrated, that I wanted to go walk outside and scream!

3 Responses to “Need advice - work related”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Are there any work related on line classes or classes on CD that you can take?? When I worked for Sprint we could sign up and take Sprint created classes from our desk. They covered all kinds of topics, from basic phone use to using word, excel, government regulations, HR policies, how DSL and high speed worked....

  2. kimiko Says:

    I know what you mean. It's so much harder pretending to be busy than actually be busy. Why don't you just look over old files and compile various statistics to keep you busy? Make a game of it. That way it's still work related materials, and who know, you might find some useful info.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Mom from MO,

    You know what, we do have such a thing available. When I was working the front desk, I started one of the courses. That is a very good idea!


    That is kind of what I've been doing. Taking old files/spreadsheets and resaving them under a different name then messing around with them. It's just that theres only so much of that that a person can take of doing utterly pointless exercises like that. I feel like I'm reaching my limit.

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