Home > Unexpected Money :)

Unexpected Money :)

July 12th, 2008 at 01:19 am

This morning my carpooler handed me $8 and told me it was for me to treat myself to lunch.

My lunch today was a veggie omlette (made in my bowl I keep at work) and a handful of french fries from the catered lunch given to us by one of our vendors (a seafood/steak place).

The $8 goes to my Kenny G Ticket Fund!

Woo hoo!

Old balance: $0.00

New Balance: $8.00

Saved $8/$65


I also got two emails today about my TV/VCR combo from Craigslist. So it looks like I'll be able to get rid of that pretty soon!

3 Responses to “Unexpected Money :)”

  1. CountingPennies Says:

    Hey! I want people to hand me over lunch money too! Nice surprise Smile

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Woo hoo! Gotta love that free money and you were so responsible with it! Great job!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:


    Yep, it sure was a nice surprise. Smile

    Free money is the best - especially when you know right where it's headed. Smile

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