Home > Car Alarm! Arghh!!!

Car Alarm! Arghh!!!

May 17th, 2008 at 06:23 am

So I get off work today at 3. Made a couple stops, then got home around 5. I'm still not feeling very good, so decided to take a nap. About 6 p.m. the car alarm from he** began to go off.

It is now 1:11 a.m. and the car alarm is STILL going off and on, off and on.

About 12:15 out of desperation I called the police. They sent someone - I saw the pv parked by the offending car. I'm not sure exactly what they did, if anything. Because that (*&(*&(&^(*^%%&^%* car alarm is STILL going off!

So much for trying to get some extra rest.

My definition of he** - a single car alarm going off and on in a continuous loop with no end in sight.

What good are car alarms anyway??? No one pays any attention to them other than to roll their eyes and then ignore them. Any thief worth their salt knows how to get in and out of a car without worrying about an alarm. Aren't they a drain on your car's battery - making it's life shorter?

So, what say you . . .

Do you have a car alarm?

Do you think they are worth it?

Have you ever been driven to the point of wanting to take an ax to the stinking car with the alarm that won't stop going off?! (Ok, ok. No ax is available to me - so don't worry that I went off the deep end.)

1:21 a.m. The alarm hasn't sounded in almost 7 minutes. Dare I hope that my nightmare is over?

Update: 1:50 a.m. It seems safe to say now that the car alarm nightmare has finished for tonight. I am now going to try and get some rest.

5 Responses to “Car Alarm! Arghh!!!”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I used to have a car with an alarm that went off whenever there was any kind of electrical problem. I tried and tried to get someone to disable it, but they wouldn't. Alarms are worse than useless, they are a nuisance.

  2. Petunia Says:

    That would be so frustrating! We do have a car alarm in one vehicle. It takes a lot to set it off. One night I acidentally left my car unlocked (Daisy was a toddler and when I carried her in - asleep - earlier in the day I forgot to come back out and lock up) and a local teen was prowling cars that night. The alarm went off and it scared him off. So, it did help - but then, he wasn't a "serious" prowler anyway - probably just looking for loose change.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I made my dh undo all the smoke alarms in the house. They always go off in the middle of the night and I hate them. We don't smoke and I don't cook, so no smoke alarms for me!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Thank goodness the car alarm hasn't gone off again since I last night!


    I wonder if that might have been this car's problem - something electrical. I don't know what they did to get it to finally stop - I just hope it stays OFF!


    I guess they do do what they're supposed to do once in a while.


    Smoke alarms are one thing I wouldn't mess with. I do admit that they can be annoying when the battery needs to be changed -- luckily that doesn't happen too often. Smile But there are many other ways for fires to start other than someone smoking or cooking. Please reconsider having your alarms turned off. I'd hate for something to happen to you!

  5. gruntina Says:

    One time my battery in my key lock to the truck died and the alarm came off. I didn’t know how to shut off the alarm and tried many things. I ended up having to drive the dang truck with the whole alarm going off until I got to a store to buy a replacement battery.

    How embarrassing and I am sure I ticked off other people.

    I don't like them so I unhook the wires now. But having a car alarm system does lower your auto insurance.

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