Home > Two endings and Two New Beginnings

Two endings and Two New Beginnings

December 16th, 2007 at 10:16 pm

Saturday marked the end of my 31st year of life, as well as the beginning of my 32nd year of life.

It also was the end of my relationship with so called elevator guy and the beginning of a new period of being single yet again.

My birthday had many good elements to it - spent time with good friends, saw several of my former students be baptized, was able to listen to beautiful music, and saw "August Rush". I also got to speak with my brother for an unhurried conversation, as well as with my dad. My mom and stepdad both left messages for me.

As far as the ending of my relationship ... that was my decision. We'd had several discussion with regards to our ideas as to what our relationship was/how it should be with no real resolution other than around Thanksgiving we agreed to the idea of still dating each other, but not being exclusive. Well Saturday morning I received a phone call from him that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

It's a feeling of both relief and a bit of sadness. I'd much rather be single than be in a relationship that is causing me more frustration and disappointment than happiness.

On the financial side - I received a reimbursement check from my health insurance company for $92.00 from when I went to the endontologist. It was perfect timing - because it will pay for my two tickets to see Jim Brickman! on March 8. Smile

I had quite the frustrating time getting my laundry done today. The first two places I went to didn't have any working change machines nor anyone visible who was working there. Luckily, the third time was the charm - plenty of open machines, a basket with a hanging bar, and a change machine.

9 Responses to “Two endings and Two New Beginnings”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    sorry to hear about your break up,but I am sure it was the right thing to do.

  2. luxliving Says:

    HB2U, HB2U, HBDearLauraN,
    Happy Birthday To Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:


    Thanks. I think it was the right thing to do.


    Thanks. Smile

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Happy birthday. Smile

    I'm glad that you were able to split amicably I guess? If that's a split anyway. I don't know.

    By the way, what does "elevator guy" mean? Is that his occupation, or is that more of a figurative expression?

    Well, here's to your next chapter in life.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:


    Thanks. Smile

    "Elevator guy' is just a reference to how he and I met. We both worked in the same office building on the same floor and struck up a conversation while riding in the elevator. And yes, it is a split.

  6. LadyT Says:

    Ooooh, Jim Brickman, I am jealous! I love Jim Brickman! I saw him a few years ago, and it was wonderful, I thoroughly enjoyed it. So will you!

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:

    LadyT -

    I love Jim Brickman too. He and Kenny G are my two most favorite musicians. My best friend T and I saw Jim Brickman two years ago as well - he is just as fantastic in person. I am so looking forward to seeing him again!

  8. reginaastralis Says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Was "August Rush" any good? I really like Joaquin Phoenix *I believe that's how it's spelt* but am curious if the movie's any good.

  9. frugaltexan75 Says:

    "August Rush" was a simply fantastic movie. I plan on purchasing the soundtrack - it was unbelievable. Kerri Russell ("Felicity") and Robin Williams and the actor who played the little boy and the actor who played the dad -- all of them really and truly outdid themselves. I plan also on purchasing the movie - I don't buy many movies.

    I will probably even go see it again when it's in the cheap theater.

    So, yes. I loved it. Smile

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