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4 out of 6

January 10th, 2006 at 04:15 am

Well at work today I found out that 4 out of the 6 surveyor's did their weekend assignment. Of the two who didn't, we were not able to get in touch with one - and the other, well she waited until 4:35pm (after I was supposed to have already left) to call me. She told me that she hadn't wanted to be at the bus garage for the 4 hour split just to get paid for 6 hour of bus riding (2 assignments.) I asked her why she didn't let me know that WHEN I gave her her assignment?! It turned out that that was just an excuse - that she had been kicked out of her apartment and had only that weekend to get out. Ok, I can understand that. But why the heck didn't she CALL me or one of the other ladies?? Why the stall tactics??

To compound matters, I got a call from another surveyor. He told me he was at the airport getting ready to fly out. Apparantally his grandfather had died, and he was officiating (theology student) and wouldn't be back till Sunday evening. So where that left us was with two assignments with no surveyor. I decided to see if we could get that one surveyor to do one of them - but that still left us with one. After much hesitation, I decided that this was an "ox in the ditch" situation, and am going to do one of the assignments myself. Much better than hiring, and training a new person who may or may not show up, and who may or may not do a good job.

I stopped by the Employment Agency before heading home and spoke to Lynn for a few minutes. She told me that both she and Jan were still looking for me, and I should call Jan tomorrow to see if she had come up with anything. She also offered to look at my resume and make suggestions on how I can get it to be less teachery focused.

I found a lab clinic where I can go get a whole slew of bloodwork tests done for $105, including thyroid. So, I plan to go there tomorrow morning. Then I can have an uncle who is a doctor "read" the results and hopefully give me a prescription for synthroid. That'll save me the cost of a doctor's visit. All I really need is the TSH level so my uncle will know what dosage to prescribe for me. Once I can get back on that again, it will help me in many ways, not just in my weight loss journey.

I did 45 minutes strength training and 20 minutes on my Gazelle today (while watching the Tivo'd West Wing.)

Spending Log: None Smile

Keeping It Frugal in Texas,

1 Responses to “4 out of 6”

  1. JS Says:

    Yes, living in Texas is still relatively cheap. I lived there for 14 years in the '80s and '90s. My wife and I never earned a whole lot - $4-7 an hour jobs but we saved well over $300K, bought a nice home, raised a child, took vacations, etc. and now have a net worth of nearly $600K and hope to retire ASAP and merely live from investments forever. We have zero debt. I am the author of "Wealth on Minimal Wage" published in 1997 which can be found on the net.

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