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14 days!!!

May 3rd, 2005 at 02:36 am

Oy Vey! It was another one of THOSE days today. I had three kids absent again today. I thought I was going to have my aide, but, alas, her daughter was sick last night, so she was going back home to catch up on her sleep. I asked Vicki if I could use Connie for my reading period, and she basically tried to make me feel guilty about asking. She said "J and M need her to do their grading....." I didn't say this to her, but REALLY felt like it -- Mrs. L is SUPPOSED to be MY aide for Reading and Math -- but she (and other aides before her) get pulled from me for every reason under the sun. All I can say is that I am SO glad the year is almost over and I won't have to deal with any of this baloney anymore.

After school we had a meeting with the other person interviewing for the Principal position. The person seemed pretty nice and very well educated. One question asked was about uniforms. After the person gave their answer, they then preceded to ask all of US what we thought. Well, I was the last one to be asked. Everyone before me gave the pc answer that they liked them. I tried my best to get out of answering by saying that I'd rather not comment since I wouldn't be here next year. I ended up having to answer. I told them that I *don't* like uniforms. I didn't have a chance to elaborate. I think uniforms take away the indivduality of the children. I LOVE Friday's when they can where "normal' clothes and let themselves shine through. Uniforms also are a pain in the rear to police. And yes, I can tell you of many, many wasted (in my opinon) staff meetings discussing uniforms. Ugh!

I got an email back from Scott. Smile He was asking me about how many days I was planning on spreading out my moving. Smile Things that make you go hmm. ... I wrote back to him and took about three paragraphs (yeah, I know, I can be long winded when I'm writing) to essentially tell him that I hadn't made any final plans. Smile It really does depend on how soon dad finds a place for us.

Goals for today:
Do 8 minutes in the Morning weight-lifting routine -- Done
Do 1-mile video tape in the morning. --- Done
Do a 30-minute walk after school. -- Didn't do - got out of meeting 5:15 p.m.
No eating or soda after 7 p.m. -- Done Smile
Lots of water. -- Working on
Get papers graded and sorted and ready to send home! -- Nope Smile

Spending: NONE! Smile

Keeping It Frugal in Texas,

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