Home > Looking back on March/Looking forward to April

Looking back on March/Looking forward to April

April 2nd, 2005 at 04:29 am

Like I was afraid of, this was a VERY spendy kind of month. I didn't manage to not call Pizza Hut at all, but did only call once, which was better than February, so that's improvement. I really, really, really, sliped up on keeping a daily tally of my spending, and logging it on my Excell spreadsheet. I DID manage to finally do my Chicometric's tape -albeit, one time. Wink I DID get my home book collection sorted. BUT still need to put the culled books into boxes and take to Half-Price bookstore and see what money I can get for them.

Well, I really don't think this will be a very spendy month for me. I'm really hoping to be able to tighten the money hatches so to speak, and get serious with setting money aside in savings. In March, I dipped into my "extra" checking account funds more than once when my "Gas/Grocery" money was gone. My goal is to NOT do that again. Also, I really, really, really, need to cut it with buying the junkfood. I'm embarrased to think about how much money I spent on junkfood, and also how much I consumed. If I'm going to get myself healthy, and let the Synthroid have a chance to do it's work, I need to CHANGE my eating habits. This will also help in the pocketbook. Also, if I do end up going to Cancun at the end of May, it would be nice to be down 15 pounds or so.
Also, I think I really need to change how I'm looking at my job situation. I was reading through some of my entries this past month, and so much of it is WHINING. I know how much I love whining when my students do that to me. NOT!

I need to remember my favorite saying, "Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and the world cry's with you." I'd much rather the world smile than cry, so I just need to look at the brighter side of life more.

K, I better head off to la la land.

Keeping It Frugal in Texas,

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