Home > Frustrating Day - Avoided Temptation

Frustrating Day - Avoided Temptation

January 31st, 2017 at 02:58 am

I won't go into it - but take TWO phone calls in a row of 15+ minutes at the end of a day where I had lots of sales which needed to be reconciled ... and with the 13 minutes I had left I could reconcile the total from just the amounts to the cash/checks/credit cards but NOT to the actual passes. If I'd had another five or six minutes I might have done it - but Union regs say I have to be done at 4:30, and I'd already pushed it 3 minutes.

That plus multiple annoying other phone calls, and I was not in a good place.

Driving home I really wanted to stop and get junk food. But I didn't.

I got an email from Citi saying they had No Record of my redeeming points for a check. Ummm...

So I called and redeemed AGAIN - this time for $650. I also converted my card to the double cash back card. Hopefully in time to avoid the annual fee of the Thank You card.

I had ordered some things from Amazon on Sunday due to arrive Wednesday. When looking at the email today, I realized I'd somehow put my old name and address!!

So I contacted Amazon, and they're sending a replacement order! Sweet! (I then went into my address book and deleted the outdated info.)

A budget meeting funny .... Last night DH and I had filled all the categories except the fun group. I saw there was still $552! Both DH and I were in disbelief because we'd put some large amounts in several categories. So we went through all of them again to be sure we hadn't skipped any.

We got to house maintenance and found out that I'd entered 30 instead of 300! That one little zero makes a big difference!

I'm going to wait til Wednesday to do a monthly recap - but lets just say I'm happy with groceries. Smile

6 Responses to “Frustrating Day - Avoided Temptation”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Good for you for avoiding temptation!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    It would bother me to leave work with something like reconciling undone. Interesting how a union rule can stop productivity!!

  3. scottish girl Says:

    Good on you for avoiding temptation.

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Unproductive days are the worst! Good on you for doing well with the groceries.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Yay on avoiding temptation!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks all

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